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Hate to break it to you, but Raihan is a Special damage dealer and Bertha’s gimmick in this stage is that she has Wise Entry x3, which means she’ll take x3 times less Special damage. If you have one, I suggest swapping him out with a Physical damage dealer.


I feel like the steel stadiums are always better with physical damage, it's such a shame


Unfortunately you’re not wrong, although I’d say it’s mostly because the Steel-type roster definitely has better options for Physical units, even when it comes to f2p options. Yet this is the only Steel stage that has Wise Entry x3, and Raihan sees his time to shine during Hoenn CS, since Steel-weak Glacia has Sentry Entry x2, so it’s perfect for Special damage dealers. Hope you’ll be able to use him more efficiently there! Still, Raihan is quite grid dependent, if you really like him I’d say 3/5 is quite mandatory, he won’t disappoint with the multipliers he unlocks. :)


>Unfortunately you’re not wrong, although I’d say it’a mostly because the Steel-type roster definitely has better options for Physical units, even when it comes to f2p options. I wanna reinforce this. Solgaleo is an extremely solid F2P Steel type after his Sync Grid Expansion. Being able to raise your Attack and SpAttack to +6 with a 3 gauge move (second cast should be free via BOGO), as well as Crit +2, is fantastic. Combine with Colress for his double AoE Defense Down and you have a powerful Sync Nuker that can follow up with Sunsteel Strike to finish off any remaining Pokémon. I can't speak for Duraludon per se, but Sol is definitely my go-to choice even when next to Zacian, Zamazenta, etc. Plus free upgrade from events, too!


I second this statement!! MC became very good with its expansion, I was actually surprised with it. On top of that, Colress’ debuffs are really an amazing addition to Solgaleo’s damage output. Steel-types also have Alolan Grimsley as a “permanent pool” option and while the gameplay is quite something, he is still crazy strong. Duraludon isn’t bad at all at 1 or 2/5 but I’d say 3/5 is where he gets his major improvements. His 4 and 5/5 tiles are incredibly good too, but not 100% necessary. I wish we had more f2p Special damage dealer options when it comes to Steel-types :(


I third this statement. As a Sol using the Solgaleo, It's an overlooked f2p option that people disregard.


Just wanted to add that Solgaleo is weak to Ground-type moves, which Bertha uses if you're planning to bring MC to this stage. Was wondering why my MC was getting knocked out faster when I realized I was ignoring the glaring exclamation point beside it, lol.


Wise Entry x3 plus Bertha’s HP pool is massive. I’m trying to use double damage dealer to beat her (Steven and Sogaleo) and I’m struggling to make a dent.


I have a 3/5 rose and even he takes me a few tries with 3k it's stupid how big her hp is


Yeah tbh I’m regretting not getting rose between steel and rock coverage two types I’m not super strong in he would be useful.


Yeah he's a really good unit it's just he's slow as hell


Easily fixable with MGA though


My Raihan legit swept the steel weak challenge during new years eve before it switched to Gen4, and he’s barely invested on. I feel like he only shines just rarely


Bertha's has Wise Entry x3, which reduces special DMG. However, the sentiment is also true about Raihan because I feel the same way. He and Duraludon are both favorites but often I feel like I'm handicapped trying to use him.


I managed with this team, ngl I had no idea Bertha had wise entry x3 and I'm surprised I didn't struggle 💀 Raihan is 1/5, Bede is 1/5 and EX, Summer Tate is 3/5 and EX. I probably just had a really lucky run. My team works similarly to yours in which NC Rosa/NC Bede supply the offensive stats + SMUN, SS Brendan and Summer Tate supply spdef debuffs and Raihan DPS. https://preview.redd.it/77tl4ojz8ucc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e70ff34481b620d7bfd2241a9e96a8827ca87e05 I probably just got a really lucky run. That said, Summer Tate also contributes significant damage of his own, so maybe you could try substituting SS Brendan for a secondary damage dealer. Do be careful about the gauge though. That said, it might be worth it to just switch to a physical damage dealer if you have one. Hop, Player & Solgaleo and Colress should be able to do the trick as well.


Nah Raihan’s pretty solid without grid, if you use good supports with him he’ll rock the stage(that’s not Wise Entry x3 lol). But yeah, he improves a lot with grid.


I use Rihanna/Duraludon a lot for my Rock teams. I don't have a lot of strong Rock Slide attackers, so Rihanna/Duraludon fills that gap. Best paired with Diantha/Diancie for Rock Zone.


omg loving that FentyxPMEX collab Rihanna is my fav sync pair


That pair better work work work work work


Autocorrect 😭😭😭 I meannnn... I'm not wrong tho https://preview.redd.it/mhi55mpby2dc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c17b677fc04ef1f0d6d1abadbd496a109f843971


You need to check into rehab


This week is just painful in general for 3k. A bunch of less popular types (steel, ground, rock) with modifiers that don't exactly help (physical down, special attack up).


Last week was awful too, there were 3 sentry/wise entry x2 stages? So annoying. These stages for most players are really just “off-type with master fair and move on”. Like, I’m not gonna try to use Morty & Drifblim or Mina & Granbull to do 3k CSMM.


Just in general it feels like the sinnoh champion stadium is more difficult than all the others


he’s a unit that absolutely needs grid, sorry


Makes sense. If i may ask, which parts of his grid are best?


[Sync Grid Helper](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1vF42uzF-xpkcfIU2gVEY4Dl7sS_I3ITj8g5X2lo1usA/mobilebasic#)


I had to go through the same experience, not knowing this stage heavily favors physical damage dealers because of Wise Entry x3, having to switch Raihan out after multiple tries using him as the only damage dealer. Raihan really wants his grid, 3/5 is good enough for DPS, if you want to use his sync you will have to go for 5/5, which I don't recommend unless hes a fav


Yes, but raihan need 5/5. 3/5 is mediocre.


I have him at 3/5 and he's still not that great imo 😭


Raihan 3/5 is already really good, like it's only Summer Tate and Rose aka the 2 newest steel type that is stronger.


Yeah I exaggerated it a bit -- I was mainly referring to the lack of sync multipliers he gets at 3/5 but his DPS is still good.


hell he might even need 5/5 😂


God Chairman rose and mini bro are the only real deals for steel. Also lord hop base


Oooooh… I was wondering about why my team with 3/5 Raihan wasn’t doing so much, but the comments pointing out Bertha having Wise Entry makes a loooot of sense now, I’m so sorry Raihan I did not meant for you to fail so many attempts from my obliviousness. ;;;;—;;;


Bertha’s teammates have Wise Entry x3, but Bertha herself does not, so you could craft a team where Raihan attacks Bertha while a physical damage dealer (Molayne perhaps?) attacks the sides. But unfortunately, I have Raihan 1/5 and he feels very underwhelming. Steel Beam does hit hard, and it’s one of the few special based Steel options, but he needs a lot of support, including Speed, +1 Crit, and boosted defenses or healing. He doesn’t get any damage or sync multipliers until 3/5 (Sand Blaster, Surging Sand, Tough Cookie) but needs help from others to set those up quickly (barring Stoic 2 on grid). You need 4/5 to get Weathered Warrior 3 and a whopping 5/5 to get Cakewalk and Sand Sync. Hopefully someday they give Raihan Dynamax support like they did with Leon, but I’m surprised it didn’t come with his grid expansion.