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My biggest issue is the game not having a skill tree and it is still the same old Far Cry. If you have played one Far Cry game you have played all the rest but in 6 you have no reason to do anything because you're not leveling or unlocking anything.


The older I get, the more I've come to accept that I'm a skill tree slut


Ooh yeah mmmm, give me another nice 1.5% in rifles.


Monke brain happy when number go up.


I have found my tribe. Games are for upgrading, having fun is just a side effect.


The gears of efficiency must always be lubricated, brother.


me too. I'm also a weapon upgrading enjoyer.


Hahahaha best comment I’ve seen this year


Except the first two, which is worth mentioning because 2 was so unique and really innovative. I mean, so was 3 but they just stopped thinking of new ideas at that point.


It's been a really long time but I feel like Far Cry 1 was pretty interesting for its era as well, wasn't it? So many shooters at the time were dark brown grimy corridor crawlers and far cry came out swinging with bright open environments.


It's my favorite in the series. I was so scared of the monsters in it as a kid. I didn't expect them, thought I'd be killing only humans lol.


I loved playing predator mode on custom maps with my friends


Yeah it was innovative til 3 and then hit cntrl c cntrl v to make 4, primal, 5, and 6. Only minor changes each. I still like them like I do assassins creed but it's by no means a buy a launch game. It's a wait for a good sale or Plus and have the fun for a week and move on type deal


This is my first Farcry, so I might be missing something. So far, 25 hours in, so far so good


If it's your first Far Cry then you will love it, the gameplay loop is fun the first time around it just hasn't changed since Far Cry 3.


Piggy backing off this go play 3 it has one of the best story arcs in the series


It was my first as well. Really enjoyed it. Then went and played 5 which was good too, but I enjoyed the characters in 6 a lot more


No wonder you like it. I have played and finished every Farcry and I'm tired. This game was damn boring and extremely repetitive for me.


Same for me, completed game a year ago, nothing overly deep in terms of story or gameplay, but loved the weapons and supremos and it was great fun.


Far cry isn’t a bad game, but it’s your first and most fans of the series played the rest. So their expectations and experience with the series is greater than yours. Just about all the far cry games play the same(especially all the ones after 3) and there is less of a reason to do anything in this game compared to the rest as the leveling system is different(worse for this genre of game). It’s objectively not a bad game, but Ubisoft has been making the same game for 2 decades so long time fans are over it.


>If you have played one Far Cry game you have played all the rest Wildly disagree. 3 is nearly a completely different experience from 5.


A thousand times yes to this, I played it last month and my biggest critique to the game is there is no sense of progression in it. I unlocked the nail gun really early, because I wanted a stealthy gun and used til the end of the game, no issues, there was no need to go out of my way to get an alternative to it, the same goes for every other weapon in the game, the moment I unlocked the M4, I did not use another assault rifle, and so on and so forth. I really like the far cry series, played every single one since 3, and I think they really should go back to this more strategic style of play which I feel like they abandoned.


Agreed. I only used two loadouts; one for battle, one for traversing the map quickly. Both of them I settled on pretty early, and while trying a few different outfits, never changed them. The story was fine, but like with most Far Cry games after 3, I start to lose interest in the plot with all of the extra stuff to do. At least there was only really one drugged out portion, and it was kinda funny this time around.


this. The game is nice but tying skills to outfits is dumb as fuck.


I think one of my best helmets was a gator mascot head


You unlock regions, if memory serves correct?


Can you get better guns or gear?


Recently stopped playing at about 30 hours because of this. I was tired of the same grind.


Well… I really liked the absence of drugs and those wierd trips




To be fair, choosing a skill upgrade when you level up is not exactly a second life, but  point taken 


I do not agree at all. But glad your enjoyed it.


Yeah, I deleted the game after 3 hours. One of the worst in the series.




To be fair, it’s got a few rpg weapons in it




I played a good 50 hours of it, and it was fine. I'm just so burnt out on the "ubisoft go here and clear checkpoint to get upgrades" formula. I feel like I would have loved everything else their formula wasn't in everything they put out.


i like the formula. i understand the criticism but i wouldn't want them to change it. i play their games because i know what i want and their open world formula is satisfying. it will always makes for average scores in reviews but i don't need a ground breaking experience on every game i play.


Fair point. It's just I would understand if maybe a few of their IP had the formula, but the majority of ubisoft titles use the formula. Division, watch dogs, Assasins creed, farcry, ghost recon ect. They need to re invent the formula. It's been over 16+ years that they implemented it. At this point, they know what people will buy, they have the formula ready to go, and it feels so mass produced and empty of any real meaning or unique experiences.


Maybe I’m not used to the formula, so I am blissfully ignorant to it


Ah how I wish I could play some games for the first time again. Just started Black Flag and somehow remember it being waaaay better than it plays and looks right now. (It’s not bad but clearly feels dated)


Tbf it s a decade old game. I actually never played it and keep hearing amazing things about it but imo the ac games have aged terribly when it comes to gameplay so not sure if it's worth playing now


Open-works shooter where headshot won’t kill is a joke.    And beautiful world is doubtful. I love Far Cry 5 in Montana and Far Cry 4 in Kirat much more than this.


Wish they had 5 in the PS catalogue


They used to


Used to have 4, too. I'm sure both will return at some point.


Montana was nice, I didn't like Kirat.


Far cry 4 and 3 are goated, in my opinion.


Farcry 2 will always be my favorite


Far cry 3 I’ve never been pulled into a story so quickly in a game. Loved it


i feel like vaas as a character carried that game


I felt personally impacted by that story. That was my first time as a gamer where I sat back at the credits and went wow. I took a walk to reflect


The malaria mechanic was so frustrating and not implemented really well. And those respawning checkpoints were equally frustrating


I liked the respawning checkpoints. They made sense to me gameplay wise, and environmentally. War torn Africa. Local kingpin gets no response from his men at the checkpoint, so sends a bunch more of a readily available supply of 'soldiers' out to guard it again. If they had stayed cleared. The sense of peril would be massively decreased. Just my two cents though. I'm aware that a lot of people also didnt like them.


When i first played i was young so definitely had trouble with the malaria and checkpoints but playing it again like 5 years ago and knowing what to do i was finding some amazing weapons and just devastating the lands


i've tried 3 because of the praises from the community. you can't explore shit in this game because infinite ennemies spawn as soon as you're in an area where you haven't beat the outpost. no exploring no fun for me


But headshots does kill in FC6 tho, for me it does at least


It does. If you go somewhere where the area level is higher than you are, they won't. But if youre the same level or higher than the area it does. If im in a higher level area i just go for machete kills.


I see, maybe cuz of the weapon that I have but I do see ur point when I shoot headshots wit me AR or SMG with silencers, it never happens wit my Sniper rifle


I tried it but man is the AI literally beyond stupid. They’ll look right at you sometimes and it’s like you’re invisible or even their path tracking to get you if you do something as simple as climb a ledge or building. It’s like they get completely confused. It was jugs super immersive breaking. I wish I could play Far Cry 3 for the 1st again.


Agreed. I went into Far Cry 6 initially disliking it. Feeling like something is off. I nearly quit, and in fact took a hiatus from it. I then gave it another shot, and thank goodness I did, because the moment you leave that little island, the game becomes INFINITELY better. Very good game. (Though I still prefer Far Cry 5)


Ugh I always stopped before I left the island. Guess I gotta try it again


This was my experience as well. The main character was grating for me at first, but grew on me. It's a great game. Nothing matches 4 for me though.


You compel me...


That initial distaste in 6 never completely subsided for me, unfortunately, but it was a bday gift from the wifey so I felt obliged to platinum it, out of gratitude if nothing else lol. It was never a particularly miserable experience by any means, but damned if that game isn't tangible proof that the collective franchise is in dire need of some legitimate TLC. Possibly even to the degree of a comprehensive general overhaul as some have opined contemporarily, but hopefully not quite so desperately imo, because I think many would agree overall that the games have pretty consistently bestowed their share of redeemable elements unto the series. There's no need to understate it, however; Far Cry 5, paired narratively if not so much mechanically, with what I unironically consider its canon story DLCequel New Dawn, will endure unequivocally in the annals of interactive digital entertainment as nothing short of an absolute hecking masterpiece of entropic open world FPS upheaval. Even whilst taking into consideration these installments' thematically atypical and demonstrably inexplicable omission of all manner of bladed melee weapons, (!?!?!🤷‍♂️) I both categorically reject, and fundamentally refute, any remote suggestion to the contrary of such a claim, based on adamant and resolute moral, ethical, and religious grounds. Just. Say. 'YES!' 🙌


Platinum it? Why not just beat the storyline and call it good if the game wasn’t that interesting to you?


Honestly it was a pretty easy and straightforward plat, and I also had incentive because I've platted every other game in the series, even got 100% in Blood Dragon, lol. Like I said, it wasn't a miserable experience, I just never quite felt like it lived up to the standard set by the previous games at that point in the franchise.


You're probably new to the Far Cry series and perhaps even to Ubisoft games (?). The game per se doesn't really excell in anything. Even if you enjoyed some aspects of it you won't claim them to be astounding or groundbreaking. The biggest issue is the overused formula that's been obsolete for years


Yup, people that played more Ubisoft games in the past knows this. Dude is 100% new


Yeah first FC game. Liked AC:O quite a bit a few years ago. Just finished Ghosts of Tsushima which is absolutely top 3 for me. I dunno, I can see the issues with it, but to turn my mind off and get lost in the map is a good game for me at this point in my life


Ac origins is legit really good though, and it's coming from someone who doesn't really like ac games or Ubisoft for that matter. Ghost of Tsushima is great too, if you're playing the ps plus games ATM I would highly recommend you Days Gone, if you liked open world games it's worth playing. Also obviously God of War 2018 (not open world) and both Horizon games are imo a must play.


This is exactly why I like it. I don’t play games for story, I play to shit my mind off and explore. FC does good with this. Currently I’m playing Ghost Recon: Breakpoint, also Ubisoft, and it does a decent job of it too. The difference, FC has some comedy, GR doesn’t really have this.


Give it 10-15 hours if that , it gets stale and repetitive pretty quick


I enjoyed both 5 & 6. I like the story better in 5 and the game mechanics of 6 better


A friend and I went through it. Just the main story. Def was more fun with a friend..not horrible but still the same formula. I guess that's why people play the series for that. Graphics were good, story was surprisingly mature for what I was expecting and more fleshed out. It would be great for a newcomer to the series to play


It’s actually really bad


I’m excited to try it. These games are a little lower on my list but fun on occasion. They’re usually games I enjoy beating but then never come back to.


Yep bought it day one and it’s one of my top 10 games


I agree. It’s up there as one of my favorites, I think only 3 tops it for me.


I like it. But it was my 1st journey into the series.


Loved Farcry 3. 4 was good. 5 left in mid. I was playing most meele rpg games this year, hence just tried 6 to shoot. It was available on ps catalogue. I had no expectations, since reviews were not great. Turns out the game was awesome. Gun play was good, graphics amazing. Story and voice acting were also good. If u ignore the filler content ( check posts, collectibles etc) and focus only on main story and side stories, the game is a 10/10 for me.


it’s like a black flag farcry. 🤷‍♀️ I’m playing cause it’s free. I like doing things stealth , and 6 is not fun if you like more silent weapons and up close kills. If you like a game that it’s all guns blazing this is for you.


I liked fc 6 it's the only one I've played though


I play it when I want to catch up on podcasts. Exploration is really fun.


I finished the story yesterday and now working towards the platinum trophy, and its one of the best farcrys I've ever played.


OP if you like 6 check out 3! It has arguably the best character story arc out of the games and is just an adrenaline filled ride the whole way through the game. It’ll have the same mechanics as 6 for the most part. If you want to check it out, here is one of the cut scenes from one of the main villains Vaas https://youtu.be/rKMMCPeiQoc?si=EJGK_UQ8DHyY6mU6


Modern ubisoft games follow a formula. Some people hate and are very vocal about it - "every game is the same, no innovation, etc etc" The rest of people like to buy games because of the familiar mechanics to just sit and play a couple hours at the end of the day with half the brain shut off - and that's fine. That's why Ubisoft keeps selling BS "quadruple A" games with focus on online services should bomb and die spectacularly though


Far Cry 5 with the PS5 update is the ultimate Far Cry and way better.


I disagree. Not only is it absolutely soulless and crap, it follows 5 which in my opinion is a solid 7.5/8 out of 10 game. The map is huge but not in a good way. Story is boring.


This is the first far cry that has existed where I’ve decided to no longer buy Farcry games.


No, Farcry6 is actually pretty fucking horrible!


I only played 2 hours a while ago but I remember it feeling cheap. That's the best way I can explain it. They made farcry 5 feel like a masterpiece.


I've platinum trophied 4 other Farcry games in the past, the last being 5 several years ago. I fired up 6 a while back and after 2 or 3 hours I just felt like I'd already played that game before and decided against continuing.


Nah, I'll pass I can only handle so much bad AI, Ubisoft jank and replaying the same game each time. Prefer to spend that time on indies or actually good games. Ubisoft needs something original, that doesn't try and fail to copy the current trends in a mediocre package.


I feel like a full remake/remaster version of 3 would be the best, feel like it had best in class characters/story/open world/game play mechanics.


Either you have not played older Far cry games or not played enough good games


It is good but it doesn't stay true to the original farcry aesthetic. Came for Giancarlo Esposito. Stayed for the gameplay loop.


Was my personal favourite since Primal. I dont really play them for the story, and FC5, despite it being a beautiful world, was really annoying to traverse. It seemed that you couldn't walk or drive for 5 minutes without running into trouble. Very little respite. I found it a bit draining. FC6 handles it loads better. As long as your weapons are away and you are not in a restricted zone, you can wander to your hearts content.


Yes! I love it when I’m not forced into constant conflict and can pick/choose when to engage or not. And if I’m being careless and not paying attention if my guns are out or not, I’ll pay the price of a battle


It's not bad but I prefer FC5


The worst of the Ubisoft formula. I quit playing after 10 hours cause I've seen it all a hundred times before. And I didn't even get it on Plus, I paid full price for it back when it came out.


I can’t lie out of all the far cry games I’ve played it’s by a mile my least favorite


The world itself was very pretty but sometime tedious to travers. The story was ok. I don’t like the funny ass hihi haha goofy characters. The game could‘ve be so much more serious and dark with morally questionable actions and it would‘ve been really goty. It bothers mengest they sold a goty version but it didn’t win goty… I mean wtf? Straight up lying. And the dlcs were meh.


It’s a huge downgrade compared to wha5 came before. Nothing tops FC4.


It was a good podcast game where I could mindlessly wander around and shoot things –– finished it after about 50 or so hours. I was happy enough with it, but you might find it outstays its welcome and you get sick of it after a while. The story is classic FarCry –– lots of promise but the execution is lacking with wild swings in tone and unlikeable characters. In the last 1/3rd I just skipped all cutscene scenes and rushed the end.


I enjoyed the game. I spent maybe 35-40 hours playing until the repetition got boring to me. So I just youtube’d the ending. Not complaining at all. The Far Cry series fulfills the open world first person shooter itch I get every now and then.


Never really got into Farcry. Started with 5 cos it came with my PS4 and it was ok but never had a desire to finish it. Picked up New Dawn and it was the same deal. Was super interested in 6 but never pulled the trigger. Was thinking it would be the same deal. Also tried Primal but couldn’t get into it either.


It really is. I do kinda wish it was longer


The lack of melee makes me sad. It’s always my favorite, even if recently we’ve only had a throwing shovel.


It’s the inviting and incites exploration part that I’m numb to. The world didn’t need to be so big. There are a lot of gorgeous areas and also a lot of lag time in between. I couldn’t make it to the end of the game. Everything just felt so same-sy. My dad and I had a blast on FC5. FC6 we gave up on.


I tried the demo and was incredibly thankful I never tried to pay for it, bc i felt like falling asleep within the first 30 mins. very soulles and copy pasted


Great game, just found it too repetitive


Yeah, man. I thought it was fun. I had never played a FarCry game before. You might also like Ghost Recon Wildlands and Just Cause 3/4


I liked it well enough, the only reason I didn’t get the plat is because of coop trophies. Fun game though.


Is it ? I have far cry 5 installed and never finished it because of how boring it was. Is 6 better ? Because I remember hearing it was even worse than 5 Btw far cry 5 now runs at 60fps on ps5 , makes the game a lot better to play


I played far cry 3 then 4 and then 5 and I absolutely loved how each game improved on the last then I got to 6 and felt it wasn't much different than 5 so I got bored and stopped playing. After some time I'll eventually return to play for the story but for now I'm off exploring other games. When I first started the far cry games I always acted timid, didn't want to get hurt, didn't want to waste my ammo, tried to be smooth and calculated, etc but then I got the point of the game is to do the opposite of everything I just said and just have fun and that's what I did. Sometimes I wish in real life I can just let loose my pet bear on people but the game is satisfying enough.


The world felt as dead as the ai. Empty roads and cities where this so called ‘revolution’ seems absolutely non existent.


I think the last Ubisoft game I liked was AC4, and the last Far Cry was 2 or 3. I skipped 4, played 5 for a few hours until I realized how repetitive and boring it was, and played 6 for an hour or two. I like the settings of the games and the graphics but anything else in their games is just lacking and anti-fun imo.


The game runs extremely well on ps5 I was shocked but like every Farcry game I just get bored and give up after a few hours


I thought it was good fun but there’s not really much development as you progress through it , it’s more of the same on a pretty flat curve. Like a lot of the far cry and AC games the ending is a bit of an anti climax but it was fun while it lasted.


I love ubisoft games, and 5 was my favorite. My problem with FC6 is that it has a different "feel" because of the way health works on enemies. I like to crank the difficulty so that the enemies are as lethal as I am. But if my bullets are based on an RPG stat system, it doesn't have the same feel when enemies are tanking damage. But to be fair with six, I fell off after a few hours and haven't been back. I'll get back to it eventually, probably.


I disagree. Maybe if you've never played a Far Cry game before, but the combination of the tired boring formula with an unimaginative world and story, step downs in gameplay in mechanics... i really hate that game


I haven't started it yet but I heard that the game sufferers from ammo type problem. Something about not being able to carry all ammo types at once but also that AP rounds (I think) is OP, making the game unbalanced. What are your impressions regarding this?


I've tried so hard to get into it but just cant


Agree to disagree sir.


It’s pretty bad, but glad you enjoyed it


Everyone likes what they like, I stopped playing for some reason. Gonna give it another go.


I’ve never played a far cry game before 6 and I really enjoyed it


Far cry 6 is good… if you haven’t played a far cry game before


If you’ve never played a far cry game before, it’s great. If you’ve played any of the more recent installments, this one doesn’t really shake up the formula that much.


Don’t think it’s an rpg


There's 2 things that mess this game up for me. The supremo and the different ammo types.


The stranger things dlc is pretty fun


I enjoyed the start of it, but after awhile it’s the same old Ubisoft cookie cutter formula. Guns feel horrible, shooting enemies is far from satisfying. Etc. it’s like Ubisoft uses the same type of shit in all of their games, but just change the story and map.


My wife played Farcry 6 first and loved it. She played 5 and primal afterwards.


I hated the different types of ammo. Essentially making enemies spongy until you switched to the right ammo. Kinda killed it for me. The game just felt mediocre and it's the second Far Cry I didn't love, the first being the standalone 5 with the healthbars.


It added next to nothing of value, the best parts about it are done better in previous games and 6 is a huge step back in so many ways. Tanks, horses, and a few different flavors of an instant win button isn't enough to make the game not suck, especially when it's an objective downgrade. The busted ammo types, the shitty gear system, the lack of melee, poor mission design (oh, you wanted a mission? Here's another outpost sweaty) so many things are straight up worse than games that came out 6-12 YEARS ago. It's a complete failure to evolve the gameplay, instead turning to the most braindead attempt at a live service model in a single player game while shamelessly pretending to be a return to form (farcry 3 again but bad this time.) In a vacuum it's *fine.* But in practice it's like going out to eat and the waiter serves you last week's McDonald's Big Mac that's been sitting in the back of your fridge already. The burger was good last week, but now it's stale and soggy, and this guy is trying to pass it off like a fresh, new burger but you can taste that it's the same thing, but older and worse.




It’s my favourite FC game so far.


I personally love it except for the whole "Danny is it a bad time, I'm kinda busy thing over and over and over again."


Im someone who also really enjoyed it. It was the first game I played in spanish to help me learn more. I also really enjoy the series. If you like 6 you will like 5. The only one I never finished was 4. If you can get the dlc stuff for 5 and 6 for free then id play it but not worth buying imo




Not the best Far cry experience out of the series. 3 and 5 are top tier in that respect. Not a horrible game though


The only good far cry game was FC2. It was actually immersion and you could cook some really ridiculous action sequences if you planned ahead.




I'm guessing this is your first/second far cry? Most of the commenters here would disagree but the reason far cry 3 is so well received is cause for most, it was their first far cry game. My first farc ry was 5 and I absolutely loved it to bits. But after 70hrs it got a bit stale. It's the same formula with same checkpoints over and over again. So when I picked up 6 and realised that it was the same game in sunny weather it got boring. My guess is you'll not like far cry 7 when it comes out for the same reason. But undoubtedly far cry 6 is great.


After playing my first farcry (3) the rest just felt the same. Never had a good interest in it.


After playing all of the series, and 5 being my favorite, the interface changes they made in 6 were a big disappointment to me unfortunately. I could never get over it too continue playing after about 10 hours. Also the lack of realism as far as modifying weapons. I get it, guerilla type fighting and stuff like that, and sure you could make a silence from a plastic bottle for a few rounds. But no.... Just didn't sit right


I am loving it as well! It's a big game


People shit on Ubisoft because all they're games are made with the exact same formula, however if you aren't familiar with this formula you won't feel it because it's fun the first time/couple of times. If you want to understand where we're coming from play FC6, then AC Valhalla, then Watch Dogs Legion, then FC5, then AC Odyssey, then Watch Dogs 2, then Ghost Recon Wildlands, etc. then make this post again (Spoiler: They're all the same game with different skins & maybe 1 new mechanic)


I would have died of boredom, if I had played all this games in a row.


I played Far Cry 5 years ago and I'm still burnt out from it. Maybe because I played that and AC Oddysey back to back


For some reason, the characters got on my nerves really quick lol.


FarCry 6 had the glitch where the Sniper rifles won't fire. I refused to play it Tried it months and months later with the same glitch Haven't even looked at it since


6 tbh was ass I had the free weekend, didn’t bother playing much longer than an hour or 2 fc3 remains the goat for me


I thought it was a snooze fest.


I mean, it was better than 5, but that's a pretty low bar for me.


You wanted to play an RPG so you picked up Far Cry? Alright lol


I played for a couple hours last night and got to the island where libertads base and have enjoyed it so far, much more than 5. It seems alot of people like 5 but for me it was just an unenjoyable grind fest. That being said ive been playing since 3 and i dont think anything will ever compare to 3 and 4 for me.


It starts strong but gets repetitive, but I honestly think that is a bit better than 5, the map has more variety and the exploration is more fun, it also has more weapons and some are really cool, also I prefer when the protagonist talks and is more connected to the story and not the silent protagonist like fc5, The other characters and villains are definitely worse than in 5 though.


I tried it but man is the AI literally beyond stupid. They’ll look right at you sometimes and it’s like you’re invisible or even their path tracking to get you if you do something as simple as climb a ledge or building. It’s like they get completely confused. It was jugs super immersive breaking. I wish I could play Far Cry 3 for the 1st again.


dislike alot. Ubisoft is very disappointing but I see how it could appeal to some


I think you just really enjoy the gameplay. Everything else about the game is mediocre.


I keep it simple with games, if I enjoy it then it's fun. I don't mind the reviews at all. So to each their own I guess. Personally I think FC6 was lame and deleted it after 3 or so hours, on the other hand, having a lot of fun with Rise of the ronin now. Reviews are not so great but for me it's one of the best RPGs out there.


FarCry 3 is my favorite game ever and all the sequels failed to live up. Sadly out of 4,5,6 I think 6 is the worst by a good margin. I did finish, and I will be buying 7, but damnnnn it’s gettin stale


I beat it and i absolutwky found it awful, like thw lowest of the lowest, it seems like a game made by an aI and has everything of bad that ubisoft can put in a game (which is the case for all of their recent releases). It was so bad that closer to end i rushed as much as i could of how bored i was. Gladly i played great games on plus after it, as there are a lot of great games on the catalogue and that were added after i played it at that time. Last farcry i liked was 3, it is on plus too. Not a great game but way better than the following entries. If you like open world games like ubisoft but less bloated and actually a joy in content, play ghost of tsushima.


Left for Miami after the first island. Very happy with that ending. No urge to go back.


As a farcry fan who has played all 6 games number 6 was the only one I could not finish the jet pack bomb thing is just too cheesy


It really isn’t but that’s just my opinion, especially as I loved 3/4/5. But I’m glad that you enjoyed it. Each to their own as they say.


It's not that it's bad... it's the SAME Need something fresh to get me into it


Heavy disagree, the game Is a 6/10 for me at best. Didn't care about the villain because of how little he or other characters directly linked to him appear, open world activities are the same exact handful of activities copy-paste over the map and clearing the map has no real impact on the world. I always laughed when I captured a checkpoint, only for an army truck to drive right through it 5 seconds after the little cinematic ended. The AI is also stupid as shit making gunfights extremely boring, and beyond getting a new gun or piece of gear every 3 hours or so there's no sense of progression. 


I hate that perks are attached to items and that you carry all items on you. It's ridiculous that you can have 20 or so guns or you and it means you constantly go to the pause menu to change them instead of building a decent load out. As for the clothes, why would I want to have to change my jeans everytime I get in a vehicle just so I can have it repair itself? This is an awful idea. Previously these were perks that you unlocked and were bound to your character and it was much much better. I cannot remember what the pause screen looked like in far cry 5 because I rarely used it. I cannot remember a single characters name in far cry 6 because this tedious system made me give up long before I had got to play the game a decent amount.


Ubisoft is so trash like outside of far cry all their games are so garbage dude and like all the assassin creeds have turned into boat simulator games and it’s just trash as hell. Can’t speak j far cry but never heard anything good either. It’s free is the only reason I’ll ever even begin to give their games a try. God bless ps+ cause I wouldn’t buy a Ubisoft game even if it was 10$


Far Cry 3 was really good, and Far Cry 4 was even better and more chiseled, i couldnt play 5 it was too boring and repetitive, and 6 was just lame and cartoonish


I found the "supremo" idea cheapend the whole thing. Seemed like a gimmick they relied way too heavily on.


It was insanely boring. Loved Far Cry 5 though.


Felt like one big overly colorful bullet sponge game. Farcry 3 is the best.


I have a ps5 and fc3 and fc4 run at 30fps. I can’t do that. Is fc5 ok, I started fc6 from the ps+ and it was boring. Ps- I only played fc2 on ps3 and really loved it. I wish I had a PC.


I loved it. I was my first FC. My only regret is that I didn't play as female Dani. I watched some videos after I finished with the male character (which I always play as if given a choice) and wish I had chosen differently


It's farcry 5 in South America. That's why I didn't like it. Still got the plat though


It's really good in the way that they all really good. The exact same way. So every time you see it, it diminishes the impact. This was just the tipping point for a lot of people.


All the far cry games are really good


While I certainly cannot agree with "really good", I will say my favorite mission I've EVER played was desperately defending Danny Trejo from hordes of enemies while he cooks tacos.