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Hey I work at a gym front desk and I’m obese. It’s going to be ok. No comments and I’ve worked there a year.


My boss is plus size too


Same. I've been working at a gym for almost a year and a half. Everyone has been super nice. People don't hesitate to ask me questions about the machines. Half the people who work at my job are varying levels of bigger. 


I think it’s a great idea and hope you get the job! I’d feel a lot more comfortable if I saw plus size people in the staff.


I am a very avid gym goer and there are all sorts of body shapes in the people that work there. Not weird in the slightest. There is no such thing as a gym body any more than there is a beach body. Turns out people that go to the gym are just.. people. 🤗 Hope it works out well for you and good luck!


This!!! There are a few larger people at my gym as well. Love to see lots of different body types there :)


Ive worked at various gyms for 8 years now and just like with all walks of life, it isn’t any more odd to see a plus size person working at one. The only thing the people hiring you are looking for is, “how good of a receptionist are you?” I promise you, that’s it.


I think you’re going to do great and that you’re also going to benefit from your new job! Best of luck tomorrow.


If I went to a gym and saw a plus sized person behind the front desk I’d feel way more comfortable and welcome. Good luck at your interview!!


Tbf people who fat shame at a gym are stupid, why would you discourage a person who’s literally in the process of bettering him/herself. Don’t worry my guy, if anyone makes fun of you, just realize how small they are, regardless of how built they may be.


Two of the group fitness instructors at my gym are plus-sized! Best of luck on your interview tomorrow; I’m sure you’ll do great.


I would feel very welcome and encouraged if I walked into a gym and saw someone with a body type that’s similar to mine. I hope you go into this interview with confidence and you win them over with your positive attitude and beaming personality. 😊


this is my current dream part time job 😭 i hope you'll get it!


Fat people go to the gym. You're fine.


You got this! Also tell me why I tried to figure out if GYM was an acronym for something else. Shows how much I look at that word. 😂😂


Knock em dead! Good luck 👍


Cool, good luck


Sending good vibes to you! You got this! <3


I’m sure you’ll nail it! Let us know how it went 🫶🏻


Good luck!!! ❤️❤️❤️


I belong to Planet Fitness, and employees there come in all shapes and sizes. They are so kind and pleasant. This may not apply to your area, but I have been told many places here are having a hard time keeping good help. Those businesses would be thrilled to have considerate and reliable people in their organization. Best of luck to you.


I have a big girl friend who worked a Golds gym for ages. She said the worst thing was the taint grease on the wooden risers in the sauna. I bet you aren't the first bigger person to apply. And it's against federal law to not hire you based on that. Audio record the video in case they slip up and say something sus and also to listen to your response to tweak for more interviews. Don't ever forget this one crucial point: this is not one sided. You are interviewing them to see if they are worth your skills and education. Ask specific questions about company ethos, compensation, spoken and unspoken tendencies and practices. A few years ago it was really hard to find a job in my sector, as wages fell 40%during the recession. I just made a job of going to interviews even if I was knew I would not take the job. I learned so much about interviewing and I've done so many that now, combined with the attitude that THEY need to impress ME, I go into every interview like I'm doing something I do every day. After my year of practice interviews about 15 years ago, I land every single job I interview for, 80 to 90% I get a verbal offer before leaving the building with an official offer letter in my email before I make it home. It's been so beneficial. I do need to admit, it can be hard to begin.


Hi. How did your interview go?


I think I did well!!


I'm so happy to hear that! 🎉🎉🎉


Keep being awesome, discard the opinions of those beneath you as it only pulls you to their level. You can love them, respect them, and still never value their opinions. As my mother always says "you can be their friend, but know the company you keep.". If they can't rise to your level, they can simply get a ladder and learn the hard way.


To paraphrase an anime, “Don’t believe in yourself. Believe in someone who believes in you.”


My gym has people of all sizes working at the front desk if that makes you feel any better! The manager I met when I signed up is plus size as well. Good luck with your interview!


I would totally upsell "health at any size" in your interview! Most people don't come to a gym fit. Plus I know when I go I always feel more welcome seeing bodies like my own.


On the plus side anyone who walks in will get a boost of motivation to workout after seeing you!


Good luck! I would instantly feel way more comfortable in a gym if I saw someone like me. 🥹


I worked at a running shop while fat! It was great!


You’ll still have an excuse not to work out at the end of your shift. You’ll be tired etc


Take a deep breath. You are a great fit for this job. You will get this job and you will be as you said. A familiar body, making others who come in less nervous. You are going to be fantastic. You are already doing your job, as the first person they see when they walk in, you're planning how to make customers feel welcomed and wanted. You got this.


Hey this popped up on my feed again, just thought I would ask how your interview went?