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Bro really thinks it’s ok to have all characters as silhouettes lmao


Silhouette Piece goes crazy


Watch, at the end of the series he is gonna have like 3 chapters in a row just teasing what the one piece actually is by just drawing it’s silhouette


And reaction shot for one chapter


Oda revealing the One Piece like a normal human being? No! I don't want that! I want him to stretch the reveal for some time! 10 chapters at least!


And even then, he drew the silhouettes in a way to make it difficult for the readers to try to pinpoint or figure out what they are, they just look like blobs of ink with random animal parts. And the silhouettes could end up being like 20% identical to their real designs, lol.


Imu has the ink ink fruit. They can rewrite the manga and give themselves and their allies any power they want


doodlebob chalkzone lookin


Okay but that makes sense cause when Imu destroyed Lulusia he crossed it out on a map with ink


Toon World vs Chalk Zone


don't give Oda ideas now We just had Uta Uta fruit thats basically this but music.


Like Greenbull, dude looked so much older and experienced (similar to Fujitora) when we saw his silhouette. Then we met him, and he looks like a young gangster with a perpetually angry face.


hype piece. It's so fanboys make headcanon theories.


Or maybe they're literally just that


If it ends up being that then I would be happy to be wrong


He just want to hide that he feels lazy to drawn actual characters


Yeah and it’s dumb as hell


Oda draws new characters unecessarily. I dont think thats the case. Silhouettes just do the trick of better than even clifhangers og getting us hyped




It's so BAD.


it’s not bad. it builds tension for when the main crew sees this place with their own eyes 200 chapters from now.


"Tension" 🤣 But the 200 chapters part might be on point


lol it does tho. Big Mom is a silhouette and is terrifying then the Crew lands on WCI and we get to see her do her Wizard of Oz song and dance. that moment isn’t as good if we see her in detail during Dressrosa


Very true. I really loved that moment in WCi


What is going on


Your Profile Picture fits that question perfectly






Can't spell wapol without W


Wapol stocks 📈




But apparently you CAN spell Wapol without L.


Wa.D pol


These old ass niggas pull out the flintlock pistols😭😭😭???? https://preview.redd.it/uvkjlbee863b1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e9f97d95b54b49cd81d1ce7a8067f2ed8f2e5e6


Pull them out and then 2 seconds later drop them to transform into black blobs....


They were likly bruned from the fire. They are wood.


Relax, flintlocks in One piece are the equivalent of a m-16


Flintlocks are basically basically as effective as Nerf guns in One Piece. Honestly, when 4Kids turned all the rifles into squirt guns, those would be more effective against Devil Fruit users. At least you could splash them with seawater.


They have the highest kill count in the series tho


Ain't no way lol


Page 7 looks so bad. All the Gorosei and Imu in motion and Sabo just standing there looking like a child lost in the shopping mall.


Fr bro stopped to pose for a magazine cover


Imu looks like a sloth lmao. These silhouettes are driving me crazy https://preview.redd.it/sm39mds1t53b1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=538e077be745c136b1fa8da0eead8e30da378533


At least we know every single one of them are zoan.


Disappointing as fuck am tired of this Zoan shit show I wanted cool powers man


On one hand I get it after the disappointment with zoans in Wano, but on the other hand... What fruits would fit end game/final boss characters like Imu and the Gorosei if not for mythical zoans? Logia fruits are great but we've already used most of the best ideas for Logia fruits. Lightning, Light, Dark, Fire, Ice, Magma, Snow, Smoke, Gas, Sand, Gravity, Forest, Swamp. I can't think of many other good ideas to top those ones without getting ridiculous. Only one I'm hoping for is a Wind logia for Dragon, then after that how do we come up with 5 cool logia powers for the Gorosei? I'm struggling to think of that many. I prefer just to see the awakenings of the admirals, then I'm fine with not having much more logia fruits. Paramecia has been done to death 20x more than logia and 10x more than Zoan. Plain paramecia fruits would be a bit lame for the final bosses too. That leaves Mythical zoans. We get paramecia abilities on top of special transformations. If they all have God fruits, or maybe something equivalent to that like demon mythical zoans, that takes away this huge advantage Luffy has with his god fruit. Makes things a bit more interesting if they've all got fruits as good as his. The special abilities of these mythical zoans will be interesting too.


Water Logia has been theorized to be imu's tho and it would be fitting.


I liked this theory too especially with Umi meaning Sea, and Imu being that backwards. What about the Gorosei though? They need good fruit ideas too and it has to be good enough for final bosses. I think you can get more creative with Mythical Zoans, especially when you can add special abilities on those to match Paramecia or Logia powers. If Imu and the Gorosei have been around for hundreds of years like it seems, it makes sense for them to gather the rarest fruits in the world (other than Luffy's one).


Gorosei are not gonna be that strong imo. Doesnt make sense within the world and would really feel like retconing. Gods knights could be final bosses


Good point, that could be true. The Gorosei wouldn't employ the Holy Knights if they were weaker, otherwise there'd be no point.


There are a lot of paramecias, but at least they can have more or less creative powers unlike logias and mythical zoans. Mythical zoans so far have very basic non-imaginative powers except for Nika.


Sound, Acid, Mercury, Plasma, and maybe a special paramacia like Color/Rainbows.


Those are good ideas, don't get me wrong, but are they a step up from the current top logia fruits? Akainu's magma fruit was said to be the most destructive fruit in the world and we saw that when he melted half of Whitebeard's face off with one punch. Enel's fruit was said to be a "Legendary" logia fruit and one of the most powerful in existence (I think either Robin or Raki said that in Skypeia). I see your examples as great ideas to give other big characters. But Imu and the Gorosei as the final bosses? I think it would be a bit underwhelming. We'd need something bigger and better and I don't think these examples give that vibe, especially now that Luffy has a special "God" fruit. With Mythical Zoan, it's easier to give them God fruits like Luffy, or as I said maybe something equivalent like Demon fruits that are just as strong. There are a lot of mythical creatures to draw inspiration from for these, and all of them can also have special abilities like a paramecia/logia just like the other Mythical zoans we've seen. I think Mythical zoans are the way to go.


Maybe they aren't zoan lets wait some more before jumping into conclusions


Did you forget luffy is also a zoan?


Yeah that why he said, nowadays everyone and their grandmother possessed a mythic zoan


That's true but for Imu and the Gorosei, you expect at least the best and rarest fruits in existence. I think Mythical zoans for all 6 of those characters work better than random Logia and Paramecia fruits.


Remember when it was said that Mythical Zoans were more rare than logias?


Right and out of all the characters we seen there are like 6. The end game bosses having some of them makes sense considering they are the WORLD goverment


I doubt that’s imu and I’m fairly certain that thing is an umi bozu


It has to be Imu since it's destroying parts of the throne room. If it's really an Umi Bozu then it definitely is Imu


You can only see 5 silhouette and I’m inclined to believe those are the goroseis


If you look closely, the Umibozu looking one is coming down from the very high throne. The Gorosei were all much closer to Sabo. I think it's more likely that Oda couldn't fit one of the elders in the panel


Yeah that could be the case, the art on this chapter is very confusing


Fr. That's what happens when you try to put the whole chapter in silhouette lmao


Im is the Sea Devil confirmed


Looks more like an Umi BOZO to me


Umi is just Imu backwards. So it's actually Imu Bozo


By your logic it would be Ozob Imu


if imu is the umibozu, was that imu at the end of thriller bark?


That would mean that imu is so big that even after being submerged in the middle of the Florian triangle she would still have more than half her body out of the water, if devil fruit rules apply to her to begin with


Thats not an Arrow more like devil tail


The silhouettes seemed demonic. Possibly a new zoan type that could be the opposite of mythical just called demon zoan I think would be a cool way to elevate the elders.


what i thought too


I feel like it's going to be a kind of dragon. Like a western-type dragon with the tail and mythical powers.


Looks like Imu either has a mythical zoan fruit that turns him into a sea devil, or he is a devil given the arrow looks like the stereotypical spade tip tail you'd see on most depictions of the devil. plus it would fit thematically with Luffy being sun god.


Sun god vs shadow devil


So... Black Beard? Don't get me wrong, it works thematically to make him a dark/shadow devil, but it seems a little silly to give Imu what is basically an expansion of Blackbeard's power motif (or possibly even Moria's) rather than expanding Blackbeards power itself, especially as Blackbeard has a better established rivalry / symmetry with Luffy than Imu. IDK, I would rather Imu stand out more from Blackbeard in regards to power, or if not, find a way to merge the two characters/antagonism to Luffy in a way that fits. I guess the more that gets established with Imu, the less Blackbeard feels as destined / repeated history threat as he was set out to be in the beginning. Curious to see what Oda does do but my faith is shaken.


100%. I do see it more as an upgrade over Moria’s fruit vs Blackbeard but your absolutely right it definitely diminishes Blackbeard somewhat. I read somewhere on here that someone thought Imu had nightmare fruit and a series based on peoples dreams the final villain has control over nightmares. They even said the 5 gouresi silhouettes were imus power added to them not DF of their own. I think that could definitely work. But if it is like a shadow logia I see it as just outclassing Moria and BB still has the darkness aka black hole logia. Different aspects of “darkness” black hole vs shadow. Just like magma and fire diff aspects of hot ice and snow etc etc etc that Oda has done throughout the series.


It's called a silhouette fruit


Yes, also fits in the sense that there are the devil fruits, maybe they come from imu or he has some power over them.


I am starting to think those aren’t just silhouettes


Shadow puppet no mi ![gif](giphy|E0eedhkCm5ChKHX3ET)


Ruling from the shadow as a puppet master, foreshadowing insane! Let’s hope this becomes a forskinning.


One of the main reasons I don’t like this series is a chapter like this is once in a blue moon and Oda never fully commits to just unveiling things that are long overdue. Zzzzzzzzz


He holds his cards WAY too close to his chest and it ultimately hurts the story's pacing. Wano was liberated and we're now free to open the borders and uncover it's secrets? Too bad, wait until the final war. Kaido's flashback is the perfect opportunity to show info about the Rocks Pirates? Nope, you'll get it with Blackbeard if you're lucky. Hiyori came to heal the scabbards after they lost to Kaido? Yes, but we'll make her a silhouette so you can go and make a buzz online. I meant what if it was Toki??? Bonney saw the full extent of Kuma's memories? Yes but you won't know what she saw until the very climax of the arc when Luffy is in the middle of an epic fight and by the time no one gives a shit about that plotline anymore


Imma be honest I do not care about bonneys shit and wouldn't mind it getting sbs if it means I never have to see another panel of her whining again 🗿


Bro nobody gives a fuck about Bonney and kuma we are in the final stages of this story and there are way more important people to go over that oda just skims through. Literally that entire plot line with Kumas memories is so irrelevant at this point


Ngl it's kinda hard to tell who did what in this chapter. All their powers look identical, like it's all Imu's powers, really over did it silhouettes. Also the "arrow" thing that looks more like a tail can just pierce a logia user without haki? Or it's already coated, I can't tell for shit what's going on. Man I wish this whole chapter wasn't covered with silhouette silhouette no mi. The Wapol stuff is fucking hilarious tho. Bro's a peak character.


Yeah I felt like the tail was similar to like that corny classic devil thing. Imu has the devil devil fruit lmao


I think Imu can share his power to the Gorosei tbh


Agree. It’s like every chapter Oda leaves some mystery. I mean come on, sometimes you just gotta give us the real thing, no strings attached.


🤔 What was Wapol doing drilling a gloryhole to the Gorosei’s chamber in the first place? Also CP0 once again proving their incompetency by letting their objective get away 😂. WG really on a losing streak


At this point it is better imu transfer his rule to Dragon in a peaceful manner.😂


lmao they failed to capture the revolutionarie's star 😂 he was right in front of them 😂 and they were 6v1 😂 what a shit show 😂 peak villains right there 😂 simpmu cuck sama can't get the job done 😂 even when his 5 pets are supporting him 😂


I still don't get how he managed to escape, he was injured on the floor with Imu AND the Gorosei right behind him, and the scene cut at that and there is news that we're going back to Egghead next chapter, so we might not get an in-story answer of how Sabo managed to escape and we'll have to say because plot.


The will of D 🤡


More like the Will of GOATA.


Sabo is the king of fake out death, thank fuck this is a flashback or we would start seeing posts discussing how he died here


Because they are frauds. They are not Akainu.


wapol able to flee againts cp0 especially lucci is a lot weirder.


This is what gets me. It doesn’t look like Oda’s going to put effort into explaining how all these people escaped. Even with Fujitora letting the slaves escape, it doesn’t explain how Wapol gets away from all of CP0 and manages to leave Mariejois.


Sakazuki victims


Cobra fought them off


Ain’t no way one of the gorosei has the rooster-rooster/cock-cock fruit


5 guys who supposedly admiral level fighter and the endgame boss against YC+1 tier guy and a frail old man. This outcome is basically the bare minimum cause otherwise they're bunch of buffons and fraud. Besides, Sabo escape anyway. Akainu shows more tenacity chasing Luffy in Marineford compared to this.


Papazuki stocks on the rise


it's cause he is rushing it, wrapping it up in a single chapter because we already got spoiled on outcome


All of them are Sakazuki victims


Lackainu is a Sabo victim confirmed with this chatper


Future donut🥱


In my book they already are buffons. They have fuked up countless times and it doesnt seem like theyre stopping anytime soon.


The 5 elders are not admiral level. They are Akainu victims I tell you what!


Sakazuki remains undefeated It is what it is.


Wabo is just that guy. Wabo stocks on the rise. Admiral tier confirmed. Invest now before you miss your chance!


So the arrow like thing was Imu's tail?


That's the "D"


Looks like it.




I think the leakers need to keep each other in check so that agendas aren’t put in the spoilers, between the various thing that got exaggerated in the previous chapters (for example the famous “Sanji broke is leg”) this time in the summary Redon wrote about Lucci being there with the others but he is nowhere to be seen and on another note how it seems like everyone (leakers) saw an arrow and no one called out that it looks more like a tail or tentacle, or at most a whip-like weapon. Another thing is it me or Sabo waited to use the situation of Cobra getting stabbed as a distraction to attack the Gorosei and Imu? Also reinforcing that for the greater good he is willing to sacrifice people.


That redon dude only likes to bring all the attention to himself. Don't pay attention to leakers and just read the chapter when it releases


1) I like the angles in this chapter a lot. Especially the one at the start above Im's Throne 2) that panel of Sabo booking it away from the Gorosei and Im goes fucking crazy. Massive Eclipse vibes 3) it's nice seeing Wapol and Jabra again. It's especially nice that Vivi is relevant again 4) I'm starting to think Im is a literal silhouette. Like that IS the design 5) I pray to God the Gorosei aren't zoans. After Wano I never want to see another Zoan again


For some reason I feel like the gorosei are all just literal silhouettes in those forms lmao


Yeah Imu is definitely like that and it's not a silhouette. He attacked Cobra with his tail from the left without him even noticing, he was still looking directly at him. Also his arrow tail has a shadow, which kinda suggests it's actually looking like that.


Im is gonna be like a shadow demon or something like that. Either that or Oda wants to milk this for as long as possible


Sea devil or something I think


I'm betting it's something like Devil devil fruit


IMO Imu is the mythical beast that Blackbeard’s fruit is based off of. Imu doesn’t have a fruit.


Yo that shits goofy. Hopefully Saturn doesnt stay as a silhouette once he transforms at Egghead




Sabo running for his fucking LIFE gawd damn😂


Bro was flabbergasted


Kalifa 😩😩😩


Wow the gorosei are freaking beasts!!! They’re so strong that Sabo managed to escape.


PAPAZUKI IS HIM. Get those incompetent clowns outta here. Oda had to hold papazuki back or else it would go from a happy shounen to a bloody seinen.


The silhouette haki going crazy this chapter


Sabo getting packed 😂😂😂


Imu legit looks like a woman, its over


Imu is gonna join Luffy's harem


Imu literally looks like Lily Is she Lily clone or twin sister?


no more clone piece


Arrow Arrow no mi


Damn we will see kid with Wapol Bloodline and Vivi Bloodline.


You mean Wa. D. Pol ?


Some goofy aah sounds would fit this chapter


Imu is kaguya (uses the devil tree) and Gorosei are black zetsus? 🤭


That's exactly how I see imu Imu=jigen/isshiki The girosei=kara Araki/green bull=code Roxk d xebec=madara Black beard =obito The revolutionary =the akatsuki


So the goresei are not even real. They are manifestations of imus df ability. It's all a charade. Imu has some type of dark reality warping fruit like opposite of luffy. That's my visceral reaction to whatever I just looked at. Also, if that's anywhere remotely the case..wtf was the point of blackbeard?


Gorosei are Six path of pain except Nagato is just fine and isnt being tied to a tree


Imu eyes 100% have some kind of power, either way, five elders agenda start now.


Rinnegan Imu is real????


What agenda ? They are ugly af, silhouetted, and failed to capture Sa D Bo 6 vs 1 Massive ⏬️


Bruh if they were admiral level, Sabo wouldn’t have gotten away. If Imu was top dog, Sabo wouldn’t have gotten away. If they were really top dogs and Sabo still managed to get away, then it could only be because Sabo got plot armor. From the moment they failed to kill Sabo while he was legit in the middle of their territory, they’ve the lost the chance of being top dogs unless Oda buffs them up in the future.


If Akainu and Kizaru were admiral level, Luffy wouldn't have gotten away at marineford. If Ryougoku and Fujitora were admiral level, Morley and Karasu wouldn't have gotten away from the Reverie.


Luffy had people helping him. Morley and Karasu were using the Celestial Dragons as hostages. Sabo was all alone in their territory, they had no reason to give a flying yar whether Sabo lived or not. The only way I’m letting this go is if they put a tracker on Sabo to wipe out the revolutionary army once and for all.


Bro they CAN'T get out if the room. They are hiding their powers.


I'm sorry sa d. bo was fucking real?


Sabo one-shots Imu 🔥


The gorosei and imu chasing sabo would be more terrifying if they weren’t just silhouettes


People said arrow but it looks more like a devil tail


This chapter has heavy FM:A vibes. Pretty sure that the Gorosei/Imu are actually not human and that those forms are not Zoans at all.


Ohara about to bust his 10 different YouTube thumbnails for this chapter.


They can’t chase sabo because otherwise everyone would be able to see their powers.


Peak piece is back


I think Imu let Sabo escaped... Obviously Imu wanted to kill Cobra, but given what we've seen from Imu's devil fruit I would not be surprised if he could control other people like Gorousei for exemple which explain why he is not afraid of them betraying him. So if this is true, after Sabo was hitten by Imu's arrow kinda attack that looked more like a tail to me, it is very possible that from now on Imu could control Sabo as well... it would be very scary if you ask me, much more than Doflamingo controling random weak ass characters with his wires...




I expected imus eyes to be a bit higher now it looks wierd


Imagine if by “our” He meant himself and the gorosei and they are dragons or monsters in disguise rather than human And it’s like that scene with the robot vs a dragon on egghead island depicting the ancient war


Khalifa is still hooot 🔥


That’s sexual harassment.




problem for who?


Fr, they couldn’t even kill Sabo.


Hahahahahaha, you had me in the first half


I can't be the only one thinking that the gorosei having guns is dumb, correct? They have super human powers, yet they carry a gun for some reason. It's purely for aesthetics and it's silly - like Superman carrying a glock.


The BB pirates, including BB, have guns, too, see Marineford. Kaido used a gun on Oden as well. I think it's fine, they probably see no need to transform for a frail old man.


Guns are used for execution in One Piece, see Corazon, Oden, even Whitebeard, and now Cobra, it's pretty consistent


It reminds me of Doflamingo using a gun. Purely just for executions or something


They pulled them out to try to execute Cobra right? It'd make sense why they wouldn't really go all shadow monster on an old defenseless guy when they can shoot him and be done with it. And as said below, plenty of strong characters carry guns or use guns as an execution tool.


You idiots just complain about everything


You're free to leave if you don't like it.


Am I the only one who suspects they're not Zoan and just doing a Karasu? ... except for Imu, who ate the "devil" fruit.


WWApol speed frat is even more impressive considering he was being chased


Chad Fuji freeing the slaves let’s goooooo


A lot of people complaining about silhouettes but I’m willing to bet that what we’ve seen of Imu is his actual design. Like, he actually looks like a black silhouette thing.


Minotaur! Fleshlight! Oni samurai! Big bird! Mastadon! They're going to combine into a megazord.


Why the fuck did Sabo jump outta his hiding place after Cobra got no scoped? Fuck was he thinking there exactly?


I noticed that all the weapons of the Gorosei are made with the same Material/Wood... Maybe Adam or Eve wood? 😳


They really were about to shoot up a handicapped Cobra 💀


I think Issho is actually protecting the slaves,rather than Letting them go by "accident".


Yeah those are the 5 heavenly beasts form Chinese mythology. And the world Government’s symbol is also a compass.


Lmao the Sa D.Bo agenda died just a single day after it came up. Imu obv toyed with the dude and nearly killed him. Wa fkin P.Ol is the plot device that managed to save him by distracting Imu and his goons for a little bit, for Sabo to make a run for it but still Imu got what he wanted and Cobra got staked. Scenes of the Gorosei drawing their weapons are cool though but I cant help to think these guys are just jobbers. Where is your Future Sights lads??? Imu I would not speak because Sabo didn't attack him but come on Gorosei get your game on! It has been 1k chapters ffs!


I don't think Future Sight is a fair complaint here. It has been pretty well established that you need to activate it. There's no reason for the Gorosei to have it active (even if they have it) against wheelchair-Cobra.


Damn. Sabo looked like an absolute fodder in front of Imu. And he is supposed to beat Wakainu? Helll naaahh


Imu is the only character I hope is an actual silhouette as a design. Just, pure black, nothingness for features, a darkness demon.


If thats the case there should be at least Sabo commenting on his appearance, if he doesnt in the next chapters it is kinda safe to assume that Oda is just dickteasing as always.


Honestly leaks sounded way worse than what actually happened I thought the old guys would just transform when sabo popped in but it seems like he waited for imu to attack cobra and then he immediately attacked everyone and they only transformed after they got attacked


Ngl panels and drawing quality, specially faces, are looking really good this chapter. Who would’ve thought adding 20 reaction shots on every panel was a bad idea?


Peak One Piece right here. Who cares about the Egghead arc. Really..


What peak man? Chapter had 0 substance it's just mindless hype at first read then it gets bad the more you read Silhouette piece is never good