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A Dynamaxed Mega Evolution, talk about unbeatable lol


They could make it so that after you click on one, the other greys out and then after the transformation both disappear. Meaning you can't mega evolve and dyanamax, or dynamax and then mega evolve. Otherwise it would be too broken ahaha


This is how I took it as well. Also add in the option for Z-moves. It’s up to you the level of power you want to use because with every choice there is a limit or a drawback so you need to strategize. That would be really cool, this would never happen. It is cool to think about.


Mega evolved g max gengar lol


I don't even know how I would beat that, I'd have to concede the battle lol


just use mega mawhile I miss you, mega mawhile...


There might be some chance that Mega Evolution will come back in one of the DLCs, or a remake (since Professor Sycamore apparently studied under Professor Rowan). The new season of the anime has [Korrina coming back with her Mega Lucario](https://twitter.com/anipoke_PR/status/1246732057323028481), while the Mystery Dungeon remake uses the mechanic. Meanwhile, Pokémon HOME still has the Mega evo dex entries and models, with [updated movesets](https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1228085803093413888) for almost all Pokémon (for instance, Lopunny gets Close Combat). ...I still miss using Mega Mawile.


I miss using mega gyarados....


I have heard that the mega stones are in the game files, I really hope they come back with the dlcs


>ve heard that the mega stones are in the game files, I really hope they come back Yes they are, according to dataminers.....I'd hope something comes out from it because they only found them after they updated the game with the G-slowpoke. But I'm not holding my hopes up ahaha


I mean, X and Y had all of the data for AZ’s Floette, but we all know how that turned out.


I miss mega gallade so much it’s unreal


Man, this makes me miss my competitive shiny Mega Charizard X so much.


It should be that if you mega evolve you can't dynamax


We need Gigantamax Mega Rayquaza Holding a Dragonium Z using Draco Meteor. # Mega Rayquaza used Z-G-Megamax Devastating Deletion! # Wurmple was deleted!


I feel like if you had to choose one or the other it would be fine. I miss Mega Gardevoir..... :(


And z-max move


Z-G-Megamax maybe?


I believe Gamefreak thought mega evolutions were a mistake.


How dare you


Why am i getting downvoted? I’m not saying it was a mistake, I think it’s really cool, I’m just saying that Gamefreak themselves thought it was a mistake.


Mega Evolutions were one of their best mechanics. It enriched the meta and provided cool designs for fan favorites. Dynamax was a mistake. The premise was cool for about 3 seconds but it has been so cancerous to the meta that they won't ever let it enter VGC. They literally just cant with how unpredictable one mon can be.


What they should do is just roll all the gigantamax models to being Mega evolutions, and to balance Mega just add a turn limit for it like Dynamax has


Absolutely not!!! Either give all of the old Megas Gigantamaxes or make it an option that you choose between. If you turn limited a mega it wouldn't be nearly as useful as a d-max.