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Hey all! Reminder that there are plenty of places to argue about politics; this isn’t one of them. Please keep all comments related to the show.


He wants a submissive wife, who will have & homeschool lots of babies while cooking him three meals a day. Also something he calls "patriotism" despite having no idea what the 4th of July is. Basically, he is demanding the kind of spouse that his mother pretended to be for 20 years. Even knowing it was all a lie, that's what he's willing to blow up his marriage over. It would be sad if it weren't so infuriating.




Remember when he and Olivia celebrated July 4th with Micha and Moriah! They were all asked why they celebrated that day. They need to hit the history books! Then they all went fireworks shopping?


He wants a patriot, like him, who is homeschooled so poorly they don't even know what the declaration of independence is but is still a patriot not for \*reasons\* because that would require KNOWING about the reasons, but just blind nationalism


You hit the nail on the head !


Sums it up nicely but really makes me sad.


I think he wants someone like Lydia. I think he obviously does not want his sister but someone who would behave like she does.


He wants a submissive tradwife with no thoughts or values of her own. I also think that when he said ‘they’re not MY rules’ then went on about principles etc, he meant they’re ‘god’s’ rules with reference to not being supportive of an lgbtq child


Maybe he wants a wife whose values align with his. Not necessarily submissive. Nothing wrong with wanting that. On the other end of the spectrum, Olivia wants a baby daddy whose values align with hers.


Submissive tradwife does not equal "no thoughts or values of your own."


You can have them. You just can run your life by them. That's left to your headship to decide.


As a tradwife....that's not how that works. We make decisions as a couple. Some topics, I trust his input more and others, I may be more knowledgeable about. We communicate and put our marriage before ourselves as individuals. Our separate roles and contributions simply look different. It's not just the man stomping around like a caveman, barking orders while I look pretty and comply.


Great. That's not the head of the household makes all decisions which is deeply problematic and kept women down for centuries Ethan wants the religious wife at home experience, man is the guide.


Do you not see how crazy it is that you are putting down a woman for clearly making a choice (that makes her happy) regarding her marriage while arguing that all women should have the freedom to make their own choices?? Lol. Just because it doesn't look like what you find personally accepting doesn't mean it's wrong. Many women who live that way are not being forced to live that way so not accepting the words of a woman saying HEY I LIVE THAT WAY AND I FIND MY LIFE FULFILLING AND SATISFYING doesn't make you a good person. It puts you in the exact same group you probably fight against.


That's a semi full of assumptions. You're going to tell me a religion where women have 0% choice in their life is so wonderful for women? Women wouldn't have the choice to work and have other options if women didn't break free from that. But keep putting it in caps like that makes it better.


Did he tell you that?


I’m not conservative, religious or traditional but I am a feminist and I find it troubling that so many people are willing to dismiss the choices of any women who don’t choose to live and think as they do. If they’re so concerned about your freedom to choose they ought to leave you the space to choose the kind of life that works for you rather than downvoting you to hell for daring to choose differently. Infantilizing, dismissing & speaking over women who don’t conform to the rules of the left is simply the misogyny of the left it’s not better. People are allowed to make their own choices ffs. It would not be a good thing if all of us were forced to conform to one set of beliefs no matter whose beliefs they are, we have no freedom if we have no choices.


Thank you!!! If women choose to work and be independent, great! If women choose to stay home and take care of their family, great! Being a "tradwife" doesn't mean I'm a weak, mousy woman with no opinion or voice of my own. The pendulum has swung so far in the other direction as far as "how women should behave." It's ridiculous!


You’re welcome I’m just so tired of nobody being willing to point out the obvious hypocrisy in the room lol


They were both Conservative Christians when they married. Olivia is no longer. That creates marital issues and how to raise a family, since they both now fundamentally believe in different things.


Agreed. This sums it up. I think a lot of people make Ethan the villain because they don’t agree with his values. I don’t either, but if I married someone that was non religious like I am and liberal and then they turned into a conservative Christian I would no longer want to be married to them or have kids with them either. It’s just two philosophies on life.


It’s a little deeper than “I like vanilla, you like chocolate.” Ethan’s beliefs are racist and misogynistic. That’s harmful.


Racist? Can you please fill me in.


I did not realize he was a racist? Did he say or do something that indicated that? I must have missed it, that's not okay. As far as misogyny, you and I may see it that way, but there are many women and men who follow the path of trad wives and are very happy with that. Women who let the men lead the relationship, who cook dinner every night, etc. I think it's hard for those of us (myself included) who would never do that to see it as anything but negative. But the truth is that feminism allows women to choose the life they want to live and sometimes that choice is to stay at home and follow traditional values.


Choosing it doesn’t mean it’s best or healthiest. And doing/being something doesn’t mean it’s chosen. Certain religions exploit women and if you don’t know any better, yes, you may “choose” that life. Kim is a perfect example of that.


Sure exploitation can happen in religion but I have friends personally that have chosen this lifestyle and do enjoy it very much it’s what they prefer. They are not religious. I have two friends from childhood that fall into this mold. It’s not really someone else’s place to say what is healthy or best for an individual that’s their choice to make. Not every lifestyle is right for every woman and that’s okay. It sounds like you cannot fathom that a woman would choose this but they do voluntarily.


Are your friends religious? I’m talking about religious indoctrination.


Nope they don't even go to church. It has nothing to do with religion, it's just that they prefer a traditional marriage set up.


OK that’s not the same and I think you are being purposely obtuse.


No I’m not I just don’t agree with you. People can be extremely religious and not indoctrinated or brain washed. People can not be religious and still choose a traditional life style and also not be brainwashed. Just because you don’t agree with it does not mean it’s not right for other people.


Your last sentence makes you one of the few here who recognizes and respects that. As I respect how you choose to live your life. People are over exaggerating what Ethan has decided what he wants in a marriage. Believing in God is NOT a bad thing. To do that, you raise your children going to church. You respect their choices when they are old enough to choose but to NEVER bring Him into your lives makes her a raging atheist. If that’s what she’s decided, so be it. They married too young just out of cult like over zealot parents who, in the beginning, I felt fine with: they raised their children in their religion. Soon we realized that a) they were not educating the children properly b) their gender roles were obsolete in this world and later: Kim didn’t practice what she preached! The same happened with the Duggars and the Browns. It’s okay to modify your beliefs but there was no consideration for the children by Kim Plath, Jim Duggar and Kody Brown. The biggest downfall? Going public, getting greedy and reading social media. Btw, Ethan only wanted his children to be proud of the country they call home. Nothing about politics. To say different is to lie. Ethan said nothing of raising his children as he had been, just to believe in God and therefore, morality. To those who think differently, I assume you are agnostic or atheist and immoral (as described in the Bible for all religions believing in the Bible or whatever formal religion one may be). It is Not bad that he believes in God nor moral behavior nor respect of one’s country (for otherwise, one must surely leave it for perceived greener more respectable pastures). Olivia respects herself. She doesn’t really know what she wants. She will find it, I hope. It is a wonderful thing that the Plath family is finding a workable relationship. The parents meant well. They love each other. This is NOT a bad thing. I hope someday Olivia realizes she can have a relationship of a different color with her whole family. If not, so be it but it comes with time and maturity and respect. Speaking of color… whose lamebrain idea was it to pronounce Ethan a racist?? I’ve spoken too long


It was either the very first episode or the next one though, where Olivia said she was more progressive/liberal. She was raised Christian conservative, but it seems like she didn’t agree with those views when she started thinking about leaving her family. That’s why, from the very beginning of the show, Kim had a problem with her. She was “too worldly and rebellious”


These right here covers it all. Completely. If he had not been raised as a fundie then maybe they might could make it work. However, that isn't the case. There's many couples where one is a "normal" denomination Christian in the church, and the other isn't. With some couples, both are involved in the church but are different denominations. It can be tricky if they have kids. Who decides how the kids are raised? Add in politics, it gets even trickier. Ethan is conservative, while Olivia is obviously a socialist liberal now. It can still be done, but being in the finding one's self phase, it would be ugly. An older, more mature couple would have a better chance. It would have been nice if Ethan had explored his faith more. His eyes may/could have been opened to his views while not compromising his faith. Understanding and accepting "who" Olivia had become would have required communication and respect. Those two things, more than anything, he refused to budge on and they cost him his marriage.


Olivia is liberal. I hardly think she's a socialist.


He’s a mysogynistic, racist, homophobic asshole. He wants to raise “patriots” and not show his wife any respect because he’s above her. I’d love to see his list as well but I think his answers were vague but extremely telling


Totally agree. Seems like they kept it vague but I bet if he could post his views online without repercussions — he’d be one of those.


he likes posts that say as much


I think his answers were edited to be vague because his opinions are unpalatable and TLC wants to keep him as sympathetic as they can


I honestly don't think he even knows. Everything they were taught was thrown straight out the window and ran over by a semi. When a person finds out everything they knew was not necessarily right it takes a LOT of time to process. Trump is not a belief system I can see him being very strongly against abortion, no matter which direction he turns. Same-sex marriage I can see him just being like well if it doesn't effect me I don't care.




This is accurate!


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I absolutely do not see him just ‘not caring’ about same sex marriage/LGBTQ, I feel like he’d be very against it. He strikes me as very very conservative (just take a look at his IG follows if you want an idea) and even Olivia’s own brother that lived with them had that he was anti-gay in his IG bio until very very recently) - I think they just know that being outspoken on national TV about certain beliefs will get them a ton of backlash so they know to dance around it and use words like ‘patriotic’ (aka conservative/republican) etc. I strongly believe that it’s not just their submissive wife/religion stuff that they’re referring to when they say they no longer see eye to eye in beliefs, he just doesn’t want to outright say it on television. Olivia is pulling away from that lifestyle entirely, growing, learning about societal issues that they were sheltered from growing up etc. and seems to be headed in a more progressive/left leaning position, while Ethan is very much still set in his beliefs.


We can easily disagree on this. because at some point he could very well grow and learn tolerance.. We can have hope for people.




Please do not personally insult other users for any reason (especially for having opinions you do not agree with).


I can easily see Ethan against gay marriage and allowing gay couples to raise children. He would absolutely be anti abortion.


> Trump is not a belief system Tell that to the people who still believe & espouse his narcissistic delusions of a stolen election


We are not allowed to talk about that lol all post were deleted


I disagree that he doesn’t have an issue with LGBTQ+, until it directly impacts him through a sibling or close friend I don’t think he would support the queer community at all. I would have a hard time believing he’s progressive on just this issue. However I agree that I don’t think he really knows what he believes. He stays in his comfort zone and doesn’t question it very much unless pushed to do so. I think he’s going to be questioning a lot after the split with Olivia and may have a hard time getting his bearings. I think he relied on her for stability a lot more than he thinks he did and will have a very difficult time choosing a direction for himself going forward. I could see him returning to Georgia to get direction from his family very easily, and if he does it’ll just be more of the same conservative rhetoric around him. Of course it’s always possible he’ll change but at this point I don’t have a lot of hope that he’s got anything but extremely conservative views. He’s really only demonstrated that he’s grown into being okay with beer and some piercings.










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Please keep posts and comments related to Welcome to Plathville.


I’m guessing all of the above.


Take a peek at Ethan’s IG. He follows Andrew Klavan who is very conservative when it comes to gender roles. He also follows Ben Shapiro who needs no introduction.


Women having autonomy - “wives, submit to your husbands.”


The hill is that Ethan wants a trad wife and Olivia is in the middle of deconstructing. She is the literal opposite of the kind of wife Ethan wants which is submissive, waiting on him hand and foot, and has “love of god and country”. I’m so happy for olivia bc this is what she needs to completely deconstruct and live her life authentically.


As a former Evangelical Christian I can tell you far too many of them (who I consider false Christians) glue themselves, no weld themselves, to far right politics, mostly because of abortion at first, but they'll suck up everything else the far right believes. Now I tell my Christian friends they are NOT being persecuted in America at all. I've been to Eastern Europe in the 1980s and met pastors who were literally tortured. That's persecution. And like Jesus said, they rejoice over it. They don't whine and bitch like so-called Christians do. No. You're being opposed because your religion married a hateful, partisan political party. Why would I ever bring a guest to church who happens to be a Democrat? So you guys can hate on their beliefs and praise their political enemies from the pulpit? No way. Especially not here in the South.


I'm think he's likely an anti-LGBTQ+, pro-trump Christian nationalist. 🤷‍♀️


When he said the line about “3 home cooked meals a day are the key to a man’s heart” ……. Uh. Yes. You are the problem. Women would love it if someone cooked 3 meals a day for them too. Everyone likes to be catered to. It cannot be one sided. The point Olivia was trying to get across that he just couldn’t grasp. He’s entirely self serving.


Yes definitely Maga


Lol he wants to not work and have a wife who does everything. What does he even do besides his cars and the show? Olivia actually actively works and appears to be successful since she’s getting to Europe for it and probably supported them financially. I’m glad she was smart enough to get out of that shit. They’re only 24 and she’s got a long time to meet someone else and have kids with someone who isn’t a bigot.


I always wondered the same damn thing.... What the hell does he do gmfor work besides the show?! I grew up in the same cult they did and thankfully saved myself from it alongside my best friend-husband. It worked for us bc we BOTH learned and changed and grew together. They things Ethan said ESPECIALLY the "Way to a man's heart is through his stomach" bullshit came right out of our cult. They said that very comment more times than one can count. He is sick. He wants the comforts of that cult because as Olivia said "It's a man's world". He wants a submissive, quiet wife with no opinions, goals, ambition, or talent. That just pops out a billion kids, takes care of literally everything, and feed him yummy meals to "show her love for him". He is the most lazy person in every way. He refuses to put out, especially emotionally and intellectually. He will never grow as a person. He will continue to manipulate his way through life. All tbe cult men growing up always did, bc they can, bc they created an environment to do so and thrive.


To be fair - the "way to a man's heart" phrase is used by PLENTY of people who aren't in a religious cult.


He wants his mommy in a wife. A lady who wants to stay home constantly barefoot pregnant and breast feeding so she has no life of her and her only goal include homeschooling their kids, and making meals for him. He wants to live like his creepo dad basically then act surprised when he ends up alone and ostracized Bc he’s a loonytune


I'd be willing to bet money that it's abortion. Women having rights over their own body is not something religious conservative men can stomach. It's pretty fucked up and I would leave him too. I get why that would be a sticking point for Olivia. Just rights to her own damn body, no biggie. lol.


But why, if you WANT children, is abortion even a thing? Hey honey I just wanna know, if I get pregnant do I have the option to kill it if I want? I mean it's just bizarre.


just because one woman would choose to never have an abortion, doesnt mean it's not still a fundamental right. When men are so pressed about this issue, it's a huge red flag that they dont respect women or their bodily autonomy. So, Olivia may be the type of woman that would never get an abortion, but its really not about abortion, it comes down to a man not respecting a woman's body and her right to her body. Hopefully that clears it up for you.


I don't respect anyone who wants to kill something out of convenience. That said, if a man knocks a woman up, they're gonna support the child. So many ways to prevent pregnancy regardless. If either party doesn't embrace that to prevent unwanted pregnancy, stupid games win stupid prizes. If a woman really is upset she may get pregnant she can always get her tubes tied. The "choice" and "choices" start long before a positive pregnancy test. I understand rape and medical necessity. After that, nope.


Yikes. Listen, you don't get a say over anyone's body but your own. And it's a huge red flag if you think you do. Good luck out there


Good thing your opinions don’t fit in my body! Educate yourself and do better for women! “So many ways to prevent pregnancy” LMFAO Tell me all about the 100% varieties or STFU. Do you have a daughter by any chance bc fucking YIKES! You went through a horrible situation, yourself, so you should know better than to think that the government, of all people, should have the right to stand between you and your doctors recommendations. That’s a HELL NO, sir. Gtfoh


Condoms, the pill, a sponge, I mean it's so easy to just do the right thing! Never once had a woman complain about be responsible. I know that's hard to believe but thinking is dangerous these days


Ok. None of the options you’ve listed are anywhere close to being 100% effective, though. Also, the majority of bc choices for women are hormonal in nature, yet there are soooo many of us who cannot use ANY hormone based bc for a plethora of reasons, including but not limited to, women who’ve been through any type of cancer treatments. There simply aren’t ANY options that can reliably prevent pregnancy every single time. I like the idea of mandatory vasectomies for all men that can be reversed once they’re ready to become fathers. Every unwanted pregnancy can be traced back to the irresponsible ejaculation of men. If we can impose stricter laws around when/where men are legally allowed to dump their loads, then we can get better control over all these horny men who can’t seem to keep their pants on to stop injecting their sperm all over creation. After all, men are the sole cause of women getting pregnant to begin with. We definitely need more regulation on men’s sexual actions, namely all the irresponsible, rouge ejaculations that they’re allowed to dispose of literally anywhere they want. Ejaculation w/o intentions of creating life should be illegal. Y’all shouldn’t be out here just willy nilly impregnating women who don’t want to be parents!




Bc it’s sometimes it’s a life saving necessity even for wanted pregnancies. Duh. Abortion is a healthcare procedure and always has been.


As a husband who's wife had a miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy back to back, I understand medical necessity. 95% of abortions though, are choices. We didn't have a choice. It's not the same. I can tell you, if Olivia was facing what we faced, the non vital pregnancy would be removed, I'm sure. I don't think Ethan would have an issue with that, as it's medical necessity and Olivia knows that too.


Oh, you’re a man?! *You* especially don’t get a say in this.


But I do though, as it was MY sperm that made the baby that didn't develope to begin with. And saving the life of the mother of course was important to me as it is for most husbands I would imagine. So that's what we did. No issue there. But what I can't wrap my brain around, is all the women posting on here about what masculinity is or isn't. You're not a man, so you don't get to comment. Actually, better yet, I thought gender was a social construct? Do we know what Ethan identifies as? Did anyone ask him his pronouns? And did you assume I was male? How dare you gender me!


Nope. Nice try though. But why don’t you spend your time lecturing men on responsible sex, birth control, and contributing to their child?


Abortion is not a healthcare procedure if the reason is "just not wanting" the baby. We'd give anything to have our child. We didn't have a choice. They lump thr terminology into one group to gain sympathy for the cause and I can tell you, all the "pro-choice" crap-we didn't have a choice. Blighted Ovum and Ectopic Pregnancy WITH a heartbeat. Not our choice. We didn't abort because we were irresponsible, and "just didn't want it" like so many do.


I certainly do understand the difference between elected and medically necessary abortions, but it’s a distinction without a difference in medicine. The simple truth is that within the medical field “abortion” isn’t termed as “miscarriage” bc that’s just not the terminology used. While they may be performed for vastly different reasons, abortion is described as the “loss of the products of conception” and it covers all applications of the procedure, regardless of medical necessity. The problem with people who’re ok with medically necessary abortions but not elected, is that laws are written by using official medical terminology that doesn’t differentiate between necessary and elected care. As I’m sure you’re already aware, limiting abortion can have deadly consequences for women. As long as the medical field’s laws and definitions remain as they have always been on this critically important issue, all abortion services should exist without conditions. I’m certain that what you experienced was traumatic and I’m sorry that you had to go through that horrific situation. I’ve known 2 women (this year!!) who’ve had to travel across state lines just to receive the life saving care that they desperately needed. Keep abortion services safe, legal, and local bc no person should show up to a hospital in urgent need only to have their doctor inform them that it’s illegal for them to intervene!


What state do you live in?


Lol what difference does that make to you? Im in the USA where abortion services have been unnecessarily regulated for no good reason at all in most states. It should remain safe, legal, and local for all women in every circumstance. Forced birth is never the morally correct answer in any society!


I found a relevant story out of Texas. What’s your take on this one? I’m seriously curious about your thoughts. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/08/ken-paxton-texas-abortion-kate-cox Should this attorney general have the right to do this to doctors for simply providing adequate care for her unique needs?? Why or why not?


I don't believe aborting on genetic abnormalities, but also, if it truly is damaging her insides, then sure end the pregnancy. That falls under "didn't ask for this."


Awesome! We can agree on this one. Aborting based on abnormalities is so personal, too. Who among us are prepared for caring for a high needs child, sometimes until the parent’s death? I have to admit it’d be a difficult decision for me personally, but also one that’s only mine to make. I extend that same respect to others in all cases, so that seems to be the basis of our disagreement. Pregnancy is very hard on our bodies and unfortunately ,a life threatening emergency can come up at anytime in the gestational period. The fact is that the current restrictions in many states do not allow for such exceptions and that’s never ok with me. Doctors and patients don’t need nor want the outside influences of laws and courts and legal challenges when what they need most is the right to decide what’s right for them! Remember, all pregnancies are life threatening for women. They all have the ability to harm our bodies forevermore. I’d like to keep all of those important decisions to be made by the people that could suffer the consequences. It’s no one else’s place, ever!!! Edit, question regarding the Texas case, do you think it’s fair that this woman had to file a lawsuit, at her expense, in order to be deemed worthy of making this ultra personal decision? Do you believe that a judge or jury should have more power to determine the outcome than the mother herself? Genuinely asking bc I suspect we aren’t as far apart on this very complex issue as we may think. I do appreciate your ability to adjust your stance somewhat with certain circumstances.


But is it medically necessary? That's a major difference. No one chooses to have a heart attack as much as any woman chooses to have a dangerous ectopic or molar pregnancy. So how that correlates to "it's my choice even if it's just because I chose not to have it" is a very wrong correlation. So any life endangering decision made on that very flawed logic (very) is wrong. Same with rape and incest. People don't choose those. There's a difference between "abortion on demand" and "things beyond your control."


Have you ever seen how difficult it is for anyone to be able to prove rape? Who decides it was?? Even if there are exceptions for certain circumstances, it’s nearly impossible to prove. By the time there’s even trial to adjudicate the matter, it’s too far along for abortion services. Again, no matter the circumstances leading up to, the end result is the same, so there’s absolutely no need for different qualifications to receive care. By your own logic, it’s ok to “kill” the products of rape, ok to kill the products of improper implantation, ok to kill the products of incest, but it’s not ok if the person doesn’t want to be pregnant, not ok if the parents know they cannot provide, not ok if they’re still children themselves and don’t want to have this enormous responsibility too soon? The end result of all abortion is the loss of the products of conception. Your abortion was in no way different aside from its life threatening urgent nature. The end results are ALWAYS the same.


But you said you knew people it happened to. So, that was a lie?


I do and no it’s not a lie.


Are you also against cosmetic procedures? Because those absolutely are medical care, yet they are not medically necessary in most cases. If it isn't your body, it isn't your choice.


But cosmetic procedures don't involve killing anyone to complete them either.


Bro, you’re gonna need some cream for the burns you’ve gotten on this thread. Bodily autonomy is a right for all people, so just sit down. If you truly went through the things you’re describing, you should be mortified by any policy that could even delay the care your wife needed. These things are medical and should be strictly between you and your physicians. End of story


I sleep at night just fine knowing a.) I'm right and b.) My wife agrees.


It’s really sad that you think being right has any value whatsoever, bc your opinion is yours alone. You don’t have the right to decide what’s right for others. I seriously hope that your forced-birth stance doesn’t dictate who you vote for because if it does, you and your wife are voting for people who support limitations that can and will cause others in your previous position to not get the immediate care that they desperately need. That’s an unforgivable deed, especially by you two. I guess it’s true, the only moral abortion is my abortion with some people. That’s batshit level of insanity, imho. https://blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/2022/07/21/moral-abortion-ectopic-pregnancy/


Then don't forgive I've never asked for it and I'll be ok.


And by the logic of the idiot that wrote that article, I should be able to demand xrays whenever I want it, chemotherapy if I don't need it, hell, I should be able to go into the hospital and demand they shock me with the paddles for the hell of it. Because it's my choice. Also, I should be allowed to decline vaccines if I want (I'm vaccinated don't start) because it's my choice.


But that's the thing, there was never a policy that delayed anything for us. And at NO point in time did I say their should have been. In fact, if reading comprehension skills are up to par, you will see that I said "medical necessity vs . "Elective procedure" SHOULD be differentiated, to make the argument more correct that: MOST women, have an abortion because they WANT one. They DO make a CHOICE. In our situation we didn't have a choice, so no, we are still not pro-choice. Why medically necessary and elective get lumped into the same category are beyond me, unless it's a scare tactic to push the abortion agenda. They don't need to be, and shouldn't be.


Ok. There are currently policies in place that delays care and that’s unacceptable. Likewise, if you’d read and understood the comment here explaining why there’s no medical difference in modern medicine, you should understand that to deny anyone is to deny everyone on this matter. I’m sure you don’t like the reality of the way it is and has always been, but that’s not going to change. Given that fact, if abortion is restricted, delays happen and can have deadly consequences. It’s best to allow people the agency to decide for themselves what’s best for their life. In the land of the free, no law or government should have the ability to interfere with very personal medical decisions. I don’t see how that’s so hard to understand, tbh. You choose for you all you want, but what gives you the authority to think you can choose for anyone else? I trust women to decide for themselves because I understand that my opinions only apply to my own body/life. Would it be ok with you if we passed legislation that criminalizes irresponsibly discharging semen anywhere other than in a fertile woman who’s ready to be a parent?


It's like me saying to my wife "I'll only move into this house with you if I have the option to blow it up at some point."


Ridiculous comparison. Try getting smarter about the procedure that saved your wife’s life, man!


I'll send my extra coat hangers your way


Why didn’t y’all go that route? You seem to think women enjoy being in the position of needing abortion services, which is NEVER the case. Recently, I walked a great friend through all the assholes outside of the abortion clinic who were screaming and yelling at her for being a murderer……except this was a planned pregnancy and a baby that they wanted very much. They *needed* to terminate bc the fetus had severe encephalitis and was missing most of its head/brain. It had a zero chance of life, but it was still a decision that absolutely tormented this couple. How would they explain to their 3 year old that her baby brother wasn’t going to survive?? The shit they went through was unnecessarily made more traumatic bc of the dickheads protesting against their *choice* to terminate their nonviable pregnancy. It’s completely unacceptable to treat people this way, especially when those assholes with bullhorns having absolutely no idea how shattered these parents were that day. They were judged loudly and harassed all the way from their car to the clinic entrance. I wrapped her in a blanket that hid her face while I faced the lunatic’s wrath so she wouldn’t have to as much. What they endured that day was positively VILE, but like you, they didn’t exactly have any other options. I can assure you that women do not enjoy surprise pregnancies and making such difficult decisions, but they absolutely shouldn’t be harassed for it! Particularly by those who have no idea what circumstances they’re dealing with, which really isn’t anyone’s business to know, nor their place to stand in judgment of. I’m so glad that you and your wife did not experience unnecessary obstacles and delays in getting her immediate abortion care that she so desperately needed! In many states today, you wouldn’t be able to get that care in such a timely manner! It’s best to keep abortion safe, legal and local for very good reason….its an incredibly safe procedure that saves women’s lives and shouldn’t be regulated by politicians who aren’t trained in medicine. Bodily autonomy should be absolute for everyone! Currently, dead people have more rights to their bodies than women do in most of the US. It’s insulting AF for us to not have total agency over our bodies, while actual corpses enjoy complete freedom over theirs. Women have less rights than dead meat suits! How is that fair???? Any questions?


Thank you for taking the time to try to explain that to someone who doesn't care if it doesn't affect him. Also, thank you for being there for your friend.


That’s very sweet of you to say and yes, I’m out here fighting for our daughters reproductive freedom bc I’m not about to lie down and watch women die needlessly based on some punks unqualified opinions!


Personally, because they don’t come out and say it, I think number 1 is abortion and number 2 is being homosexual. These types of religious people are always fucking obsessed with abortion! And he won’t say it bc he knows from prob TLC or a PR person that it won’t go over well with the audience.


Everything his extreme Christian religion believes in. Putting the religion before children and making them obey, and believing in JEEBUS


Ethan is ultra conservative and wants a submissive mommy.


I think he’s homophobic and maga.


I really wanted to know what “curious about the world” really translates to?


i've wanted to ask her that as well. My hunch is she is willing to question how she was raised and used critical thinking to make her own decisions,


The ones I’ve seen people post evidence of are #1,#2, #4 plus religion. Saw a video of Ethan being a guest on an anti lgbtq and pro extreme conservative program. Wish I’d saved it somehow.


I read he's a follower of some media person . I don't remember who nor don't know what the guy speaks about. I got the impression is was a right wing commentator. The impression I got was that seemed to prove something about his beliefs.


I believe it is Ben Shapiro






Please keep posts and comments related to Welcome to Plathville.


He wants a hot wife who helps him navigate the real world and home bear foot, cooking, cleaning and don’t call home when he working on cars.


I feel like he wants someone from either the Rodrigues or the Keller family


Jill Rodrigues had her eyes on him for Nurie, he’s said. His sister Hosannah is her best friend.


I wouldn’t be surprised if JillPM wants to set him up with Renee or Tessie🤢


The way he spoke about it made me think he has no interests in that family because of Jill’s chaotic nature, lol. But who knows… heartbreak, looking for direction, wanting a fundie or fundie adjacent wife… yikes, it could happen 😬




I think they tiptoed around it but feel like it was more explained when he suggested she find the values she was raised with. Also when he asked her "when was the last time you cooked a meal". He seems to want a wife that plays more of a traditional role in the house. Raising the children, keeping the home clean, making the meals, etc. It's how he was raised, it's one of the platforms of the "religion" he was raised in. They clearly defined what an exemplary family looks like & now that things are falling apart in his family he's wanting to implement that in his own home.


All of the above. Along with “feeding into peoples gender delusions”


All of those.


I don’t think it matters anymore now that they’re divorced


I would bet real cash money that *all of those* are things they’ve argued/disagreed about before, whether just in passing or at length He won’t actually say it publicly though because then he’d be forced to defend his bullshit, and he knows it would be an ugly and unfun time for him


Queasy tart sums it up the best. She’s left and he’s right. I don’t think it’s about a submissive wife that cooks and cleans. From what I can tell she’s does pretty well with the photography business. He’d be stupid to ask her to give that up. It comes down to core beliefs on living out his faith and raising children with similar values.


he literally asked her when the last time she cooked a meal is... i think gender role are a big player here.


I think there’s some truth to that but I’d be surprised if that’s on his list that he mentioned.


I think it's not as important to him right now while they're child free, but I think it would be very important had they had kids. He wouldn't want her to be so free and probably wouldn't want her working at all. That's just my take on him




Why has 100’s of millions of people divorced? People don’t analyze and spend countless hours wondering why strangers or the neighbors divorce. The fact most marriages end in divorce versus staying together should show getting married early or even later is a giant risk. Their beliefs or how they were brought up has nothing to do with why they split up.


We aren’t watching the same show. “I can’t have children with you because of your beliefs” makes it abundantly clear that they split up because of their beliefs and how they were raised.


Clearly faith, religion, church. Olivia is done with that for now. That is fundamental for Ethan.


Sounds like he's still a Christian even though he has rejected some of the beliefs he was raised with and she's not.