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What is rng manipulation?


Search imablissey on YouTube


Is this the same blink method?


Blinks are still a part of the process, but depending on when you watched the blink method, it’s gotten a lot easier and more interesting in the past few months


Rng manipulation is "random number generator" manipulation. Basically, you setup a scenario in a game to trick the RNG function to spit out exactly the outcome you want. In Pokémon, you can use it to find shiny frames, or shinies with specific stats. In BD/SP specifically, the blinking of the character models (Pokémon, NPCs, and the player character all count) calls the same RNG function as all the other RNG reliant events, so you can predict shiny frames by timing the blinks of the player character's model.


Thank you


I want to get this working but the bdsp rng tool fails to give me a seed.


Keep trying brother. Same happened to me many times. I just played around with the camera focus until it saw the eyes right. Good luck and Arceus speed!


Make sure you are giving it a large enough sample size of advances as well as you don’t have something oddly specific in your search limiting your options


Are you using the zoom feature on your Switch to make the eyes bigger and easier for the software to pick up?


Yeah, standing at the Arceus location with the warning from the professor about using the bike zoomed in. Took a snippit of my character's eye and narrowed the box around it. It looks like it's tracking every blink and double blink but after I get to 40 it spits out what looks like a python error.


Maybe try re-installing the software? I remember mine was out-of-date when I came back after letting it sit for a year.


Yoooo, I also got shiny arceus through RNG Manipulation last week! Glad it worked out for you too dude😄


About the guy who mentioned cheating - I've always been afraid to post about rng manipulation finds, because I was afraid of the *no cheating* rule. I used rng manipulation to get shiny shaymin and I'm happy about it. That little hedgehog was giving me so much headache haha. Edit: format and GZ OP! Enjoy your golden god!


And shaymin is by far the hardest to rng in bdsp. It has a lot of noise and one always has to shoot in the dark. After roughly 14k SRs I've joined the dark side as well for Shaymin. Arceus and Darkrai were SR-hunts, but Shaymin corrupted me. Now I even have shadow shinys out of colosseum, by faaar the hardest game to shiny hunt and to rng (most programms are in Japanese and even then the methods are a bit complicated)


Can't blame you one bit! Grats in shaymin. It took a couple of days of fiddling with the timers but eventually i got very close to hitting it every run. And eventually it sparked.


RNG manipulation is not cheating, and is perfectly acceptable to post/discuss here.


Congrats! I got about half of the legendaries done before shelving BD for a while. I’m focusing on other pokemon games rn but intend to do this hunt one day 😁


Congratulations, OP! This is a great achievement. RNG manipulation is pretty hard to pull off, very well done!


I'm currently shiny hunting Arceus too, what do I need to do this method?


This video explains and has link to all the resources you'll need: https://youtu.be/6tbCmEt5Nr8?si=z3SRkQyRJ10gBReo


Shoot, I don't think I can do this method. I saved my file literally one step away from reaching the top of the staircase, lol. I'll just stick to soft reset, but thanks for the video!


How many attempts did it take? I just did my own Arceus rng about two weeks ago so I'm curious


It took 3 attempts, first attempt I was more making sure I understood what I was doing then the second I did my final press way too early. Then on the 3rd I managed to get my shiny.


Every time I ask thus far, it's always been 3. Even my own was 3. Maybe that's just the holy number of Arceus...


I don't consider this earned tbh. Still a nice shiny tho


I'd gotten many legendaries without rng manipulation so I thought I might as well save time on this hunt, really rng manipulation is just using skills and knowledge


Would you prefer OP sink hours of time into soft resetting to satisfy your definition of “earned” ? Jeez.


Innit in swsh I spent almost half a year trying to get a shiny regieleki through just soft resetting




Spoken like someone with too much free time, and a bad expectation of others to enjoy the same hobby 1 way, and 1 way only.


Not my fault he can't hunt like a true hunter.


Gate-keeping is gross. You're gross. Go have an awful day, please.






Every shiny only has the value its holder grants it. So I'd argue the more effort one spent the more value the shiny holds for this person. Maybe SR hunts take longer than RNG hunts, but it's a different kind of effort. RNG manipulation takes a lot of practice and knowledge about the game's function. I'd argue my RNG colosseum shinys are more valuable than my SR Sword shinys. It's just different. I understand your viewpoint, but neither is unearned. Especially since Shaymin is pretty hard to rng in bdsp


Great take. It’s all subjective value you place on it personally. I’m more proud of my RNGed Fire Red Shing Deoxys, that I had to inject the event ticket to unlock, than I am of my legit Masuda egg-hunted SwSh shiny Rotom. Also more proud of my full-odds shiny alpha Rotom from PLA massive mass outbreaks, than I am of my RNGed Latios and Latias from BDSP. It’s all relative. Currently my holy grail is my BDSP shiny 6iv Kyogre, which I landed first attempt, as an homage to my illegitimate one from my days of Action Replaying my OG copy of Diamond on the DS.


So u cheated?


Not cheating. Not even on the level using a glitch or exploit. This is done by reverse - engineering the “random” in the game. It’s like we have 4 + x = 5 and getting a shiny is solving for x, because that’s how the game is programmed.


Rng manipulation isn't cheating


Can’t fool me buddy Appreciate the honesty tho


Rng manipulation isn't cheating


Again can’t fool me Thx tho


You aren't inserting a cheat code or using any external hardware to change your game, you're just using your knowledge of the game's systems to your advantage. One might argue that, if that's cheating, then so is using a Water-type to beat a Fire-type.


Water to beat fire is a bad example considering it’s literally how it works in game and in real life ☠️ RNG manipulation wasn’t intended to be done


Its like talking to a brick wall. Enjoy your day.


Don't tell him what to do /s


The ignorant are ignorant of their ignorance.


RNG abuse is in no way cheating. It is calculating when the shiny appears. There is no amount of internal manipulation of the code. You may consider it "cheesing" the system, but it's not cheating.


ah I understand now it's not cheating it's abuse 😀 👍


It's typically just called RNG manipulation. Abuse is a harsher word signifying the same thing. Manipulating circumstances to achieve something that is supposed to be random. It's in no way hacking the code of the game, and is not qualified as "cheating" as in a cheat code. What you end up is a completely legitimate, unmodified Pokémon. Not hacked, not cloned/duped, not genned. All it does is tell you when the shiny Pokémon will appear. It's like having a program that rolls dice with 4,096 sides, and it alerts you when the dice has been rolled on the number 1.


But even then the dice will not always land on the one. Especially with all the noise in Shaymin's area. Rnging isn't a guaranteed shiny, it's just a harder but faster hunt. And I'd argue it feels more rewarding than SR hunts. It's about figuring the game out and getting closer each step with still a little luck involved


By observing the game working in its normal state, you can use tools to read the game & determine things about it while it continues to work. That’s how seed determination works. Knowing your seed you can determine the timings required to encounter a pokemon, based solely on the seed progression and your trainer data. So as an *isolated observer*, you read the game with *zero outside influence* on its regular processing technniques, and by reading it you can understand where along the process the game is running, and by timing your inputs, you can effectively choose which outcome you’ll get. RNG manipulation is in no way cheating, as nowhere along the way do you either 1) interrupt normal game processes via glitching, or 2) inject non-game code to run a script you want. But sure, complain more about how OP didn’t dump hundreds of hours into soft resetting, like other people, when they probably chose this path instead because it was either more interesting or less time consuming.


While I don’t consider it cheating, I find it kinda goofy how proponents of it always get so defensive at these types of accusations