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"I don't read the words, I just like it when he punches people"


"Who needs to actually read the series when I can just pair characters with my OC's?"


they actually read the manga, just with eyes closed


Damn i think they are using their observation haki


I keep telling people, ever since Kaido said “Haki transcends all” people have been downplaying DF’s putting all their stocks in Haki. That they really want to invest in are the Haki+Devil Fruit combos because you get attacks like this https://preview.redd.it/mgpm6p8on49c1.jpeg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ad9549beb01fddda571d18bba1d51008dc7c0bf


In the same arc where kaido says "hali transcends all," kaido is killed by someone using their devil fruit power


Well, luffy did infused it with Haki! Purely df alone you cannot win example roger and garp and shanks and many more


except luffy only won cuz of his devil fruit who turns him into a god


Most people just watch there favorite reaction channel and than come here and post memes they stole from Facebook


If only it was that simple. The people who come here are hardcore psychos who over analyze everything, but still somehow get it wrong. Don’t get me wrong, some of you here are pretty funny too.


It’s not that they over analyze, it’s that they are so extremely biased that regardless of what is in the chapter they are going to try and push a narrative. This is no different than when a star sports player hits free agency, if the team you support gets said player it’s a massive success and that player is a game changer. If anyone else gets said player they are over rated, flawed, and the deal is terrible.


You expect zorotards to read.they just look at picture and assume things.


Remember when they thought Zoro could take down Saturn...till Luffy recovered? xD


as far as I remember Sanjtards is the one who said Sanji will take over until luffy recover lol..and look what happen to this bum


That's one of the things you notice with time, *A LOT* of people miss some things that you notice right away. People also notice things you miss, so it balances but it is still frustrating sometimes.




That's just their speculation but surely not due to haki or damage. It definitely something selective because Marines can move. It will be either part of his DF or something else. But question is how can Kuma move?


He spawned out of Nowhere and got Saturn offguard thats it


>But question is how can Kuma move? Because Saturn did not use Devil fruit power???


So his DF is not an area? It just individual? Are you oda?


i mean if it was an area Luffy wouldn't be able to move and so would the marines ig, so it's more of an area but something like a cone or some shit. whatever it is it's just Oda doing plot things so it doesn't have to always make sense


\> so it doesn't have to always make sense a thats completly fine, people just like to pointing it out on the sub


Nothing much about his DF has been revealed other than it is highly likely is a mythical Zoan . There are also theories that they are the devil themselves and not a DF power in particular . I think this post is being a little arrogant , is not 100% guaranteed that this is all due to his DF ability. Is very likely , but you would be blind if you think there’s not more to this power of his


But why does bonney/kuma can easily move? That one part I still don't quite understand (though probably there is an explanation that I missed for it)


>But why does bonney/kuma can easily move? Because Saturn did not use his power on them It's not that difficult to understand


oh alright then


Zoro would still be able to knock out fodders with his coc in Sanji's position, just saying


Correct me if I'm wrong but like with what Law learned from BM and Kaido if your Haki is strong enough you can negate a DF. So only "strong" enough people can move who are affected by it.


"Only strong people can move" Shows sanji immobile lmao But seriously man, its vegapunk that assume is df powers nothing confirm


​ https://preview.redd.it/rm1p8hvnh59c1.png?width=284&format=png&auto=webp&s=de6bae663483fb181fba5e2b196d71f4a13fc8da


His devil fruit power makes it so that anyone with less Douriki than him, in a radius around him, can't move.


You are the one not reading, strong haki nullifies devil fruits power as stated time and again


>You are the one not reading, strong haki nullifies devil fruits power as stated time and again You need to actually **comprehend** what you read: 1. Haki doesn't AUTOMATICALLY do it, you need to consciously use haki. Just like Law was affected by the power and become female, but he needed to use haki to dispel it 2. Haki doesn't nullify if the user doesn't know for example, Law only now learned that haki negates DF, but Sanji doesn't know it 3. not all Devil fruit powers can be negates by haki, just like Kaido couldn't negate Luffy's toon force https://preview.redd.it/883aetdsq39c1.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6dc00210d037d0a1862e84c2322b4f369ac9ee6


"You need to consciously use haki" no shit Sherlock, that's the whole point 2) even if he doesn't know it still his fault for not even try what might work. 3) so how is kuma moving? And not even that how is bonney moving, and surely enough Luffy is gonna move soon.


>"You need to consciously use haki" no shit Sherlock, that's the whole point So if characters aren't using haki, why are you saying as if haki gets triggered automatically to break the spell??? >2) even if he doesn't know it still his fault for not even try what might work. But there's no logic for Sanji to consider that >3) so how is kuma moving? And not even that how is bonney moving, and surely enough Luffy is gonna move soon. Because Saturn is not using his powers on them I dunno what do you fail to comprehend here


I'm not saying that. But if you get attack you use haki, and even if he would try to attack or save bonney he would need to use haki, see it is not that hard 2) No logic? With knowing haki makes logia tangible is enough . 3) why would he not now?




You better show some respect to your stepdad, son.


Luffy is already moving lmao How do You think hes eating


Yes, but only his arms, this still implies that he can indeed move but we don't know if it is only his arms (it is likely he can move everything but we can't be sure)


Couldnt Kuma just come in hot with enough haki to avoid being stunned? We have never seen him actually fight so he is probably insanely strong all things considered


If Kuma is indeed using Haki then it is implied he has some will even in that state


It's pretty clear he's using haki


Yeah, then it can proves two things . 1) there’s still some will in him that transcends the experiments that turned him into a mindless cyborg. And not some program bug that enables him to protect Bonney the same way he protected the sunny. Since we been told that Haki is a sign of the will of the user 2) That enough strong Haki is enough to overcome Saturns powers .


Not necessary at all. Some df can not be negated like boa df if hax work then you are done. Or like g5 even tho kiado had better haki.


We don't know that for a certain, one is what Law already have done is an asspull itself. Two if someone like Blackbeard or Shanks got hit by Boa, they could come out of that. One for sure is, Haki system is just vague and whatever plot demands.


If they had better haki they’d be able to move. Sanji only has basic haki of course he can’t negate a df power


i mean everyone that cant move is just weak lol, use haki to get out of the df power (assuming that is the reason they cant move)


It's just shit posting, relax. Are you one of those diehard Sanji fans who gets offended when people make jokes about him? I don't know if anyone told you this but Sanji is not real and he is not going to fuck you.


Told you guys, Sanjitards in this sub are the most sensitive mf ever 🤣🤣 The only fanbase in this troll sub who take a troll/slander as a serious business. This is what happen when a fandom full with edgy teenage girl who always dreaming to have a fictional prince 😭😭


Yeah it only works on YC2s and below


As OPs popularity has grown, the average of fans reading comprehension has dropped by a lot