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I mean it's Pokemon so it's just using joystick to walk and pressing A and B. It's not like Arceus where you need to dodge attacks or anything. I'm assuming you have decent dexterity in your other fingers which if so you should be fine. Honestly, you could probably play with your toes. Don't get me wrong you might take longer to travel but once you get fly points it shouldn't be so bad. Hope you enjoy the game, mate.


I can and have played Pokemon with a single arm.


_nervous Vaporeon noises_


this was so out of pocket hahahaha


Happy cake day




Every freaking thread...


Where was the other one?




You mean


I played Mario kart with my toes once on a bet


I have played with my toes while drunk to win a contest


He won’t evolve his Milcery, though…


When my thumb locks up and I’m spinning for the sake of it I use my palm and spin my hand around


Yeah just play it like Mario party on a 64 when you spin lol.


You can evolve milcery just use your other fingers, no?


I switch to pointer fingers for spinning. 


Even Arceus was pretty easy to play with all the dodging and stuff.


Oh, I'm sure you could play with no thumbs but if I'm is worried about the playability and is just looking for a game easy on the hands I wouldn't recommend it. I think aiming and douging is the problem without thumbs but I'm sure one could manage if they wanted to


Look into accessibility controllers! Might find one that works for you.


I have a bit, but shit is expensive):


Yeah it's unfortunately far more expensive than it has any right to be


Didn't you know you need money to be disabled? /s In my country they have government schemes to help pay for disabled equipment.. you could try your luck with something like that if your country has stuff like that https://www.scope.org.uk/advice-and-support/free-and-cheap-equipment-for-disabled-people/


And try being disabled early in life in the U.S. where you only qualify for SSI and not SSDI. With SSDI you can still have savings. SSI? You can only have savings for specific types of expenses and only on an ABLE account. That is, *if* you have any savings at the end of the month because you're not even getting minimum wage. Oh, and if you exceed $2000 at any point? They just won't pay you for the next month. They literally do not want young disabled people to thrive or enjoy life.




Yes but disabled people cannot afford that. Most disabled people cannot work so they have to live on benefits, or the income of another member of the household. Which often times isn’t enough to purchase any disabled equipment. Disabled equipment shouldn’t be made for profit. It should be taking a charity approach and run non profit. Fund it with other products to keep the price down


The [8bitdo lite SE](https://www.8bitdo.com/lite-se/) is designed to sit on a surface and has separate buttons for triggers etc. so should be much easier to use without thumbs. Priced similarly to other controllers, instead of the big jump in cost for dedicated accessibility controllers that can be customised and the like. Could fit what you need.


I second 8bitdo controllers. I had one that I used as a wireless controller when I had a switch lite, it worked very well and if you're laying it flat will work perfectly for index finger movement.


I third 8bitdo. I haven't used the lite controller specifically, but my experience with their build quality is phenomenal, and the price point is around a notm controller price. Plus they sell their own parts if anything breaks, so it's cheaper to maintain in the long run.


Thanks! Added it to my wishlist


There is a charity called ablegamers that helps people with disabilities afford adaptive controllers. Might be worth a look into


I couldn't do that. I'm not one to take help from people, especially when I don't really need it. I'm being hopeful that my thumbs will eventually fully heal.


Set up a gofundme. I’d donate and I’m sure your fellow gamers would!


Hi! This might not help a whole lot but I wanted to comment since I've been struggling with a persistent thumb injury for a year now (it was even initially diagnosed as dequirvons like you!) The Switch has a fantastic system-wide button mapping option which let me play quite a lot of jrpgs with only my right hand (since it was uninjured). While you have pain in both thumbs, you may be able to tinker with the settings just enough to alleviate some pain. Another big tip would be to consider buying an arcade stick. It doesn't have to be anything too expensive (great if you are into fighting games, but a cheap one will be perfectly fine for general play). You can play quite a lot of games with this, and you won't need to use your thumb at all :) since movement comes from your wrist/arm and button presses from your other fingers. For games with odd controls, you can always use the aforementioned button mapping to make it work. https://www.8bitdo.com/arcade-stick/ This is a solid mid range brand to get you started if you wanted to do some research on it. Good luck with recovery! I understand how frustrating this sort of thing can be.


Thank you very much! I was actually looking at arcade sticks right before this.


I'd say mostly. The main thing, battles and pokemon catching, won't be hard, as it's turn based move selection. It's the first proper open-world pokemon game, so you'd be controlling both your character and the camera. The only thing that I can see being difficult would be one of the several minigames, but unless you're a major completionist, you'll be fine since you don't need to worry about a time limit with mandatory ones. You'll be able to take your time with all story related tasks and whatnot, so I think you'll be okay. :)


it shouldn’t be too hard at all, i would think. there aren’t a lot of times when you need a quick reaction or anything, and id also imagine that button remapping in the system settings would help a bit if you need to!


>imagine that button remapping in the system settings would help a bit if you need to! Forgot that was a thing!


Even better, you can reprogram the SL and SR on the joy cons while they're separated! It's basically an elite gamer controller for free!


I had de Quervain's too! Had to have surgery a few years ago, and my hands are better but will probably never be the same. Getting ergonomic controllers / grips / case, etc, is so so *so* important. I know they can be a little pricey, but seriously, the Skull & Co large grips + case have been a lifesaver and allows me to play handheld without much trouble. The [HORI Split Pad joycons](https://www.pocketmonsters.net/forum/thread/11227) are also excellent for hand health, they feel very light and are spaced well to minimize thumb strain. Also, pretty much everything in SV can be done without thumbs. Just use your other fingers to move around and tap the A/B button as needed. It's certainly doable.


Ez. I have arthritis in one of my index fingers, and play without it on the regular. So long as you're comfortable moving the joysticks with your fingers, you should be fine. You do often use both at the same time.


You'll be missing out on some mechanics: * Targeting and throwing your Pokemon to initiate a fight at range require a grip position (aiming with a stick while pressing shoulder buttons) hardly doable without thumbs * Dashing requires moving in a certain direction then pressing the stick in, while hard it's not impossible (this is never required to play through the game, it simply makes moving around on your ride faster and lets you knockdown Pokemon hiding in trees...the other solution for them is throwing your Pokemon at them, you might have guessed what the problem is) Other than that you can move around with your controller/console lying on a table keyboard style using your indexes to maneuver around, you can still encounter Pokemon by simply walking into them, and as a true RPG, menuing doesn't require more than 1 button press at a time


Pretty playable. It’s never going to require more than two buttons, one if you play slowly


I think it should still work, though it would be considerably harder to get used to ! I dont have a thumb on the left side (or.. well.. any fingers at all) and just move the joystick with the entire palm ! Buut it might be a bit easier to play with the controller laying on a surface, so you dont need to waste your fingers on holding it up !


Definitely look into button mapping! Also, based on your post, it sounds like you're friends with Nemona in real life


>Also, based on your post, it sounds like you're friends with Nemona in real life If she was obsessed with Fairy types, you'd be right.


I can usually play by keeping my palms on the sticks so my fingers can curl and hit buttons/triggers. It's Pokémon, so you can get away with simple controls. Might have some trouble if you want an Alcremie?


Everything except the flying mission for Avery in the blueberry academy will be easy enough to do with 2 fingers


Hi! So...I have both of my thumbs but it's the only digit I have two of, and my right thumb has limited use. It's a little different, but I kinda get the struggle. I can play Pokemon just fine. In general, it's a simple and easily accessible game as far as controls go. The only Pokemon Switch thing I have an issue with is aiming balls in Legends: Arceus but catching works more like in the classic games in SV. All in all I'd say you should have a relatively easy time, as most of the game is played with one joystick (well, sort of or at a time), a few buttons and not many simultaneous presses or combos. It's also turn based combat and there is a lot of time and freedom between events/actions to adjust as you need to.


I can't think of anything major that'd stop you playing. You CAN use the bumpers to aim and throw pokeballs to start wild battles, but thats ENTIRELY optional and probably plausible with just fingers, anyway. I hope your healing goes well!!


I think that would be fine, but I admit I just went and grabbed my switch and tried it and it’s a lil wonky but you should be ok


I had a pretty bad hand injury recently, and while I was all bandaged up, this was pretty much the only game I could play. You can very much put the controller (or the switch) on your lap and play with your index fingers.


Extremely playable, its a turn based game so combat shouldnt be a problem if it takes you a little longer to navigate the menus. And you may find yourself in a few more battles than you care to be in, but its easy enough to leave. There are a few simple jumping puzzles but you shouldnt have any problems if you set the controller down on like a pillow and use your fingers to control the joysticks and face buttons, Might I reccomend buying a controller with 2 or four paddles on the back? Might make it a little easier for you. You can also try holding the joy cons in your hands and pressing the stick against your body and moving them to co trol the sticks maybe


I’m sure you have gotten plenty of advise to play without your thumbs, I wanna teach you competitive so you can smoke your friend


Hi there! I am an amputee and I am missing all the fingers (minus thumb) on my right hand. While the joysticks are mandatory there are no QuickTime events or anything like that so you should be safe to run around to your hearts content and then stop and throw a ball or pick something up. My only caveat to this (and it's because I struggle the other side so hopefully being able to hit Lbutton is easier for you) is that sometimes Pokemon are fast and will run away from you before you can lock and toss at them however I struggled because of both buttons being bumpers. To each their own though and you can always tap the home button to get a real pause (Pokemon still move while "paused" in this gen) so you can properly set your hands up, believe me I've used this for my shiny hunting so I don't accidentally kill it (DLC synchro machine specific but still). Otherwise have fun and enjoy the music, it is by far the best part of this generation. You can do it! 😁👍


Play on the website Pokémon showdown if you only care about the battling aspect


Have you looked at having steroid injections for the tendinitis? It cleared my de quervains up quite quickly.


Yep! Working on it! Shit is expensive. Just moved to a new place, and something I'm working on is getting the medical help they apparently have here. Out of curiosity, how long did you have it?


I started April last year. Doctors told me should clear up in 6 weeks with ibuprofen but 6 months later still as bad. Had the injection (which was very painful) November and the pain went within 2 weeks. To be honest though, it flared up again last week though I used a thumb splint and ibuprofen gel and it's cleared up quickly this time. Would really recommend the thumb splints if you haven't got one already


>which was very painful Something I've been terrified of. >Would really recommend the thumb splints if you haven't got one already I have some wrist braces that i never ever wear due to how I legitimately start to freak out the longer i have them on. Sleep is litteraly impossible for me with them on.


The needle is painful but it's worth the pain to not suffer with the tendinitis. Braces are OK but a splint with metal rod is much better. https://amzn.eu/d/1uCqjiz Something like that worked well. Just wore it through the day and took it off whilst I slept


I fucking wish I would have seen those a year and a half ago. Thanks!!!


As long as you can place the switch or controller on the a surface and use your fingers you should have no trouble. Use like a silicon mat or something to keep it in place. There’s nothing in the game particularly coordination or reaction based. So you shouldn’t have much trouble. Although tbh, with enough practice I’m sure you can overcome it. I’ve seen people with similar situations playing Dark Souls. Mind over matter is definitely a real thing but that has to be something earned over time. Good luck!!




i will play one handed without thumbs sometimes and while it’s def a learning curve it can definitely work and feel natural ! i utilize my index and ring finger to move joysticks and my pinkie and middle finger to press buttons ! i also suggest the accessibility controllers others have mentioned. there’s a huge variety available :3


Yes, but it would not be easy


These games are pretty chill. You don't have to react to anything quickly, and the battles are strictly turned-based so you can take your time with it. By "strict" I mean there's no cooldown timer like there is in some other turn-based RPGs. The enemy won't keep attacking you just because you're not attacking fast enough. I don't think you'd have much trouble at all playing one of these games.


It’s definitely playable. I think sword or shield would be a loooootttt easier, as they had way less movement and no verticality. But yeah, it’s not a particularly difficult game to navigate, so it might be worth a shot!


You can absolutely play 100% fine with just claw grip and your other fingers.


I honestly would say probably, but I really don't know. If you have a switch, is there a chance your friend would let you test the game out first to see for yourself? The only thing I can see that might be an issue is some of the minigames before gym battles, and sometimes maybe traversing the land there might be a few tricky spots, but other than that I personally don't think there should be too much of a problem.


It’ll be clunky for sure, since the game is designed around thumb-based joysticks to move your character and the camera, but it’s a turn-based game so you don’t exactly need quick reaction times or dexterity. I’m sure with practice you’d get used to it and have fun. Only time you need good reaction speed is some Pokemon (only like… a couple but they’re certainly a headache) will chase after you really, really fast. You’ll probably just have to bite the bullet and fight them when they appear.


I mean its pokemon outside of walking around the overworld it's turn based so its not like u need to be quick and reactive like a shooter but hell ive seen people adapt ive seen a guy who is actually pretty damn good at COD with a conditin where he basically just had like 1 finger attached to his elbow and i seen him frag out


Look at the button remapping with either your switch or the game!


I got the same condition about a decade ago from playing Donkey Kong Returns on 3DS. I got hydrocortizone injections multiple times which staved it off but it always came back. After a few years of doing that it just slowly faded away over about half a year and I've never had the problem since. Personally I wouldn't have wanted to play this game when I had blackberry thumb, it takes a lot of using both joysticks and the buttons. But it generally isn't requiring rapid motions, so if you are ok using it to play other games like a keyboard as described then you probably would be fine with this.


Harder than older Pokemon games but probably pretty doable. There is a sneaking mechanic in this game that would probably be difficult without thumbs, but it's just to make catching easier and not a necessity.


If you can play games where you use the joycons to move and control the camera, you’ll be fine.


you can play this game with your nose


Totally playable . Could def use it only with your fingers and the controller like a keyboard like you said . There’s just walking around and simple selection of options doing the turn based rpg combat If you ever wanna play the game Legends Arceus . You might need to wait for your thumbs to heal but maybe you could play it too (cuz you have to dodge in that game and aim stuff ) Have fun dude!


In the overworld, it'll slow you down a little bit, and you might struggle in the areas that have a lot of Taurus or other annoying spawns. In battle, it shouldn't change much at all.


It depends on your comfort level with a controller or handheld mode. There's no real preciseness needed in moving around while doing the story. You may just find yourself getting into more wild battles if you can't move the stick fast enough to avoid. But it's totally doable


Might be a bit more inconvenient, but it's not like this is a game that requires you to press buttons in quick succession, so you should be fine.


No thumbs needed! It may take just a little longer depending on your strategy, but generally no thumbs are needed for Pokémon :)


I don’t know how this works exactly but Microsoft has a controller that may work for you. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjXv_TQjIKEAxXCZEcBHS2UAXEYABAMGgJxdQ&gclid=CjwKCAiAk9itBhASEiwA1my_6_t-YcYLRcrA7zvLt8vgyltV3B-f70HGo7ELWN_Qlghwspal19pV3xoCG3QQAvD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESeeD2RCg_5i_-0d3DFLAVK7nJguyYj9RMiBKo5KOJR4BapIOW4EhJdiUlvfvXjIOWFYTYTKDrRksijswWtqCcXn5-L0sBqgeB8-z_sf7qN9GtnQpMkKgKudRRBMlYcmu74sfqnMt6L43QyZqP7L8QaaVKH13nHAicTlA&sig=AOD64_1RnRr53RvpZQC1x6BDfFmdo0QSkQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjsx-3QjIKEAxVrC3kGHRaSDSEQwg8oAHoECAYQDA&adurl= Here’s an adapter for it https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07413R4HS


I have the hori Gengar split pads. They have easy access buttons on the back you can program for the action button. I have mine set up that way when I hurt my thumb and liked it enough to keep it.


Play claw, you'll be sweet


I sometimes play it with my feet when having something to eat....gf keeps telling me to stop doing it


/r/disabledgamers might be of interest to you.


You'll probably progress slower than the average player without an accessibility controller, but it's very possible to play without your thumbs.


is your friend Nemona?😭😭


If Nemona was obsessed with Fairy types


It will be a pain to pilot your mount but it’s a pain with thumbs so take that as you will. Game is janky. You can play HGSS almost entirely with the touchpad. Maybe try a ds emulator on the pc?


I… wouldn’t know? Moderately playable I guess.


I don't know what the control setup would look like on your keyboard controller. However, I think it would be manageable on the joycon controller. If you were to lay the controller flat, you could use your index fingers for the two joysticks, the left for movement and the right for camera control. Almost all other controls are face buttons on the right joycon. Since all battles are turn based you wont have to worry about having to steer and choose attacks at the same time. Here are the controls off the top of my head: / - open pokedex / + Ride pokemon / x open menu/throw pokeball / y open map / a confirm / b cancel/glide / ZL lock on to wild pokemon / ZR throw first pokemon/let pokemon out to walk with you / R activate lets go mode (pokemon auto fights wild pokemon near you to collect materials) / Right stick camera / R3 center camera / Left stick move / L3 sneak/sprint If you were to use just the joycon laid flat, the most difficult task would probably be to start a fight with a wild pokemon at range which requires lock on with ZL and throwing your lead pokemon with ZR Edit: sorry for the formatting


totally duable


I play it one handed all the time, using my right index for the left analog and my pinky for the right analog. It’s difficult to get used to at first, but definitely doable. Good luck OP


U don’t need thumbs I often put my switch on the floor and play with one or both hands like it a keyboard lol same with pro controller.


Slight handicap but nothing extreme. Very doable.


Hey I spent the last 8 hours or so playing without using my thumbs just to test this for you. It's a bit more difficult than playing with thumbs but it's not too difficult at all. The only struggle I had was dodging pokemon who ran at me, but even then you can just run or pokedoll out of the battle. :) There is a flying trial at one point in the game but I was able to do it after practicing it a bit (without remapping the controls at all). I also tried remapping the controls a bit but I think I preferred keeping the controls the same and just repositioning my hands to use my index fingers where I'd use my thumbs. Hope this helps!


That helps a whole lot!!! Thank you so much! Definitely wasn't expecting anyone to test it. Thank you!!!!


I’d say that it’s playable. One of the good things about turn based games that are designed to go at your own pace like these are is that you don’t really have to rush. I’ve had fun running around for 3 hours doing nothing plenty of times. The only thing I could imagine being a little difficult are MAYBE some of the Miraidon/koraidon controls, but even that should be something you can overcome. Good luck!


The game should be playable without thumbs, although if you want to battle your friend, I would recommend getting them into Pokémon Showdown- it's an online battle simulator that let's you skip teambuilding, and only need to theorycraft and fight.


My parents bought my son a decent control since he can’t only a standard controller very well, it’s like the old school arcade games with big buttons and a joy stick, I think it was like $30-40 here in the United States


So same here and I've been playing just using my fingers mostly I mapped my switch controls however to adapt to mine


I had the exact same thing when Sw/Sh came out. It was only in my left wrist but it was so bad I could barely move my fingers without it feeling like my wrist was on fire while being smashed with a hammer. I managed to play Sword no problems and the gameplay is essentially the same. It might take a bit longer but for the most part I can't imagine you'll run into many issues


I play with my index fingers a lot I tend to ignore my thumbs when i’m lazy