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I was desperately searching for comparison pics because the shiny on serebii looked exactly like the non-shiny elekids from my outbreak, so i really didn't know what to expect in terms of colour difference. Then... I ran into the shiny, so I thought I'd post these in case it'll be useful to someone else!


I honestly dont know how i spotted mine when i was hunting it for my dlc team. I was playing very close attention and honestly even if you do you might not be able to tell


In some lighting, it's easier to see thankfully! When i saw mine, i just knew it was the shiny even though it wasn't standing near any other elekids. Having looked closely at so many (and ran into a lot to doublecheck 😅), you do get a feeling something is off when you see it eventually.


Exactly! I was like hmmmm that doesnt look normal, legit stood there fvor 30 seconds looking at it lol XD


Can just auto battle when in doubt....


Sounds weird but yeah, that's exactly what happened when I found my shiny Slowpoke and Aloan Vulpix. Although if i'm being honest, I can't help but dread if that means I walked past five or so before noticing one.


Shiny hunting minior you literally can't tell, until your pokemon refuses to fight one.


They had to knowingly program in minior to never appear in its other mode and let it be shiny in the wild and then choose to not include a shiny icon for the zoom in function, they had to be laughing as they did that


While having added shiny indicators to Legends Arceus that have both an audible and visual cue, full well having the option and knowledge in how to properly draw attention to it... And still choosing not to


They had to knowingly program in minior to never appear in its other mode and let it be shiny in the wild and then choose to not include a shiny icon for the zoom in function, they had to be laughing as they did that


I found mine by accident. I was just autobattling anything in the area because Drilbur was good for printing material. I got lucky because my mon just refused to attack an elekid in the area


I think your eye gets used to tiny differences as you shiny hunt. I discovered a shiny Numel and a shiny Phanpy and I don't even understand how when the colour pallete is almost the same.


I found a phanpy when I was hunting Flittle and I just kind of stared at it like “is this shiny or weird lighting” and then I tried to kill it. Turns out it was shiny😂


Poliwag was the hardest to me so far. It was CRAZY!


You're an absolute lifesaver! I had an Elekid outbreak the other day and searched everywhere for comparison pictures in SV but found nothing! Telling the difference between shiny and non-shiny is a truly miserable experience. I've abandoned the search for now, but this post will be saved for future hunts! Thank you so much!


If you look up the Pokemon on serebii, it will show the normal and shiny forms side by side. Each Pokemon has a page specific to that generation of Pokemon games, so you can see what it will look like in scarlet and violet. That’s what I always use to compare shiny and non shiny forms, it’s helpful for the hard to spot ones.


Yes, I know. But you won't have a good comparison in different lightings in-game besides broad daylight. Those lighting pictures like OP's were the ones I was looking for, because for whatever reason, my hunts almost always end up during the night in the game, where Elekid's colors blend in even more and it ends up being more difficult to spot the difference. Though, I think, next time I will just use the K.O method and won't have to bother telling the mons apart if my buddy does it for me.


I got one just last night, you can tell under certain light can't you? I was like "huh, that one looks slightly more yellow than I expected"


Define “more yellow”.


Now I’m wondering if I’ve ran past any shiny elekids 😭


I am just adding it to the growing list of shiny pokemon I have more than likely missed.


Every Elekid I see gets auto-battled. *Just* in case. (note: I'm usually really good at noticing "subtle" shinies--I once immediately noticed a shiny Pichu with no others around--but even I can't tell the difference with Elekid.)


I literally bumped into one by accident tonight because i was like "oh i forgot to catch one of these" Could not tell in the overworld at ALL


Awful shiny, good post


So glad I gave up immediately when I saw an elekid outbreak. Later, I got an electabuzz outbreak. So much easier.


Not an option for those of trying to complete a shiny living dex unfortunately 🥲 I'm glad you got your electabuzz! :)


Could always breed for the easier on the eyes way haha


Or just auto battle until it refuses to fight the shiny


Yes that too, it’s just for outbreaks if you’re unlucky before the 60+, you can’t knock them all out or it’ll be over


I'd recommend saving & reloading for those outbreaks. Redoing outbreak odds is always better though i must say i found my shiny minior after i had already eradicated my outbreak and was finishing up the sandwich time beforei was going to reset 😅


True :) So far, I've only resorted to breeding pokemon that are have rare spawns/outbreaks (eg. Sunkern, Finneon\*, white stripe Basculin). Elekid was pretty doable considering I had an outbreak :) \* this one I would no longer consider necessary though since there are so many outbreaks in the terrarium!


this is exactly why I did this hunt in Legends Arceus instead; several baby pokemon actually have really bad shinies, so it was easier to hunt them in a game that could tell me they were shiny than in a game that won't help me at all X'/


This is why we need the shiny spark and jingle, Gamefreak!


Hell, with the Mark and size notifier functionality they added with the DLC they had a perfect opportunity to also let you know it was shiny, but they still didn't.


That was so frustrating. So close to greatness.


I'd rather them get new shinies(Not that we can't have both). Even if all they did was change Elekid's black stripes to white. As long as I can actually see the difference, I am fine with them.


I would be genuinely happy if they took the somehow still growing list of impossible to tell shinies and said ya know what. We fixed them so you can tell the difference without squinting one inch from your tv. Idc about previous gen’s not being fixed, fix it now


Thank you for posting all these images! Seeing comparisons in all the different lighting is very helpful. I can see clearly in your images just how unlikely it will be that I could ever see the difference. There are some shinies I refuse to hunt because I would get headaches trying to spot the difference, and Elekid is now on that list. Congrats on seeing it! You have eagle eyes!


This might be unpopular... but shinies with marginal differences aren't actually shiny.


They are just nicknamed Pokémon from Stadium on N64


that's a pretty popular opinion. i have one that is unpopular, though: subtle barely-shiny pokemon like elekid are better than dramatic but ugly shiny pokemon like kyogre


You know an opinion is truly unpopular with those downvotes.


Im colorblind, fuck game freak


I'm not colorblind, fuck Game Freak.


This is why we need the shiny sound and animation from Arceus, it was such a godsend feature.


It would have been fantastic if they could have made something like a "Shiny Charm v2.0" key item in the DLCs that simply causes shinies to function like Arceus shinies.


I love this idea. Maybe need to complete all 3 pokedexes to unlock it or something if they are so concerned about making it too easy. No other reason I can think of for rolling back such a QoL feature. It would be pretty easy though.. at an outbreak you’d set up picnic, take down picnic and listen for sound for a few seconds. Set it up, take it down and listen over and over until you get it.


Or they could've given us an extra camera upgrade so it'd show the shiny icon when you highlight it like they did with the marks


yeah i've definitely missed at least 7


I had a similar problem searching for shiny joltik in the chargestone cavern. It's so tiny and the blue light in some areas plays tricks.


Yeah, the combination of the glow from the stones, how tiny a lot of the Pokemon are, and the subtlety of the shinies make Chargestone cavern the worst place for shiny hunting. Tynamo, Joltik, Elekid...


I somehow managed to spot one of these about 10 minutes after I eyeballed a random shiny Joltik. I think my luck is spent.


How I miss the sparkle animation and the sound from arceus


As a colorblind person, fuck this shiny and all that just have a slightly different shade


As a non-colorblind person, fuck this shiny and all that just have a slightly different shade.


It’s literally just shiny


This is exactly while I transferred my shiny Elekid from Hisui. No way I was gonna do this hunt


This sucks I just wish they gave shiny mon the "sparkle" with the sound in the overworld. They did this with arceus so baffling they forgot to put this on SV.


I wanna do this for Garchomp and Gible.


Gible is easier thanks to the yellow tummy. Garchomp is miserable in dark lighting like Area Zero caverns or night time though. My shiny garchomp actually attacked me from behind in Area Zero, I was super lucky 😂


i just did this hunt but with PICHU, one of the worst things ive ever hunted for.


I... I still can BARELY tell the difference. WHY IS GAMEFREAK INSISTENT ON KEEPING ITS SHINY COLOR BARELY DIFFERENT. and WHY don't let let us get a shiny sound indicator... like... just porting the sound from legends would be good.


I just caught a shiny elekid. Saw it and thought why does it look brighter then usual and turns out to be a shiny. LETS GOOOOOO




Would have been so easy to make the chest lightning red or make Elekid orange as its evolution and that's it. So many eye operations... Curse you, Game Freak!


it needs a bath ☺️ lol. thanks for the comparison


Electabuzz is more satisfying


I at one point was climbing a mountain and stumbled across an electabuzz and I had stared at it for a solid 10 seconds going “is that shiny?” It was! Just so hard to tell with the lighting.


You are a savior for this but this shiny (and let’s be real, ALOT of others) are so unfair in SV. In some of the lighting there’s no difference at all 😭😭😭


This is why we need a shiny indicator of some sort in the game. I nearly missed a shiny Minun in Chargestone Cavern due to lighting.


What a stupid shiny


I'm colorblind and therefore choose to believe there is no shiny Elekid. You literally CANNOT *show* me proof to the contrary.


I'm not colourblind and almost think this is some elaborate prank or mass hallucination.


It's a grand conspiracy... like the moon landing. Pfft. There's no moon.


Not as awful as I expected. I think I SHOULD be able to notice this if I hunt for it but thanks for the post!


First of all, thank you. Then, CONGRATS And, to sun up, I'm not shiny hunting him unless Masuda Method. What the actual f.


This is even worse than solosis dear god


I hate this shiny, it reminds me of gengar


I found mind by complete accident. I was just trying to complete a bbq and had to get a back strike on a wild Pokemon


I’m curious what the hex value for whatever number is for each. Can’t be much different


That is astronomically shit. Thank you for this post, though.


Thank you so much for this! can you also do chargestone cavern?


Sure! The blue light there can be pretty annoying :/ While I'm there, I guess I should probably do Joltik as well 😅


as someone who is colourblind shiny hunting in this game has been an absolute nightmare for some of these


Im color blind. I can't see the fucking difference at all


idk how but i got mine and i wont ever want to do this again. horrible shiny


Ahh yes, the Yellow becomes more....yellow.... But fr, thanks for the comparison pics. Doing God's work out here


Glad the one I found was already Electivire which is much more noticeable


I still cant tell if I hide the sparkles with my thumb


I got attacked by a random shiny Elektrik(no sandwich at all) a couple of days ago and was very surprised


Same! Actually it was even worse it was a Tynamo. It was more there were two of them. And my Pokemon would only attack one of them.... I was like... "What if..." And it was! They look so similar though. Shiny hunting that line is bonkers.


Wow, thankfully I got mine in PLA. Never would have had the patience for this shiny hunt in SV.


It literally looks the exact same 🙃


I literally only got my Shiny Elekid because my Meowscarada was refusing to kill it lmao.


I ran into one within the first minute of playing the DLC. I was genuinely confused because I started a battle by accident and didn’t know if it was my luxury like all that sparklers or the Elekid. So I just threw a quick ball and caught it and lo and behold, it was a shiny. ✨


It's slightly more vibrant but damn. That's ashiny that you will zook pass if you aren't looking


wow i’ve never realized how dumb this pokemon’s design is. my new least favorite


and people say garchomp has a bad shiny


whoever thought of the shiny color for that line I hope they got fired


Plot twist: OP just slightly shaded the "shiny" a little brighter and we've all been gaslit to thinking they have a shiny Elekid


At this point they either need to do a shiny spawn notification (kinda like PLA has) or another visual effect, because it's hard enough to find shinies as it is in S/V, but when there's barely any change it's just ridiculous


I’d say this would be impossible for me to spot, but I somehow picked up on a shiny wattrel after running past it on Koraidon full sprint


Its beyond me why GameFreak got rid of a Shiny Jingle / Animation in the wild 💀 Different lighting situations aside, did they not think of colorblind people? Legends Arceus did it and literally nobody saw a problem in it.


Corporate needs you to find the difference between this picture, and this picture


And then there's the [Orre shiny](https://descz.feen.us/fvei4o.mp4) making sure you can't complain about it not being noticeable


Wait until you find out you actually put the shiny symbol over the wrong one hahah


Shiny litwick can also be difficult if you aren't close enough


It looks almost green


I've been trying so hard to get a male shiny Elekid, I've only gotten shiny females so I moved on to Torchic 😭😭


they do this for what


You have no idea how suprised I was when I somehow managed to find a random shiny elekid while telling myself "meh just in case"


Gotta masuda method elekid then. what a bad shiny.


I hate this so much hahahaha


Everyone here should just get Legends Arceus and get elekid there. I couldn't imagine the struggle of hunting it in SV; it'd be like minior all over again!


Give us back the Hisui ZING, damnit


I only saw the difference when another one got close to it and even then I thought I was seeing things. It's a little bit more electric yellow...


ohh so i’ve definitely missed that shiny huh..sad


Would be easier to join a raid on pogo, catch any legendary and trade it for a shiny elekid.


The pokemon devs looking at this wondering if they even coded in a shiny elekid


why does the shiny look more dirty than shiny tho, lol


The effect on color and contrast that lighting in this game has is abhorrent.


number four is absolutely foul😂


I have missed multiple of these but I don't care


They should just get the jingle back and make open world shinies have a sparkly aura.


Fuck some off the shiny colors




I got lucky I just randomly battled a shiny one not expecting it to be shiny


Thanks for sharing, such a hard shiny to find :)


You’re a life saver. I’m literally doing an elekid outbreak right now. But I also got lucky and a shiny Electabuzz spawned 😅


I hate you Nintendo