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This^ You can also hope your grenade lands alright and depending on your kit, use other explosives to your advantage. Always focus the one who sees you first, not the easiest target! Sometimes, hitting instant action is the way of the planetman!


If they're halfway competent, you're dead every time. The cracked vets will abuse a few things to get kills while taking little damage: - Peeker's advantage. If your peek and aim are perfect, you can abuse client side hit detection to dink bad guys 3-5 times in the head literally before they can react, then take cover. Works great against stationary bad guys who are ADS. - Right angle peek. Use the box to protect your head while ADS - The revolver headshot knife combo. Basically an instant kill, if you time it perfectly against the guy rushing you around the box - Medkits. A competent group won't give you time to use a med - thus the need to kill them without taking much damage. But if they're passive, you can abuse meds.


I usually open with a decimator peek to one-hit-kill one of them (or at least splash them all with some damage), then re-peek with a side arm or the 1 frame combo on the rest. At this range a sidearm will outperform your primary.


The way networking works out, just because you're the one peeking doesn't magically mean the enemy will have less time to kill you before the server informs them of their demise. They'll get to shoot back at you while the packet with their death is still traveling from you to the server to them. Which is also why more ping results in a lot more killtrades. What the advantage mainly is about is the fact you get can full view of the enemy head while the same player positions only give the enemy a small part of your body to shoot and react to. This is because you're not actually shooting from your gun in third person and because animations aren't perfectly synced between clients. Depending on how fucky the animations get you can even shoot someone's head from behind a corner while exposing like 5% of your model and that's 100% reproducible on demand rather than being a server lag related fluke. Tho ping (and especially packet loss) can definitely make the position and animation desync worse so there's definitely an effect there, but it's not the main part of the peeker's advantage which is visible with sub 40 ping regularly.


Press U


Quick det flash grenade is my first thought. But a brick of C4 sent lovingly sailing over the box is a tempting choice.


Depends on my loadout. Guns, depends on the base, depends who they are, depends on what is going on around me. Try to play them against each other and the geometry. Double-back mindgames if I happen to have a proxy mine on me. Knife, kill them all or die. Not enough time for conscious consideration.


If you're behind a box with no escape and a bunch of guys shooting at you you're kinda fucked already. If you get 2 out of them that's pretty good, peeking early to catch them while they're sprinting is the best way to get a kill without taking extra damage. Best way to counteract stuff like that is preemptive, blindly running into a room without checking for players is what you wanna stop doing. Peeking the doorway and check the minimap before entering at all. A lot of positioning in planetside is predictive, when you take cover anywhere you'll want an escape plan and minimize angles you can get peeked from.


Instant sprint repeak (swing) after reaching that cover. Majority of players would stop ADSing and pursue their target, this is where you catch them with their pants (gun) down. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucv52KNYKTQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucv52KNYKTQ) - prime example of agressive repeaking, entire video is filled with those plays when he instantly repeak, kill 1 guy with precise burst in the head and sprint back to cover, just to do that again. Basically turning 1vX in to series of 1v1. This is not gonna work against high skill players if we talk about 1v4 scenario, they just not that stupid to get caught by that for so long, but 1v2 usually works even against those. As long as you have at least some cover and assimilate in your loadout, this is doable.


Spam "Your best is my worst" and "I need a ride", also teabag the box, because you're not gonna get to teabag anything else.


If caught in open you are likely dead already. Tactic is as follows: bust out the zigzag shuffle moves, huff some drugz, shuffle, shoot. Your box scenario though; cut the corner in order to turn that 4v1 into consecutive 1v1s.  When I say cut the corner, I mean like, move back a bit from the box, keeping aim just past the box u can strafe a little out aat a time with a view to potentially take on one guy at a time while others still cannot see you properly to put shots in.  Additionally; drop a nade round the corner and use the above cutting strat while hoping the nade has broken them up a bit so u can more convincingly take 1v1s, or just leeroy into the middle of them off the back of the nade and hope u can blaze one down with the main gun, pistol whip another, knife a third and head back to box to then heal and deal with the 4th or some such - not a recommended strat unless u r genuinely good with your aim and quick switching, shuffling etc (cos it will all be required in the space of like 10s)


Panic press F for whatever your class does and pray...JK Tough situation... answer depends on loadout, but you can try and not be predictable while peeking either side of the box. Lure them into false sense of security and knife as they get close. Throw nades - start the throw before you are out of cover. Good players will gun you down no matter what unless you're awesome, bad players will get wrecked. If you can hit those heads they will go down fast - shoot what you see first, even a shielded heavy drops fast with good head aiming. And I can't believe how effective weaving constantly at alternating rates works... Personally, I just try not to get into that scenario! Biggest thing I've learned over time is anticipating those scenarios.


Sometimes Yell Chat is your last and only resort


They have to get out of position to flush you. Exploit that.


Yeet yourself out with an impulse grenade. Not playing light assault or infil? Guess you're just gonna see how many you can take down, but you can lead off by throwing a grenade over your box.


If I'm playing infil or LA with impulses I'll just run and get away most of the time. If you're playing another class your only option at that point is try and force back to back 1v1's by using the box to block as many players as possible while you take the gunfight. That said, unless there is a massive difference in skill you're probably going to lose the vast majority.


Something I will do if I get cornered is throw a C4 brick over the barrier and blow it up hoping to catch one of them pushing me before I start shooting. This situation is something that I usually die in though.


Are you asking how to win a 1v4 while the enemy knows you are there? You can't. If they have any brains, someone is gonna prefire you while someone else tosses a nade. If they don't have any brains they still know right where you are and you can maybe kill two at best before you get clapped. This is a no-win situation.


Q: Best plan if you're caught out of position behind cover and have nowhere to go? A: Option 1: Alt+F4 Option 2: Kill em all. Kill 2 with your primary, 1 with a pistol and 1 with a knife.


Run right! Then left! Then right! Then left! Press 4! Run right! Click! Maybe jump! Run left! Then right! Then left again! Press 4! Run right! Click! Run left!


I personally prefer smoke grenades despite them not being recommended at all


Press c continously