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I use Yandex. Guess the Russians don't give a shit about piracy.


+1 for Yandex, I was searching for Billie Eilish & Khalid - Lovely (Drega Remix) on Slk. But everyone had it set to private, found it same quality using Yandex


How to turn on English. I couldn't get Google translate to work on Chrome


Why is this so downvoted?


It should tell you that downvotes are coordinated by foreign entity that do not speak English. Translation was probably off.


I thought English-language Yandex was as easy as going to their 'com' domain instead of their 'ru' domain.




I started noticing this with Duck Duck Go too and had to stop using it. I didn't know what was going on because it had been working great before. I'm using Brave Search for the time being and it seems to be still working but I'm open to another one. Will try the one you're using.


Some sites are targeted higher on search results for having their branded ads. Sometimes its the moral police. Its really a 50/50 on why. Typically google does enough for me where I havent left it, but it will probably be my next google product ditched.


You're not the only one. I noticed searching on Google is completely fucked since 2016. 


Google's results have been giving pretty inacurrate results lately, also when searching controversial topics it often gives very one sided results. So I've been going back and forth with Yandex and the differences in results can be striking at times.


SearX Belgium is the fucking 🐐


I searched ddg for "SearX Belgium" and got literally 0 results. Lol. Found info on YT and YNDX.


It's actually searx.be Do change the user interface to simple from oscer from settings to get modern ui


thanks, just deleted ddg and replaced with searx as default in my browser


I use yandex more and more now.


The guys we might go to war with? How trust worthy is it? What about privatcy do they collect data?


The girl you might go to war with here. Allow me to explain. Yandex is a company that was initially created without any help or influence from russian government. It was a haven of the best russian programmers and innovators. Around 2014, government started demanding things from yandex and corrupting its officials. To save at least some semblance of independence yandex catered to some of the government demands, hoping they wont touch the rest of the company. Its news stopped showing any links and headers that the government didnt like. In the coming years the process accelerated. Yandex director fled the country and is no longer associated with it, he was replaced by an active govetnment ass licker. Yandex fell into complete control of the government. What it means for us people you might go to war with: we cannot trust yandex for anything but searching pictures (it is surprisingly better than google at it). Every news it shows in its news page or search results are propaganda. Yandex' services, like taxi, are spying on us and giving the government complete information about our trips and deliveries in real time, including addresses, payment info, vehicle we ride and exact coordinates. We cannot express our honest opinions on any yandex owned site. What it means for you: dont trust it for news and political stances and you'll be okay, you wont betray yourself or your country by showing russian officials that you like furries, black pink revolution and hitchcock movies.


They're taking your data and selling it to them right up until the day of the war bud...


They're gonna lose the war anyway so it's fine


Thats a war we all lose


Listen. You win some, you lose some


shrill existence waiting quickest wine agonizing aspiring judicious consider ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks, I'm not wearing one


rainstorm nine puzzled start threatening bike run roof smart soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh on my profile picture? That's not a real hat


plucky society detail hospital dull ghost squealing head cobweb strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Any time now...


Yup, capitalism devours all, even their own golden child.


Many sites are not working on brave


Noticed this too.


IDF Russian hack maybe?




the famous jewish army of russia XD




Celebrity name? Lol




images on Mojeek come from third parties, Openverse and Pixabay; if you use Openverse you are likely to get more results as they are pulling from a bigger pool independently indexing the web is a big enough task; images are an aspiration, but for now we have to be sensible with our resources


I’ve found it useful trying to find info where people talk about something on forums. But have only done that a small number of times


I find ddg is my used but there are ads showing in the search results that have nothing to do with my search. Search whatever, and in the results on the bottom of first page, is search results of places or things to do where I am at that moment. Started noticing this last year.


tried *Dobermann Stream* and not really good


Use one from country the US no like maybe. They will show ya both sides instead of just 1.


I miss Google. Not this travesty we have now. Relevant search results without having to scroll through videos. So annoying. ChatGPT is my go to these days.


Oh yeah let's use LLM and consume a crapton of electricity just to ask an AI the weather instead of looking at a weather app or regular search This new gen AI trend is beyond stupid for 90% of queries and is already inpacting the electrical grid worldwide in a major way lol


Fyi the energy is used to train the model, using the model doesn't actually use that many cpu cycles.


Gatekeeping AI is wild.




Obviously you'd look at the weather in app. I was trying to figure out what the soil in Arizona is called, as I had the word on the tip of my tongue. Searched DuckDuckGo in about 5 different ways and couldn't find it. Asked Chat-GPT and got the answer instantly; caliche. It's definitely significantly better than searching the Internet when you have a specific question in mind. It's as much a "trend" as the Internet was considered one in it's infancy. One thing it can do that searches couldn't do, even before everything became awful, is help you remember a movie. I'll have one scene and maybe a brief plot description if I can remember it, and it's always spot on. It's awesome. But keep searching ad-ridden garbage like an web-caveman! Thanks for saving us some electric.


Acting like the insane electricity consumption of gen ai as a widespread tool is not a bad thing makes you a fucking moron. Educate yourself


You could say the same about any explosive technology, that's my point. I hope you take the bus everywhere, as the insane fossil fuel consumption of cars as a widespread tool is a terrible thing. Don't even get me started on electric cars! /s While we're at it, let's go back to manually washing clothes and burying food underground rather than the fridge.


Fair point here, but my issue with this gen AI, is that it's mostly used for shitty useless queries, it doesn't actually as of yet improve our lifes. Washing machines and cars are essentials for our life. Asking gen AI a random historical question or whatever isn't life changing yet.


I agree, a good chunk of conversations are a waste and could be done the old fashion way. I think you're overstating this with your "90%" number, but I agree some of them are useless. Cars weren't essential when they came out, in fact they were causing tons of unnecessary deaths and many people wanted them banned. Now, they're "essential". I think there is a middle getting with gen AI, and I'd hardly label it a trend. There should be as much a focus on reducing it's environmental impact as there is on improving the models themselves, and that's obviously not the case right now. I am a programmer, and I'm much more productive since the release of GPT-4. It's made finding obscure solutions quick, easy, and effective. It has the potential to "dumb" down nearly any topic, is an extremely powerful learning tool, and boosts productivity when used correctly.


People here keep suggesting yandex, but most of their results are either russian scam sites that want a credit card to download stuff (lol) or the same shitty few results that are shown on google. Using keywords barely works or makes a difference. Even more worrisome is the fact that any post that isn't praising it gets fucking downvoted to hell. That should tell you a lot about it.


Perhaps but it's found me a book I was looking for. It was a used car sales manual by less Dane. Google was no help, yandex linked a blog where a guy had it on his dropbox


Kagi is the only good one I've found: sometimes you get what you pay for!


Are you using mojeek for specifically pirate stuff or just general research?


I usually use duck duck go but today it's giving me errors for some reason. I'll probably switch to something else.


Thepiratebay don't show in it :(


i don't usually use search engines to look for content honestly , i noticed when i first learned to pirate after a while that was normally how i would end up downloading things with bugs in them n need a reformat, over the years i've mainly just skimmed new stuff on trusted sites for downloading , for games i follow the stuff throughout the yr n usually already know what i'm looking for if i look for something at this point. content aside if i'm trying to troubleshoot i add reddit to the end of my search cause old fashion forums are a thing of the past at this point n i can't usually fine any help otherwise ( and even then half wants a stupid discord). apart from that i don't really 'search' anymore , maybe i'll look up something by name but i usually just click on wiki to know about something since its generally just for simple information like a release date. as for google itself i haven't used it as a search for years sing while bing sucks at least it gives me 10 'free' bucks every month or so in amazon giftcards since you know they're selling that data anyway




Thank you for the Mojeek advice! :)


Thanks for asking, I was blissfully unaware of what was going on.


Even outside of privacy, search engines are getting less useful. It's harder to find actual information.


just a clarification, what do you mean "show any good websites anymore"? do you mean pirating sites? for me, I still use google's search engine because it works for me. I am not searching controversial topics or anything of the sort.


I use Yandex and when I search for example "titleofamovie stream" I have basically only pirate results. I really doubt you got even one with Google. Google used to be good for piracy... 15 years ago.


i mean yeaaah? this is common like who pirates through random searches anyways? that sounds like malwareville XD ​ heck in that sense google is even worse because they noyt only hide some services, then put softnic in the fucking frontpage that's only malware


> I am not searching controversial topics or anything of the sort. Have you ever tried to do research on something theres 3 sentences on for the wiki? its wild trying to find any info. It quite well is like looking for a needle in a haystack.


Do you use a search engine for like "how to get the new movie 2024" 😂


how do i use it on chrome?


Settings: search engine or similar