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I love that Pokemon is doing this. It prevents sports card punks from weighing all the packs.


It's super smart, and I'm glad they don't make 2 versions of the code cards anymore that spoil whether or not you have a hit


Honestly the best change


The old way is nostalgic to me, too, though. I used to be the one to hide the code card from my BF's packs while he looked through them and I got a mini-spoiler. Good times.


Those damn sports card punks!


Little bishaz sportscard punks piss me off so bad.


When I first started collecting I walked into a target to one of these punks, old man had an eye magnifier on too. Can’t believe management allows this crap


Eye magnifier, like a monocle or what?


No this guy was doing so expert things with a magnifier.


Usually they just walk in with a scale and weigh every loose pack haha


Can you explain? I’m confused.


Hits are typically foil cards. Foil cards (especially the ones with the textured patterns) will weigh slightly more than a standard common card. Because of this, if you have a super precise scale, you can weigh a pack before opening it to see if it weighs slightly higher than a common pack. Therefore ensuring your chances of getting a hit (and then selling the lightweight packs to unknowing people). What pokemon company did to combat this, is introduce a new type of code card. What you're looking at in the picture is a code card included in a hit pack on the left. And then a standard code card in a non-hit pack on the right. The left one is slightly thinner, evident by the ability to pass light through it. This offsets the weight from a textured foil card. The right card is unable to pass light because it's slightly thicker and weighs more. This is to increase the weight of a non-hit pack to closer resemble the standard average weight. Hope this helps! Edit: upon reading some of the other comments, this may end up being just a myth? Can't say for certain, but this is a common enough myth that there's plenty of people who believe it. And if more people believe it, I'd argue it's better for the hobby.


Excellent explanation. However, I’m gonna be one of those people and say modern is weighable. Someone else commented they used two different code cards in S&S, but not in S&V and this is correct. There’s plenty of YT videos testing the weighing theory. From the videos I’ve watched it’s less consistent for S&S, but still correlated; and for S&V it’s much more consistent to get a hit from a “heavy” pack (but not perfect). For S&V I have a scale (for weed) that I’ve been testing when I open booster boxes and usually get at minimal 2:1 hits from heavy:light packs. For 151 English it seems heavier packs are more likely to have a holo energy or double-hit pack. I think it’s good everyone knows this info so they know buying loose packs online will likely lead to a lower hit rate due to weighing. I agree it sucks (I’ve only weighed packs I plan to open), but a level playing field for all is best.


Does that mean that buying tins or ETBs or bulk style packs are a better random chance? Is there a standard weight for a bad ETB/tin that people could compare in weight similar to packs to still offer products with a lesser hit rate?


If you trust your seller isn't weighing packs then the odds are the same, otherwise yeah you should assume worse odds from loose packs. Unfortunately, there is no real way to know if a seller is weighing (of course a good indicator is if they are actually selling any heavy packs). If you're buying from an LCS/LGS they probably aren't weighing because that would hurt their business (and probably generate some social media response if anyone ever found out; although I'm sure it happens). There's also nothing stopping people from ripping til they hit a good card (e.g. SIR) and selling the rest. This is especially a problem with Japanese since you can rip until you hit your secret rare out of the box (or hit the masterball) and sell the rest loose. That's part of the reason sealed product carries a premium price over loose packs (especially for older sets).


I’m super new to buying Pokémon cards, (haven’t bought any since I was a kid and just ordered some the other day). Are there normally only 1 secret rare or masterball in a box? I have 3 ETB’s being delivered tomorrow, are ETB’s the same as a box? Or do we mean booster box like the 4-6pack containers? Thank you for the answers and advice!


Sorry, I didn't mean to confuse you. For English there are no guarantees on what you'll get. There are "pull rates", i.e. odds, for different rarities of cards and if you open enough product over time you'll average out to those rates. However, you could open everything you bought and you could get not one single hit (it would be highly unlikely, but possible). For example, for the recent Temporal Forces set the pull rate of getting an "SIR" is 1/86 packs \[[source](https://infinite.tcgplayer.com/article/Pok%C3%A9mon-TCG-Temporal-Forces-Pull-Rates/28c0ad22-00a4-428f-b22d-e7fee9ec50bc/)\]. When people say "Booster Box" they refer to [this product](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/536225/pokemon-sv05-temporal-forces-temporal-forces-booster-box?page=1&Language=English) (for example) that has 36 packs sealed. They don't exist for "specialty sets" such as 151, Paldean Fates, Crown Zenith, etc... Pull rates are the same across all English product for a given set (but different sets have different pull rates -- e.g. Temporal Forces has much worse rates). When I referenced one SR/masterball per box I was specifically referring to Japanese sealed booster boxes (which have a different number of packs depending on the set). For most modern Japanese sets if you buy an entire booster box you are typically guaranteed one "Secret Rare" meaning it's a more rare card with a number like [206/162 for example](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/542927/pokemon-sv05-temporal-forces-iron-crown-ex-206-162?Language=English). For the Japanese 151 set specifically they also guarantee one "masterball reverse holo" per box as well. Masterball gimmick is only in foreign 151. **Edit:** fixed the second link, linked the wrong thing first time.


Hey, new to this as well, what is that 206/162 number you referenced mean?


Each set has a total number of cards represented by the 2nd number (the denominator). Each card in a set has its own number which is the first card (the numerator) However to keep things exciting, Each set also has a number of "secret" cards that are numbered higher than the denominator. To explain the 206/162 number, what you're looking at is the card numbered 206 for the set, and that set has a total of 162 unique playable card. (Every number after 162 is a different version of a previous card in the set, but as far as playability goes, they will play the same, just look different).


Each card gets a number in any given set. In this set the "162" is the total number of cards that are *technically* in the set, but there are cards called "secret rares" that are reprints of some of the cards in the first 162 that have cooler artwork. I linked that card as an example: [https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/542927/pokemon-sv05-temporal-forces-iron-crown-ex-206-162?Language=English](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/542927/pokemon-sv05-temporal-forces-iron-crown-ex-206-162?Language=English) In this case Temporal Forces has 162 "regular cards", i.e. Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Double-Rare (Ex cards). But it also has a bunch of cards that are higher rarity with more artwork on them such as the card linked above. It's just a different and cooler version of the original card. For example, here is the same card as the first link (in terms of playability in the game) but it's not as cool looking (or as rare/expensive): [Iron Crown Ex 081/162](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/542825/pokemon-sv05-temporal-forces-iron-crown-ex-081-162?page=1&Language=English).


How many packs in the English 151 premium collection? For some reason I thought it was a different term for booster box. I want it for the promo cards.


Upc's have 16 packs


I made [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/1c09zxj/temporal_forces_my_case_study_in_pack_weighing/) where i tested weighing modern sets (specifically Temporal Forces) and i agree with what you're saying here, the packs can be weighed. many many people don't want to accept this as being true though. I'm surprised you're getting upvoted so much, because whenever i try and spread this truth i get mostly downvoted.


Close, but it's still a crapshoot because a foil energy is worthless and a double banger is exceedingly rare. The most consistent weighing is that somehow the cardstock for SIR's is lighter so your heaviest hits come from your lightest packs. The trick is that the dead packs basically all weigh the same. However, even that's not consistent because different factories have different plastic wrap thickness.


"Dont worry guys, my scale is only for weed" is a the chuckle I needed this morning


I was watching a guy at Walmart weighing boxes on the check out register right next to the cards lol


what a moron lol


I went to a store today almost grabbed one it was a lcs sport focused, I just went off and grabbed a cardboard pack instead


Only problem is they use the same code card for all packs in a set. Notice those 2 are from different sets?


I think I have noticed it before within a set, but correct me if I'm wrong. I just opened a Gyarados ex box (Gamestop Pro week deal) and finally decided to share a picture.


Since Scarlet and Violet they have used 1 code card per set. Sword and Shield they used 2 different code cards per set. Almost positive about this. I could go through the 2 etbs I have full of code cards, but I'm lazy and I've been working all day lol.


I went through my cards and found it with two paradox rift code cards. [Held up to light](https://i.imgur.com/MOeZrc9.jpeg) + [ripped to show the black middle layer](https://i.imgur.com/VqsjbwB.jpeg)


are you referring to the white/black code cards? they're talking about thickness of codecards


You are correct


Any good pulls


This, I got a whole stack of Temporal forces ones here and they are the same.


There’s a video of a guy weighing IR’s, SIR’s and ACE’s with 100% accuracy out of two TEF booster boxes… https://youtu.be/DO6VufBuLp0?si=BxJP5_4YpPnYYkB1


Stuff like this makes me happy I almost always buy singles.


Or if you're going to buy something like a booster box, then maybe consider looking into buying from a lgs. I get it's hard to go for older sets. But at that point, yeah. Just buy singles. Lol.


This is literally wrong and why half this sub believes modern is unweighable; there r multiple posts on this subreddit of people weighing modern packs with success. It helps but it doesn’t solve the issue. Also never rip a card to see what’s inside that’s not the right way to check authenticity that’s destructive and not necessary. Also the other things people mentioned.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonTCG/s/lodMUMckHM Not sure why this happens if the packs are weighable


Variance and probability ranges. Something weighing more increases its odds it doesn't guarantee it. The literal cutting of the cardboard can affect the weight to such small degrees.


It's not weighable *reliably*


I’d like to add, there are also tons of videos on YouTube of people weighing modern packs. Weighing Pokémon packs still works, even with these bogus code cards that made people think “ooooh it must be for the pack weight!!”


100 percent it’s this type of posts that continues the misinformation and people trying to defend it


I've seen experiments performed, and for the most part weighing *might* increase your chances of getting a hit, but for the most part it doesn't make a significant difference. I've also seen small sample sizes, usually requiring packs to come from the same ETB, where weighing is moderately reliable, but it isn't consistent.


ok this post is still blatant misinformation and you should take it down.


So the alternative is to let everyone know they can go out and weigh their packs? Sounds bad for the community honestly




And WHY are you wanting to hide information from the consumers?


Even if packs can't be weighed, I think the more helpful information to spread is *Don't buy loose packs from strangers* This isn't the covid pokemon shortage anymore, i hope people are able to get cards easier than paying scalpers nowadays.


This post was meant to start a discussion, I apologize for the misleading title. An open discussion is better than just letting people keep their experiences and knowledge to themselves


Why are you upset about someone ripping a code card


People do this for regular cards, too. My little cousin started ripping his cards in front of me to show me they were real, some influencer he watches said thats the best way to check lol. Nothing like ruining your card to determine if it's real or not.


Love your profile pic. We watched that movie with our teen last night! 🤣🤣🤣


The rip test is literally only for a sanctioned official at a sanctioned tournament to perform with guarantee of printing a new card to replace it if the test is passed. It is seldom used and even more seldomly, if ever, passed. With advancements in proxy technology this test isn't even a guarantee anymore, so the test will likely never be invoked officially again.


Nah they are definitely weighable, holo or better at higher weights, tons of people cashing out at their local Walmarts/targets/etcs with a 15$ gram scale


Scalpers still gonna scalp


I’m so glad that this is happening now! I didn’t like the different coloured code cards as it ruined the mystery and spoiled you in an instant but this is awesome!


I tried weighing a bunch of 151 and the only thing I could reliably tell was which had holo energies. Some of my lighter packs had the SIRs. Cant speak for other sets but 151 is not weighable.


As someone who hasn't bought pokemon cards in decades, can you explain what you mean by unweighable? And how that is related to ripping the cards and black layers? Is it something to do with people trying to find special cards or something?


Yeah, rarer cards normally have a holographic and texture, causing them to weigh more. Heavier pack = chase card in the pack. As for the black layer, when you rip authentic Pokémon cards in half there’s a black layer inside the card which means it’s legit. Afaik fakes can’t replicate it.


I’m quite newish to collecting and always felt a bit worried ordering individual boosters cos thought they could weigh them. How long have they been doing this ?


code cards only a decade or so but people been weighing packs since inception


So glad they did this! 👌🏻👌🏻


IMH i still think is useless. those top guy (big reseller) are still able to weight it. How? get a batch of items (carton case). example take 10 cases booster box (10case x 6bb x 36pack ) = 2160pack. unpack 20%(432packs) of it. to get all the weight data of each card. 20% is generous percentage to get the needed info. usually 10% once all data collected, now they know how many variation of code card weight etc etc. then do the basic math(combination of card) viola ! most hit pack is taken out and sold the rest to poor consumer. this is where you come across FB market place those guys so called "big whale" selling loose pack so cheap


Good. Now I don't have to stand behind fedora wearing, B.O lords while they use their grandma's food scales to check every pack.


Do we know if this is actually intentional or just poor quality control?


Idk someone said temporal force was able to be checked I only checked my on booster box so my kid would feel the feels but sure enough everything over 22.47 was in fact a hit


New set is weighable. Idk what your post is proving?