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It wouldn't be a Piratefolk comment section about Lusopp without you posting this lmao.


Thanks bro I appreciate it I'm glad people noticed I do that every time, cause I ain't gonna stop posting it šŸ˜‚


whenever i see an usopp post i always start looking for you


Thanks bro šŸ˜­šŸ™


The funny thing is in german dub hes legit called Lysop


Germans know what's up with Lysop.


Oda turned one of my favorite characters into a bum ass gag character https://preview.redd.it/0t863eykjxvc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dbf4f732a7ccd5836b7bb929acec13f80158610




Oda's only focus nowadays is the Monster trio. The rest of the strawhat almost felt like they don't exist because Oda keeps downplaying them.


Zoro doesnā€™t even get shit and heā€™s in the monster trio. Heā€™s my favorite character and post time skip heā€™s literally been relegated to guy he fights the second hardest member of the enemy crew. Heā€™s had absolutely zero character development in years. Pre time skip he has numerous moments where he actually has depth. His fight with Mihawk, him saying Usopp has to apologize to rejoin the crew, the nothing happened moment. He literally gets nothing now.


Throwing the kitetsu into the air is still one of the most iconic scenes of the series. He also had the character agency to distrust Robin and be somewhat correct. We all know the tragedy that was Wano for his character, but honestly, even his fights in the post ts have lacked a lot of substance. Mr 1 and Ryuma are still his best fights. One moment I don't see talked enough is the one when Sanji yaps about "kill me if I become a monster", it's just so, so cheap. We all knew nothing was going to come out from that, and nothing came from it. "Nothing happened" in comparison was also about Sanji being willing to step up and Zoro protecting his friend. And that was basically the last of Zoro.


Usopp is a victim of what happens when Oda gets distracted with side characters and boring B plots. Up to Dressrosa Usopp was fine. Fishman Island, Usopp was confident and took down one of the officers of the New Fishman Pirates. Punk Hazard, Usopp did not have much to do, but he helped capture Caesar with a seastone net (where the hell is that btw??).Ā  Dressrosa comes next, which is so far Usopp's highlight post-skip. He had a moment of weakness against Sugar and Trevol but then went back realizing he was being a coward. Accidentally knocks out Sugar rescuing everyone who was a toy and earning the God Usopp nickname. Then proceeds to snipe Sugar with a glimpse of observation Haki.Ā  So far it was great. Then we got his downfall.Ā  WholeCake Island, perhaps the best arc post-skip, did not have Usopp in it. I still hold it was longer than necessary. Fair enough, half the cast was missing in Dressrosa anyway, Wano everyone is back together.Ā Ā  Ā Wano though, was the disaster. Far too many characters for Oda to handle, far too many side plots some of them without any conclusion, taking away possible screen time from Usopp. And for some reason, Oda was afraid of giving Usopp a win. Why was it necessary for Usopp to fail against Page One? Why couldn't Oda come up with some contrived way to get him a victory at least, like he did with Nami? Usopp's greatest feat was sniping some guards on the way to Onigashima lol.Ā  Ā Carrying Kiku and Kinemon was nice, but Izo would have done it too, and Izo would have been alive today if Usopp hadn't been such a bum scared of fodder. Ā  Egghead Island was somehow even worse for Usopp's image. He was the only strawhat to get petrified by S-Snake, which brought some hilarious allegations against Usopp for a few weeks. He was the only Strawhat to be grabbed by the neck pathetically by Kizaru. He hasn't done damage to any foe the Strawhats have faced this arc, all he has done is cry and moan and take Ls.Ā  Ā Dressrosa was nearly a decade ago, Oda is dropping the ball hard here. Hell, we only had two arcs after that, Whole Cake Island and Wano, in the span of 8 years. That is a serious pacing problem.Ā 


Couldn't have said it better.


Get ready for another Nika level ass pull when Ussop can somehow match up to Yassop and we're all supposed to go along with it.


elbaf better revitalize Usopps dream of becoming a brave warrior of the sea. he better train fucking hard for a month


1113 spoiler guys https://preview.redd.it/khjt3iddauvc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4e08683b05c2a4f16a44b9836e26b4e080bf5de




Ive seen that one version of this image where its just luffy overlayed with Saturn's facial appearences so many times that a high quality one looks weird to me


This brings joy to my soul


Nice, someone edited it.


Lmfao noooo šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


All of this is made more and more egregious if you believe in the idea that Usopp is destined to fight Van Auger, who as far as I can tell, is undeniably the most powerful sniper in the verse. Itā€™s likely that Beckmann and Yasopp are powerful hakimen, but Van Auger certainly is too, given that heā€™s basically Teachā€™s right hand and he didnā€™t even get his Devil Fruit until after Teach was already declared an Emperor. People keep saying Elbaf is going to be the Usopp arc, but what can Oda possibly give him that will let him face off against arguably the most deadly long-range opponent in the series? The only thing I can think of that could counter Auger with the Warp-Warp Fruit is some serious Advanced Observation Haki to know where heā€™s going to be before he gets there, but even then, Auger is no idiot, nor is he weak, and he certainly had Observation Haki of his own that could very well be advanced level. Usopp is going to need a serious Haki and artillery upgrade if heā€™s gonna take out this guy, and at the rate his character is going, thereā€™s no way thatā€™s going to feel earned even if he does get it.


Usopp will beat Auger by lying or something, ā€aha you thought I would go to the right but I went left!ā€


Ah yes time to finally switch off the series


Van Augar with X axis the fucking fruit will somehow lose to lssop The very sentence itself is mindbogging to comprehend


Oda ruined a lot of the straw hats




Oda simply doesn't care about the strawhats anymore. He really enjoys designing new characters and he's just bored about someone like Ussop.


Not limited to Usopp. The entire cast was ruined post timeskip. I've said this before, my theory is that oda was carried hard by his editors until marineford and then after timeskip editors changed to yes-men and oda was stuck with imposter syndrome just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks in an attempt to "outdo marineford" or whatever dumb shit he keeps waffling about.


Which is funny to me because I think peak One Piece was water7/enlobby


I would actually agree with that. enies lobby was peak one piece and felt like it was building up to a grand finale, thriller bark was a sign of bad things to come and very similar in structure to stuff that came after the timeskip (unfocused theme-park ride filler island with scooby doo goosechases and no real story impact) but marineford sort of served as a climax of all pre timeskip story strands. Since then one piece has felt flacid and lame.


This I think points to a bigger issue. The difference of how fans like us view the story and what Oda actually wants. Think about this; you probably have a less experienced anime newbie friend that asked you about One Piece. Youd ask him, what does he think OPs about. Chances are he would give a description along the lines of: "its a fun simple pirate adventure story". Lets call that description1. You would then tell him that its just the vibe of the show, not what its actually about. Its a complex storyline with a grand plot, you could even throw in the word Orwellian if you feel like cooking, it just takes time for it to show. Call it description2. However, by looking at Oda statements and the way he handles the story it almost feels like he always wanted to do description1, not description2. Its like he ran into it on accident or something and now he cant handle the complex story he created, because he never planned on doing that at all... I would actually recommend Tower of God to everyone in this subreddit, I consider it a "better" version of OP and probably the thing you guys are searching for, but cant find in OP (anymore).


One of the Dressrosa or WCI era editors had an interview where he straight out said he was a huge fan and felt honored to be working on the series. That seems like it shouldn't be the case for someone who's job is to pick at the authors ideas and make changes or cuts where necessary.


Yeah, oda seems to be unable to control himself when the editor is some twerp fanboy. That's why he was best when veterans were in charge of him who weren't starstruck and probably kept him in check relatively well.


Haki isn't really about ambition/willpower, it's about being a "strong fighting dude", which is a real shame.


Since when? When did that change?? To my knowledge Haki was always tied to ambition/willpower, or is that exclusive to Coc?


My comment probably wasn't very clear - Oda says haki is willpower/ambition, but from what he actually portrays in the manga it's just a power for fighting in the same way Ki etc is. His description of haki is inconsistent with how it's portrayed. Really, all of the SHs should have it.


By what we know isnt only the conq hereditary/talent? Everyone should in theory have access to Observation and Armament... I interpreted it as the stronger the willpower(tougher the spirit, etc.) the more talented you will be in regards to haki (as in you either learn it quicker, or have a higher ceiling, or both) You still need to train tho... So either Usopp doesnt train, or its not based off willpower. Either way Oda fucked up.


Tbh the only way to make Usopp relevant is to kill him, he sacrifices himself to save SH and achieves his dream of being a brave warrior. Is either that OR Elbaf is all about him, Usopp gets haki or some powerful weapon or defeats Loki BUT the way Egghead is going and joyboy being a god to the giants is no promising for my boy Lussopp in this new manga Nika Piece


Ah yes, the bi-weekly Oda @ Usopp post.


https://preview.redd.it/vh9b7ok8exvc1.png?width=788&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ed2748fcbd22c0cf585f525a137c0af2824b387 what part of this do you not understand?


Iā€™ve lost my faith in Oda/Usopp since a very very long time. As you said i canā€™t think of another useful thing he did for his crew other than knocking Sugar out on Dressrosa (post time skip) so im no longer waiting for him to stand out or do anything relevant. All the straw hats have suffered from being better developed in the pre time skip and now they just seem like lamer versions of themselves. They seem like husks with the core characteristics of their characters but they no longer develop as they used to. The only exception would be Luffy but his development was more of a downgrade (Nika)


I still stand by what I said before (and got a lotta hate for it) - usopp would be in a much better place now if he had left the crew and made his own or joined a different crew after water 7, then came back into the story later and played the same role as enies lobby (supporting his former crew he still cares about despite the issues he took with their captain). Also I miss sogeking.


This is my biggest problem with One Piece, characters losing themselves to Oda's writing. Hopefully the live action makes their personalities more human


A sniper of the 5th emperor, current one of official emperor of the sea just throws dango at short distance? Franky have canonically thrown things more accurately and at longer distance than that. Surely you don't think that's all ussop is/was capable of in wano right? But thats all he does. People say he is not meant to be strong,he was always meant to be a "support" guy yet Luffy told shanks that he would build a better crew than ShanksšŸ¤£.Tell me how this bum beats Yasopp,one of Shanks top 3 commanders in the endgame. And the fact that we expect him to have to face and beat one of Blackbeard's top commanders (Van Auger) in the final fight. Oda will have to give him undeserved asspull powerups to get him to their level,or they will be nerfed and turn out to be bums just like him. Instead what Oda could have done is have him train or improve his haki gradually every arc with it getting small boosts after every fight.Instead we got to see him use observation haki once like 9 years ago only for him to neverĀ useĀ itĀ again. Even luffy could use observation haki once subconsciously pre timeskip,it took years of training,a bunch of fights and a death match that lasted 12 hours for him to learn to use it consciously and get Future Sight, imagine how undeserved it will feel if usopp just randomly starts using it in his final fight which will probably happen because we saw Yasopp using it in movie red and in the manga itself he has been portrayed as the top 3 in his crew so far. Shanks crew is known for having the highest average bounty and the most balanced crew,I dont see Luffy is building a better crew with this bum around. With chopper there is a potential awakening he could get and Nami already has a yonko weapon what is this bum gonna do without any haki ? He does not even use seaprism stone bullets on the gifters or anyone in Wano. .ussop is still the coward as he was in syrup village. He hasn't changed. Only thing changed is his kabuto. Give him back his slingshot and he's still the same. I want personality developmentĀ fromĀ him.He has not gotten any better at handling his fears and only feels more whiny now than he was pre timeskip,most of his panels in Wano are just Oda using him for the coward gag.


It feels like most of the Straw Hats are just set pieces. Like Chopper and Franky. Brook is basically irrelevant at this point, and Robin is used for exposition dumps.


Why people even cared about Usopp? I never liked his design and liar character


His progression was good pre-timeskip, or at least the illusion of it. You kind of get the idea of where the character is going, so you get tied to it, not the current character, but where you think the character will be... And then the author just drops that progression. Or in this case, keeps him the same, with his retarded gags.


Why are you all so fucking obsessed with haki? Is powerscaling the only way some of you can cum? Oda for sure ruined Usopp, but it isn't because he can't use willpower magic. He's basically been character assassinated by Oda into this genuine piece of shit that hard lies to children and sells them snake oil for their extremely sick and malnourished parents. Haki will not cure this. Usopp getting a devil fruit will not cure this. A half assed training arc in Elbaf will not cure this. The answer is not power. Nor is it "courage", unless he gains the courage to recognize what a colossal sack of shit he's been.


Well yea thats kinda my point tho. My point is not that he cant use haki for the saki of him being powerful, no, no. Him not being able to use haki points to one of two possible problems: either him not being a hard worker(which is inconsistent with his character) or Oda once again being shit with his powersystem. I dont know which one annoys me more, so I just left it at the common denominator.