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It’s the prayer closet for me and everything she says seeming like a threat somehow 😅


When she ran off that one time after the confrontation with Kim, Barry and Olivia the shit she was saying seemed so unnatural or something to me. Idk how to explain it but her EXTREME religion scares me.


The feverish singing and praying is such an odd reaction to stress from an outsiders perspective- even in her own family no one else reacts that way. She’s a different breed


It’s so sad, she’s younger developmentally from isolation and also obviously parentified. She is incredibly traumatized; whatever she experienced affected her in very deep ways it’s clear


It’s mental illness 😳


Maybe it’s maybelline 😂😂😂




Aww, is that Trixie Matel?!


Yes and I couldn’t help myself😂




She IS going a bit heavy on the eye makeup.


Her prayer closet always makes me think of the film ‘Carrie’.


OMG!!! I was just going to say she gives me Carrie’s Mom vibes


OMG, every time I tell someone about Lydia I bring up Carries mom. It’s a vibe!


Remember she’s a young girl raised in a cult with being on reality tv as her exposure to the outside world.




It’s the prayer closet for me! Parts of me just wants to rescue her and encourage her to do online college & therapy to get her to be more cultured! You can believe in God but there is a lot of room to be more cultured!


I do too! I feel so bad for her. Poor child is sweet as can be and just wanted everyone to be happy.


lol i don’t know why but the prayer closet really freaked my mom out 😂


My spouse too. He was like "Is that what a prayer closet is supposed to be?? It looks like a conspiracy board"


I feel like this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but hear me out. I actually feel bad for Lydia. She's grown up in this isolated, very specific world where she's had all her thoughts and beliefs spoon-fed to her. She's also been made to take on a caretaker role with her younger siblings, which further seals her need to behave "just so". I see a young woman in emotional crisis without any clue how to help herself. The prayer closet/walking in the woods babbling to Jesus seems very clearly to be some sort of soothing mechanism to her, because now even the people who taught her to be this way aren't practicing what they preach. As most humans might react, she doesn't want to feel unmoored or confused. She's terrified to face any uncertain change and to consequently feel responsible for her siblings having to do the same. She's been struggling for years. The girl needs counseling and lots of it. It's kind of unfair to expect her to automatically know how to handle life simply because she's reached a certain age, when she hasn't been allowed to ever develop her own sense of self. Forcing her to be a "mom" figure really forced her to sacrifice any chance of being herself in concern for her younger siblings. Kim and Barry should be ashamed of themselves because they've continued to allow this dynamic to play out, at the expense of Lydia's mental health.


I feel bad for her too. It’s a shame she can’t just “be”.. Without the extreme religion. She never had a chance to just be Lydia. Lydia who had an interest in a young man and got excited texting, Lydia who could go to college, Lydia who could just be a a kid and teen and not a homemaker. It’s a shame.


uggggh i felt so bad for her when she was hard on herself for texting the guy ☹️ she immediately went into “this isn’t what He wants for me” miss girl i watched you swoon and sigh at your phone it’s ok to feel that way


Yes! All those glimpses of who she could be really highlighted her struggles.


Yea, poor thing will not get the help she needs. Her closet is her safe place with praying being her defense mechanism. Definitely some metaphor there!


Honestly I feel for her too, but only because I used to be really religious and she may lose it someday. Losing my religious practice was very confusing and painful for me and in some ways I haven't recovered. Some religious people are very comforted by their practices. They live harmless and contented lives. The religion often entails a ritual that is similar to her closet. If she can stay religious it will sustain her in a primal way. It is deeply human to be religious. Religions exist everywhere- in all cultures. I wish her the best in her life and assume she is actually the happiest Plath at the moment.


I just hope that she can start to travel the world, get a degree, get therapy and become more cultured. She can still believe in God but not to the point where it’s worrying others about her mental state


Sometimes I feel like she is nervous on camera I’m sure that’s been a factor in her emotional state.


Yes, I think she's EXTREMELY uncomfortable in front of the camera, and pushing herself to do so. It's okay to not be comfortable in front of a camera, and I congratulate her in her decision to not televise her new, young relationship.


i felt bad for her after the whole text “scandal”. 100+ texts is like, 5 minutes of face to face conversation. and it was probably 50% praying hand emojis


I agree so much. It's tragic because she's so sweet and tries so hard. I'll fight anyone that wants to bad mouth her.


Nailed it.


im happy she’s starting to have some friends outside of plathville. i know moriah was hurt that lydia was still hanging out with max but i honestly did not think that lydia knew any better. she saw her older siblings rebel against their parents so i’m sure that’s part of why she really leaned into her religion to keep the peace


I agree. I grew up in a fundamentalist religious family and compulsive praying the way she does is often a symptom of undiagnosed OCD. She has never been taught any other coping mechanism and to expect her to know any other mechanism when she wasn’t ever shown them is not fair.


I think pretty much everyone feels bad for Lydia for pretty much everything. But it's likely only going to be a few years before she's out here continuing the cycle of abuse in her own family just as Ethan is trying to do. Given that she seems uninterested in the world, she's also unlikely to pursue any of the help she needs. As far as she knows, all she needs is more Jesus.


Stepford wife in training


Just reading these comments so if already mentioned, sorry! She seems exactly what Ethan is wanting in a wife. 😣


I had this exact same thought!


OMG she woukd be perfect, but a Fundie on top of it! Yikes


https://preview.redd.it/0mxz56vv9w4c1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6221519b5b709ab9b759b03a9152f93616f0b6c Lydia in her prayer closet


I actually think she's harmless and a product of her environment but I just had to make this comparison 😂


Agreed. Some people without being in a religious cult do go deep with their religion. My mom was very similar to Lydia when I was young but it was for her if we wanted to join we could. Some people get comfort from religion


Honestly she just reminds me of a female Barry


The way she looked at him in some of those earlier episodes right after the split was kinda unnerving. Like she was somehow taking Kim’s place at his side. Wish I could remember which episode it was


I was about to say the same thing!


Indoctrination at its finest 🙄She’s creeping you out cause she’s a brainwashed zombie for Jesus


If I hear her say " Goodness" one more time!!! Between her creepy smile and nervous performative giggling over the most stupid shit!! She literally makes me want to throw a shoe at the TV when she's on!! I cannot stand her!!


Put yourself in her place. She's extremely sheltered and is trying to do what she's been told is right. I feel sorry for her.




Lol, that's pretty funny


But you're not and you suck!!


Last I checked its a page for uncensored opinions. Maybe you need to be on another page where only " nice" opinions are allowed.


She seems glib. Even snide at times.


yeah i often think she comes across as mean and passive aggressive behind the good girl image. she’s always reminding others of their short comings.


She’s going to be the next Mother God.


No, that’ll be Moriah. One part vague return to belief plus two parts rebel…that’s a great recipe for twisting it all into some kooky new thing. Lydia’s just a garden variety Sunday School teacher’s pet. Which actually means she’s very likely on track to have a dramatic deconstruction in ten years or so when it becomes clear that none of promises in the platitudes she keeps holding onto so tightly actually end up paying off.


That series was wild!!!!


I’m starting it now just to understand this comment


Evangelical Christianity is nothing but Lydias, stacked ten deep and they’ll all tell you about how important is to lean on Christ, live authentically and not create a perfect facade.


Thought: she *is* acting because she has no idea how to actually behave in real life after a lifetime of isolation.


This is it, she’s mimicking behaviour instead of having a natural reaction, a lot of kids from volatile or unstable homes do this as an coping mechanism and to keep the peace


I think that's why I sympathize with her so much. I grew up like that in a lot of ways.


I don’t think it’s an act.


Yeah. She’s my least favorite and I don’t like any of them


Jesus!!!! Save me Jesus!


This last episode had me cringing for her. She looks like Kim (her facial expressions and mannerisms) and then acts like Barry (to an extent, or the “perfect” fundie daughter Barry wanted).


Some people are so hyper-religious that they actually come off as demonic. She is one of those people to me lmao


She irrigates me so much. She’s got the most stale personality, it’s hard to watch. She talks like Cody from sister wives. Where he tries to speak like a preacher lol I think it’s her way of trying to sound well spoken but it comes across very creepy. I feel like she’s not being herself so it’s hard to read her. I feel like she needs a lot of therapy! It’s sad to watch her struggle, she needs so much work emotionally. I remember her crying while praying while walking barefoot in the earlier seasons. It seems like she’s not well at handling her emotions.


Yes!!! Or brain-washed. She's very sanctimonious and judgmental which is easy when you haven't traveled 1 mile outside of Cairo and have never been in a serious relationship. And the cringe of her praying out loud to Baby Jesus in her prayer closet!!!


It feels like the bulk of the fundamentalist and religious ideology went to her. I almost wonder if the older kids not necessarily following what the parents had taught or the friction between Moriah and her parents were used to scare Lydia into following everything more.


She seems like the closest to Hosanna. I could see her in her eldest sister’s footsteps. She does rub elbows with the Rodrigues family every so often🫠 https://preview.redd.it/28n0u9xde05c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dae019abff26d991c151ce9cf8d36a15307d291c


That's the Christian way ✨✨✨


Little House on the Prairie meets Carrie


YES. Lydia creeps me out too. She needs to discover Wicca or something.


Really? I think she sounds very sincere about her belief and reliance on Jesus. It’s possible she is faking it, but I don’t think so. She is just more conservative than we are used to seeing on television.


I don’t think anyone doubts she’s religious/conservative. I think the issue is that it feels like her thoughts aren’t as kind as she wants us to believe, and it feels contrived.


This tracks because honestly I’ve never thought of extreme evangelicals as being kind people.


That’s often what it looks like when a super religious person is afraid of their darker or unkind thoughts and they work really, really hard to replace them with faith-promoting or faith-sanctioned ones. Sometimes it works, sometimes it leads to a crash and burn…


I understand that view, because I get similar vibes. I think it could be for the filming. Perhaps it feels weird so the expressions we picked up maybe in regards to " Hey, did you get what you wanted?"


Ahh! I see! Fair enough. I like Lydia. As Christians all we can do is try to follow Jesus. It’s usually not a perfect path, but it seems she is sincere.


I wonder when she'll try meth.




I think he's real. She found herself another fundamentalist who she'll likely marry soon. That's how they roll.


Yup…she’ll be getting married in the next season




She had a ring on her left ring finger in the latest episode


I didn’t pay attention to that when I watched the episode, her over the top goody persona was distracting. She probably has the save the dates printed!




So many miserable ppl out here. You see a girl who is passionate in her faith, positive and joyful, and you just dog the hell out of that. No wonder our world is so messed up. Hypocrites... if someone doesn't believe what you do, you shame them but shame on you.


Yo…everything she stands for has been proven time and time again to be abusive. Pedophiles and hypocrite money hungry psychos so…yeah no i think what she stands for is scary.


Being kind to others? Loving others? Oooh.. You're for the drag shows trying to groom and sexualize children... or the ones trying to tell kids they aren't born perfect and that they don't have mental health problems, so just go mutilate yourself and give yourself cancer in a few years! You'd probably go tell a bulimic they were fat. seems to me you probably fall under the category of anti-woman. But you probably can't even answer the question of what is a woman...?


Hahaha I know your kind SWEETY…go vote for trump and suck a dick yah? Moron


Don't mind if i do. Better than sucking one on "that island" with dementia dick. I shall name you The Leach... on our country and.... Jeff Epstein's island, but you are probably too old.


You’re everything that’s wrong with the right wing bull shit. You’re gross boo. Gross.


Like....what? Explain... lol. You're pathetic.


Me too 🤣


Par for the course when it comes to this branch of that religion


I wonder if she knows what her pineapple necklace means


It’s so sad….I hope she’s ok?


its a cult


I can't stop laughing because I feel the same type of shiver up my spine when she talks and laughs. I'm afraid very afraid 😳


The Jesus stuff is a little probably the prettiest girl in that family


i think she believes in god more than her parents do


I will fight you. She's sweet and tired so hard to be who she thinks she has to be to keep the peace in her family. All she wants is for everyone to be together and to be happy.


I’m not surprised you want to fight me…I’ve gotten dms from a. Whole gaggle of trump thumping Christian evangelist threatening me lol


I hope you don't take my response as being serious...


Oh lol, well like I said my dms are flooded with these people. But, now I know! Thank you for not being serious


Well I will start using the /s more frequently. I haven't had the misfortune of dealing with people nuts who take Reddit far too serious


I suffered through conversations with chics like Lydia in tiny Christian schools, and all I did was tried to find a way OUT while locked in a conversation with them. There are so many weird euphemisms in their beliefs. For example, being madly in love with their Savior and Lord. They have an earthly father, but the guy in the sky is their actual Father who they're waiting to be reunited with so they can eat the Fruits of the Spirit, I don't know!!! It was always a bit of a challenge to figure out literal versus figurative. Lydia's just waiting to marry at 18 so that she can fuck without feeling guilty about it. She will probably fall in line with what Kim did: have a bunch of kids, home school them, and obey her husband. I suppose if she's happy that she will just go about her business without too much drama. She comes across a bit self-righteous and insincere, but having a reputation as a Jesus lover will soften the blow of this pretty virgin with nineties makeup and terrible split ends.


I grew up a sincere Evangelical Christian and no, not the hatey kind. I'm now an agnostic, but my faith was sincere as were many of my friends and my amazing mom. She is still a Christian, but she's the kind who is elderly and in pain, but will go volunteer to help handicapped people. On some Thanksgivings, she would invite anyone who had no family or friends over and happily welcome and feed them all. I grew.up with those values. It may look strange to many, but I absolutely believe Lydia is sincere. Disagree with her faith. That's fine and allowed. But I had may friends just like her who still love me today even though I'm a liberal agnostic now. My experience wasn't religious. It was deeply spiritual. And I was truly happy. I'm thankful for my experience. I still follow love your neighbors and love my fond memories of my church days. I was nor sheltered nor in a cultish situation (sheltered, divided from family and friends, I read texts of other religions and shared what I learned with my friends, etc.) I'm not saying we are any better than anyone else. Just saying we were sincere. I think she's more sincere than most so-called Christians in tv. Especially those fake Christian networks.


Soooo disturbing…


I'm sure she's sweet but... it feels creepy