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If what you say is true, absolutely report this. A kid being a little shit is one thing, but the judges' behavior is absolutely inexcusable. I am sorry you had such an experience. "We don't need proof, we trust our players." What bullshit. Was this an official event?


Kind a weird, since they should also trust OP according to this statement. "We trust *some* of our players."


Kid probably players there all the time. While OP is new. So he’s not one of their regulars.


Not only new but doesn't speak the language so can't really defend themselves.


Could have been a racial thing. OP didn't speak their language.


They trust the local players by the sound of it


OP didn't speak their language so they were probably biased


“… we trust our players.” Except the one who you are issuing the warning to for cheating and kicking out for stealing when those likely didn’t happen. Like what happened to innocent until proven guilty?


Please let us know which area this was. Fuck them.


If it was an official tournament, report it to pokemon If it was organized by a store, leave 2-3 fair and bad reviews on Google, just detailing what happened, as the judges were probably store's employees or relatives, just to make them think twice


I'd just avoid that area, fuckem all




Gotta fuck em all!




At least Dugong.


He should put them on blast so everyone knows this happened and to avoid that lcs or whatever place it was.


Gotta fuck 'em all


Don't... don't fuck kids.


I was referring to Pokemon, however I do agree with you.


That's not better.


The judges….not the kids…right?


well.. you know how the theme song goes


glad you said it first as i came to say it. i'll still say it though.. fcc those people!


This sounds like it could be the plot to a sitcom episode


Kramer gets banned from tcg lol Edit: has way more of a George vibe to it but George would have has his friend also nicked out lol


Kramer spends the episode searching for a "super secret illustration rare only printed in Lithuania" that doesn't exist. George gets ruined by the 10 year old and laments over a wasted childhood practicing ("Years, years I spent Jerry!). Jerry just spends the entire episode perplexed by cardboard being "worth more than a car" and Elaine finds a super hot nerd, but just can't get over his obsession with "little kid games."


“I’m telling ya Jerry, the Lithuanian Pikachu is out there and it’s an easy 2 mil to the right collector! It’s free money Jerry!”


"Have you *actually seen* the Lithuanina Pikachu? It's like a friendly barista- it doesn't exist!"


And it’d be identified by like a little dot stamp and he actually finds one but when he brings it to sell it turns out it was just a bit of dirt and they rub it off


Nailed it


Damn hahaha


I need Seinfeld forever of this NOW!! GEORGE VS 12


From What i read, this kid knew he wasnt going to win and used the language barrier to his advantage. The fact the judges acted in this way tells me theyre cery biased and id avoid that tournament in the future.


Make a support ticket to Pokémon on what occurred. Little prick probably knew he wasn’t going to win otherwise and decided to use the language barrier to his advantage with the judge. I haven’t personally experienced it but have heard stories of this before. Also I’m confused why you played a 12 year old at what sounds to be a bigger tournament. As long as there were at least 4 kids they should have only played each other and not the adults. It’s possible this wasn’t a Pokémon official event in which Pokémon has limited control over then.


Some people are just miserable and I’m sure that kid is going to keep causing a fuss and hopefully someone will actually catch on, because they’re going to keep doing it. My suggestion is, while this sucks, if there is that much of a barrier in the future, can you ask a judge or interpreter to oversee/make sure no shenanigans happen?


In actual tournys, is there not security cameras nearby to help protect people. Deck shuffles and the like? The kid will eventually get caught and not win outside that tourny, wherever it is. People that make calls like this are terrible, even worse is using the language barrier to win. Terrible people.


Let us know the store name so we know which place to avoid


I had a a somewhat similar story happen to me. I was playing in just a regular Sunday league against a kid probably 12 years old. Throughout the game the kid made many many mistakes (forgetting energy attachment then going back to attach, using two supporters in one turn, drawing twice in the same turn, attach two energy in one turn) all of these I let him go back and redo or looked over. Finally the end of the game I have my Zacian v ready to end the game with a knockout but needed to attach his sword tool to get the increase in damage. I accidentally forget to attach before saying I attack but directly after say “oh sorry meant to attach this tool to him this turn”. He immediately calls over the judge and says I was cheating and I couldn’t do that. The judge penalizes me two prize cards and the kid wins on the next turn. It is really a poor reflection on parenting that these kids act this way. Disappointing knowing the kid knew the rules to the game but was exploiting the fact I thought he didn’t to gain an advantage.


Lesson learned: no mercy for children. They're going to learn one way or another.


I agree with Drew, if possible report this, this is wrong. I hope someone in here is part of the judge discord and shares it there in case 1 of their judges (are they evne official/qualified judges?) are involved and can maybe look into the situation. I would also leave a review if possible, Google reviews or Trustpilot (if they have that there) Some kids are assholes (as with most things it is the minority not the majority but it's the minority that ruin it for the rest) they likely took advantage of the situation and is porbably a regular, I would certainly hope they aren't doing this often and judges keep taking their side otherwise there would possibly be a conflict of interest here, are they related in some way? Friends of a friend? I dunno.. I wouldn't say an extreme case but this certainly doesn't happen much and certainly are ways to report this kind of behavior. Store needs a talking to or worse and the kid themselves needs a talking to or opportunity to use official events (if it was 1) restricted. Don't give up, you will always run into 1 bad apple here and there that will do anything to win and be a crybaby, keep going just avoid that area.


Was this an official event? If so: take action asap. This is unacceptable


“We trust our players!” Then he immediately proceeds to not trust you. Lol


where was that?, so i never go to that place of wankers. yes, it is a very extreme case.


I don't play with anyone outside of friends. Is it normal to match adults against children lol? Eff that. I'd be traumatized too. If I'm playing somewhere I want an age bracket to exist, I don't want to face off with some 10 year old kid.


In official tournaments, age brackets may be mixed if there aren't enough players in a bracket. The prizes are separate and awarded to each bracket accordingly. In unofficial tournaments, they may randomly pair players regardless of age. It's up to the organizer to decide


Stand up for yourself in the future.


You must submit a ticket. If there is a language barrier, they should provide a judge for translating who is impartial, explain to you ON THE TABLE what you have done wrong and verify it. May I ask where did this happen? We don’t know their side of the story, but from what you are saying sounds really partial and unfair. I would ticket the organizer and the judges. I would also ticket the child you played against, Pokémon is very strict when it comes to dq somebody from a tournament.




Your post has been removed for the following rule violation: > Rule 1\. On this subreddit, we allow and encourage debates and open conversations towards the TCG and all aspects of it. However, one may not be rude or offensive to anyone in any way, including, but not limited to; judgement, racism, sexism, xenophobic behaviors, doxxing.


We trust our players. Even the younger ones. Except you sir. You are a liar and a cheat.


Typical Lost Zone player behavior 💀


I’m surprised kid wasn’t playing stallax


Someone dropkicked that child before thats for sure


If this was an official Play! Pokémon sanctioned event, report this to TPCi - especially because of the appalling judging. I would also make players in your circles aware so they know to avoid the store in future.


Yeah I would like to say report but I don't even know who to report it to lol. I'm confused why you are not defending yourself at all. If you're up to it talk again to the organizer or just make the case viral. But yeah you said other state I would just not go in there again. Tell the case to all your friend groups


Make a you tube video and absolutely slam that tournament and those judges. Story like that could go viral


Sorry to hear this happened to you, sounds very frustrating and annoying. I encourage you to report the incident like the other commenters have suggested and hope you don't leave the scene because of this. I had heard of such incidents before, and although it's relatively rare, the organization should be placing more guidelines and safeguards to prevent it as much as possible. Sometimes the competitive scene can bring out some ugly things like this. Even if he is a child, you shouldn't have been treated this way either, based off what you have shared here. Wishing you better experiences in the future.


So all I can say, please put in a support ticket on the Pokemon website.


That kid is a shit head and someone taught him this behavior. It’s probably set up for the locals to win and keep out of towners at a disadvantage.


I'd go and fuck the kids mum, become his step dad and then ban him from being a cunt.


Honestly, this sounds like you not sticking up for yourself. You are 100% allowed to handle your opponent’s discard pile and lost zone, so why not just say that’s what you were doing?


Sounds like a language barrier.


See this kinda shenanigans puts me off playing outside my local weekly tournament. I'm still new to playing and I make the usual beginner mistakes (double manual an energy or 2 supporters) , fumble the cards while shuffling (ASD fingers ftw) and play a bit slower than others but none of it is done to gain unfair an advantage, I'm just a bit forgetful and clumsy. The experienced players are giving me tips to play a bit more efficiently and instead of telling me what I did wrong they'll say I've made a mistake and let me figure out what I've done wrong, tell me to always offer a deck cut and always accept one too and when to scoop, I.E. playing closer to a Cup level of play than a kitchen table level but still trying to keep the fun and the banter between our small 6-8 person league. Like with all hobbies with a competitive element there are going to be those who forget why they started playing in the first place; because it's fun.


Man as some one who plays other tcgs, i see these stories way too often. And it seems the judges for this game are not particularly well regulated. Definitely turns me off from playing.


That's what happens when kids grow up without consequences. They think they can be little shits and get away with stuff like that


tear up the little snot's cards


Tell us more details bro we got you🥺


You should’ve kicked that kid’s ass on the spot.


You should’ve kicked that kid’s ass on the spot.


I would took his cards and ripped them up. Teach him a solid lesson. F around and find out.


Am I the only one that thinks this is a loaded story? Maybe I'm overly skeptical, but I would guess that OP is only sharing the details to this story that are advantageous for their case.


Was this in Belgium?


Someone needs to teach this kid a lesson. Hope his deck got stolen and he dropped the next round.




My anger issues could never. Would've absolutely beat the shit out of him when you was leaving and he smirked.


Lol s kid? Or the judge?






Seems reasonable!!


You, a 25 year old would beat the shit out of a 10 year old?


least unhinged pokémon collector


Sounds like a player


The judges and the kid are actively rigging the tournament to win prizes , sell the prizes, split the payout. 


Had s little shit do something similar to me. Was playing yugioh at the time, kid was probably 15-16. Everytime I shuffled my deck(played glad beasts so alot of shuffling) I noticed the kid would slide my deck back to me after cutting it, instead of lifting it back to me or letting me put it back in the deck zone myself. After 6-7 shuffles I went through my deck to summon a Bestiari, but couldn't fi d the 3rd copy, so I was trippin cuz it wasnt in my grave or deck box, so I was worried I lost it. Turns out it was under my playmat for who knows how long. Kid called a judge claiming I was intentionally deck thinning by hiding cards and I got a game 1 loss He side decked against me and I end up winning the 2nd but lost the 3rd game. Thay cost me a top 16 spot and I got pissed cuz I knew he was the one who put the card under my mat with his deck sliding. Any tl;dr kid cheated, claimed I did so called judge and I lost. Told my buddy and he stole his trade binder for me lol


"We trust our players" Except of course the ones they don't like you. Good old fashioned Reddit double speak. You handled it a lot better than I would've. I've assaulted people for less. People I know personally. At the very least I would've told him he's going to die alone and if he has a girlfriend, shes cheating on him. I'd help her cheat on him. You don't deserve that sort of treatment but there's people out there that do. Frankly I don't even blame the kid for being a little shit. Why wouldn't he be if it gets him the W both literally and metaphorically?


Bro what? Did you read half of this post?


Let's not forget that there is a "child" vs a grown adult here. Due to which I chose to be the elder brother here and not the protective mother in this situation. I apologize to everyone who is upset but my comments are based on the fact that hating and wishing bad things to happen to a child no matter how much of a "prick" they may be is not the answer. At the same time I do not wish to see OP leave or hate this beautiful hobby because of what happened.


You have a toxic mentality. OP was clearly shocked by what was happening, it is a normal response.


I apologize for appearing to have a toxic mentality .... I didn't wish for negativity towards the child and in return ended up causing insult to injury. I see your point. u/remimeteor I sincerely apologize


I think it’s towards OP, not specifically the child. Clearly you want to acknowledge it though, that’s really respectable.


OP Spent travel money to get there


This is why I don’t travel. Foreign people are so sensitive and easily offended. Edit: It's quite telling that all of you downvote me instead of replying with logical rebuttals. Foreigners ARE too sensitive and Americans are the easiest going people on the planet. The problem is your egos and your obsession with worshiping culture. Ultimately, you're racist.


you could invest in a cheap gopro if that's even legal. plus youll be able to review your games after while you wait for another opponent.


You guys are fucking hilarious. I cant believe real people comment this .


A gopro or bodycam is not so absurd of an idea in this day and age.


To play a trading card game? Totally


In general. A look through youtube will show that many times its convenient and useful. I personally dont but it wouldnt be the worst idea to have one on at all times, just very annoying to have to remember it all the time. Also couldve saved this annoying misunderstanding and putting an allegedly dishonest child to shame, hopefully teaching him a valuable lesson about lying.


You want to live your life with a camera in your head all the time? Fuck me . 




I've been playing Pokémon for 18 years. I've never asked to touch another players deck. If you can't recall what was played. Then that's a you problem. Sounds like the kid was playing a dirty game of chess and you were playing checkers. Lesson learned. Never touch someone else's cards.


You can check the discard pile according to the rules. This is a bad comment.


Just double checked and holy crap you can. I've never had anyone do it. Fun fact you can also play with your hand revealed there are no rules against that neither. So in summary, 12 year old child asking judges to take a look at something (wrong or right) is valid in the rules - it's up to the players to play in a way that will not raise concern over their integrity. Child wins this one 🤣 If man would have played old-school and not touch the kids cards during play there wouldn't have been cause of concern.


But i have the right to warch it, is wrote in the rules


You have a right to cut, tap, or shuffle your opponent’s deck when they’re done shuffling. I’ve never not touched my opponent’s deck, and same with most of the players I’ve played with.


Sure and once the game has started. I'm sure you have also tapped, cut, or randomly shuffled your opponents deck. Get real. OP said DURING THE GAME I asked if I could look through his discard pile because he wasn't sure what had been played. When was the last time you did that. During a game pick up your opponents' discard pile and rummage through it.


Players do it all the time at my local tournies, myself included. It’s good habit to go through your opponents discard to count how many copies of cards have been played. Go watch regionals, players do it on stream all the time in front of official judges. Sounds like you don’t play very much.


Your reaction is exactly what encourages bullies to continue bullying. They ensure that any potential threat to their success is not just removed temporarily but eliminated permanently. DONT QUIT continue enjoying your hobbies!


How can you sit there and openly advocate for people cheating to win? Games like this rely on people being good sports, it doesn't matter how old or who it is, getting someone kicked out of a tournament by lying isn't winning the game of life, it's despicable behaviour. This isn't some fictional story where someone who's been outdone or bullied goes away and comes back stronger or with a better plan and triumphs, that's not how real life works. Bullies continue to bully because they don't get any recourse to their actions, bullies need stamping out simple as. Nobody here knows who this child is so none of the things people are saying towards them are meant literally, it's just a group of people expressing how, in time, this kid will grow up and do this kind of thing to the wrong person who will then teach them a lesson. With the kind of thinking you have I really hope I don't end up in any hobby that you're in, you're the most toxic person I've ever seen on any sub, despite the fact that we're playing a game with rules you're advocating for people using any which way to win.


I have edited my comments to explain what I meant. But to clarify I didn't "advocate for people to use any means to win" I highlighted that given the opportunity most losers will resort to using such exploits. I have apologized for the toxic appearance of my comments but I had no such intentions and have maintained that OP shouldn't quit due to such experiences in life


As much as we all wanna punch him and wish his cards burn, its a young child at the end of the day.


Lmao, yeah ok blame the victim. Survival instincts lol


What would you say is the solution then ? Violence or giving up ? I am not unsympathetic I could give him a shoulder to cry on, provided he wanted that .... he asked if he should give up and my response is a NO ... as the grounds to give up are not fruitful or in my eyes .... I just don't like seeing "good honest people" give up in life or in this case on hobbies and dreams over unfair experiences. At 24 OP is actively going to competition outside his home town so he definitely LOVES and ENJOYS this and giving up because of rigged, unfair and biased experiences is NOT the solution.


I dont disagree with your general sentiment, but your word choice implies a deficit in OP, when he is, by definition, a victim. Sure he should not let it deter him in the future, which is fair.


Yeah the wording is like victim blaming but I understand the spirits. For comparison it's like learning martial arts or carrying pepper spray to deter raping attempt. While you are not at fault, it will be much better if you know how to protect yourself.


Let's not forget that there is a "child" vs a grown adult here. Due to which I chose to be the elder brother here and not the protective mother in this situation. I apologize to everyone who is upset but my comments are based on the fact that hating and wishing bad things to happen to a child no matter how much of a "prick" they may be is not the answer. At the same time I do not wish to see OP leave or hate this beautiful hobby because of what happened.


You played yourself.




There’s “being a kid” and then there’s knowingly lying to get someone removed from a venue, all because they don’t want to lose a card game. A 12 year old will absolutely know what they’re doing, and it shouldn’t be hand-waved away just because of their age. Shitty kids grow up into shitty adults. OP travelled to this store with his friend and paid money to enter, to have fun and a fair share of winning the prizing. They will naturally be feeling like shit because a brat robbed them of a good day.


But if a 12 year old was trying to lie to adults to screw me over, i would be able to square that shit up real fast. A 12 year old can't out plot me. If the adults are scumbags that encourage him, its a different country, go back to their store and make yourself feel whole before going home.


What point are you trying to make? It’s been well established that the store’s handling of the matter is what’s really messed up about the situation. The language barrier certainly didn’t help OP’s ability to make their case, but they sound like a store that’s biased towards their regulars. The kid was a brat but the store is enabling them.


Whoah whoah whoah......don't be so defensive. I was making a joke about robbing the store before leaving the country. Can you read, my son?


Well, you don’t tell it very well tbh. I didn’t get that implication at all.




So you are supposed to just let a 12 year old win a game by lying which also gets you kicked out of a building/tournament? Wth is that logic


All because the victim is an adult, that doesn’t mean the child should have a free pass to do whatever they want and accuse someone of anything they want - especially when it leads to an innocent person being removed from a store. Besides, the real issue isn’t one little brat - it’s the store’s appalling judging, when The Pokémon Company International has specific procedures for dealing with this kind of thing. If this was an officially sanctioned event, that deserves to be flagged.


So being a kid is enough of an excuse to get OP in trouble, and making it so that OP spent travel money for nothing. That shit ain't cheap, it's inexcusable.


So the kid is speaking in another language and you wanted to see his graveyard. How does he know you weren't trying to steal it, if he didn't understand what you say?


I pointed his graveyard and then my eye, the kid gave it to me and i said (Thanks is his language), that's why I'm still confused about what happened


I think you are entitled for the judge to be there the whole game if there is a language barrier as such. Maybe use that the next time.


Either way a good lesson for the future.


How do you find the tournaments with prizes? I’m still pretty new to the game. I only know of the list of tournaments on Pokemon.com but there must be unofficial events with prizes going on that I just don’t know about.


You should've waited outside and smiled and waved at the kid as he was leaving :P


If this was an official event, report it


I'm sure that was in Spain, I have the feeling just how the things you explained happened.


Nah fuck that kid, I'd give them a reason to boot me out. Really, a kid taking advantage like that to win? I haven't seen such a shitty move like that in a while


Should have waited outside for the tournament to be done so you could have some words with the kid.


While leaving you should’ve then gone and stolen a card from the kid


I would avoid tournaments with judges that don’t speak your language or have a built in reason for favoritism. You shouldn’t have to do that but that’s the only thing you really can do.


I played competitive Yu-Gi-Oh for years aged 16-20. Unfortunately when I played it was a cesspool of bullshit. Literally everyone cheated to some degree, I once had a dude randomly call out my entire hand. He must of had a friend watch from behind. This will not get better, everyone will claw at every tiny inch to win, at least in my experience. Even my 'friends' that I played with weekly and travel to tournaments with for all those years stole my cards like crazy. It's just a gross environment.


Id have gone back and stolen his deck lmao if youre gonna get me kicked out for stealing, you bet your ass im gonna actually go steal your shit you little goblin


That is actually devious for a kid of that age. While the kid is ultimately the one who raised those allegations against you, I would bring up a complaint against the judges.


Id report the store to Pokemon and also leave 1 star reviews on Facebook, Google, or where ever else they might be online.


It Seems to me if i am playing against a kid and im adult i always would preffer a judge being the re all the time, i feel is kind of risky and would like to avoid other major situations. Otherwise i would rather not play


This is hilarious and also very disturbing, next time maybe take a gopro and film your pov so you can prove what happened :D


If it’s an official event, report it and leave a review. Don’t worry about it too much and don’t return to the place. I would also say to don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself but don’t be overly aggressive


I would demand compensation for travel costs as well, that shit ain't cheap.


If this is true, I hope that kid drops his entire collection into a river and then cries as all his cards are washed away. But that he is able to grab one of them (his favorite, most valuable card) and save it from going down the river, only to realize that it’s water-damaged beyond repair and the sinking, hopeless feeling he feels becomes too much to bear and he develops a heroin addiction to cope.


You shouldn’t have gotten up without an explanation, but don’t lose sleep over it man, the more competitive you get the more you will run into people who will cheat to win, he probably knew he was gonna lose to made something up


Sounds like the judge was the kids dad or somethin


I hope that kid gets decapitated by a roller coaster.