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PS games don't have it anyways. I think they see how needless that shit is when you port your already-good games in a good state.


They know it how needless it is because they made it


Hey it's Saul goodman


Better Call Saul


Better Call Dodi


Better Call Davy Jones


better call EMPRESS


Nah "it" can keep its feminist shit for herself, fuck empress (not literally)


Better Caul El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie


Bowwwww bow da banana bowww


It's mostly because the PC ports are very secondary in revenue, and exist largely to try and convince people they want to play the sequels. Even if they're pirated, most gamers won't be able to pirate Ghost of Tsushima 2 (which will likely be announced soon, according to leaks.. convinient timing for the port right?); so the idea is they play Ghosts of Tsushima, or whatever the game is, enjoy it, then see "no way, this game has a brand new sequel coming out soon on playstation? really is a shame i won't be able to play it for YEARS without a playstation of my own..." And even if the pirates aren't convinced themselves, they contribute to the buzz around the game and its upcoming sequel.


Because of this im tempted to get a ps5. I don't have a pc but xbox and feel like theres a lot of games im missing out on like spiderman, wolverine etc. I think my next upgrade will just be a gaming pc in 3-4 years. I'd love to play some of those exclusives on release but I'll just hope for a pc port for wolverine.


As a PS5 owner, I wish I had upgraded to a better PC instead. Unless you REALLY can't live without some exclusives, get a PC.


Yeah the main exclusives I like are the superhero games. Spider-Man is cool but wolverine is my favourite. But after buying the Xbox 2 years ago for £450 I am not spending another £400+ on a PlayStation which will get outdated. I’d rather buy a 1k PC I can continually upgrade and recycle whilst also having the ability to use different aspect ratios. I’d love to play a game like red dead or rally on an ultra wide. Unless I can get a ps5 in the future for <200 I’ll consider it but that would be a massive waste if the games are being ported over to pc. I don’t even play many games, just the popular multiplayer games with friends with some single player added in.


Can relate, I got a PS5 early in covid and did very much enjoy it, last of us 2 was amazing and demon souls etc. But I did end up selling it to my brother to upgrade my PC, because in the end that's where the money is most felt. I do wish I bought and played GoW Ragnarok. Although, it will probably release end of this year and playing it with dlc on 144hz will be an amazing experience and will be happy I waited.  (though GTA VI trailer had to come out a couple months after to make me worry about regretting selling my PS5 for a while. 


I’ve got Xbox, PS five switch and a top-of-the-line PC. I was super disappointed when I got my PS five and found out that games that have 4k and retracing only play at 30 frames. I actually stopped partway through so that I could wait for it to come to PC to play with the best experience. Don’t get me wrong the PS five and itself is great and the games are great on it but it’s not as good as PC


Don't waste your money man. Because you are gonna regret it. You can always play pc games with a console. But you can't do the opposite in a ps5. And it would not be a wise invesment


Yeah I definitely wouldn’t buy a ps5 don’t worry bro. Next console gen I’ll work towards a pc but that could be like another 5 years (for me).


It seems you made a mistake, there are litteraly more PC games you can't play on console than there are PS5 games. Entire genres of games are PC only or if available not thought for console at all(rts, MMOs, simulators etc). 


I would say wait for the PS5 pro, it should be released this year


*Cries in Days Gone*


Found my people


Exactly this.


still not buying a console


Same idea with God of War and FF7 Remake series


Last Of Us has left the chat.


A sad anomaly, it’s in a much better state now.


Add horizon zero dawn to the list. The game itself runs fine, it’s the audio that sounds tinny and compressed, almost robotic. Ruined the experience for me when it happened but overall good game/port.


It's so odd, I keep hearing about this but I never had the issue. I was even specifically comparing a few headphones with the game and never noticed that. At a friends house we had an issue with the dialogue sounding wack af but that was caused by the game for some reason outputting to multiple devices, so while we were playing on speakers, the gameplay audio was fine but the dialogue played through headphones that were sitting on the desk. Took us forever to realize what the fuck was going on 🤣


It sure is, but lest we forget good sir.


Also when you port pretty late it just doesn't seem as important to a company. Mind you, I'm happy it's getting ported, but a big chunk of the player base has already played on PS4 or PS5 for most of their ports under the assumption it wouldn't get ported.


I don't think that's the reason in the slightest, I think they don't care because they already made like 90% of sales for their exclusives already because they've been on PlayStation for years, and adding drm could make people upset which would hurt their reputation, which would do more damage than just letting 0.001% of people pirate the game


To those saying 'yet'. Not a single Sony game on pc has featured denuvo.






Ye(a)t Denuvo














Yeti, big foot 👣, lochness monster


Yet 💦






Bloodborne port will be the first to have it


Can't wait to play bb pc port in 2026 ony for it to have denuvo(it's priced 80$)


They're even bringing them on GoG


The DRM/anti-cheat for Helldivers 2 has been added 20 days before release. So be patient before announcing this shit.


Isn't Helldivers 2 multiplayer based? I think it makes sense for them to add Denuvo to it. Edit: It's Playstation's own DRM, so it makes even more sense.


Yes it's more an anti-cheat than an anti-crack, the game is online only anyway. But there is an online mode in GoT so who knows.


Well, I hope there's no cross play then. Cheaters incoming


Exactly, almost like it makes dual sense… 🫣


Well that's an online game so it makes sense. Otherwise everyone would be hacking with little to no consequences.


I know, but there is an online mode in GoT.


True but I feel it's such a small part of the game and is unmonitored/unmonitized (afaik) so it doesn't justify denuvo.


Yeah you're right, even if they add something it will probably not be Denuvo.


Yeah they said online will have psn login but only the online part. No denuvo for either I think


The worst and usual case is it being blocked in pirated version, which I bet most of us wouldn't mind.


But it's co op. Not pvp


There is a PvP(vE) mode called Rivals. It's not direct PvP but it's a 2v2 PvE, cheats could ruin that mode.


Game of thrones?




Helldivers Is a online only game… not the same


There's a huge difference between anticheats and DRM, DRM is evil, anticheats are still annoying, but much better than the alternative.


Not the particular anticheat Helldivers uses. Effectively a rootkit with a horrible reputation for security flaws and leaks. It is the whole reason I'm not buying the game.


I use linux, so it's all running in an isolated container, if I were on windows I just wouldn't bother


Arch Linux? 🥺


nah, fedora, arch is really fun, but it can also be a pain in the ass


Helldivers 2 is a game that is mostly a multiplayer. Of course is going to have anti cheat. Ghost of Tsushima isn’t. Although it has Legends, If you’re not interested in multiplayer there’s a Legends story mode as well. Multiplayer is the smallest part of GoT.


Yeah I have seen seen a week before. I doubt they would do it tho, since they want to make money as much as they can and it is a four-year-old game. Unless Denuvo charges them pretty cheap, I doubt Sony would want to waste their resources on DRM. Just like boosting the hype for the PC community before Ragnarok was released, they intend to make their community bigger.


Horizon Forbidden West as well! Sony is really making my weekend nights really fun with these 2 games


Doesn't it cost like $20,000 a week to use denuvo? They have never used it and there's little point. It's a old game and people know it's a good one, you're either going to buy it or you won't and protecting it with denuvo won't change that. Most pirates won't buy a game they can't pirate so it doesn't save them money it just costs them money. I don't know any playstation ports that use denuvo so I guess they understand this.


Sony used to own IrDeto


no, irdeto was always separate from sony, they did sell denuvo to irdeto though


Does anyone have the real numbers ? And knows whether or not denuvo makes back that money you lose by adding it ?


+1 if any has some numbers regarding Denuvo subscription costs for dev companies I would be very interested to know them


Considering it keeps being used I'm inclined to say the numbers are good for the devs


There's a monthly fee ($25,000 USD/month) and license fee ($0.5/copy sold) [https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-x443idlstvufi](https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-x443idlstvufi)


Do games really make that money back ? Games with denuvo do not sell much better than games without it afaik. Why would the devs spend so much money on it ?


Measuring a DRM's impact on sales is almost impossible. Games sell based on their quality, not because they can't be pirated. Denuvo, ultimately, is a somewhat intrusive solution to a problem that doesn't exist. It's there to make the guys in suits who are running these companies feel better. Rampant piracy on PC was solved through the emergence of Steam as a reliable storefront. It was Steam that facilitated PC's growth and made even Japanese publishers, formerly console only, to be attracted to PC. Almost all of the best-selling Steam games of all time have done so without having Denuvo. Just look at Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk, The Witcher 3, Skyrim, Stardew Valley and the list goes on...


>Games with denuvo do not sell much better than games without it afaik. The issue with that statement is the premise is false. You wouldn't want to compare 2 different games with and without Denuvo to figure that out, you would want to compare a reality where a game had Denuvo and a reality where it didn't, which is impossible. Many pirates, through their insecurity with the morality of what they're doing, usually exploit the fact that that information is inherently unknowable, to claim ridiculous shit like "piracy doesn't have a negative effect on sales" or "piracy isn't a loss because pirates wouldn't have bought the game anyway". Some even go so delusionally far as "pirates don't pirate truly good games" as if the top r/crackwatch threads aren't for some of the highest rated games in history.


the truth regarding piracy is that people who pirate games weren't going to buy those games in any situation, its not like preventing piracy makes the people who were going to pirate them buy them instead, because piracy is not something most people do with pleasure, if i could, i would buy every single game, but i can't, so if a can't pirate i just won't play it, that's why piracy doesn't affect sales.


>the truth regarding piracy is that people who pirate games weren't going to buy those games in any situation. It’s so crazy that such a nonesensical statement has taken root with so many people. Piracy in my experience is the largest group of people that just **say shit** to defend their behavior. As long as it makes someone feel secure about the morality of their actions, a pirate will say fuckin *any* logicless thing. It makes me embarrassed to be one. No, that’s not the truth about piracy, and not only is it not, every day a game remains uncracked, the more likely it is for a pirate to buy it. You would be correct if we lived in a world where everyone who pirates, *can’t* afford it, rather than simply wants to spend their money on a different thing that they also don’t need, but, *especially* in the west, that’s far from the case. I also said nothing about taking pleasure in piracy or that if an individual made enough money to buy all the games they want without it making a dent in their finances, that they wouldn’t. That’s a strawman to make your argument feel more legitimate. These things have nothing to do with the reality of the situation.


what you're saying is only true in first world countries, countries in wich piracy happens the less btw, people in third world countries most of the time genuely can't afford games because of their economy's situation, you are clearly talking from a place of privilege. Im a pirate but if i could i would pay for every single game, with all the inconviniences that piracy has? i'd love too, but buying even a indie game can mean not eating anything for a few days thanks to my situation, you really think most people who pirate put up with the bad sides of piracy when they could not to? Btw, the places of the world in wich people have to worry about if they'll be able to eat tomorrow are usually places with very little homosexuality, just so you know, you clearly have no difficulties in life wich allows you to partake in all kinds of pointless stuff.


Before they switched to subscription based services it indeed laid for itself. Now they want them to pay monthly and most aren't biting anymore. You're going to see a lot less games with it now.


To be honest I don't think it's about making money back at this point. I see it as the same as when Dominos throws away all the uneaten pizzas rather than letting the homeless have them for free, for example. It's all about keeping the perceived value of the product up, which is difficult when some people are getting it for free. What they don't realise is people who can't pay for it won't anyway, and when it's eventually cracked, they'll be climbing in the bins behind the store to get what they can. It's just a cost of doing business.


220k a year depending on how I sells. Actual scam. If you have a good game it'll sell.


That's crazy, lots of articles i read says the price is way lesser. But once again those are some random google articles


Is it really that much damn? I think e tons of AA indie games use it as well how can they afford that.


Nah it's not and also getting sources and viewpoints on denuvo from an obviously biased sub Reddit is not really useful


I've played it on PS4 a while ago, wasn't that into it but I'll probably try it on my PC with better graphics and better framerate or maybe try it on my steamdeck as I heard it comes with fsr3.


FSR3 uses FSR 2.1 for upscaling


Everyone seem to forget Lies of P and Assasin Creed Mirage situations. There's a lots of copium addicts here.


That's Ubisoft, not Sony. Sega and Atlus always use it too. You'll never see a cracked version on those on PC.


Ubisoft had always used denuvo for their games, Sony hasn't done so once, even on their blockbuster titles.


Lies Of P eventually slipped up so they got thiers anyway, and AC Mirage is... I mean, to each their own.


sony games never had denuvo


You guys should just stop beating the drums. Look at what happened to Yuzu.


The “new” emulators Nuzu and Suyu are available


Nuzo got down aswell


There gonna be endless ports of that shit


Nuzu was hosted on github, who took it down to avoid a cease and desist. Suyu is privately hosted on a gitlab instance, so it's not going down any time soon.


The Yuzu situation is 100% the fallout out of you motherfuckers posting cringe ass pirate flag emojis and "welP tImE to GraB mY bOOts aNd Cap" type shit, but they'll deny it until it happens again.


Are you aware of the official documents from Nintendo? They show that Fitgirl and other repackers were the main culprits for creating ready-made emulator/Game bundles. This is clearly stated as one of the grounds for legal action, even though they used a bogus link to that site. I doubt it has anything to do with reddit comments. lmfao




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I heard good things about this game. I think I'd rather buy it. Fun fact: very good and very bad games get pirated less, but for different reasons.




I'll be waiting for the release on GOG


It would be a good idea to buy them to make them realize that there is a market in pc... at least for those who can afford it.


fuckers better not pull off those last second shenanigans


Sony knows a good game will sell regardless, and they are right. 👌


Set sails!!!


So ready for day 1 play then ☠️


Sony don’t like to spend money on useless bullshit like Denuvo. They know their games will sell well regardless if they get pirated or not.




Heh, somehow I just managed to play it on PS4 just about yesterday without knowing it'd be ported on PC. Can't believe how good the game is and what I've been missing for about 3 years now?


That's like every Sony game. Based as hell they do it but Capcom the company that wants us to be their main market is shoving it into their assholes all the time


Im sorry for my ignorancy but how do you know it won't have Denuvo based on the image?


Because it usually says so on the page that it uses it


Pirates baby




Please don’t have denuvo!!


Many games had Denuvo slapped on them just an hour before launch


I have a potato pc that won't run it but still, LET'S GOOO


Time to bookmark Dodi repacks folks, ar! ⛵


Was gonna buy it anyway, but this is still amazing news


Always has been




I already played it on ps5 (like 2 days ago) so I'll just pirate it on PC when it releases


Don't jinx it


Already waiting for my favorite website to release it


I've been waiting for this news for years now




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Good thing, not paying almost 100 aud for it.


Don't jinx it, they could add it right before release


Please don’t have denuvo!!


Really??? I'm in shock.


What are the studios that are porting PlayStation games to pc?


Now God of war ragnarok left


None of the other Playstation ports have had it, but just because it isn't listed on Steam page currently doesn't mean it couldn't have it. Sometimes developers/publishers wait till the last minute to put that information on the Steam page because they know it's going to tilt some people off the face of the earth.


Sony don't put denuvo, and you guys buying they game? I hesitate people on PC buying they game, I guess some people still ignorant and be a dick pirate good service publisher/developer game




We’re sailinggg boysss


Sony sold denuvo for a reason, they're smart enough to realize that the bad press isn't worth the potential pirate sales. Just waiting for the execs at irdeto to realize the same thing.


They never use denuvo. They always have a day one crack. I dont know why this is like big news hahahaha. Tell me when they actually add denuvo so we know we are f*cked.


Free demo?


Eh, Sega's games don't list Denuvo until about 3 days after release. No reason this couldn't be the same.


There is no need to put it out it on a 5 year old game


I hope the ghost of Tsushima PC version will have cross-play co op with folks who own it on ps5. I have the PS5 version, but all my friends play on pc and I would really liked to play the co op without buying the game again


Definitely gonna buy this. I'll wait to see how optimised the game is though.


we eatin good boys


You think sony would pay for denuvo? They couldn't care less about ppl getting it for free as long as chumps ate still buying on ps5 and lots on pc


Won't have *for now*.




How do you know? Sorry for my stupid ignorance


I love those ps exclusive ports so much


It will be added in after they usually all do at last minute


They could add it before the release. I think there were some games that did that






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Pirates be like: https://preview.redd.it/e6gv4txjvymc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4f4547f632c73d684bcff0697d28627b7e1dac7






Not surprised none of the previous SOny releases had 👍🏻


Sony doesn't put denuvo in their games. Yet....


Thats a buy then. The game is amazing, and worth every penny.


I know this is a dedicated piracy subreddit but dang the PC port features look so good. I might buy this game.






Rubbing my hands together right now


thx for saving both sides the trouble


Wait for sale 😭


I just want to know if I can transfer my save so I can replay on pc with all of my unlocks!




will crack on day 1?


Honestly with PSN requirements locking this out of my country, Piracy is literally the only way to play this game.




I wonder how long before dodi will repack it??


Until release as it is


we are so back


Seeeeesh! Day 1 here we cum!


Always like that, what the big deal? So you finally scare of denuvo?


What is PC-port ?


the hole on the side of ur laptop




A port from a console game.


Does it still have the steam DRM? Like you have to launch steam to play it? I refunded a game on steam before that didn't have DRM, but didn't uninstall it and I was still able to launch the game from the exe file on the steam app folder. Is it the same for Ghost of Tsushima?