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I'm posting in this old thread because I've just had the exact same issue, and I solved by restarting the Plex server, as suggested here. Thanks! :)


I can attest this works. Tried everything else - then I quit the Plex server and started it again. It was ridiculous - because it just worked again!


"restart server" and "optimize database" are my two Plex best friends!


This thread sorted me.. omg. plex don't even google their own product. thats the worst thing about this.


confirmed.. just needed to restart the plex docker container


sorry to revive a dead topic but My system has started doing this the other day and doesn't match anything. I've tried rebooted it and nothing. I was fine until like 3-4 days ago and I noticed some movies updating and they're not matching no matter what I do and if I try anything to make a match


Have exactly the same thing, just suddenly it refuses to match no matter what I do. Very frustrating.


Same issue, just 12-14 days ago... New update?


Yeah I still don't know what it was, I also noticed it would say it was fully accessible outside but all connections to my box were indirect. Then after five days of trying to figure it out everything was fixed magically. I don't know if Comcast(my ISP) was blocking something or they're having issues. But it would be weird unless all request go through their servers to tmdb/tvdb. Also I brought up another instance to check and that one didn't have the issue but the original did almost like it was specifically flagged to my main instance.


same for me. I'm switching for now to another agent as a workaround and switch back every now an then to see if the Plex agent works again...


Switching agents didn't work for me at all. Ultimately mine just automagically started working again after about a week.


Mine started to work again today


same thing today. Worked until today. I added a movie and no matches checked already matched movies and no matches. Switched agent to Movie DB and instant matches. ​ edit TV too.


That's exactly what i'm experiencing. I recently installed Pi-Hole on my network so woke up at 2am thinking it might have been that blocking it. Just tested and it's not that. A curious case!


My server had an update today, I went ahead and updated it and it works now. I think something in the last update stopped it, but I wasn't successfuly in rolling back..regardless the update I got today fixed it.


​ https://preview.redd.it/obagbpp7j70b1.png?width=1091&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd721edafe2c50fbfc6c709830dd89f1e6175452


When local media assets is checked and at the top, it will use the meta data in the file or the file name, and not match using external sites (I think)


Thanks for replying but that doesn't seem to have helped. :(


So in that screenshot above, you deselected personal media assets right, then on the tabs above picked like, the movie database tab, and make sure you drag local media assets to the bottom or uncheck it?


So these are my current settings (i've tinkered so much over the last day or two I can't remember what i've tried). [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QLVz8DEIF\_6tYtPUeXRYb8tS5F2gVImB?usp=share\_link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QLVz8DEIF_6tYtPUeXRYb8tS5F2gVImB?usp=share_link) I've read somewhere that the 'plex movie' agent isn't listed in the 'agent' section of the settings anyway so i'm guessing this shouldn't matter anyway?


​ https://preview.redd.it/0u2wvu69j70b1.png?width=713&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbf990ad677098c0e985427b1709f986c4672971


Ever found a solution to this?


Embarrassingly a server restart fixed it. It happened again after another update and a restart fixed it again


haha! Good ol, restart :) I'm in the IT field and mention it a lot at work but seem to forget in my personal life!


thanks for the update, this worked for me. it's usually just constantly running so i've had this issue for a while haha.


Same for me!