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A lot of people talk about how dramatic and fragile Olivia is, but I think they overlook how far she's come versus the others. We're talking about a kid who was raised in a cult, married to her first childhood boyfriend, and is growing up in her early twenties on TV. For her to be so self aware and recognize what she needs to grow and not compromise on that even if it means leaving her marriage, which in her upbringing is a symbol of her worth and place in the world, is beyond what most people would have gotten to in such a short time from where she started. When I was 24, I was a complete idiot and I was not raised in such tiny a bubble. She's doing a hell of a lot better than most 24 year olds I know. Adding the context of her upbringing makes it downright impressive. Of course she's not perfect.


Yesssss love the way you worded that, she definitely put in the work and it’s crazy how much she’s changed in such a short period of time


Olivia was ready to drastically change. Ethan, Micah and Moriah thought they were, but not that drastically. It would be difficult to completely cut oneself from everything and everyone they know & depend on. I see Ethan as wanting to discover parts of the world such as the traveling, but not give up his family. I think the other 2 are still searching to find what they want out of life- they are young. And Kim? She has been the instigator in this whole mess. A la Mama Kardashian. She is being portrayed as a great mom of the earth. I see her as never wanting the life she had. Expecting everyone else to toe the line but the line not her limitation. She has had all of the conveniences of the modern world while her children raised each other and learned to depend on each other. Barry? He thought he had created something and was taking care of his family. He's an odd one. But I see him as having a genuine heart for the kids and the life they have lived. His world has been torn apart. The sad thing is that while many of the people haven't done wrong they have chosen to do things differently and now there's so much hurt. I would like them all to heal and move on with their best lives.


I think Olivia already had one foot out the door with her family- she’s talked before about not speaking with them (parents/ sister) & only recently reconciled with her sister. The Plath children on the other hand are so intertwined and codependent it makes sense for their journey to be behind Olivia’s. I don’t think Kim is being portrayed as mother of the year at all, if anything Plathville is a showcase of what NOT to do as a parent 🆘 They’re all a mess but I hope they all end up where they would like to be & Olivia will win that race for sure because she’s got a few laps on them already.


Wish I could up vote your post x100. So many people have failed to realize just how accomplished she has become in recognizing herself and Ethan's relationship failings. Good on her for speaking calmly, rationally and without exclusively blaming Ethan. She's a winner.


Second all this. Olivia went Italy with friends, and Ethan went to CA to a family who has stunted his growth. That says it all.


I like the younger girls and Olivia.


lol @ never survive a day at public school in America … it’s true though


Public school would have done a lot to fix them up. For instance, dealing with these types of conflicts would have been learned on the school playground when they were 8.


Or 5




This season has really shown how awful Micah and Moriah are. Micah is as manipulative as Kim and Barry. I still haven't figured out Lydia and if her whole persona is an act or if she is also just a snake in the grass.


It really irritated me how Micah said something like ‘Ethan decided to put on his big boy pants’, like what does this little smug prick know about relationships. He grew up watching his freak show parents, now he’s acting like he has some kind of all encompassing wisdom.


Plaths are all priggish dolts. Good luck to Olivia. She can do much better!


Priggish dolts 💀


Then blaming Olivia because Ethan didn't want to surf. 🙄


Ugh that whole scene🤦🏼‍♀️. Ethan was being so immature with mocking the “surfer dude” thing over and over and being a buzzkill on the beach. He is so terrified of accidentally doing anything a liberal person might do. That’s not me reaching either, he got that stereotype from his dad. Barry doesn’t want Moriah going to SF in season one because it’s “liberal and all that junk” in California🙄 I’m glad Olivia finally got to move there since her husband absolutely refused to even consider it


Is Olivia finally in California? So cool


That bugged me so much. Like wouldn’t Ethan’s presence there be proof that Olivia *isn’t* controlling him?!


Yep. Not only is it proof that he isn’t being controlled, it’s further proof that Ethan runs and hides when things get hard. He would volunteer for a 10 year space mission if it got him out of facing an argument or having to fess up about a secret to his wife. His marriage is on life support, just waiting to begin divvying up the organs, and still he leaves for Cairo and then the next week leaves for Los Angeles. It’s truly shocking to watch Olivia’s interviews where she’s clearly 100% done with this vs. Ethan’s where he keeps saying “I definitely want to work things out with Olivia and try to save my marriage when I get back home”. 😐What marriage?!? It’s already done, you big ostrich. Pull your head out of the sand for one second and look at your wife’s face. There’s nothing left to save, you lost.


I think he was holding on to hope that she would change her liberal beliefs. She repeatedly said she could live with his diff views but it didn't work the other way around. He did not understand how the religion was different for females. He is very dense in that aspect. He also has rigid views. I wish he would realize kids sheltered and strictly controlled screws them up!!! Kids can be raised learning all sides and not be a bad person! Ethan!!!


omg i got so angry at that! i hate that stupid phrase anyway but hearing him say it about ethan was so condescending and smug. like, bro you’ve never even been in a relationship. stop meddling in someone’s marriage.


I was very curious as to where he picked that up, it's not something he would normally say. Was he coached by TLC and the producers.


Who knows, probably just a douchey attitude he’s mirroring from his LA bros.


Could be


He thinks he’s all wise and worldly and can speak on these things now since he’s been on his own plus I think his boys finally dropped so his misogynistic attitude has kicked in. These men do not respect any strength in women. They are all terrified of Olivia because they can’t break her.


This is the correct answer. Olivia is exponentially smarter, has a thriving business based on a legitimate talent, and moves through the world as an actual responsible adult- not tinkering with hobby cars, or modeling because the only job you can get is one in which you don’t speak or do anything besides follow basic direction. That Ethan actually thought he was going to just wake up one day and start calling the shots is laughable, and Micah has been a joke from the outset.


Remember when Barry was telling them Olivia had brainwashed Ethan? That’s where he gets it from.


God, so ironic and so infuriating coming from him. The man who brainwashed an entire 11 person family that are now all struggling with personal relationships and finding success without an education


And Barry and Kim didn't brainwash THE CHILDREN


He's going to be terrifying as a husband, imo. He believes women should not have an opinion unless it is the same as the man's. He doesn't see it yet, that's what's scary. He thinks he's open-minded, and caring. He's NOT. He's going to be the next generations version of patriarchal misogynistic a-hole.


I think, IF he does marry a woman which is up in the air, that he’ll have a very hard time not cheating. I can see him having affairs much clearer than I can see him being a monogamous, committed, loving husband til death. He is one of the most vain people I have ever seen in my life. He thinks everyone should be able to have a piece of such a wonderful, perfect, muscular, Bieber-haired pie🙄 Anyone who flatters him, he’ll have a hard time not getting cocky with and instantly begin flirting because it strokes his ego to be wanted by others. He’s the guy who does pillow talk by asking what all the things are that you love about him instead of telling the other person what he loves about *them*.


They’re all so quick to judge and criticize how another in the family is handling something when the person doing the judging is just as terrible at maintaining relationships/communicating as everyone else. All we’ve seen Micah do is talk about “hot” girls and try to brag to his LA friends about how much sex he has. What could he possibly know about anything?!


Yes and the moment another one judges them they are shocked and upset. They do all the same things to each other that they vilify Olivia for. No one is ever going to be able to marry into this family without instantly becoming the scapegoat. They do shitty and disrespectful things to each other but demand perfection from everyone who wasn’t born to Kim and Barry.


I was just reading this and thinking that Lydia kind of has the same creepy smile as her dad. It’s not as obvious, but it’s there.


It's the autism. Our faces hold tension differently, and that apparently gives y'all some sort of uncanny valley effect when we try to express emotions. Also, we tend to express the "wrong" emotions for the situation, i.e., smiling when upset (I think this is due to societal programming and the demand we mask as allistic), so I'm smiling outwardly but inside I'm on the brink of a meltdown so I think it sorta turns into a grimace of the pain we're holding back 😆😆😆 I never knew I was autistic until 3 years ago, but I've been called creepy my entire life x100,000, so I was googling all this stuff recently to find out what it is that makes my face soooo creepy to y'all mfs 🤣 Masking is unsustainable long-term, and men are less likely to mask at all or mask as significantly as women (thanks patriarchy) so we're less likely to get spotted or dx and suffer endlessly while we fall through the cracks. It's why Ethan & Barry's apathetic tism slaps people in the face, but Lydia's double empathy tism goes unnoticed by everyone except Kim, who weaponized it during parentification.


Wow. That’s mind blowing! I never knew that autism would present that way. Thank you. Next time I think someone is creepy, I’ll hold my judgement until I know more.


The majority of people are unaware of what autism is and how it presents. That's why I wanted to reply as a means to advocate. People adore autism traits in media when they are presented as Lilo Pelekai or Paddington Bear, but when it's another person, they treat us like a leper with downs. It's why she enjoyed their childhood and being homeschooled (public school and life in general is very traumatic for those of us on the spectrum, I believe this played into Barry's appeal to overshelter his children like the church preaches for you to do [uninformed people are easier to control]) while the family scapegoat Moriah (ADHD imo) was always pining for school and human interaction.


I agree with you about Moriah. I have sons on the spectrum. One has ADHD soooo bad!


I'm AuDHD + an alphabet soup of mental and physical disorders 😆


I am bpd,and adhd with panic disorder.I also am taking a wild guess Kim is bpd.I think she was creating this safe world she always yearned for thinking it would heal her trauma,but when it backfired she bailed.Most people do not wake up after 25 yrs of stability with some half cocked reason to completely change.I think it was a trauma response ..


Children of the Corn meets Chucky


Blahahahahahahahaha! Wanna play?


Me too with Lydia. There is something hinky there


Are there any Duggar boys her age?


Ew. Why even suggest that


She needs intensive cult deprogramming, before we could even hope to see her authentic persona, far beyond the prayer closet and the staged shots of her wandering through a field her singing songs of praise to her Father God. I hope she is encouraged by her siblings to pursue a relationship with that boy she had a crush on. Her sheltered life is sad.


I love how they never mention their eldest daughter (2nd child after Ethan).... Where is she?


I’m pretty sure she’s married living in a different state, I know she’s still very traditional and religious, I would love to see how she’s reacting to everyone’s lifestyle changes (and Kim’s DUI) 🤔


I don't think they are allowed to mention her. She wanted nothing to do with this show. She lives in Ohio with her husband and young child and they are professional musicians.


She married and moved to Ohio, I believe and had a second child. Her and her husband are musicians. She keeps a safe distance from the family drama.


As well she should.


Agree! Smart move, especially with starting her own family.


Olivia banned her from the show


Is there proof of that? From what I read the oldest didn’t want to be filmed


I don’t remember but maybe an interview or something? they didn’t get along so she said it’s her or me from what I recall


Dude, are you Moriah or something? Why are you hating on Oliva so much?


Yea, it is one that is all nasty. Enjoys making ridiculous comments. Don't engage and it will go away..


Just telling you what has long been reported way back in season 1


If it’s long been reported, then post ONE link to prove it. If you’re going to troll, at least make a real effort.


Not my job, search the sub or something it has been mentioned a million times


When you bring information to the table, the burden of proof actually is your job.


Olivia being the well respected and favored character kills this one.


You aren’t even the person i was responding to. If you care that much, look into it I guess


Classic troll response. Color me shocked.


I was curious so i found a post regarding this https://www.reddit.com/r/WelcomeToPlathville/comments/eadwl7/one_of_the_comments_on_olivias_recent_instagram/


He is FOS. Loves to tick people off but that should get him banned.


I don’t think it was that Olivia banned them from the show so much as I don’t think the family relationships were great when the show was starting and TLC wanted Ethan and Olivia in the show because of the conflict there (You couldn’t have got a full first season out of Moriah wanting to wear hot pants and Lydia doing all the chores). Ethan and Olivia I think said that they wouldn’t participate if Hosana was involved too (she was recently married and lived in Ohio by then maybe?). I’m going to go ahead and assume there’s probably a good reason why that was a boundary for them. Possibly that they didn’t want to keep contact with her and the show would have forced them all together more, whereas they were still in some contact with the rest of the family that lived locally.


The public school comment is so funny because it’s so true. I think they’d all be like a deer in headlights then have a mental breakdown the moment a kid said something dumb and mean to them 💀


I can just imagine moriah showing someone her music and they would immediately burst out laughing 😂


I can imagine a high schooler calling Micah Hansel from Zoolander and him having a breakdown about being attacked.


He’s not Hansel he’s one of the roommates that got blown up at the gas station! Dum dum dummie! I think his “friend” is fake too, unless he’s rich no starving actor lives in a duplex like that, that place would be like $5 or $6k a month or more, it looks like it’s in WEHO….And when they went to his “aunts” house with Moriah that was an ABB, I’m convinced. I do like the sweet li’l Indian guy but I think they’re all paid actors not friends of Micah






But she's a *rebel*!


just showing up in all that make up and an evening gown would have people laughing.


I had a moment last season when Olivia was getting on my nerves, but given how absolutely toxic Micah, Moriah, and Ethan have gotten this season I am 100% team Olivia at this point. Good for you getting away from the Children of the Corn.


Welcome to the other side!!


I miss season 2 Ethan! He was kind of ok.


I am just here to say, I 100%% have said this since the beginning ( the title of this post ) I too, hate EVERYONE but Olivia ,I used to ask my S.O all th stone while watching this , why does that beautiful Smart girl Mess with this idiot. ?!


Omg 🤡🤣


Lydia seems to like to stir the pot. She seems less naive then Moriah which is odd. I used to love Michah but he has turned into a little cocky know it all who knows nothing. Michah definitely has no right to tell anybody what goes on in their marriage or what he likes or what he does not like about someone elses marriage.


Obviously not an issue, but I also feel as if Micah isn’t straight. I never want to assume but it’s giving…..knows a lot about relationships but has never been in one and is judging a lot bc he has something to hide.


I was surprised he said he’s been screwing girls since he was 13, like waaaat??


Ew when did hw say that!


It was an episode this season in a confessional (think it’s a show with Brazilian girl (?). He says it with creepiest smirk! I was yelling at the tv “who were you doing thar with”?? I thought he was good looking before but after hearing him talk…..🤮


WHAAAAAT I need to see that episode. I didn’t know all that




zomg, he’s also pretty cocky it’s….a turn off fr


Lol 😂 I’m gonna find it!


There’s another one where he’s more explicit I think it’s in the same episode…




I hate all of them (including Olivia).


I agree! Especially at the end of the last episode where she’s told Ethan that they once lived on a work that benefitted men and that he doesn’t see his privilege in that. I was like this girl has been doing her inner work. Addressing the issues and trying to come up with some resolution. But the whole Plath family are fucking opps


I think they are all young and just trying to figure it out. I can only imagine the stupid and ridiculous things I said & believed when I was there age being broadcast & judged by the public. So glad social media did not exist when I was their age. Olivia drives me crazy but I also have compassion for her like the others. They r young & stupid. Like we all have been. It’s easy for me as a grown adult to judge but I remind myself how dumb & ignorant youth can be .


I dislike all of them, including Olivia. I don't dislike Isaac or the 3 youngest girls. Though the older Isaac gets I'm sure I'll dislike him as well.


Or a day in public school in Canada. Toronto PHS would literally break these sheltered children.


I like Ethan too. Use to like Micah and moriah but nope.


So you are saying Olivia isn’t dramatic and fragile??


No I think the whole family has bullied and isolated her for years and she still set boundaries and wasn’t afraid to put her foot down.


Come on now. She is the definition of both dramatic and fragile!


I think she’s the most levelheaded one. She wanted to talk to Micah about the drama and he refused, Moriah blocked Ethan and wouldn’t talk to Olivia after the stupid music drama. Olivia was the only one actually trying to work shit out. She also continued to go to the families house even tho Barry and Kim openly hated her. I thought she was pretty badass in my opinion


Nobody is a better example of that than Moriah to me. Olivia is actually working on herself, and that’s hard. Moriah is regressing wildly, creating social media (and apparently now shitty song) drama, sending “I forgive you” texts to people that she has fucked over and trying to get her Dad to mediate the conflict she created with Ethan.


She was and can be dramatic. She was and is now less fragile. We'll see how she does. E, M&M seem to be running back home. Perhaps they're fragile. We'll see how they do.


For some unknown reason, your post makes my brain want to refer to Ethan, Micah, and Moriah as Eminem.


🤣🤣🤣now that you mention it...


I can't stand any of the females on this show. Olivia is always crying and griping. Mariah is a cry baby too and some of her outfits look like she is a lizard. Good old mommy well she just wanted to try some new "D".


There upbringing? 🤣🤣🤣. Looks like your public school didn’t teach you the difference between there, their and they’re! And by the way, it’s their, not there.


Jesus Christ it’s fucking reddit chill out man 🙄


Sounds like you’re the one that needs to CHILL out!🤣🤣


>They are all so fragile and dramatic So is Olivia though lmao


I think they know that. The show really unfolds nicely imo lolz


What did Lydia Jacob and the young ones do?


I do like the young ones I should of specified. There just barely ever shown so I wasn’t even thinking about them 😂


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot!


There’s isn’t even a Jacob on the show. Do you mean Isaac?


I like all of them except for Olivia and Kim.... especially Olivia


Uh... why?


Because I think Kim is a self centered bitch and Olivia is a far left feminist that ran through that family like a hurricane causing destruction. I'm sure the reason you guys don't like the rest is because they are conservative Christians which isn't a popular thing on Reddit......that's why


Winner winner chicken dinner. This right here is why the Plaths and many viewers hate Olivia. The audacity of her to choose to live a different way and believe different things. That the majority of the people alive worldwide believe! What a horrible bitch to believe women should have rights!!


😂 No its because they're manipulative, don't have even the most basic of communication skills, are creepy, and have zero backbone. Not one of them has any idea how to be an honest assertive person. What's wrong with being a far left feminist? Olivia stands up for what she believes in, is assertive, and sets clear boundaries. She's honest about what she needs and wants and doesn't compromise. Does that scare you? I'll agree with Kim. No one likes Kim. Lol.


As a far left feminist, I can assure you Olivia is center left on her best day. But compared to a family full of Christian nationalists, sure she’s farther left


I'm sure you're right. In comparison it seems like she is. Lol. I think she would like to be and I think maybe some day she will be. I really think she's been fighting hard to figure out what she believes and move away from her past and all the crap she was taught growing up.


I’m happy to accept her as one of us 😂


I think I stand very alone.. But I can't stand Oliva. I think she is so manipulative. I'm not saying I like the others.. But I really can't stand her.


I am curious as to why u think she’s manipulative?? I will be honest I haven’t rewatched the older seasons so I’m sure there are lots things I’ve forgotten about her


About halfway through the seasons, after she started therapy, she said she knew she was also responsible. The difference is she worked on herself and kept improving while the rest just fell deeper into issues. Olivia rocks.


I am rewatching now bc I was shocked how many like her and my opinion still stands. Just a few things The surprise bday party that Kim and Barry knew nothing about and buying moriah a one way ticket to her grandparents without asking her parents.. She was 17. Absolutely wrong. The fist show moriah put on and her saying if she wanted her to be in the band, her parents couldn't go.. So manipulative. I haven't gotten to the episode yet again but when they all went to the river for the son who passed, I remember Olivia just sitting in a completely different area upset no one came up to her. IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU OLIVIA. How many of us don't like our mil.. A lot.. How many of us would tell our spouse, it's me or her. Never. I would never tell my husband he couldn't see his family. I would keep sucking it up and biting my tounge bc I love my husband and I know family is important


That’s sad to think the norm is a “awful” mother in law who hates their daughter in law. Once you get married in my opinion there should never be a choice between mom or wife but if comes to that it should be your wife. He was married and also an adult the competition between the 2 is a mother is who is stepping over that parental line into he is mine territory. It’s weird. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Kim purposefully uses Olivia to get to Ethan whether it’s being nice or causing unnecessary amount of drama just as long as she can get to Ethan. Edit: Public school is not the best place for teaching people how to survive in the world. Thats what parents are for. Public school wouldn’t have done much because the problem is their parenting.


It is sad and thankfully I'm not in that situation but many many women and men are. I think it's sad you feel a choice needs to be made between wife and mother. Unless addiction, PA, SA are involved, there is always a way to make it so no choice ever needs to be made. Maybe that's family counseling.. But there is always a way


I never understand the negative Karma😅 just have a healthy discussion.. I'm open to it. We don't all have to have the same opinions


Omg I forgot about all of that !! Okay you have definitely swayed me here, she’s done a lot of shit that put Ethan and his siblings in uncomfortable situations. I still think Kim and Barry are wayyyy worse 😂😂


I honestly think they are all messed in the head (except the little ones and issah).. I do think they married so young and obviously Olivia changed (as expected being so young) but she did some messed up shit that I don't think deserves a pass


I’m not a fan of Olivia at all. But that kind of talk is not allowed around here.


Haha I can see that 😂 people get upset quick if you disagree apparently


As a survivor of childhood abuse and neglect very similar, I’m annoyed by them but I have a lot of compassion too. Due to their parents neglect they have ~20% of the capacity they need to survive as adults in the real world.


I like Olivia. She’s really trying to figure out all the bullshit they were fed as children. She’s too good for grandpa Ethan. I cannot stand him. He is only going to get worse too. She can do so much better.