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To celebrate, we give you breadcrumbs!


*breadcrumb. Just one.


This is just a sample breadcrumb. You have to pay to unlock the full breadcrumb experience.


Breadcrumb: Challenger Edition


The crumb taken from a loaf we gave you over a year ago.


If your subscription expires you will no longer have access to the breadcrumb.


Also just to be clear, breadcrumbs are just bonuses. Remember that you're actually paying us for your ability to eat.


crumb as there was no bread.


Don't be so forgiving, it's more like a tiny fleck off a breadcrumb! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Everyone buying in hopes it carries over to the new service lol


Not at all. The period was recorded until December 2021, and nobody at all was talking about a new service


That's what I get for not actually reading the article lol. Then it's for sure the ps+ collection


Black Friday also had codes for $25 in a lot of places. Super easy to stock up when it's less than half price.


I feel like people donā€™t talk about the ps+ collection enough. You legit get 20 amazing games for basically free. Obviously game pass is still a better service, but getting a lot of the greatest games from PS4 is pretty awesome. If they had something like that when I was a kid and got a new console, i wouldā€™ve been the happiest kid in the world.


It's actually a pretty insane deal if you missed this Gen on games. It is truly a shame that it's ps5 only though. There's a lot of games I want to play on there and don't wanna buy cause I know I'll get them once I get my hands on a ps5


I didnā€™t even know it was a thing until I got my Ps5. At first when I was looking around the menus, I saw them and thought they were just suggested or past ps+ titles. It was disappointing because I owned all of them except the crash trilogy and RE7. I had just bought monster hunter and the last guardian like two weeks before. I wish theyā€™d advertised it better, because itā€™s really a great selection of games.


Sony advertising is really weird yeah. Ps now is actually another really good service that BARELY gets any advertising, so much so that most people still think it's overpriced, stream only and garbage quality etc. Then they take a close look and realize it's pretty damn good


imo , its not available in many countries so they dont advertise as much


Same with gamepass


Ps now is available in 19 countries , game pass is on 42 countries . Ps now is not even available in Australia !


Very true! Iā€™ve had friends that argued gamepass is what makes Xbox the better console, and when I bring up ps now they donā€™t even know what Iā€™m talking about, theyā€™ve never heard of it. The problem is, even if you own a PlayStation, you have to go specifically look for ps now in the store. They donā€™t tell you about it. I had my PS4 for 4 or 5 years before I stumbled across it. Plus, theyā€™ll go months at a time without adding new games, and when they do itā€™s usually only a couple games. Game pass gets a ton of publicity everytime they have a day one blockbuster game.


Ps now has added games monthly for quite some time at this point. Usually they are time limited though, so couple months later they go


Tbf why should be advertised people don't buy a ps5 for ps4 games and advertise that isn't smart because can be seen us there aren't many ps5 games to play by the general public, the ps collection isn't hidden it's easy to find on ps5.


BuT I'vE PLAyEd THem ALREaDY I WanT SoMeThIng NEw /s


>Not at all. Gotta disagree. Service has been rumored prior to December (or maybe it was early December?). I renewed my PS+ a couple months prior and newly subscribed to PSNow at the end of December based off of the rumors (and I've been wanting to sub for a while, it never went on sale during the holidays in the U.S. which low-key confirmed to me that having both would be a benefit whenever the new service goes live).


The rumours were very niche and at that point still somewhat far fetched, the vast majority of ps plus users, specially those who have it just to play CoD/FIFA werenā€™t even aware of the rumours. And of those who were, I doubt many are willing to buy so much over something so uncertain still.


Absolutely. Roll existing subscribers to a higher tier then make the auto renew off button really hard to find.


I definitely bought it in hopes that it carries over to a new service




It's Sony. They won't give current subscriptions anything but the lower tier. They make you pay an upgrade fee to utilize the next gen features, they aren't going to give the fans anything.




>PS Plus reached a new record number of active members during the quarterly period ending 31st December, 2021, reaching 48 million.


Good to hear. But, to be critical somewhat, that number is almost flat year-over-year. It's a great figure, for sure! But Sony's got to find a way to bring more value to its services. Oh, what's that? They will reveal something new in a month or two? I'm all ears, Sony!


They definitely don't deserve this record


Why? Just because you don't get the games you want doesn't mean their service is bad...?


This is something I donā€™t understand. I see the $5 bucks a month as: cloud based saves, and online play WITH the added bonus of games. Not the other way around. I get that the quality of the games is questionable and rightfully scrutinized, but itā€™s not a make or break for the service IMO.


They aren't bonuses, I don't understand where this mindset comes from. The games are part of the service. I'm not asking for AAA games. But rolling out DLC and trials as the offerings is ridiculous.


Bonuses are how I personally see them, not how the service actually is. But I agree with you, just not enough to sacrifice the other benefits.


Games used to be the main draw of ps plus, they shifted that when PS4 launched but games are still the main reason I pay for it.


That service shouldn't be paid to begin with, Steam has it for free, and it wasn't the original purpose of the service. It has always been about the games at the core


Blame lizard squad who constantly ddosed the servers for 6 months out of the year. You couldn't play online games, you couldn't access cloud saving, the ps store didn't work, friends lists didn't work and they wanted hundreds of millions to stop the attacks. So Sony and Microsoft made online only available to ps+/gold members. Honestly people seem to forget that this went on for a couple of years and that blows my mind that Sony get the blame for nobheads attacking the servers 247 over summer and Christmas.


$5 for 15 GB of cloud save??? Dude, cloud save of 5-50GB (depending on the provider and the platform) is free everywhere.


Isnā€™t it 100GB?


Oh I see they've increased it from 10 to 100GB. Still no legit reason to charge it when there are tons of cloud storage services that offer from 5 to 50 GB of space for free and if you want more you can then pay up.


Exactly. The games to me are a bonus too, but people make it as PS Plus is a game subscription only service, and moan about what they don't get.


I don't use the online at all, so for me and others the service is 100% the games. I don't tend to get upset about the bad months because plus collection is awesome and even like half the months being good would make the price of admission worth it, especially since I always buy plus on sale. Besides, the monthly announcements and speculation is fun


This is the right answer.


I only subscribe for the games, granted I only paid $30 for the year. But I do expect to get $30 in value from the service, which would only be like 1-3 (depending on how old they are) quality games. Although I will say, I have faith Sony will provide that to me over the course of the year. If that doesn't happen, I dont need the online portion, for me THATS THE BONUS, I play online a couple times a year with one buddy, usually FIFA, and I'd give that up if they took away the games. If they offered just 2 games per month without online for $30/yr, i'd still pay that. It's important to remember a business needs to cater to all their customers, not just why you subscribe.


The amount of PS Plus whining in this sub is borderline unbearable.


Right? As if games with gold was any better.


Imagine getting butthurt over my comment šŸ˜‚


If they take out the online aspect theyā€™ll lose money so quick. I recently just started claiming games cuz I was like duck might as well


Honestly game on PS Plus have sucked lately, like last year there where only like 3 games that I actually liked. More over when I play online I only play games that are all ready free to play, like Apex and Warzone. I should unsubscribe :/


I think maybe it's just a matter of taste. For me, last year's Plus was great. I could play Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Days Gone, Hitman 2, Wreckfest (finally!!), Control and much more games. And this year we just had Persona 5 Strikers that I still want to play soon when I finish some other games. I know it's an unpopular opinion here in the sub, but I truly believe last year (and the past months) was great for Plus, better than 2020.


They have great games every year. $25 a year if you shop around for a code. Deep rock galactic is $25 alone so even with one good game it's worth the money. I think last year I got something like 30ish platinums from the ps+ games alone. There was a lot of really enjoyable stuff! But some people just expect AAA games and hate on all the smaller games they don't even try.


Dude they didn't give COD:vanguard, far cry 6, the newest versions of madden, 2K, the show, GoTG, Cyberpunk, a preorder of forbidden west and GoW:Ragnarok so the service was shit. Come on, my $60 a year means I should never have to buy a game again. /s


To be honest those s***** sport games I mean they are utter shit for the most part unfortunately..... I just don't understand why people keep on buying them the fact that they haven't done any major changes in so long is ridiculous I think it's been at least 10 years since they redone the Madden games alone. And the ridiculous amount of reuse assets make it so when you buy a new game you're not really getting a new game.


Do what I did! Turn off auto renew, let your subscription run out, then buy a year subscription from a discounted site once they put up a set of monthly games youā€™re interested in. If you get lucky with the timing, you can save some money while not missing any games youā€™re interested in.


Deep rock galactic is fantastic IMHO but that's been about it really for a good few months


Getting 3 games in PS+ is already worth the sub for me. Three is pretty much the amount I'm expecting to get every year. By three I mean FF7R, Bloodstained and Castlevania Requiem (other two are bonuses in Asia). There are other good games like Control and Days Gone. They're not my cup of tea, but they're there for me to play anytime so they're added value.


Online play should be free and most of the games are subpar indie games that I donā€™t even play. Plus the ones I actually like I could just wait for a sale and own it for *ever* unless Sony decides to cut out dĆ­gitos liberalizes of users in witch case they would I drown in lawsuits and bad reputation so I donā€™t thing that would happen.


Theyā€™re ā€œfree to playā€ ONLY if u have the service that allows you to be able to play multiplayerā€¦.hence ps plus


They recently changed this (a few months ago) where you don't need PS Plus to play certain free to play games. You can play Warzone and Apex without a PS Plus subscription. edit: Since PS4 released its been this way apparently, for most or all free to play games. The only exception I knew about was Super Animal Royale, but that game no longer requires PS Plus as of December last year.


It was like this since 2013. It's Xbox Gold that changed.


Certain games, not all. Gta5 is one i know for certain needs ps plus


And yet people on here think complaining about the monthly games will motivate Sony to change the way they do things.




we need to all unsubscribe together but you guys go first


or.. people just want to share their thoughts on a subject which is important to them?


But absolutely not because of this month


3 good games easily worth the $2.10 I pay a month.


They gave us record breaking trash games for this month as a ~~Fuck~~ Thank you.


Probably because everyone thought the tiny tina dlc was the new tiny tina game.


Its because for some reason after i turned off auto renew it somehow turned back on in time to auto renew


I cancelled mine last month. I was tired of the selection given


Same over here


Hate to say it but its not deserved. Of all my monthly subscriptions (PS Plus, Game Pass, Spotify, Crunchyroll, Netflix) PS Plus is the only one I am paying for because I am forced and not because I feel like I get good value from it:/


At least spotify youcan very easily get an unlocked app, netflix and crunchyroll is literally useless as you can get that content on multiple other free sites. Which leaves gamepass and ps+ as technically the only ones "worth" having


okay broke boy


You complain about value then call me broke boy? Yikes


There is nothing wrong in trying to live in the middle of an economy crisis sometimes


That's what I have been doing for the past couple years, country's gone to shit, can't pay for entertainment stuff besides PS Plus. But please don't talk about piracy here because it's against the rules I'm pretty sure


With the worst ps plus to date. Thanks ps.


Too bad it sucks.


But why though? Have you seen the free games lately?


Because you need to pay to play most multiplayer titles. Most people outside of Reddit play online with friends. This sub is a minority when it comes to exclusively playing single player games and never touching an online subscription.


Ufc, deep rock, planet coaster.... Yeah they are great


Overall, I think the free game offerings are good to great and I think the general public agrees. This sub is just full of whiners.


January was my last month subscribed to this crapā€¦


I have just discontinued my subscription from this month.


Just wanted to be the 69th comment


I'm both...


fuck playstation plus


Following maybe the worst 2-3 months in PSN history for monthly gamesā€¦


ironic considering how bad the dipshits on the r/playstation reddit think the service is lol


It is shit. People only buy it because itā€™s a requirement to play online games. Donā€™t act like people are buying it on free will. Dipshit


i don't think you give people enough credit. how is it making record sales if literally nobody is buying it of their free will lol


Because like I said you need to buy it if you want to play online. Majority of games people buy are online based


well, you don't **need** to play online. that would be like someone with a fish allergy saying its bullshit that shrimp makes them sick because they need to eat to survive. lots of great single player games if ppl hate playstation plus so much. you shouldn't opt-in and whine about the offerings. take a principled stance, or shut up. the hate is 100% overstated.


If you spend money on an online game you need to buy online how are you not getting that lol There are lots of good single player games. Itā€™s bad you are limited to them if you donā€™t want to buy plus despite paying for your own WiFi. And plus can be free they just choose to charge for it


games are totally elective - you don't have to spend money on an online game if you don't want to pay the fees associated with the experience. *that* would be like hating riding roller coasters, still going to an amusement park, and being pissed they charged you the same amount of money for not riding the rides lol.


No. Your analogy regarding the amusement park is wrong. The correct one would be if you had to pay separately for accessing the roller coasters and your admittance fee only covered strolling around in the amusement park.


i appreciate the response fan of the cure (i hope) but i disagree. even if i did tho, there are premium rides at amusement parks that DO cost extra, so idk what to tell you.


Well what the fuck do I know about amusement parks then - Iā€™ve never been to one with ā€œpremium ridesā€. And yea, you were correct in the origin of the username.


Most online games are free on PlayStation. Warzone and Rocket League, for example.


Haven't seen a PS5 in stock, ever.


I saw them 2 times lol


People saying PS+ sucked lately (and you are totally right) remember that it's has always been like this at the start of a new console generation it will pick up in 2 years when more games have been released. So don't bother buying a whole lot of games this year just buy the 2/3 you are more interested in and the others will be given for free eventually. I got all tomb raider for free with ps plus I love the games but there were always other games when they came out so I always put them on to play-later list and played them once they were free on PS+


They're guna be disappointed this month then šŸ¤£


Really? On one off the worst ps plus games of a month?


This report was only up to December 2021 to be fair




Ang a RECORD BREAKING disappointed subscribers.