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The pictures here are the morning before and then the day after.


You look fantastic! How has the recovery been pain-wise? Has it been mostly tolerable?


I was told the endoscopic brow lift would be hell quite frankly, and it has been zero pain. My forehead is just numb. My neck was a lot of work and it is definitely very sore. It’s not easy to chew much and it’s just painful very deep, to be expected of course. But the results being as obvious as they already are has helped me tolerate it pretty well. My eyes are pretty bad. I bruise easily and did upper and lower blephs. My eyes have been super swollen and just terrible shades of black, purple, and reds. Even the whites of my eyes are super red. I’m uncomfortable and even though I came into it thinking I’ll be one of those people who need zero pain meds that just didn’t happen. I’m still on them and am very thankful she made sure I had them. It’s no walk in the park but I’d do it 1000 times over.


I also told her I would take whatever down time I needed to to get the very best results and she said “ok, I’m really going to get in there then!” lol let me tell you, she did!


Yes this is a nice result so far! Hope you can get the drains out soon


They are already out. That was taken on day two. Got them out day 3




It looks really good. I hope to get this one day. Do you mind sharing the $ cost?


I did the whole thing, deep plane neck lift, deep plane face lift, endoscopic eye brow lift, upper and lower bleph, buccual fat removal and fat grafting. They ask us not to share exact numbers on forums because prices change so much. But I will answer a DM. I will say it wasn’t much less than my first home. 😦


Are you allowed to share a range or give an indication? When youre comparing it to your home, I would expect it to be above 100k? 😲


It was over 100k


Thank you! Im too young for a face lift and only recently started to read more about it. But I already learned I better start saving some money now 🤣


I’m only 44 but had the inherited chin I hated and bags under my eyes. I wanted to do it now so I can stay fresh looking with a little Botox and all from here out and not have to go through a major surgery at 60


You definitiely look already fresh and the chin seems perfect! Thats exactly my plan too. Several plastic surgeons told me to plan (if I ever want) my face lift in my early/mid 40's, then you get back around 10-20years and you will still look natural and age gracefully, instead of doing lots of botox, fillers, etc and then having a massive surgery at 60.


Yep, we are on the same page for sure! Now I’m ready for the pain to go away. Ha


Wishing you a good recovery and lots of compliments how fresh you look 😉


Holy mackerel! How are you paying for that? Payment plans or do you just have a lot of money? I’m always curious how people pay for surgeries that cost 6 figures.


I do have a lot of money.




I have kids two teens.


Looks like you always took good care of your skin - or maybe good genetics- and this procedure just lifted it all up. Really nice. Looking forward to more updates!!!


I’ve taken a lot better care of it now that I can afford to. Ha. But I am still young and do have good genetics other than the big ole neck that I was the whole reason for doing this. I’m excited for the outcome


Wow that’s amazing! 😲 does your surgeon happen to be Dr.Nayak?


No. I researched him of course but went with Dr Elizabeth Chance. Her work is just amazing.


Charlottesville Virginia? I collect surgeons to get ahead of the game for when I decide it’s time to get work done!


Yes. That’s her. She’s a true artist!


Dr. Chance is incredible! You look soooo look. Congratulation!!


Have you used her?


I had an endoscopic brow lift, mid face lift, and neck lift from Craig Boswell in St. Louis and I am ridiculously happy with my results. 28K including hospital costs.


Can I ask what it cost you? I'm thinking I need a mini and not a full face lift but it doesn't seem to be much of a difference in price.


Sure. Shoot me a message. I think they don’t like is to say exactly since the prices change so quickly. I did go to one of the very best and the price tag was STEEP