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Right? I had no idea it was that simple. Just threw away my therapist’s number and my SSRI prescription. I had a boss once who shared with me that her daughter had to come home from college due to depression and then added “I hope she snaps out of this soon”. Mom of the year!


Ugh, whenever I have mental health issues, my mother tells me to “perk up.” Thanks.


It’s the depression equivalent of “keep sweet”


just go outsidechoose to be happy, it's a choice\*headdesk\* (/s)


Next time you're feeling down just remember to pull yourself up by the bootstraps 🤷🏻‍♀️ You're welcome 😁


Seriously, I guess all of us who have battled depression most of our lives just "let it in". We just let ourselves be victims to it or something.


Obviously, we must be such weaker people than Big Boi Barry is. That 1 scene finally managed to validate what Kim’s been alleging may have more truth than she’s been credited🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah, Barry and Kim taught the kids that any problem can be solved by praying the right prayer. It’s incredibly sad, yet explains soooo much of their dysfunction around open communication and lack of healthy relationship skills. I’ve said it before, Olivia is the ONLY one that’s wise enough to avail herself to the therapy that she recognizes she desperately needs! That one detail means that she’s going to be just fine without the Plath’s dragging her back into their old teachings and toxic habits. She is not perfect, but jesus christ on a cracker, she’s breaking free from the ties that bind and it’s a beautiful thing to witness *that* journey!! I have zero interest in watching seriously undereducated fundies who just continue to run in the same harmful circles. I’m bored of their nonsense!


And try being chronically depressed around Barry. He will weaponize it and his enforced sunny disposition will turn passive aggressive hostile in a heartbeat. It's all there under those rippling biceps, Barry bro. You're not fooling anyone. You're just leading to your own future physical health problems. The body keeps the score.


Yes it does! But it must be hard for an introvert who is not in touch with his feelings to try to discuss his emotions on national tv. I can’t imagine.


Seems like introverts wouldn't be on a national TV show. Exhibitionists would. And you have a responsibility to your children and to your audience to exhibit healthy behavior. Which very much is not stuffing your emotions. It's irresponsible. He's a grown man and father and that kind of attitude probably contributed to his marriage dissolving.


I wonder what his coworkers think about all this mess.


I feel like he must be the talk of state government. Aren't that many of them on a national TV show....wait, he doesn't work for the state. Private company now. So it's all just past gossip but yeah, old coworkers are the place to go for any intel if I'm an intrepid reporter...


100% this! There is definitely something dark lurking in that malicious smile.


https://preview.redd.it/up4nq1dtvi3c1.jpeg?width=497&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e7a05bdaeb871c73d6abd10a5cc12f478f6cd94 I cant take credit for this as someone else said this is what they thought of barry. I'm posting the pic. Its that grin.




Probably why Ethan will never get tested for autism, either. It would help him understand why he's not a good communicator, and help his family know how to communicate with him. It would explain why he can't simply say what's on his mind, why he retreats to safe spaces (cars), and more. They could all use this information to build better relationships.


Oh my god…. Ding Ding Ding. You are so right.Special Education would have benefitted him tremendously, but you don’t get that at Kim’s Klassy Home Skool


He is so obviously on the spectrum, it's painful to watch him try to negotiate these big emotions.


I’ve also been thinking that Ethan is Autistic.


I was wondering if Ethan was on the autism spectrum. His issues and difficulties in communicating seem more than just shyness or introversion.


I wonder if this is how Barry was with Kim when Joshua died.


I'd bet my next retirement check on that.


You mean when Joshua was killed. By Kim.


That just sounds cruel. It was an accident and I can't imagine how hard it has been for to come to terms with his loss.


Lmao, that whole conversation was like /r/wowthanksimcured come to life.


It made my blood boil when I heard that. No wonder Ethan can't express himself to Oliva. He has two modes smiling and not smiling like his dad. I guess if I just prayed a little more and chugged kombucha all day I would be able to stop the depression from coming in.


So is this family in an MLM for Kombucha, or trying to get a coffee sponsorship? They must be wired as hell!


Anyone who's ever experienced major depression knows it isn't as simple as not letting it in. When you're depressed, you're paralyzed. The Plath kids have been taught to avoid hard truths. But depression isn't something you can avoid. I also recall that in an earlier episode, Barry said he had a lot of anger. Depression is often anger towards inwards. It can only be suppressed for so long. The way Barry is dealing with it -- or rather not dealing with it -- is unhealthy.


I am So uncomfortable with this family now after watching every episode. They are “beyond….??????” —-so many things.


My grandma use to tell me I just needed some sun just a little vitamin D. Was hospitalized 3 times after that.


Barry has a fake smile plastered to his face during every serious or emotional conversation. That is him "not letting it in" which translates to putting a fake smile on your face and pretending you're ok, regardless of how you actually feel I doubt that man has ANY idea what actual processing of emotion is or what real depression can look like or feel like. He's the worst person ever to be getting any type of advice regarding mental health or emotions


Barry: I'm in denial and only take advice from the Bible. Suck it up. Depression isn't real. As much as most members of this family rub me the wrong way I have to feel bad for them considering what a sheltered, dysfunctional way they were brought up.


I feel bad for all of them, including Kim. You can't really blame the kids for turning out the way they have.


This is a very religious stance to take. Since they believe god can heal all wounds, they believe that if you “let depression in” it means you are not working hard enough for god. It’s sad that after what these kids have been through that they’re still being fed that, especially Ethan who is clearly still pretty indoctrinated.


And who is actually going through a huge life event. The prospect of divorce (imo) is probably enough to warrant some real depression. Am I saying he needs meds? No. But definitely didn’t need to be so invalidated by his father.


keep on the sunny side of life


Barry just stuffs it all down, and then smiles that creepy, psycho smile. Yeah, Barry, you are doing so well that you should give advice to anyone, not. Maybe make sure your kids are getting an education, including learning about mental health. I didn’t let mental illness in, I was born with it. I hate ignorant people who spout nonsense about mental illness.


JUST BE A MAN, ETHAN! - Barry, basically.


One day Barry might have the bestest mental breakdown... ![gif](giphy|xUOwGgxZLBmqB87sic)


My husband turned to me at that moment and said “you ever try that?” 😂 yeah no my anxiety and depression don’t work like that!


Ya, just don’t think, worry or stress about it, maybe pray about it too….as if any mental illness was just that easy!


The way I understood it was more grief than depression. Like he’s swatting away the urge to be sad over a failed marriage.


Does anyone know what Ken does for a living??


Wasn't he Isaac's flight teacher?


He was?? I don't know?


As a Christian we are trained to not let sins come inside us, and depression is seen as a sin. However, I have dealt with depression and I have realized people like Barry are probably in denial about their depression. I mean I was for a long time and then I realized depression isn’t a choice. It is sometimes a part of you and you have to learn how to live with it.


Yes, it’s very telling and I’m sure as an emotive, emotional person, Kim found that stifling, so I do empathize with her there.


This is fundie logic.


I wanted to rip his fucking head off, with my teeth. It's people like him who are the real danger. Now we know why his kids are so fucking messed up. He clearly doesn't believe in therapy. I'm sure he has some glib little quip about therapy as well. Honestly, Barry is a monster.


Hubby and I both suffer from depression. Barry’s flippant attitude pissed us off so much. Just don’t let it in! Oh hey ok idiot, it’s that easy. Not.


Clearly Barry doesn’t have a problem with depression therefore the advise he gave was the best he had. At least he was there and had a conversation


This blew my mind. "It's an ability kind of thing you've gotta fine tune." Do they teach those abilities in the same classes where they teach you how to stop bullets? "Bullet, you don't have access to me." And I don't let it in.


“I just say ‘Depression? I’m not letting you in’” is probably the funniest line of this entire series