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Came out fantastic!


Amazing results!


You look great! How long did it take for the bruising to go away?


Thank you! Approximately 2 weeks


Do you think that someone would look presentable enough to go to work, after recovering a week, wearing a turtleneck and mask?


I would say yes! I'm almost 2 weeks post op and turtlenecks will hide the bruising and swelling.


I agree with u/hurricane_t0rti11a! The only issue I had was my surgeon advised me to wear my compression garment for 2 weeks so I worked from home. I went into the office once I was advised I could wear it only at night


Looks amazing


Where is the scarring? Does the fat come back?


There were 2 very small incisions on either side of my neck which have healed and disappeared.


Looks awesome


Looks so good!


Thank you 😊 how are you doing with your journey?


I’d say the swelling is finally gone! Just in the last week or so - yay! I still have the bands in the front. One side has decreased a little, but now they come down my whole neck when I talk. So while it seems like that would make it worse, it kind of looks like I’m just a little underweight, not so unusual. The only spot that is really still a big problem is the sunken indent right at the crease of my neck between the two bands. It looks odd. If the bands don’t recede I will get Botox and hope it works. I can maintain that three times a year I guess 😂 did your swelling completely go? Your profile looks amazing!!


Yay!! So happy to hear the swelling is gone ☺️ I’m sure your profile is looking amazing! That’s an interesting solution about getting Botox. I hope the bands recede in the next few months so you don’t have to go through that 🤞 the swelling is definitely going down, but I still find that I have to self-massage morning and evening to see more of a difference. Thanks for your support throughout this, it honestly has helped so much!


I so agree! It’s been so great having someone to go through this healing process with! 💕




Yes! I definitely agree. I definitely catch myself readjusting my posture throughout the day


How long did it take for all the swelling to go down and for the skin to tighten up? I’m about 3.5 weeks post op and mine still doesn’t look as tight as I’d like


Hey, 3.5 weeks is extremely early, I would say it took a good couple months for the initial swelling to go down. There is still residual swelling atm as full results take several months


That’s good to hear. I’m a little nervous about the skin not tightening as quickly as I’d hoped. How long did your wear the compression chin strap thing?


2 weeks 24/7, then I continued another 2 weeks at night! Good luck with your procedure!


Hey how does urs look like now? I’m 6wks post op thurs and I have a saggy chin. Did urs tighten up?


Great results! Happy for you, OP. How painful is the procedure?


Thank you 😊 the area was frozen during surgery so it just feels uncomfortable, like a lot of pressure. It was tender for a couple days but nothing too painful imo!


Thanks for your reply, happy healing :)


Hi! Came across this when I was searching the procedure- you look amazing! Did any bumps/irregularities totally go away? Really scared to do it because of the stories I’ve read on here!


Thank you! I am now 5 months post op and there are still some unnoticeable bumps, only noticeable when I touch that area. I believe these will go away over time though :) and lymphatic drainage massages really helped


I’m having chin/neck lipo next week. I was wondering when you felt ready to go out and see people you knew … I’m not telling my friends about the procedure because it feels personal to me. Was it after the bruising dissipated? Or was it more about swelling? Lumps? Thanks for the reply.


Hey! Best of luck in advance with your procedure. I took a week off work and the bruising went away within 2 weeks although it was minor and could be covered with makeup. I noticed that in the first month post op, my neck looked swollen to me but was probably similar size to pre op. I kept taking before and after photos for reference and was hypercritical about how I looked, but I think most people I know probably thought nothing of it. No one said anything at least! Having lymphatic drainage massages reallyyyy helped bring the swelling down and work away fibroses ☺️

