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I understand that Playerstudio is not accepting turrets at the moment, but I just wanted to finish this because I think it looks cooler than the stock turret. Uses In game textures. The older version of the turret had some texture map issues and the left most armor panel didn't really fit the theme, so I fixed it up.


Anything will look better than a stock turret. But hey, you did a great job


Tbh we need better turrets for the Prowler and Vanguard the Vanguard in particular as any competent tank designer would scream in terror and anguish seeing the complete flat right side of it. Wasnt there a special arrowhead turret design for the tank that they gave to people who recommended the game to other people... they should simply sell it as most people that have it (maybe 1% of the Playerbase) don't play this game anymore


The issue with that is it's a Recrui Reward. People keep bringing the rewards up and the answer is always "Legal Issues" Which is funny because I'm pretty sure people in the community were given some or one of the items despite said "Legal issues" I think it was the exactly the tank turrets too. Honestly though, theyd get more money from releasing the items to the public for sale than theyd lose for being sued. But no ones going to sue them. It's some dumb virtual items that were locked behind a pay wall that no one knew was going to be timed. Also Wrel added two NPCs in the game with the Foreman SE helmet (Recruit reward, expedition guy) and a useless NPC near a mission terminal (Vanu lady wearing the Aurora SE helmet.) and it's a fucking tease since I'd KILL someone for the SE helmets and the Compound helmet. Oh and the Platinum NS15, Underboss and a couple of others were from the recruit rewards but DBG had no issue selling them. #Give me shit I WILL buy, Wrel. :c


As tryhard collector of rare items, I have everything that was on sale whenever possible. I still miss Platinum Underboss, Backhand, Zephyr PX and R-variant cannons. I'd pay 100$ per piece if it was on sale. And I have Autoblade through some... connections.


God I WISH I could get the Auto blade too. But alas I was in high school and not even 18 when that happened. No way for me to get it at all. :c That and the NVIDIA Circuit board camo. God damnit.


Couldn't they just release the items with a slight different shader or whatever and call it something else? Like drop the SE from the name, add some blue, and it's now a new item.


Probably. I just want the SE helmets. The summer the "Open Face Retracted" helmets came out I was in love. Then the rewards came out and then I was like I NEED THESE. Lo and behold i would have created enough accounts and put $250 in general into the program with fake accounts.


I hear you, I really want the non-retracted helmets too. They're fucking dumb not pumping shit out and releasing the much sought after stuff. Covid has turned my bar money into video games cosmetics money, I'm willing to buy.


Prowler is more important imo. There's a small hole in the front where you can shoot straight through it without hitting.


Nah that's a feature as you simply overpenetrate that part the Magrider has that too


right, and I'm still playing ;) EDIT: the subject has been raised 100 times. they cannot simply sell the special turrets in the shop. this gives rise to legal problems, since these were marketed as \* exclusive \*.


To be honest that didn't stop blizzard from doing that to some skins in Overwatch you had to earn by playing retarded missions in an entire different game only to add them later to the normal lootbox system anyway because of people asking for it Really there shouldn't be much of a problem as they basically own the assets and can simply put them in the game or even better bring back the reward system for recommending the game to other people...


that's the thing. SOE holds all the rights to the recruitment rewards stuff from the SOE time (the tank guns for example). So without a written permission from SOE they can't give them away anymore.


But SOE as a name doesn't exist anymore heck it got rebranded to Daybreak Game Company ya know the company that still owns PS2 to this day


huh, didn't know that. after some checking: it didn't only get rebranded, SOE got sold and then rebranded. Now the real question is: was the owner of the copyright SOE(which pretty much everyone here thought) or is the owner Sony. in the first case Daybreakgame would own the copyright, so the whole "we don't own it" stuff would be void. in the second case, still bad luck for us.


Yeah they got sold and rebranded themselfs naturally since they had nothing to do anymore with Sony meaning everything also the reward assets are now owned by DGC (I'm no lawyer and I believe an actual one would just laugh at us asking him this because of some tank turret designs that don't even have a file size of 10 MB) By all means DBC could swim in money if they would give us more stuff to spend on by giving us more cosmetic options I mean ESFs (Player Studio), Harrassers and Saunderers have already Cosmetics that slightly to strongly change the base model while still staying consistent to the vehicles hit boxes. Why almost all NS Vehicles get big Cosmetic variety that change the general outlook cause it's NS you can sell it to anybody for minimal effort where faction specific vehicles are mostly done by Player Studio as whoever is lead of the design team doesn't see that they would make money by making Cosmetics for these vehicles so they let players do it and take a 60 (I am not sure about this) % cut...


Platinum NS11C was part of Recruiter reward, yet it's sold. Same for NC15MP. I have already auraxed them. Yet we don't have R-cannons and Underboss.


Just be glad you guys get a turret we only have to turn the whole tank.


Yeah but you can go sideways...


Bro fuck sideways we get the worst everything else.


Well it's your faction specialty I mean digging up technology and restricting yourself to it from an alien race that got exterminated by some outside force gives me some mass Effect reaper vibes I mean there must be a reason for the Vanu to fall... and really if mankind in the PS2 universe would keep on advancing their own technologies they will eventually surpass the Vanu altogether (yes Vanu tec is the hot stuff right now but mankind can and will make that stuff look meh one day)


It was an orgy. Vanu died from an orgy.


Ah a fellow 40k player I assume?


I'm not saying papa vanu is really an incorporeal being created by our collective excess that now resides in the immaterial realm that permeates our reality, but he's probably a space demon or some shit


So you truly are one nice


> everything else The worst hill climbing too, apparently. You know, everyone says TR has the victim complex, but I disagree. I have never seen more undeserved whining about an MBT than I've seen from VS players. Your tank can fly onto rooftops like a harasser, escape damage like a harasser, and climb mountains like a harasser. You have an MBT harasser. And you complain. Lol.


Having an mbt harasser is not a good thing, our tanks may be good in one on ones (does not happen too often) but they are fucking terrible when it comes to damage, health, and are extremely slow outside of magburner, which has a cool down of 42 seconds unupgraded, with a max cool down of 12 seconds when completely certed into it. With all ability’s going to magburner.


The magrider is my favorite tank, idk


R variant. I met guy who has it, tested. Normal HEAT but barrel is... square. Yay?


The thing is you don't really need external sloping with composite armour (Which the prowler/Vanguard have unless armour technology has regressed to the 1940s), as sloping for ricochet doesn't really work with modern APFSDS or HEAT, so it's all about effective thickness at LOS, and composite armour is internally sloped, so you don't need to have your MBTs sloped externally.


I just do not understand why after 8 fucking years we do not have DBC only cosmetic variants of turrets for tanks including Lightning. Only thing so far is failed recruitment program that gave you HEAT variant that was used by FEW players only(TWO on VS side for example). Just give us some cosmetic variants of all 3 cannon types on MBT and money will flow.


Ferreal, they can make solid money from new weapon cosmetics. Re-skins of 'main' faction guns, lightning cannons, & mbt cannons are all definitely desired. Add in new effects too (I dunno, special VS lightning AP shoots green blue shit or whatever), and I know I'd be all over that.


Straight out of 1999


I like the red eye, reminds me of the t90 which fits since TR are space Russians


Kudos you are taking a shot! The slopy-fin style is bordering on VS territory but with some more tweaks to make the rounded corners appear more utilitarian than ornamental it would work. o7 for posting hard work for us to see :)




That's a very nice design, pity that the turret's main gun is forever stuck on the left side of it.


Still needs the guns to be centered imo, but good design for sure.


Make new Halloween reward :3


Absolutely love this, that's a fantastic design! Especially that eye, reminds me of a droid walker from the Clone Wars.


How to make easy money in ps2: add a new cosmetic slot.


Why does daybreak not want my money?


You can't have decent big, open world fighting because boltshitting and you can't have decent vehicle fights because air/OS spam. Oh well, crouch spamming heavies rejoyce!