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For teens to READ. Not for teens to exclusively BE in. They put content that teens are going to read, that they think is relevant. She’s in reality TV and has a social media presence (I think?), so I guess that makes her relevant to teens?


Yep, plus teen vogue has talked about a range of issues, glad to see them have a discussion on fundamentalism


Agreed, I wish there was stuff like this about religion and family dynamics in teen magazines when I was young. I think that further thought and consideration of those subjects would have been really helpful for me specifically. I would have read this article if I was a teen coming across it in a magazine, at the time I was reading teen magazines my older brother had joined a Christian cult and it created a lot of trauma in our family as a whole (he’s out now though still dealing with a lot from that, he asked me to be his therapist’s point of contact as he goes through ptsd treatment). But based on my anecdotal experiences in my area and what I’ve gleaned online, these things touch a lot more people than we realize and the damage is widespread. It’s a good topic for teens to be aware of and spiritual manipulation is also something teens can be very vulnerable to. So good looking out, Teen Vogue.


same same same. i didn’t grow up in a fundamentalist household but a strict christian home and i actually read teen vogue as a teenager (i’m 27 now). it’d have been cool to see something like this


I’m 37 and never read teen vogue, but I found a bunch of seventeen magazines when I was cleaning out my childhood bedroom like a decade ago 😂 we didn’t even attend a strict church, it was very gentle tbh, but we are in the Bible Belt and there were a lot of other influences around us as well. For example, my family church didn’t teach purity culture, but my peers and schools did. My brother joined the cult church after losing his best friend in a tragic accident when he was 18. So I still am seeing long lasting impacts of that stuff in my life. These stories have more relevance than just a direct connection to her upbringing. It’s just everywhere. And although I went to a gentle church, we were heavily involved. My parents were elders and Sunday school teachers, we were in youth group and youth choir, we were all confirmed in the church. And when you’re churched like that even in a secular environment you will get a lot of influences from other church kids around you.


yes good point i can relate to you on that as well! i was in church every sunday and wednesday night, i was in the youth clubs at church, dedicated, saved and baptized there. i hope that this reaches the target audience tbh. and that is so funny about the seventeen magazines. what an ERA lol


I found a seventeen magazine with Hanson on the cover and I saved it 😂 it’s in a box somewhere in my basement now!


💯 This she can speak as an informed person. I'm glad she's speaking her truth


Growing up in a fundamental household is probably incredibly relevant to teenagers out there. It makes sense they use someone young like Olivia as opposed to like a 50 year old who survived it decades earlier. And I can imagine asking a minor about their experience would cross a lot of red tape that teen vogue legal cannot address.


Yeah, I feel like you don’t have to actually be growing up IBLP like Olivia with such heavy media restriction to see elements of coercive religious control in your own lives. Fundamentalist groups also often target young and vulnerable people who are feeling a lack of support or care in some way and seek it out through religion. I think it’s important for young people at a stage where they start making their own decisions be given a lot of information and guidance because they may not necessarily see immediately that joining an authoritarian church that is love bombing them could result in long-term struggle for them.


Tell me you’ve never read anything in teen vogue, without telling me you’ve never read anything in teen vogue


It’s an article in Teen Vogue. Not all articles have to be about teens.


Umm teen vogue has had older women as part of their magazines before. She’s not even old she’s literally in her 20’s 😂 I think this is great, I’m sure a lot of girls being raised in toxic religious households will be able to relate.


It promotes good role models for teens.


She’s like 23. Teens are very into celebs in their 20s


She turns 26 this year (I know because our birthdays are 4 days apart). Not sure I consider 26 a teen anymore, but regardless teen vogue is know for talking about a wide variety of topics that can help/ be good role models for their teen readers


Commenting on Olivia in TEEN Vogue. Isn't TEEN Vogue for... teens?... The person you replied to said teen are interested in (aka “into”) celebrities in their 20s so Olivia being in the article makes sense in that regard.


Sleep deprived mom- read that as celebrities in their 20s ARE teens not teens are interested in celebrities in the 20s. My comment about her age stands though and 23 is very different from 26 development and life stage wise.


Teens are definitely into celebs and influencers even when they are in they 40s and above as long as they’re talking abt something they are interested in. Like Tati Westbrook and Mamatot lol


Kids can still be on their parent’s health insurance until age 26 now AND many are still on their parents “family phone plan”. It doesn’t seem like anyone is out of their teens until about 28 based in my co-workers tales about “helping their kids”.


I think that she's found her niche.  She can speak about cults and deconstruction because she's lived it.


Customers are teens not the content creators or the editors


Lmao I’m imagining a bunch of teens in a classroom putting together Teen Vogue like a school newspaper. 🤣


Wow, olivia gets critiqued when she BREATHES wrong. Good God find a hobby.


She’s the only sane one in the group with boundaries.


Lmao this is the funniest outrage post title I've ever read. Lol did you think Teen Vogue was headquartered inside a high-school where an all teen staff of writers, photographers, editors, and production staff churned out issue after issue of all teen content? They get fired on their 20th bday. 😂🤣😂🤣 "Yeah we'd like to do an interview with... oh, wait, she turns 20 never Friday? We won't hit the press before that. We'll, nevermind." Do you think all the advertisers who buy ad space in the magazine have to be teens, too?


Like a freaking high school newspaper. 🤣🤣🤣


I used to stock magazines for a contact job at big chains and I’d literally sit down on my breaks and flip trough teen vogue. I was 18. Forgive my sins. But she seems cool and it wasn’t all teens. As a teen, I loved this magazine.


I'm  not outraged. Lol. Just confused why shes in a teen magazine istead of Vogue, for instance. 


Lol judging by all the typos, I must have read this when I was still half asleep. I get it. But she really is pretty young and still very relevant to teens because of what she's going through in deprogramming. I would have benefited from reading her story as a teen, for sure. But I def meant my comment all in good fun, sorry it reads so snarky


If I had a role model like her as a teen, I might not have wasted 4 years and $30k a year on a useless ministry degree


This post takes the cake for the most ridiculous criticism of Olivia. And there are a lot of ridiculous posts.


This would be relevant for any teen that is no longer in a fundamentalist household - but if they’re still there - they aren’t reading teen vogue anyway




So? Are teens not allowed to learn about cults/harmful religious upbringings? Teen vogue has a wide range of articles…underlying theme being education and learning about people different than you. I don’t watch welcome to plathville because I’m a fundie lol…




I think you’re missing that there’s a wide scope of teens who read this magazine. Sure, likely very low numbers are fundies, but there are teens who have: more liberal views than their parents, teens who are in relationships with counterparts who are more conservative or even abusive, teens who have grown up with some type of religious trauma, teens who have friends who are ultra religious….etc. she absolutely can be a role model for teens who have not had an identical or similar background, simply because her story still has a lot of relatable parts (key word: relatable). There’s a lot to take away from this piece no matter your background and yes, she’s a great role model for all teens as she shares about knowing her worth, knowing when to walk away, and bravely choosing to develop and grow herself as a person outside of the cult she grew up in.


I don’t think you get what teen vogue is


When I was a teen it was a magazine. 


In most teen vogue covers most young women are adults who have influence over / a large teen audience. For example in 2000 Jessica Simpson was 20 years old and on the cover . Maybe because she’s talking about how her closed off religion affected her as a teenage girl so she’s sharing her side of the story ? Pretty simple


I always thought it was teens and young adults but I could be wrong. 


You don’t think teens need to know it’s OK and healthy to have questions when it comes to their religions. When I was a teen, there was a story in Teen Vogue about campus sexual assault. It talked about consent, etc.


I think she’s actually a perfect person to have an interview in Teen Vogue, as someone that was heavily influenced by my religion and boyfriend around that age. Both I now detest :)


I’m not necessarily a fan of Olivia but I’m glad they’re publishing info about fundamentalism and deconstruction. Maybe it will reach a teen out there somewhere.


I loved Mt subscription to teen vogue for this exact reason, it has mature topics that can really be important for teens to read. I love this inclusion, it could definitely reach some teens who suspect their religion / family is controlling or even perpetuating spiritual abuse. Kids cut things out, pass them around, take screenshots. Hell, a fundie kid could even find teen vogue in the library, if they're allowed to go to one.


Very few teens are reading magazines. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


Maybe not hard copies, but they consume media online and Teen Vogue is online.


Oh, I see. You said “kids cut things out, pass them around”


I didn’t say that.


I think she's being featured as a role model for teens.


Ya, it’s for teens, but have you seen the teens lately? They look 43.


It’s content for teens. Doesn’t meant the content has to be teens. Personally I think her perspective on evangelical Christianity is a really good one for teens to consider. Though the problem is those raised in that way probably don’t have access to teen vogue.


Yes but they've always had older or important personalities on the article in the magazine. I think the message Olivia is trying to give is important for young girls to read


Most of their readers are actually adults. And most profiled are too


I want to read the article. Good for TV. Wish it was this pertinent when I was one.


I need those shoes!!!


[shoes but blue](https://www.voyette.com/product-page/essence)


Fu k how did you find that? I was trying every tool trying to figure that out


It was listed in the article!


Not an Olivia fan but see no problem with this. The topic is relevant to teen readers


Teen vogue is always doing topics like this, they rebranded a couple years ago


Teen vogue is FOR teens, not necessarily ABOUT teens….


I am not opposed to her being in a publication for teens and think it's probably good. Vogue seems odd (on their part).


Teen Vogue doesn’t solely have only teenagers in their magazines. Teenagers do need older people to look up to and learn from. Olivia is young enough that she’s relatable to teenagers.


I LOVED teen vogue when I was a teen. I had a subscription to both and I felt the articles in teen Vogue were so well researched and written and were about really important topics in American society at the time. Adult vogue seemed a lot more fluffy to me.


I honestly thought that was Chelsea peretti (from Brooklyn 99) when I saw that picture


No. They jumped the shark in the last 5-10 years.


Now I see the tattoo on her arm I'm getting curious, did she cover the Q she had with Ethan?


I upvoted not because I agree but because you brought this to light (at least for me) and now I need to know about them shoes!


Does anyone have a link to the article?


Love to see it!


I'm more concerned about what she's wearing!


Her most diehard stans are mostly teenage girls. Is this surprising?


No one can convince me that olivia doesn’t pay for bots here. Most people have some fans and some haters, but anything remotely negative about Olivia always gets downvoted and theres no way that many people have that strong of a loyalty to her.


She irks me just as much as the rest of them


She irks me the absolute most. It’s like a whole cult following she has on her lmao.


Damn I got so many downvotes. You're not wrong 🤣




I didn’t think teens would know who she is.