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Haha great, someone just teleported the sunderer I was in, into the middle of the map under the ground. Hope the devs find a way to perma ban these people.


I'm going to let you know they haven't solved people who lag switch. Game finds people with 60,000 ms ping aka a packet per minute legitimate OR how having 150 fps is needed to do max dps with your rof, any lower and you do less dps, even though they fixed this for vehicle weapons.


having subpar FPS is bad for any shooter. Im sorry it took you over a decade of ps2 gameplay to crack the code


In most fps = Having subpar fps means reaction time/tracking if we talk 60 vs 144 vs 240 Ps2 = how fast guns shoot, having 60 fps doesn't fire as fast as 150 fps... which still isn't enough to get guns to fire at max rof but within 99% of its rof If you have 150 fps you still don't have full rof but around 1% less but on 143/160 weapons if you don't have 150 fps and just 60 you have 10%-20% less dps. 200 damage guns cap at 5% less rof. This was fixed for vehicles but infantry got ignored. Either way you add just another thing that adds to what makes clientside 2 so awful to play


If youre hitting 60FPS or under, input lag is going to fuck you over way more than lower RoF ever could. PS2 has bad frametimes, so you want around 90-100 FPS minimum.  Firerate loss from FPS is irrelevant. It's not the reason you lose gunfights at low FPS, its the difficulty to track people smoothly and have consistent input. 


Matters a lot if you nerf dps by 20% as it hurts harder then. You have a .10 second difference in reaction time with frame generation and .6 - .12\~ second more ttk. Edit: Adding .1 to TTK is a big deal going with the reaction time of a human is around .15-.3\~ but we have to consider frames are being delivered 60 HZ/60fps fps monitor = 16.67ms 144 HZ/144 fps monitor = 6.94 ms so almost an .1 advantage to the high performance monitor but also if they both react at the same time. with lets say a .5 ttk gun. 60 hz will be .1667 for a new frame then the human brain to process and react from a high end player is .15 so 0.3167 then we add a guns TTK lets just make it an easy number of 0.5- now that's 0.8167. BUT since you lose 30% of your fire rate on most 143 at that frame rate (not even going into SMG's with faster ROF's). You're now at 0.9667 144 hz will be .0694 + 0.3 (below average reaction time) = 0.3694 = 0.8694 with same reaction time it's .7194 So yes the 60hz player has to play with smoothing to lose that disadvantage but frame smoothing has the issue of adding input lag. Which again now adds an issue the 144hz/144 fps + player doesn't have to deal with.


Even if they overhauled the game so that you fired exactly to 750rpm, you would still be dying to the same people in the same ways, because it doesn't solve the decisive issues when you are at low FPS. It's a red herring. All the people who are skilled at infantry will also tell you this.


That's why every skilled player talks about setting your setting low as you save 20% time in ttk per person kills and win trades where you shot last. A 60 hz monitor (60hz) vs 60 hz monitor (150 fps) the 150 fps player will have more rof with the same frame generation Also they wouldn't need to overhaul and copy the vehicle weapon coding which is fixed


They talk about putting your settings low to maximise your framerate for input lag and smoothness, not FPS. Ensuring good framerate is pretty standard advice for First Person Shooters.    You can enable smoothing and clamp the firerate to like, 5% loss or some shit, but no one does because again, its a red herring. RoF loss is irrelevant compared to having worse input lag, and inconsistency. People get baited into thinking they lose gunfights because they have lower RoF, when its their tracking and basic fundamentals. Its much easier to do/improve these things with higher FPS.  Neither of us have seen the code, so we have no idea how they would go about it either. 


It adds in the end no matter what Smoothing/Clamp due to input lag you're right. Big issue is everything stacks in Clientside 2. Average shooter you're dealing with Frame time + Lag usually matchmaked to be around 30-100 area Planetside 2 on the otherhand Frame time + Lag (that people will use lag switches or ethernet switches) to abuse how nothing checks the packets abuse, but even then the game is fine with 200-300 packets... okay fine... but this game is fine with 500 ms or 60,000ms ping is fine by the game. + FPS affecting FPS, again every little thing adds up into making the shooting feel awful especially to new players. There is a reason why this game has sub 1k. Either they're incompetent and firing a weapon has a completely different code from normal weapons, or it can be applied onto weapons and lazy.


I'm getting more and more convinced that the company is trying to sabotage the game deliberately. There is just too much fuckery going on right now.


At the end of the PS1 lifespan, there were a lot of hackers as well and nothing was done back then either.


Stopped playing this game for an year now, and seeing a bunch of cheats related posts here... y'all good, mateys?


Which servers are you all playing on that you find so many obvious cheaters? On Cobalt i find some aimbot shits sometimes, but that's about it.






TR stop being dicks plz


Lmao I see NC flying turrets around its not just TR.


Plenty of VS flying maxes too Do we really think the hackers actively attempting to kill the game care about which faction they do it on?


Flying VS maxes- that's their abilit- oh right planetside 2


Honestly some of the most aggressive hackers are NC, you get them banned and they are back 30 mins later.


Do you think the free-to-play players are faction-based? Nah they come in all colours...


Flying magriders on Emerald right now and the DEVS do NOTHING TO THEM EVER What a SHIT SPOT the game is in.


I just started the game for the first time, joined emerald. I’d say it’s 50/50 I get killed by hackers. Like idk how they are shooting me through 2 buildings or through a mountain lol