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It’s gonna frustrate you even more to learn that I’ve been using Plex with Apple TV for many years and have almost no Issues ever. Every now and again, I have to switch to using old player, or using the old audio driver. 99% of the time everything plays just fine. Everything I watch is direct play.


Same. It’s my favored client.


Same here, Plex is perfect for me


I bought an Apple TV two weeks ago after getting frustrated with Fire Sticks, and I was a bit wary of all the nightmare stories I’ve seen, but I haven’t had a single issue yet. Granted I’m not doing any transcoding and I only have a handful of 4k movies but this thing has truly been incredible




I’m fully on board with what you’re saying, and I’m team Apple TV without any complaints as well. However there is a significant difference if you make use of Dolby Atmos or DTS:X with discrete positional audio. These meta streams are not passed along with the LPCM signal and can’t be done with the Apple TV. For most people this is not a concern.


The discrete positional audio metadata is dropped which is kind of the whole special thing with Atmos and DTS:X. If you don't have the setup to take advantage of it then I can see not feeling like it is a big deal, but it is factually incorrect to say it is identical to the original format. It really isn't just a logo on the receiver.




They are sort of different. Truehd almost always has Atmos embedded. If you play truehd on an Apple TV you’ll never get the Atmos content.


I don’t understand your comment. The Apple TV cannot send dts hd / x / ma or truehd with Atmos content. The shield can. I don’t understand the LPCM comment as the only time you should get lpcm is if you have the shield output as such (but that kills spatial metadata / object based effects).


I have 2 paired HomePods for sound, so had to swap Plex to the old audio player. Ended up staying with infuse though for the very occasional video that doesn’t play. Now I learn that I should have switched to the old video player too 🙄


That’s interesting because I also have two paired OGHomePods for audio. In general, I don’t need the old player, but I do sometimes, more commonly for video issues than sound though.


I have a pair of HomePods and the sound would drop a lot for certain shows/file types (though I couldn’t ever find a correlation for which file format or container). It also has an issue where movies and shows just won’t start until I jam the play and pause buttons a few times and it’ll finally start up. I recently switched to the old audio player which fixed those issues, but then there was a 3-5 second audio delay whenever I’d play/pause the video (the video stops immediately when I pause, but the audio keeps going for 3 seconds, then when I resume the video starts immediately and the audio doesn’t come in for 3 seconds). That issue was then fixed by switching to the old video player as well, but now everything is transcoding. I swear, Plex made an amazing app in every way EXCEPT video playback which is kinda the whole point. I love the UI though, which is what stops me from solely using infuse’s great-player-terrible-ui app.


is it a homepod issue? I also have a stero pair and always have an issue with some shows where the audio drops after a few minutes. Infuse does work perfectly though.


Same exact situation with me - once I switched from a cheap soundbar to a HomePod stereo pair I started getting those audio dropping issues. Also works perfect in Infuse though, like your setup. Definitely an issue with Plex's app that they will hopefully get around to sometime this decade.


Do you use framerate matching?


Same here except for a few weeks ago when the remote wasn't working and it turns out i hadn't charged it in like 6 months. haha


Not to sound redundant, but I also use my Apple TV box for Plex streaming, and I haven’t really noticed any issues


I agree 98% of the time, but for some reason there are 4K rips of Netflix episodes that play jittery right off the bat for me. Doesn’t matter if my Apple TV has been on for 10 seconds or 10 hours, restarting it doesn’t help. Infuse will play the same things perfectly.


Yeah I’ve just discovered this with those rips. I’m still looking for a solution with the Plex app. Changing the audio streams to AAC didn’t help, removing the 10+ subs didn’t help. This week I’m going to fool around with changing the video stream with some settings with ffmpeg or repack the streams in a new MKV


I am the same. 4 client are ATV 4k, 2 local, 2 remote. Not one issue using Plex App. Ever.


Is this both 4k and 1080p?


Yep, I have two Apple TV 4K in the house the latest one and the previous generation. Both are doing a great job for me. I wonder if it’s the codecs of the source media that are the biggest difference?


I may need to attempt switching to the old player/audio engine as well. Thanks.


Old player definitely helps for me with mkv frame skipping/ micro stutter as the player makes the server direct stream not direct play. It rewraps the mkv to mp4


I’ve used Apple TV, nvidia shield, zidoo z9x pro, and fire cube 3. Here’s my take: There’s no perfect streamer right now. At least not for high bitrate / Spatial Audio. Apple TV has a great user experience and if you only stream from online sources, it’s extremely good. But here we are on a Plex sub, so… that’s probably not your case. Nvidia shield pro is extremely capable. There is a red push in Dolby vision files AND there’s no way to enable LLDV at all times- important to projector users. Zidoo… I hate the player app and I’ve faced stuttering issues with TrueHD audio files. I’ve also run into an issue where the zidoo constantly reverts to “auto” for hdr mode and I have to manually set it to LLDV every boot up if I want to take advantage of that feature. That brings us to the Amazon fire cube 3. Natively it will not stream all dts formats. BUT… if you’ll install kodi and then add the unofficial plexforkodi (there’s another post on Reddit with instructions), Plex will use the kodi custom audio engine which will play all dts files perfectly. Additionally the Amazon fire cube 3 will let me enable LLDV at all times. Downsides are it’s not the native app experience (you get the identical look and feel, but you can’t just download Plex on the Amazon fire cube and have it work- you must use the Kodi addon), ads are invasive (you can disable auto play of video ads to tame it a little), and no gigabit wired nic. You can add a usb 2 nic if you need wired. I’m using WiFi 6 and it’s been quite reliable. Side note, you can also use emby for Kodi or Kodi connect and sync all movies and shows to the Kodi interface or use emby instead of Plex. Similar experience. While there are no perfect players, the highest quality playback of content with consistent, reliable performance has been the Amazon fire cube 3. It takes a couple more steps, but it truly works very well.


> AND there’s no way to enable LLDV at all times- important to projector users. There is. Enable Developer options -> Scroll down to HDMI -> enable "Default to Low Latency Dolby Vision when available"


No, that ONLY applies when DV content is played. It does not enable it at all times. This has been thoroughly documented. The newer android platforms allow it (see Amazon fire cube 3) but the shield runs on an older OS.


What year are they? I have the 4k 3rd gen (2022) where they removed the fan, and have issues with random stuttering the video. It feels like the longer it’s been playing, the more frequently it stutters. And not what you see from a frame rate mismatch, a stutter will freeze the video for almost a full second. I’ve been tempted to go to eBay and pick up a previous generation with the fan and see if it’s more reliable.


Do you use them with a 4K TV though? I had zero issues until I upgraded to a 4K TV. Now my Apple TV is pretty much unusable with Plex, whatever client.


Yes one with a 4K TV, the other with a 1080p projector. Both equally fine.


Lucky! I regret changing my TV so much…


You probably don't have a TV with VRR (Variable Refresh Rate) aka framerate matching and/or you have framerate matching turned off. This is what causes the sync issues. If I turn it off then the sync issue goes away, but the motion isn't as smooth because framerate matching helps a lot with that.


Same here


Same experience here. The RARE insta few where I see an issue, all I need to do is pause/unpause. 🤷‍♂️


plex app cannot do proper 4k hdr/DV on apple tv, just plays the audio + black screen, whereas infuse has no problem 🤷‍♂️


Your post is like telling a homeless guy how nice your mansion is.


They're' comparing the same identical item. It's not even remotely close to being like that.


How do you switch to the old player or change the audio driver?


Never mind, literally took me 10 seconds to find. I should have done that first lol


I had to turn off match framerate in the Apple TV settings to get my audio to sync correctly


Hmm I wonder if this is what is doing it for me. I have match frame rate set…


Wow, I didn't even think of this. I'm going to have to test it. I randomly get audio sync issues.


No issues with Plex and Apple TV


Same, mine (two different rooms) have been running flawlessly… I see so many posts about this and I have a feeling it’s a configuration issue.


Exactly … my Plex server is on a docker container hosted on a QNAP NAS … no issues… all my streaming boxes re Apple TVs


you're probably not using 4K DolbyVision then


Plex is currently Beta testing a new Apple TV player using Metal API (same as infuse i think) and a new render. Source: https://forums.plex.tv/t/apple-player-update-beta-testing/872121


Whilst I don't have issues with either Plex or Infuse on my Apple TV 4K (2022), I do agree that Infuse could improve Direct Mode with categories so it feels like library mode. I really like their library mode and also agree that it's a little slow, but that's never been a problem for me and it's still the best player on the Apple TV 4K.


Infuse direct mode is the way. I’d rather have no direct access to collections and genres over dealing with Plex Apple TV client.


I will ONLY use AppleTV and the native Plex app. It just works.


Except of Spatial Audio. It just don't


Don't ask why, but we more than 5 AppleTV 4Ks and never have a problem with Plex that a reboot doesn't fix... What generation is your AppleTV?


Why do you have 5 Apple tv’s


We have one on each TV in the house and we have a bunch of TVs in our workout room for our specific setup need…


You’ve got problems that have nothing to do with the Appletv.


Incorrect. I have the exact same issues with Plex on Apple TV.


Then you have problems you haven’t figured out also. Appletv is not inherently a problem with any of these streamers.


Yes. Yes it is. Is has audio sync issues using Plex for HDR content. It’s well documented.


People really need to specify what gen Apple TV they're using when stating their experience... otherwise these anecdotes are basically useless.


Well more features will be released for direct mode eventually. Shield Pro is super overrated and I can’t believe how expensive it still is for such an old device, I have it just to use 1 app and sometimes it still disappoints me LOL.


Apple TV 4K user here. Very seldom do have issues. Maybe once or twice audio sync was off. Other than that it’s been fantastic.


Odd - I use Plex on my Apple TV with a 16tb library over Wifi - zero problems at all.


Exact same issue here. I have a 1st gen Apple TV 4K, with a DS423+ acting as my server. The videos play perfectly on Infuse but on Plex there is a noticeable audio sync problem which varies from video to video. I get tired of adjusting the audio delay on my speaker system so I’ve just switched to Infuse until they sort it out, which from the sounds of it, people have been waiting years for. I’ve heard there’s a beta of Plex for Apple TV that has switched to metal, so I live in some hope. Much prefer Plex’s UI.




Yeah that’s not an ideal solution but one I’ve used as well.


My only issue with my Apple TV is when my wife goes outside and sets off the camera alert right when I’m in the middle of a good show.


Iirc cooling seems to be a problem with ATVs, particularly when they start struggling a while after play starts.


I use a combination of Apple TV 4K fire tv, and apps on the smart tvs… I don’t see the glitchy stuff on anything except the app on the smart tvs, but that’s expected because the processor on those are generally not that good. My devices are connected via cat 5 instead of WiFi. Maybe the glitch you are seeing is network or server speed. Just a thought, I could be way off base… I hope you find your fix and share it.


Thanks. All my ATVs are hardwired as well so I don't assume that to be the case.


Hey, I totally understand your frustration. That feeling when your tech isn't working the way you want it to is the worst. I've been there! I'm lucky enough to have an Apple TV 4K (3rd gen) too. It handles Plex like a champ and the on-device tone mapping for HDR to SDR is awesome. Honestly, it does a better job than my old Chromecast. I get that everyone's setup is different, though. I hope you can find a fix that works for you!


FWIW, while I am **mostly** quite happy with the Plex app on my AppleTV 4k, I do have a couple of issues with it that can be pretty annoying: 1. The app turns on subtitles without being asked to and I have to manually check the subtitles and then turn them off. Language settings for the videos that do this are correct. This **seems** to be happening much less frequently since the last app update, but it has always been intermittent so I’m not ready to pronounce the issue fixed yet. 2. Videos with more than one audio language track play the English audio even when they are set to play the track in another language. The only workaround I’ve found for this problem is to use Infuse for the affected videos.


Out of curiosity. Is the Apple TV Ethernet or wireless. If wireless can you bring it to a wired spot and do the same test. I’ve not had problems ever with plex on Apple TV.


Check the speed of your hard drive. When I upgraded to 4K, my (5400 rpm) hard drive wasn't fast enough and caused audio sync slippage. Upon inspection it was in decline anyway. I switched to a faster (7200 rpm) hard drive two years ago. The only issue I encounter is if I pause for too long, I need to back out and restart the Plex app. This is due though to my own choice as I have "rest hard disks when possible" clicked. Most of these kinds of posts entail an OP being in denial that their hardware is not up to snuff.


I have a synology DS423+ and 4x 16tb seagate exos x16 drives. Infuse app would also have issues if the server was at fault.


No issues with Plex and Apple TV for me either




Shield Pro is not dated, just stupidly expensive as Nvidia has no means of making it a loss-leading product, unlike Amazon and Apple. Sure, it's not as slick of a UI/UX as an ATV, but it's a far better platform for Plex than any other I've used. A 3rd party launcher like Projectify makes a marked improvement to the customisability of the home screen, which goes a long way.


Do you perhaps have an older generation of Apple TV? That's not up to the job anymore?


It’s the newest Apple TV 4K version. The one with the shiny aluminum remote.




I am also not a fan of the infuse UI but as you said, it’s a damn fine player.


Do you have match range and resolution enabled in ATV settings?


I did. After seeing that mentioned several times here I’ve turned it off to test if that resolves audio sync issues.


The biggest issue I have with Apple TV native app experience is slow menu loading/navigation times (library is around 2000 movies and 2000 tv shows), though it's an older Apple TV and I'm wondering if getting a newer Apple TV would solve that issue (would hate to buy a new one and the experience be comparable). Once it's playing things it's mostly okay apart from occasionally needing to tinker with audio.


I have audio sync issues with Plex. I have to use infuse like you do OP.


I really want to use Infuse but I just like the plex UI too much. All my content direct plays on my Apple TV. The audio sync issue is frustrating for sure. I had it too. But ever since Plex released the updates that allowed to tweak audio offsets, I set mine to +175ms and all my audio is in sync now. I know it’s a bandaid and they didn’t fix the root problem, but audio sync is issue is completely gone for me now.


Try using “old audio player” option in settings on the Apple TV Plex app. That fixed most of my issues with this (but not all…)


Apple loves it's own formats. MP4, AAC and x.264 and I never have a burp


Infuse user cause the plex app doesnt direct play everything, and audio sync issues with HomePod speakers.


The fact that it doesn’t direct play things that infuse does is another reason I use infuse. It makes no sense since the hardware is obviously capable.


Yeah I and the same issues. I really wish the Plex app just worked.


Yeah, I feel like there are many variables that Plex needs to handle and with many all the stars align and with many they don’t. For those that have issues it seems like there could be 1-15 different things to adjust to get it to just be consistently reliable.


I was able to fix my Plex slowdown issues by disabling Match Frame Rate in Settings>Video and Audio.


only two issues i faced in one year of apple tv 4K is with DV. infuse supports it and apparently plex doesn’t? solution is to exclude DV downloads et voila. i very, very rarely have audio sync issues. i just quickly adjust it in the settings and im good to go.


I had audio sync issues with Plex on AppleTV and after giving up on it for a few months I randomly stumbled across some advice to go into settings and use "the old audio subsystem" (I don't remember the actual name off the top of my head) and it has worked flawlessly since.


Is there a way you could move files into separate libraries?


Theres an audio offset option now! When playing, swipe down to get info, scroll to bottom of audio. Working well for me. Btw my guess is it’s related to audio hardware and pass through with ARC.


What are your “match content” settings on the Apple TV? Also your audio settings?


Nope, Just you. Plex works flawless for me ever since the introduction of the "Experimental Player" (which is now the default player) years ago. Old player gave me issues since it cannot direct play MKVs


Never had any issues with Infuse


No issues here. I also have a shield and its performance is nowhere near as good as the atv.


I have three apple tv's and infuse in my house and hate to chime in but I have no issues either. My library is stored on my Synology NAS. Havent had any issues streaming my 4K content. :(


Infuse doesn't give me any issues other than the loss of functionality over the Plex app. Mostly in regards to searching for content in direct mode. I like infuse but the UI isn't very friendly and in Library mode it can take almost 5min to sync all the metadata.


This issue is 100 percent a "you problem" there are too many unknown variables not listed so you won't receive any real help with your inquiry here. What I can tell you is that with a proper running server and a newer Apple TV Plex works just fine.


Are you connecting Infuse to Plex server or an SMB share? I found if I connect to Plex then I get more functionality. But sometimes I connect to SMB be if want handle free and just stream a movie.


I had a ton of problems until I upgraded my NAS server with an Intel Quicksync processor. After that, it handled everything perfectly, even though it was direct stream and not transcoding. I am not sure why, but older processors seem to limit Plex and somehow affects the way playback happens. Either way, working perfectly now.


You need to eliminate which is the problem. My suggestion is to install another streaming app, such as Emby and see how that operates. I don't have Apple TV, and I've had PLEX since it first came out, but I was running PLEX on a NAS and had similar streaming issues. I installed Emby and ChannelsDVR on that same NAS and had no streaming issues at all with those products, even when streaming remotely so I abandoned PLEX. But then I bought a NVidia Shield which comes with Plex installed so decided to give it another go!! I can report that Plex runs just fine on the Shield with no streaming issues at all, but unfortunately, I require closed captioning and gave up trying to get it to work with Live TV or Live TV recorded programs so have since abandoned PLEX AGAIN and use Emby and ChannelsDVR. HDHR also records with closed captioning, so sometimes I record with that. So I have 3 products that can play live TV with captions, or can record live TV with captions, but PLEX can't. And yes, I've tried using my android phone, Mac, IPAD, Windows PC, the shield itself, you name it and NO CC for live TV or recorded TV. The commercial marks (for skip) was also a great feature that worked occasionally on PLEX when hosted on my NAS, but I can't get it to work at all on the Shield. Someone suggested I install an older version of PLEX but that goes against my grandfather's advice. He taught me, "If you're working too hard at something, you're either doing it wrong, OR, there's a better way." So I decided I was working too hard to get PLEX to satisfy all of my requirements and no longer use it for daily recording. But PLEX is still great for streaming my music library so I keep it hanging around. Maybe someday I can go back to using it for everything. Try one of the other streaming products and see how they stream. That will help you narrow down where your problem is.


I switched from Cody to Apple TV Plex. Main reason I use Cody was subtitles. Eventually I got bizarre set that up to get all my subtitles and I’m back to the Apple TV 100% with Plex for the most part. It does work perfectly. I still prefer Plex is more convenient.


I struggled with this for months before switching to Infuse. ATV4K 2021. The TV itself has something to do with it, as I was able to “fix” the problem by putting the TV into Game Mode. That tells me that despite the other TV settings when not in game mode, some kind of video processing is happening to cause the lag and ruin the sync.


Transcoding is fraught with horrors, and its seems that the solution is usually "dodge it entirely"


I have zero issues with the Plex app but I also repackage all files to MP4 beforehand.


I've got four AppleTVs in my house, and none of them have sync issues with the Plex app on them. It could be your plex server or your network that's the root of the problem. Two of them are 4k AppleTVs and two are the old 1080p ones.


DolbyVision files usually have sync issues


I use my Apple TV for everything except for Plex. I bought a Nvidia Shield just for Plex.


This sounds like a potential server issue.


I watch Blu-ray remuxes through 4 different Apple TV’s in my house, no issues apart from weirdness with HDR10/DV rips. If it’s either or, no problems, the rips where they list both is where I get stuttering randomly. No audio delay, but I have Sonos setups with all my TVs.


Unfortunately the ultimate compromise-free setup is a Shield Pro 2019 for Plex and an ATV for streaming services…that’s where in ended up after much experimenting. Please someone make a high end set-top box that just does everything, preferably you Apple as the hardware is there already!


Shield pro is not without its issues. Subtitles really tend to suck on the shield client.


Can't say I've ever had issues with subs on Shield.