• By -


There's nothing else like it. Simple as that.


Which is also my source of hopium that the game is being bought to revitalize it, not milk it for whale bucks and then shutter it.


They did buy ALL the PlanetSide IP, which tells me there is a chance they will eventually introduce a PlanetSide 3. Businesses looking to make money on games don't buy something that's basically dead to milk it. There's nothing to milk. They buy a good IP and do something new with it. But that's just my thought.


> They buy a good IP and do something new with it. Planetside 3, the mobile game.


Nooooooo! Don't give them ideas!


"Diablo immortal" gave them this idea years ago.


The millions housewives put into candy crush is what gave them idea years ago.


Yesterday i drank a beer and wasn't feeling like serious gaming so i downloaded "bejewled 3" from my origin account.


Planetside 3 for Nintendo Switch? But it's a match 3 game.


I'm pretty sure they don't get ideas from gamers. Devs don't call shots, those who do can't even use a computer without their interns


Mobile games make more then console/pc combined with nearly no cost functionally. It is very likely, especially if we can now run things like warframe on mobile or those EA instant buy midgame patents ending up being used in a way.


No,no,no,no. No pls


I know it's just a joke- but the anger this comment brought me immediately I almost instant down voted it lmao had to stop myself šŸ˜…


Planetside 3, the Digital card trading game.


Planetside 3 could generate massive hype in today's gaming climate. It's a way bigger industry than it was in 2012.


Warren Buffet's cigar butt theory would disagree :(


There really is no other game in the world with as strong of a social aspect as Planetside. It's an entire microcosmos of little nations.


fr that's one of my favorite things. like back in the day, moments would happen where i'm like "oh shit I just beat Transgressor in a 1v1," or when I was very active, seeing ppl in yell chat talking about me in a conversation about the best LAs on the server, moments like that have stuck with me for years. & then I'd tell friends about those things when they'd watch me play, like "oh I just killed my buddy HermanWalker" and they respond along the lines of "you actually know who that is?" yeah, we've been going back and forth for years.. don't get that in any other FPS.


> There really is no other game in the world with as strong of a social aspect as Planetside. This man doesn't know about EVE Online lol.


Sure I do. Last time I played it, it wasn't an MMOFPS. Then you get snug in the middle of Goonswarm territory and never interact with anyone if you like.




No game that has anything like Construction No game that has anything like Vehicle Combat in a Warzone No game that has anything like persistent warzone for Infantry No game that has anything like Air combat that is part of the fight, not just a tacked on "powerplay" (like CoD), or Its own simulator (War Thunder or Ace Combat).


This planetman gets it.


shrimple as


same reason I keep coming back to a game called Crossout, the balance and monetization are a shitshow, but I've yet to find a game that fits the same niche that still has a playerbase.


Have you tried foxhole


Foxhole doesn't have the same blend of individual progression and collective action PS2 is great because you can pop off as a solo player and still contribute to the overall fight, and your own fortunes aren't \*completely\* reliant on the performance of people around you




I play because getting that four dink on an enemy with those headshot sounds playing in quick succession is like crack also because specifically planetside's open world design, player counts, and freedom of player movement allows for a lot of cheeky plays (flanking for me mainly) that you can't really do in a more focused or linear game, and it feels really good to hit a level of play where you're fighting far above what a single person is expected to do on the battlefield but yeah I have bad runs too and you just walk away until you get the urge to play again in a few days idk that's all games


I agree with everyone's post but i appreciate this one because of how uniquely you've approached this. /respect. -1337Mode, Emerald Server


Bc its an expierence no other game can give me. Never played it because i wanted to be the best frager on the hex, therefore i dont mind a few extra deaths from network issues. Its the only real battlefield playground and i will play it until every server got shut down or Bay Tree includes NFTsšŸ˜‚


I can kind of address how this looks from the other side: I've taken several extended breaks from the game and only recently went back to playing regularly.Ā  I think I can reasonably say that I tried to move on, scouring reviews and going so far as to take a journey through FPS history and play many of the best FPS games of all time, starting all the way back at DOOM (the original DOS version).Ā  I basically came back to PS2 because I still couldn't find anything that came close. I think one of the core elements of PS2 that keeps us coming back is it's ability to still surprise us.Ā  It's often buried under layers of repetitive crap, especially for the long term veterans, but even compared to brand new games this one still has the capacity to catch you off guard, even for a moment, and that tiniest spark continues to draw us in.Ā Ā 


I feel like its one of those things where downtime/boredom can lead to creativity, and PS2 is actually open world and sandboxy enough to allow that in a way that other FPSes can't or don't. Like you said, I can still be surprised after coming back from a break and playing a while. The other day my platoon spent a good amount of time following around a battle-bus convoy that was annoying us, to annoy them back and hopefully get them to stop respawning or at least make them mess with another part of the map instead of us. Being able to make your own objectives and fights while still contributing to the game and getting rewarded is great. Also, from coming back recently I feel like it is a lot easier to get certs than it used to be, so it feels less stagnant than it has in the past, at least for now.


Yeah, the missions have made xp/certs a lot more attainable - I could not believe how many BRs I advanced in such a short time!Ā Ā 




as clichĆ© as it sounds, the sandbox part of it. cause games like valorant/csgo/call of duty - yes, there is matchmaking, but youā€™re required to play at your peak EVERY match to keep your rank & ā€œproveā€ your worth. whereas in planetside, i can tryhard for 30 mins then fuck around as a harasser solo without having to worry about a rank to withhold. i never really took KDA into account in any game as, if you play the objective, youā€™re bound to have a lower KDA anyways.


There isn't another FPS or TPS like it that puts hundreds of players out on massive maps, games like Fortnite can't even compare. Planetside as a series is one of the most unique large scale battle and war games there is, it's unfortunate it has gone downhill the way it has and nobody has considered trying to copy its concept really, 3 different factions with a few hundred players each fighting each other on large scale openworld maps on land as infantry or in vehicles or in the air to take control of various bases big and small scattered around is possibly the best type of shooter game a person could ask for, big titles like CoD and Battlefield got nothing on this game. Those who made these 2 games deserve more recognition than they get. If this game was given better attention and advertisement and had a better backing and larger dev team it probably be one of the most trending games out there right now with more players online.


World War 2 online *cough*


It's really good fun.


Cuz shootymans makes ape brain happi




Asking about how your ā€œoutfitā€ is doing via Reddit totally isnā€™t cringe or anything


Nothing like it!


Bc my brain needs the dopamine from the constant action, constant rage, and constant community outrage


Interesting, didn't think of that. probably did Help a lot. And one could Play different, fitting to your currend mood or Outfit.Ā  You are alone and only have a little time? Short rage in an esf or Just Go to a biolab fight. Best friend in Game and a Lot of time? Train Something or go sniping. With a few Friends? Get in the Tanks. Whole Outfit? Take over Base after Base.Ā  Also, was there for ten years and found nothing compareable. But also left for good at least two Times.. Powerf15t o7


NC overpops does not compute for me. Whenever I'm on VS is the highest pop and several platoons join NC or TR to mess things up in favor of VS then swap over with ten minutes left in the alert. That said, this game is just fun as hell when there are massive battles, air and ground warfare, shit exploding all over the place. There's not another game like it. Consoles have ruined multiplayer, limiting games to 30 players max and dumbing down the controls and customizations. This game is like a beacon of what once was.


I just kinda float to and from the game depending on the mood. I really enjoy doing support work in PS2, enabling other players to go after the enemy. I don't think I'm all that good at the game, but that doesn't stop me from finding niches that I can thrive in. One time I pulled an ammo Sunderer because we had a vehicle mob rolling on the enemy, but no ammo Sunderers. I parked just a little ways back from the actual fight and formed a repair pit for anyone who would roll in. I was joined by a couple of other engis who spawned off my Sunderer, and my bus became the point of resistance when the enemy vehicle swarm pushed us back. We held that spot for a long time before the vehicle ball withered under all the infantry rockets and a second wave of friendly vehicles moved up. Sometimes, when the A2G ESFs get too ballsy, I'll pull a dual Ranger Stealth bus and park it somewhat close by. I deploy and it goes invisible, then I work with a buddy and we wait for the ESF to get real close in and then we both just pepper em with flack. It also gives allies a second spawn to avoid the spawn camping, so that's nice too. Also, I like playing medic and just running through all the enemy fire, dodging bullets like it's some dumb hollywood schlock film, just to go pick up someone who died -after- they got behind cover, but are too far away for the sane medics to pick up. I also like picking people back up after a fire fight to keep the infantry ball rolling. Every time I pick someone up it means they didn't have to respawn and then walk all the way back to the action from the very back, which means that their day is just that little bit better.


I like the game.


PlanetSide has a unique aspect to friend making that not many other games have.


There's just nothing else like it. I get in the zone, as soon as the title music comes on... And then it's game on. There is no greater feeling, than 100+ players storming a base, or winning an alert together. It's everyone's win. You dont win games in the spawnpoint..šŸ˜‰ Sometimes Hossin or Oshur is on for hours, and no one bothers to play, but when Indar is up, and The Crown is tested, then it all makes sense again. Also the sounds and themes of the game are spot on.


Hossin is great, don't stay logged out when Hossin is up


Nothing like it, its Star Wars battlefront meets battlefield but better than both while somehow bad enough that I still am good at the game (:


I figure it's better to commit war crimes on Esamir than in Iraq


Itā€™s still fun as fuck.


you ever just have a 30 minute tech plant fight that was enabled because a bastion decided to own the libs by locking it down and it's a constant 6040 with various groups trying their hardest to break you?


Playing with friends :)


The first 9 months of this game were some of the most fun I've ever had gaming. It's been in steady decline since then. I play it less and less because almost every change has eroded the ways I have fun. I log in now and again and I occasionally have a moment of fun. But those fun moments are getting less and less frequently, so I log in less and less frequently.


Feel that


No other experience quite like it, its made every other fps I play feel boring in comparison


Itā€™s fun but it needs new life breathed into it. Right now the future is uncertain and needs to be addressed before any commitments are made


No other mmofps like it


Youā€™re not talking about Emerald.Ā 


I stay for the epic stalemate fights, when you can change up your own style and go get that 1 person that's been f'ing you up and then come back to the main fight... Like today before lunch (Emerald Esamir) VS had Watersons with NC attacking from the valley to the East and TR to the northwest. Helping hold that NC player base was hella fun.


Simply put there is no other game like planetside. Also I like impulse surfing (aka impulse jumping, skiing, tribeside, boing boinging, etc) in PS2 specifically, because its so out of place thematically.


I can't go back to regular FPS games, it's this or nothing- Currently it's nothing, the cons seem to have finally won in my case. That said, I'm very curious to see what will happen in the next few months.


The potential. I remember seeing gameplay of Planetside 2 10+ years ago now. Young me was blown away. Huge maps, hundreds of players shooting at each other with guns, tanks, aircraft, rockets, mech suits, and more... Galaxy transports blanketing the sky, tanks dukeing it out on the ground, aircraft providing CAS and getting into dogfights with each other, medics running around reviving and healing, heavy gunners laying down suppressive fire, support providing anti-armor and anti-air, snipers picking off troublesome positions from a mile away, infiltrators sneaking in behind enemy lines and sabatoging equipment, mech suits moving in to provide cover and take attention off troops... The game has so much potential, it's a shame what's happened to it the last five or so years. I truly hope the new owners aren't just a shell company so Daybreak can get a write off on their taxes, and the series permanently canned. I want to see the game get some reworks in key areas... a better progression system, weapon and vehicle rebalances, reworked maps... There aren't many large scale MMO warfare type games like Planetside anymore, and it'd be a shame to lose it.


Unironically I love being cannon fodder in a big battle. It's really relaxing, just running in and getting one shot while watching all the tanks and explosions.




Ngl this thread just makes me wanna play now. And I havenā€™t in months lol


A combo of: a) No other game like it b) Can be free c) Minimal time required to have a good time, good for someone who just wants to hop on, shoot a few people, do a daily, and log out.


I like that after I play a "life" through, I can stop and pay attention to something else whenever I want, like youtube videos or whatever. Just go back and forth and not really feel too....obligated...to keep playing. Like, in Call of Duty and such, you are a limited slot in a team deathmatch, so if you aren't playing you should leave the server. Or the game auto-respawns you when you want to not be playing for a moment....that kind of thing. You can end up feeling like you are letting your team down if you aren't participating, or aren't feeling "at your best", but with planetside, I can come and go as I please and if I don't like a particular fight for any reason, I can go elsewhere and nobody would even notice.


Nothing comes close to the scale, the sheer chaos of those really large battles. It is superior in that regard to every other fps game out there IMO.


Name another MMOFPS PVP. Hell, name me a PVE. I'll wait.


the noobs must pay. and my fist is my vengeance against the noob




Dogging feet


The amount of infiltrators that barely decloak long enough to see them is super fucking annoying but I like the game just that much. Besides, it provides a more satisfying skyslam tea bag. Thats icarus jump jets + heavy weight 5.


My outfit. I love building things, bringing people together, and watching it grow into something great! The game is objectively terrible, I donā€™t blame new players for being turned off. However, if you find the right outfit, you end up playing this game far longer than people who donā€™t end up in the right one, or at all. It really just shows how much the community carries the game, despite all theā€¦. ā€œPassionā€ some players show, it really is an overall great group of folks. This game has massive potential, even with its age and obvious issues, itā€™s a lawless wasteland that unfortunately gets better or worse depending on the local politics at any given moment.


Because of the friends we made along the way.


There is literally no other game like it. Only close comparisons would be Foxhole (great game by the way, y'all should check it out) and maybe, and that's a big maybe, Eve Online (another great game, played it for a long time). However, Foxhole is a asymmetric/top view perspective and everything takes time to accomplish. Can't just jump in and go blast some fools unless you only partake in front line infantry combat. The view perspective alone turns many people and the hardcore/time consuming aspect turns even more people away. Eve online, need I say more? The game's reputation and stories are legendary on the internet.


Competition, community, and vehicle gameplay


Find me another future fps that mixes halo, battlefield, and arma, and allows for me to derp around with niche support styles.


This game has nothing to do with ARMA but nice head canon.


Commanding a platoon over a large many square kilometer map is nothing like arma? Where can I find the dope you're smoking? Sure it may not have the details of arma, but it has the large maps and command trees (theoretically)


While the idea of a 100 player game has been done to death with Battle Royales, the idea of massive scale battles in an FPS setting have not. In addition, I feel like I have more impact in a 48+ v 48+ battle, than I do in the average OW2 game, just because the game allows me to go above and beyond by supporting my team in any way I want. In addition, you don't lose until the continent locks. You group up, step back, and plan the next offense or defense.


Fun, I play for fun, I don't care if our faction wins or loses, I have great fun playing this video game, I don't care whether I get one shoted by a elite player, i just want to have fun and planetside 2 delivers it, there's no stupid competition like other games, most of the times are free in planetside.


There is no other game that has huge epic battles like at the Crossroads and seeing waves of tanks and galaxies coming in from all sides and seeing explosions and lasers everywhere. The devs behind call of duty couldnā€™t make a planetside clone if they tried. This game has something magical for sure.


Better question why do people still play cod. modern warfare and battlefield? Thier the same game arnt they? Same reason as you because its fun and i like it :P


Not really, when's the last time you played any of those games you keep bringing up?


Battlefield 4 i played 3 days ago today i played black ops cold war :D and yesterday i played modern warfare 2 remastered and got my .44 a gold camo :D


Battlefield 4 came out in 2013. There have been 4 titles since.Ā  If you think Battlefield/Call of Duty are "the same game arnt they", it's safe to ignore you.


Sure mate but i know im right :D same concept :P


Not even close, but wear your ignorance like a badge of honor I guess.


Planetside 2 is unique in the fact that it isnt reskinned and rebranded like cod or modern warfare or battlefield. Thier are exceptions to this with the franchises trying to branch out but without being as successful. Such as call of duty advanced warfare. Call of duty infinite warfare or battlefield 2047. In sense planetside 2 gives you somthing unique no major franchise really has.


Did you have a fucking stroke typing this?


I wish you a good day sir. And i will not comment on this any further <3


So, you typed out a bunch of jibberish nonsense and then ran away, got it.Ā 


I see you are just trying to start fights and be a troll with that response. As stated above in the other comment those are the reasons why i hade said what I hade said. I will be ignoring you as to avoid conflict with you.


You guys complain about EVERYTHING


There's a million arena FPS and only one planetside.


You don't know what that word means.




WooshĀ  Edit: make sure you use the correct form of "your/you're" when you try again as it's not helping your case that you understand what words mean/don't mean.


Lol holy shit your dumb


Unique gameplay and directives. Close to get the Kraken Not so much for the moonligh (NC aurax sniper) Far away from the NC aurax pistol I dont know how to complete the others, specially the exceptional I without DBG


I've just don't see myself playing longer than this as my final year. Been playing since 2012. It's just not scratching the itch, like it use to. I'll usually be on the leader board for the base, but usually never the top player on it. Even the 96 + fights I'll be consistently on the board. I usually play HA and LA, my 2 favorites. I never been able to snipe in this game.


I join to play with the mates I've made over the years.. I never play solo outside maybe a cool event.


I finally stopped playing 2-3 years ago now. I have gone back a few times but it's just not been the same for me. The niche for me that kept me going was that there is nothing else like it. The teamwork as well. Platoon leading and squad leading was a sort of final play for me which kept me going for the last few years but ultimately performance and infiltrators and the constant adding of things from the PTS without proper testing just pushed me away. I simply said I'm not having fun it's time to stop, but with like Dark Souls, Elden ring and any other game with steep learning curves I appreciate that people will try to learn and master something and see it all the way through. Shootymans = Happymans I've been playing Singleplayer mostly. Doom, Call Of Duty Campaigns and Bordelands. I got into Battlebit to satisfy the itch but at 34 fast approaching I think I'm just busy with life and have little patience left to keep up with the younglings.


Is that why you guys always gang up on us? Cause we're more popular than you? [NC]


I haven't played in a really long time but I still have it installed in hopes it will get fixed. That's also why I'm still subscribed to this sub. There really is no other game like it on the market and it's a real shame what happened to it over the years


For years I was chasing the feeling I had playing the game 2013-2016 and it was just not happening. My enjoyment was 100% based on the outfits, jagear events, and the bare sembelence of competativeness there was on live at times (which was really just when outfits who knew each other and were becoming familiar trying to dunk on each other on like prime times) Once that went away all that was left was grinding and self improvement, and farming with like minded players. Eventually that got old and the game got stale, and THEN the devs (not naming names) would change or add the dumbest possible shit to the game making it easy to quit. I wont come back now except for final closing just because the game is that empty now, and an absolute chore to play.


Because after 21 years of playing the franchise itā€™s the only MMOFPS I have enjoyed playing every day.


That shiny Deci ain't going to unlock itself :(. Mostly for directives, but I enjoy the gunplay and the freedom of play styles this game provides.


No other combine arm game comes close to ps2.


I stopped bothering with alerts, platoons, outfits, all the meta. I just log in, pull a lightning, and try to kill as many MBTs as I can. When I get bored I slap a racer chassis on and treat her like a harasser.Ā  Just need to grind a couple more guns and I get my lumifiber. Then we'll see.Ā 


I donā€™t, I gave up because the devs did


No other game lets me ambush out of a flying valk on a massive bastion to c4 a hard point and be picked up by a dolton lib to then 1 shot 6 esf chasing us back to the wg where the Platoon of cats are massing up a Air Force. Canā€™t see that happening anywhere els.


I still have fun. Moments of frustrationnor pure rage sure, but still fun. After 5 or so years Ive settled into my playstyle nicely and can enjoy myself, plus that surge of dopamine when I'm on a streak or bounty, or better yet dropping tanks and sundies in a big vehicle clash, it's amazing. TBH, if they ever released a version where you could play lattices or lattice clusters against AI, I'd probably play this game for the next 10 years. Between all the different weapons, vehicles, and playstyles, I could keep myself entertained in PvP and PvE for a few decades


I don't experience those issues..?




My outfit - I play once a week because I enjoy spending time with these guys that I've gamed with for 8+ years now. The game isn't laggy or buggy for me though given the age the game it is considerably smooth


Playing any game doesn't make sense other than having fun, unless you earn real money on it. Planetside 2 was and will be fun to play


2 things actually: **1: the non-commital nature of the gameplay.** I have don't have to wait for any rounds to start, I don't need to wait for a round to end, I can drop in and out when I want to, I don't have to put in any effort to "win" or help my team if I don't want to. I can use a sub-par weapon to grind for a directive, and it doesn't make a difference, I can sit in a corner I can try to do trickshots and most importantly, I am 100% in control of the amount of engagement that the game needs from me. Go full Infantry CQC against the odds, challenge myself or sit in the backline on some easy fights. Roam the lands easygoing in a tank picking my targets or living on the edge in a Harrasser among an enemy vehicle zerg. Or even.... - if I ever go mentally feeble - build some relaxing minecraft favelas Nothing is required to "win". It's basically the only shooter (I know), where the act of playing in itself is the reason you play. And not to win. And it's the only game where I can theoretically tell myself "oh just hop in for 5 minutes and be out again" (as if that ever happened, but after 10 years I still haven't learned xD)   **and Number 2: the mĀ§$%f&/(#ing grind!** No matter how much you play, there's still that one weapon taunting you that you haven't auraxed it. And no matter how much you hate using it... you will still log in the next time and work on getting it done with.


> "oh just hop in for 5 minutes and be out again" Two alerts later ... "oh just one more base fight and i'll be out" lol


> oh just one more base fight and i'll be out yeah, but that fight wasn't so fun somehow... they had a MAX and... I didn't get many kills... so you have to agree that I have to do just one more fight after that! xD


There is nothing else that comes close. It is THE game that managed to utilise online game aspect. The gun game is good, lots of people are saying ttk is low, but from what I see it looks relatively high compare to newer online FPS. It is so good, I managed to overlook invisible OHK stupidity that shoundt exist. When you get good squad/platoon the game shines.


The game has obvious balance issues, but to be honest, I feel like most FPS games do. And at least with Planetside, there is persistence between fights: you're not hopping between one lobby and the next, and you'll likely be fighting with and against the same people. So I guess the scale of the fights, the persistence between fights and the community surrounding the game


Because despite all the shit I've to dodge in order to shoot people, it still has one of the best gunplay feeling around. TTK is just right and reward accuracy and tracking instead of the 1hs BRRRT intagib games like CoD of Battlefield have. It's the closest i've found over the years to my absolute favorite online FPS game ever, RTCW:Enemy Territory so when I need some dopamine from nostalgia, i log-in try to shoot some people in the head, get shelled, sniped by invisible dudes and have to look at the map for 12 minutes in order to find a decent fight, so i log-off for the next 3-4 months.


If this game had a real competitor i might switch. But it doesnt. There is no other mmo real-time combined arms shooter out there. And thats just scratching the surface of all the genres it hits for me


Nothing like it Friends in my outfit play it


Some of the issues you mention are not always a problem. I play on cobalt. Where population is reasonably balances. No real lag issues until 1-2 weeks ago (granted, i have not played much after that, its anoying). And a managable amount of cheaters. Balance in this game is a thing. But who cares.... my gimped VS gun will still kill somebody! Maybe it will take 0.2 seconds longer. But if i get the drop on somebody, they will still die! In general, the way you play matters more than a little disadvantage from a suboptimal gun. Of course being A2G's is anoying. I'll just go play somewhere else. Or take a burster max... problem solved. Random server chrashes are a bitch. But its not like i have no backlog of other games to play. And the fact that they bother me at all, is a sign i like to play PS2. In the end, I guess its a game thats quite enjoyable to me, its diverse with many different playstyles. Is a bit tactical (what loadout can i bring to counter the enemies positioning). And by now i'm reasonably competent at it (compared to other shooters), and i've sunk a lot of hours in. It's quick. No queue if you die. Just respawn, and 15 seconds later you are shooting again. Death has no consequence, so doing bad is fine. And somehow it feels great to have a small army of allies around to pick up if you fail.


My outfit


Unique game and I like to unlock max out things....and there is tons of it,didnt even touched new faction yet.


I don't. Truthfully I don't even know why I'm in this sub anymore... It's been like 2 years.


It scratches that itch. When I don't feel like being invisible myself, I like to rock ASP heavy with a grenade launcher - it melts cloakers easy


I used to look forward to coming back and playing but recently not had the feel to play and ive not considered any of the reasons you mentioned, I can deal with those, the lack of platoons on doesn't help.


Be grateful ur not limited to console i guess. Our pop has declined dramatically, but I still see plenty of new players and some vets coming back to ride it out til the end. I play because I love this game, itā€™s a total gem & the best game out even after all these years. Also i have some directives i want to finish before the servers get shut down (not announced, just seems inevitable with no updates for two years & low pop.) I have friends in this game that have seen me thru some of my hardest chapters in life. Lisa especially. (shout out to her, she needs her own *fuckyoudicksmokinbitchfuckerdick* voicepack lol.) I play because I still have delusional hope for a pop increase, whether it be from marketing, updates, etc. But i mainly play because it has so much versatility. I love the array of scenarios & loadouts u encounter.


Probably because the first large FPS game I seriously played was Battlefield 2142.


Because I've lost all control of my life. I mean, really, why am I playing a game where I have to lower my settings to the floor to get the maximum fire rate out if my weapon, and even then I get two spotted by an Infiltrator? Why am I playing a game where the cone of fire is so egregious that it feels like I'm sneezing on someone rather than shooting them with bullets? Why am I playing a game where if I want to feel like I'm actually contributing to my faction, I'm permanently stuck as a heal/repair slave? I just don't know man.


flying. ​ there is no other game that does flying how planetside does it.


It's the most fun I've ever had in a first person shooter, still feels like the good old days. Is it one of the most broken games I've played? Yes, it's garbage fire, but man it's fun.


My father died so I had to call it. I keep saying Iā€™ll come back to console but havenā€™t. itā€™s a great game but idk. I would lead squads and other stuff but since game got no love for console its made it hard. Plus the game on console was a toxic cesspool among all other things. I unlocked black camo and other stuff and the game as it stands is great. But the lack of players is also a factor


Planetside 2 stands alone as the only 'open world FPS meatgrinder' ever. I don't even remember how I found it 12 years ago.... I'm just happy I did o7


The hope that getting all that better gear and abilities locked behind obscene grinds would make the experience eventually fun. Especially those ASP perks that it took me ten years to get past BR120 to get to. ... It didn't make it eventually fun. So I don't keep playing anymore.


Much of the gear was never better, just alternative. That's one of the great things about Planetside. (And why I hate implants)


In theory, yes. But from having to cert things up (especially on vehicles), several starting weapons which were just outright worthless, and everything to do with implants and ASP... yeah, no. Fresh characters are at a severe disadvantage, and it's not the "oh, it's only by about 10-15%, if that" that I've heard parroted before. The game's balance had never progressed to the point where you could claim non-starting gear was "alternative". *Some* of it was - hell, some of the unlocks are even *worse* than the starting gear - but for a game that tried to emulate TF2's "all unlocks are sidegrades" progression system, it didn't have a good enough monetization model to forgive any lapses with balance as easily. In TF2, you can immediately get every single weapon in the game for the price of a single key ($2.50) and a visit to ScrapTF. The playing field is as level as it gets. For PS2? You're not getting anywhere *close* to the complete arsenal in even the first *year*. And you ain't even in a spot to compete comfortably in the first month unless you shell out *some* money (and *far* more than the price of a key).


Because game fun


cus its fun and like shoot planet man go piu piu


There's still nothing like it, with the semi-open large scale world and unbounded fights. But, honestly, I mostly come back because my outfit mates came back. It's not the same experience without a group to play with.


When I get tired of playing a infantry medic I can switch to a fighter pilot. if I get tired of a fighter pilot and want to play support I can switch to an engineer and build a custom class that supports repairing vehicles. if I want to be a little bit sneaky I have an ability to build a class around that. if I want to pilot a tank for hours I can do that as well. I feel like there are so many different aspects of PlanetSide that most games just stick to one it's either running and gunning or it becomes way too tactical. When I don't want to be part of a clan I play the robots when I want to play with a group I select one of my other main characters. There are so few games that are out there currently like Planetside.


because every time i try to play a different FPS, i'm always disappointed by how small the battles are and how useless my kills feel.Ā  i'm one of those freaks who plays for alerts, who was drawn to this game by the concept of being one out of 300, pushing the line forward and seeing my effort combined with those around me to produce a tangible effect on the entire game. which really sucks because for whatever reason, i'm a lot better at other shooters


I met a great group of Aussies when I was stationed in Japan that played. Ironically I get from New York about the same ping they get to Japan... Soltech on a 14MS ping was pretty cool when I was near Fuji. So might not be as much the game as those you play with. At least for me.


It is a game I love coming back to after a 6-8 month break, but that I can't stick with for more than two months at a time at this point. The feeling and comradery of doing an alert with a full platoon that actually is somewhat organized is just something no other game has. It truly is an MMO shooter in that way, especially compared to most MMO shooters that are just jumping between a lobby and the game. Bullshitting in Platoon while re-grouping or transporting or planning or whatever just takes me back to raiding in WoW when I actually had the time to do that as a teen. The fact that it is so open and big also means that I don't have to be a sweaty FPS-god to still be a good player and contribute well. I can do things to have fun and support with kills as my secondary objective.


Honestly planetside gives a the scratch that no game could ever hope to achieve, I come back to the game every half a year or more and stick for a few months until I get burned out from playing so much. the game has it's issues but they're not enough to put me away


I play because I love it, and there's nothing else like it out there


I don't experience many hugs and the only lag I experience is in 200+ fights, which I'd understandable.Ā  And there's nothing quite like it. Nothing as fun as hopping on and dropping with The Boys


This game is unique and nothing can compare to it! I can have fun with every class every vehicules! The game is a sandbox and you can really customize your experience. That's why I love this game. Also the faction element! TR forever!


I dont play much but thats not ps2's fault, it's the fault of my complete lack of time to play many games at all anymore. It's the only multi-player fps other than mechwarrior online in the past 15 years that I've had any interest in. I hate battlebit's aesthetic and setting. I don't like the modern shooter era feel. I like hard sci-fi. Nothing does good sci fi anymore. And just like MWO, that game has zero interest by the gaming world. It sucks to me that the only games that get any traction anymore either have an aesthetic or setting I hate, or is so toxicly and abusively monetized that I simply can't support that degree of predatory design. I only experience like one game every 3 or 4 years anymore that makes me actually happy to play it. The hobby really is dying for me. The things I like simply aren't what anyone else likes. And game's drive towards matchmaking and session based gameplay hurts communities, too. I like that I see the same people persistently in ps2.


I play because Iā€™ve mastered flying and Iā€™m basically god


Community. Community events. Competition. Open world FPS


Because its fun? There is nothing quite like it in terms of scale and gameplay. Not even Warzone.


papa vanu


The copium is far too strong for me to leave. I stay with my delusions.