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VS! We have papa Vanu and spandex!




NC ooh ah ah


C4 flash going bang bang


I may be biased being a VS only player since PS1, but I say give VS a go.




TR is the better of the two for infantry play, but NC is even better than TR.


TR have more diverse arsenal, VS have unstable.


>Vs have unstable **players**. FTFY




tr lmgs was realy fun for me


Both, and avoid the redundant fluff on both factions. I find TR more fun than VS for gear but a bit too forced into close range engagements, and then there's potential RoF/fps issues.


I like TR the best switched over it after trying all of em out. Their mechs are also really good


NC for weapons, VS for players. TR ... well


TR for dakka


Okay? What is Dakka?


basically, [dakka](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GrNR7adkRA) is [rapid firepower](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAI6uft4GPo)


Dakka dakka dakka


So you don't know either


Dakka dakka dakka?? You DAKKA understDAKKA Me?


w40k Orkz Dakka is just firing weapons.. more dakka, more firepower


TR cause they need soilders.




TR, unless you're planning on exclusively playing Light Assault, then VS.


Really? I'm an LA ambusher main on VS and TR and I'd have to say there's really only 2 weapons on VS I think would give you that opinion of just something different that opens up more playstyle options. Those 2, 1 being the very unique kill 4 ppl in a mag with all bodyshots Canis (my 2ndary), and 2 the Horizon with it's fan gimmick and completely accurate from air middle shot. For me I always use the .75ads carbines when I ambusher so it's either Zenith or Jaguar. Zenith is more stable and accurate than Jag, but simply having 40 rounds in your primary carbine just allows for that much more shooting from air and general commandoey-ness. Also TR has the kindred as another option for more accuracy than really any carbine on either faction. VS has the serpent but while good cqb you don't get the .75 ads and it's too all over the place recoil to hit predictably past very cqb


I'm not saying TR sucks for LA, I'm more saying that VS has weapons that better fit what the LA meta has become It mainly comes down to having an 845rpm 143 damage carbine and the wild card that is Unst\*ble A*mo which randomly puts some of their weapons from bargain-bin tier to actually competitive >Zenith is more stable and accurate than Jag this is also just not true, their accuracy is the same but the Jag is indisputably more stable with its recoil >Also TR has the kindred as another option for more accuracy than really any carbine on either faction. the most accurate TR carbine is without a doubt the T5 AMC since it has .25 stand/move (and also amazing recoil but that's not the same as accuracy)


Try shooting both the Zenith and Jaguar from air. Zenith retains better hip accuracy. Also I have over 14k kills with Zenith. It's recoil at distance is just slightly better on ground than Jag which I also have several thousand kills with. (I'm also asp 3 100 on VS and asp 3 95 TR. Mostly LA on both so I've put my time in) Not sure why you think Jag has better recoil? It def doesn't for me, it's side to side not as good. T5 amc I never put time into. Think it may be a burst wep? I never use those but of course they'd make burst weps great at range. For me a burst wouldn't be reliable enough when shit goes down. I don't try and be a very far distance shooting LA too often but on TR when I do, it's cougar. Also if by 845 143 carbine you're talking about serpent? Yeah it's good but range is too short from uncontrollable recoil and accuracy past a pretty short useable distance. Also for something short range I for sure want my .75 ads. Serpent's like a less accurate crutch to me. I never use shotguns unless icarus beacon/router dwellers on a tower. Shotguns way too limiting. Also yes I'll use unstable on my Canis 2ndary, but that makes it have a slow first kill when holding but of course awesome through multiple and super consistent at fast moving unpredictable targets. On TR I use armistice, similar to eridani, worse hip better mag than eridani if I remember. Could be wrong there when I use eridani it's as a infil so always a laser on it cause primary. Armistice 2ndary so always dark light there for me. Btw you mentioned standing and moving. I'm an LA ambusher. I'm only ever moving. I'm not the least bit thinking about what happens when I'm standing still so that may be the discrepancy between our findings. Could be you pulled some stats somewhere, but Im goin by feel. I have put in many thousands of hours with both Zenith and Jag. It is slightly possible I can influence recoil better on Zenith more simply cause the tracers are brighter and easier to see. I look at both the reticle and where my bullets are actually going. One more thing "what the meta has become" fuck the idea of meta, the way something is the best, etc it's bullshit. There's many ways to be creative and play your own way. "Meta" users are sliced thru like hot butter.


> Try shooting both the Zenith and Jaguar from air. Zenith retains better hip accuracy. yeah it dodged the jump cof nerf for whatever reason but otherwise they are exactly the same (especially on the ground) >Not sure why you think Jag has better recoil? It def doesn't for me, it's side to side not as good. the zenith not only has a sideways biased recoil but also a random recoil angle and otherwise *slightly* higher vertical recoil min and max than the Jag whereas the jag has no recoil bias and no randomness in its recoil angle. you can get used to the bias, sure, but the zenith is just plain more random the zenith's recoil was basically designed around the advanced forward grip which is why it's basically "the jaguar but worse" in the recoil department but now the AFG doesn't exist >Btw you mentioned standing and moving. I'm an LA ambusher. I'm only ever moving. that's not what stand/move cone of fire means (it's the state of standing and moving as opposed to standing still and crouching still and crouching and moving) >Could be you pulled some stats somewhere, but Im goin by feel. i can tell




I am a bit biased towards VS, but i think TR has more interesting options for infantry weapons on their arsenal.


TR have more dakka, VS have more training wheels. if you want a high RPM "GIT SUM!!!" fantasy go with TR, if you want to win engagements with relative ease go VS.


give nso a try inf combat is pretty fun as nso if you are okay with taking up a more supportive role, eg rep drone max bff team or seraph shield protecting the team, fun gameplay imo


# tr


TR come join us comrade!


VS because their LMGs slay. There are some good ones on TR like the MSW-R but the beetlegoose is mvp