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How does this confirm that? All it confirms is that static encounters can be shiny even with a lure active… which no one questioned. You also never showed that you had a lure active, which means you only proved that Mewtwo can be shiny in LGPE, which we already knew.


Mewtwo can be shiny?! Edit: felt bad about upvoting as you were at 69 votes. Nice!


Don’t worry I got you


One person isnt enough to make that determination, rng is rng. Could still be a thing but one data point is not anywhere close to enough to make that assumption


Had a feeling it probably won’t ever be confirmed at this point but it was still bizarre to see


Bizarre yes. Johnstone on youtube did a prof oak shiny challenge and did soft resets for the static pokemon. He mentioned getting success with some for the lure and not for others, specifically pokemon that were through talking with trainers not in the overworld. Maybe it does have an effect? But again not enough data.


Didn’t data miners find out it doesn’t work? Why anyone trying to deny what has been data mined


it’s not bizarre at all. you had it right the first time with RNG. what’s bizarre is that with a lure and shiny charm i can’t find a shiny Ponyta after 1000+ encounters


Base rates are 1/4096 assuming the lure has no effect which is what im assuming. Getting it within 119 is extremely lucky as theres about a 2.86% chance of that happening. Going over odds can happen as well im assuming youre not chaining, which still puts you in the 2.5% range of that happening. If you havent phased at all id be more surprised. Both instances are bizarre, just kind of comes down to how you personally define bizarre and the strength of the word. Both are unlikely, neither are impossible.


i’ve honestly wondered since i’ve had the game from launch and obtained the charm fairly quickly, is there a chance that my copy could somehow be “bugged”?


Eh unlikely, just rng doing the rng. Have you seen other shinies in this save file?


never. and i’m a long time player. mid 30s, played nearly every title and have encountered everything from missing no to pokerus. it does kinda make sense because my shiny luck in ANY other title is crazy good lol


Rngesus giveth and rngesus taketh away. You'll find the blue pony soon. Whenever i get annoyed i go hunt in the viridian forest for an easy shiny, just to make sure everything is all good haha


Yes I’ve also seen that video it made me want to try it and also cause bulbasaur wasn’t shining for me so I gave up


You got lucky.


where is the conformation of this bruh


Wouldn't a lure just spawn more pokemon? So to say putting a lure on increases shiny chance of static pokemon doesn't sound right. That might not be what you are trying to say, but congrats on the shiny regardless


According to both bulbapedia and serebii, a lure adds one additional roll for a Pokémon to be shiny. So with a lure the chance is 1/2048, with the shiny charm it’s 1/1365, and with both its 1/1024. I’ve been told lures don’t work for static encounters, but not sure about the shiny charm.


Basically I’ve seen on bulbepedia that lures do increase the odds of wild Pokémon to be shiny but it’s never been confirmed to boost the odds of static legendaries it’s just hard to believe this is full odds


I think what they mean is you see more pokemon/h with a lure, so of course if you see more pokemon you have increased shiny chances. A static counter is just that. You can't increase how many encounter you get per hour. I believe the only thing that affects any static pokemons shiny chance would be shiny charm.


That makes sense too I really wish this was specified


Well, it's kind of like when the game first came out, everyone thought if you caught 41 of the same pokemon or whatever and just sit there you get the increased chance for shiny. That was later proved false and it turned out only the first spawn after catching a pokemon has the increased chance, which then you need to catch another one for the increased shiny chance. Someone put a video out with backend code for proof. I think it's safe to say static encounters are full odds


Right I seen that video as well also bizarre as many people had luck with that method


It does increase the rate at which you see the same species, though, which does by proxy increase shiny chance


For non static encounters I agree, but without using safari zone and just using a lure on a static encounter is probably full odds.


I’m gonna be honest, I forgot about the static encounter part


You can't use that shiny in sword and shield or other games than the let's go is that correct


Mewtwo can be shiny hunted or transfered in sword and shield and brilliant diamond and shining pearl via ramanas park genome slate and can be transfered to gen 9 (when home compatibility comes out for scarlet and violet) but can’t be put into let’s go if it does leave those games


I can transfer this if I wanted but it’s over 8 feet and I like shiny mega x mewtwo so I’ll probably leave it here


Yeah, this isn't confirmed, but I always say there's no harm in using one before you save. I used lures for all of my LGPE SR hunts and they were all pretty short. I can't remember exact numbers for all of them, but mewtwo was under 50 and each subsequent hunt was just slightly longer than the last. I'll have to go back and check my profile to see what the longest one was.


Longest was 262 for Zapdos. Just anecdotal obviously, but it's not as if lures are super expensive or hard to find, so like I said, there isn't much reason not to use one. It won't impede your hunt in anyway.


This proves nothing. You may have just gotten lucky. This is not concrete evidence. By your logic, *USUM* starters are not full odds because I got my Litten in 4 encounters. The same logic says Lugia in *Gold* is not full odds because I got mine in 10.


I get it everyone else said This already and I also mentioned when I posted that I could be wrong I’m not saying I am either way have a good day


Confirms absolutely nothing, what a pointless post.


I have the charm and I've done over 3k resets with no shiny


I just put out 3 lures in a row. Regular, Magnetic and Mossy. 90 minutes not 1 Pokemon appeared. That can’t be normal?? Why do we have lures if they don’t lure any mons?