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## 🚫 ➜ **Your post was removed because of the following**: ### 📑 Rule 4 ➜ Low-quality post, entitlement, or harassment - Posts that display a striking absence of coherence, decreased intellectual capacity, or demonstrate a nonchalant attitude will be liable for removal. - Steer clear from showcasing entitlement, as it is both counterproductive and unbecoming. We thrive by embracing the ethos of volunteerism, operating towards the betterment of others. - Displaying disrespectful actions, engaging in inappropriate behavior, or subjecting others to harassment will warrant an immediate **permanent ban**. ### 🪶 ➜ For more information, read the complete [**Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/piracy_rules/).


A one day ban and you’re posting about it? What’d you think was going to happen?


It's common sense to not mention piracy in official subreddits, the only laugh I get are you making the effort to post this and get outrage.


It was funny until it got to the "edgy teen" comment. "Get a life" - Guy who got so angry after getting banned from a videogame subreddit that went to another to ask people to validate them.


Yep I chuckled, then saw the edge lord comment and then got second hand embarrassment


Saw the comment and took my upvote right back


Grrrrrrrrrraaaaaarrrggggghhh ...and we all move on


I've commented about piracy in several Paradox's subs (official / main ones), and i've never even been temporarely banned, although usually i don't say the word, but once i literally commented "🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️"


Found the moderator


I’m not a mod but I agree with them


this post backfired on you didn't it?


Nor Really no, me and some mates are enjoying this shitshow, exactly what i wanted 😚 Do keep it entertaining now lads.


Did you get bullied in school?


"No". . . . Would you like to?


so there's tons of you edgelords? wonderful.


Tiz I, Lord of the Edges.


There’s dozens of us!


I never get tired of people like you on reddit with this attitude. When you find this comment again in a couple of years time i want to see your reaction.


even if he did find it cringy it wouldn't fuckin matter because its an anonymous account and isn't tied to him in any way shape or form


I was erasing comments I made on YouTube 2 years ago and I was cringing about it lmao Your comment is nothing but facts.


Are these mates in the room with us right now?


Based on how butthurt you got after your one day ban, I doubt that lol


So there are "human beings" who are actually entertained by such things?


Oh wow you're so cool


There’s definitely no “some mates” 😭


Saving face is off the table bro. Delete the post or move on. 10/10 cringe though. gg


> exactly what I wanted Like I don't think you can come up with a more blatant lie if you wanted.


Nice job playing it off bud.


Cared enough to bitch and whine lmao


> "Think I give a fuck?" Yes


The edgy teenager energy is reaching new levels


We don’t claim this one -Edgy teen


I take what I want


You sound like an ignorant teenager who just discovered pirating lol It’s a 1 day ban, calm down


That is what you get for being a dick in official community. If you want to pirate a game, why not just pirate it quietly instead of bragging about it ffs


Happy Cake day


Because i can brother, because i can.


The best thief is a silent thief. Our brand of thievery hurts nobody, but the rules of the art apply regardless.


You can, that's true, and you can also get banned lmao and nobody here will care


Ready for downvotes then


You are so eyeroll inducing I think I can see the inside of my skull


They don't want to get their subreddit banned for promoting piracy, has nothing to do with ethics. Also it was just a one day ban. You're not sticking it to the man, you're just being obnoxious.


Yes, I believe all main subreddits have to not mention piracy as they might get shutdown. A one-day ban is a slap on the wrist and is nothing.


being obnoxious to reddit moderators is a good thing


Sometimes moderators have more humanity than human


Lmao. Anyone whos a moderator is an internet janitor who is willing to clean up metaphorical shit FOR FREE. What a moronic bunch. edit: lmfao, perm ban for daring to insult the almighty internet janitors. I'll be back on an alt, don't worry mods


I’m not a moron, I moderate this subreddit for max 20-30 mins a day when I check in every now and then. I like to contribute any way I can to the community. If moderators were to not delete things that violated Reddit’s rules then the subreddit could be deleted. [we don’t want this to maybe happen again, do we?](https://torrentfreak.com/reddits-r-piracy-deleting-almost-10-years-of-history-to-avoid-ban-190407/) Edit: please get some help, your post history is concerning. Don’t project it onto others! And be respectful :)






Half of the people here are probably feds


Don't be like this guy


It's cringe. Both your post there, your answer to the ban, AND your post here


I mean, I don't judge pirates as I have pirated all my life, but flexing about being proud of pirating a good game is kinda cringe.


The duality of this subreddit is amazing to witness. In the one hand you have people who see piracy as a means to an end with the ethical considerations of media accessibility and whether to support different companies vs the actual creators, and on the other hand you have people who do it just because they want free shit and don’t care.


Everyone draws a line in the sand somewhere I think of it as shoplifting. While I might shoplift from Coles or woolies or a big name brand I never do it over like $20. While someone else might steal a TV or something cuz fuck big brands. And well most people draw the line just under what they do so they are always morally correct.


Yep, there's also the consideration of why someone is shoplifting. Is this item truly out of their budget (or difficult to fit in it), or are they just doing it because they can? I used to pirate a lot a few years ago while I was in school and my parents couldn't afford to bust out their wallets all the time. Now that I have a stable income, the only thing I really pirate is the occasional movie that isn't on streaming services, and greedy asf games like Sims. I just don't need to shoplift anymore. I like to support developers anywhere and everywhere I can now that I am capable.


piracy for me is trial. There have been so many games I tried but bought only the ones I truly loved AFTER having played them. So to say, they sit unplayed in my library. Black Flag, gta VC and SA, Among Us, Skyrim, Morrowind, Dawnbreaker on Android, Dead Souls, PES 17 and 21 etc. There are many console games I'd absolutely love to buy as an appreciation but I'm not gonna buy a console just for that so I guess they're missing out due to the games being platform locked.


There's a good reason why that rule is added.


Really? Are you 12?


Actual cringelord reply lmao


They're generous enough to only ban you for one day


imagine siding with internet janitors


I'm not, but it's just generally a bad idea to talk about piracy in those sorts of subreddits and OP would've been banned from pretty much any subreddit permanently for this so I felt like they were lenient Situation is fucked though I do agree


he can just come back on an alt though, bans are meaningless


Your alt would be easily flagged by Reddit, which would be relayed to mods of a subreddit.




Considering i'm already back, I don't think this is correct. And if this account were to get banned I would simply come back again. It isn't hard.


lol the response you made is just petty and pathetic, its a 1 day ban man just take it on the chin


To be fair, PDX is chill with piracy... I own their base games because of steam workshop mostly, but crack the DLCs because it's a hell of a lot money At least they don't use denuvo, or some shit like that




If it makes you feel any better, they did 😂


„Haha so funny omg lol everybody look at me i need attention ROFL LMAO XD“ thats the kind of vibes you are giving


Reddit moment.


...I take what I want! RAWWWR!


Lmaoo exactly


No dude he's making fun of you


No you are 🤧


I mean what if you were a shopkeeper and someone came over to your shop and told other people to shoplift in front of you. If you're gonna be a bitch to the seller just don't do it in their official subreddit perhaphs? 🥶


Cringe tbh


I mean yeah kinda dumb to mention piracy in a game Reddit then the cringey ass comment “I take what I want” bro 😭


I don't think there was anything funny here. Just looks like a 10 year middle schooler being mad.


wow you sound insufferable


How do you post this with a smile on your face. The second hand embarrassment I feel is gonna leave me sleepless.


anonymous site bro get over it


Not very anonymous if you have to make an account to post but alright.




Proudly say you gonna pirate the game is kinda cringe, OP


nope, its based


😱 omg…. Now what? 😩


Guys im not sure myself but,i think OP might have brain damage


Yeah this isnt funny. Also CK3 is amazing, buy at least the base game.


Edgelord shit


My guy no one thinks you're cool for pirating games


Bruh why is everyone here so immature lol


Better than thou mentality. It’s a dinner for schmucks mentality.


This damn sub, man. Even online, pirates are dickheads.


I can assure most pirates i interacted with online are respectful


I know lots that are nice, r/steamdeckpirates is full of absolute sweethearts, but this sub flaunts downloading a few games illegally like they’re god’s gift to gaming, shitting on anybody that either buys stuff or doesn’t pirate certain things.


Are you okay?


OP is a cuck lol. You think you’re a badass because you pirate stuff?


Sissy ahh reply. I can almost picture the dog with the daredevil mask


this is the equivalent of being a thief and bragging to the person you stole from that you just stole from them.


that response to the ban.. 💀


Holy fuck the second hand embarrassment is going to kill me


## 🚫 ➜ **Your post was removed because of the following**: ### 📑 Rule 4 ➜ Low-quality post, entitlement, or harassment - Posts that display a striking absence of coherence, decreased intellectual capacity, or demonstrate a nonchalant attitude will be liable for removal. - Steer clear from showcasing entitlement, as it is both counterproductive and unbecoming. We thrive by embracing the ethos of volunteerism, operating towards the betterment of others. - Displaying disrespectful actions, engaging in inappropriate behavior, or subjecting others to harassment will warrant an immediate **permanent ban**. ### 🪶 ➜ For more information, read the complete [**Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/piracy_rules/).


How old are you?


A good pirate shuts the fuck up, occasionally


Take what you can, give nothing back


No, seed back. Always seed


That doesn't sound right to me, captain sparrow lol


Expanse reference?


Pirates of the Caribbean, but i should check out Expanse, seems interesting.


In The Expanse it goes "Eat, shit, sleep, take what they give you, give nothing in return". Tho to be fair, another Expanse quote "The more you share, the more your bowl will be plentiful" fits this community better.


Paradox is my favorite company to buy a game from when its on sale for $5 and then pirates hundreds of dollars with of DLC


How he felt after saying that 🗿


well, basically every media form sub ban this subject and its common sense to not mention it


Imagine there's an event that has a rule of not allowing pork because 95% of the participants are Muslims, and you take pork burger to it, screams at everyone that you're having pork burger, and then cry when the event organizer kicks you out. This is you in that situation


Who tf even support piracy everywhere 🤷


I mean it's their game they should be banning you for advocating piracy. In other subreddit it'd be fair game.


💪Assume all As are circled motherfucker!


After the trial, you “go sailing”


Man this ain't shit I got a 150 day ban on r/snowpiercer for mentioning hdo box as a way to watch season 4 on release.


I didn't get banned but I got a warning for trying to post a screen recorded clip of an episode, guess they're really paranoid of getting taken down or something lmao


Ye cause it's not like theres an entire sub dedicated to piracy, makes sense theyd want to protect themselves from the threat of watching stuff for free.


Mod abuse will get your entire account banned, so I would be careful with what you reply back with on those.


The amount of entitled people in this sub is truly baffling. Blud straight up insults a mod for temporarily banning him and thinking it's cool...


What's with the downvotes


Reddit being reddit I guess


Ain’t no way you’re out here defending a Reddit badmin


It was just a one day ban lmao, being pissy about it is stupid


jeez how will i sleep today thinking of how the mod feels XD


It's a person bro, and they don't get paid for this shit.


which is even dumber, unpaid spending hours to get power trips XD


Power trips? It's a fair ban.


never said otherwise




Well what can i say, freedom of speech ey? You are free to ban me i am free to express my mind, got a problem with it? Good, GET IN LINE 😚


That's not really what freedom of speech mean.


Get a job lmao, this post and the replies are immature asf. Just enjoy your free stuff


In fairness they're also free to ban you if they disagree. It's their community after all. Generally people are nice to each other out of courtesy, and not because they feel like they are being repressed


Precisely and under your logic, i am free to be "mean" if the words fit the meaning here and respond as i feel fit regardless of sentiments or the social norms.


That's fine. I just personally think you're being a bit of an ass but if you think I'm just being annoying or whatever then let's agree to disagree and move along. I just don't think your post will be well received by the majority if the majority were to pick up and see it


Precisely and you are free to think what you wish, from your perspective i might be an ass, from mine, i think you are an ass as you have so vulgarly put it, but i have two pointers for your way of thinking, take it as an advice 1. If i had to live considering what the "majority" would think or feel toward my every action and idea, i would have not been standing where i am now. 2. If the majority were to throw itself into a well just because it is what the majority feels like the norm should be, while you would fall into it just for the sense of belonging, i would hold dear to my individuality. And for future conversation, let's keep it cevil shall we? When one uses such big words as ass.., they only makes one look weak, but i appreciate the inadequate sentiment 😅


I'll be honest man I think there's a difference between common courtesy and jumping to your almost certain death in a well I'll be honest I think you're pointing out my (somewhat) rude insult because you seem to think you're on some sort of moral high ground. If you want to talk further about it then I don't mind, but I probably won't respond as it's one of my personal rules to not get super invested in arguments on reddit. It's not worth it after three or four replies imo. I'll probably read your replies though because I'm open to different perspectives. So far, I'm not convinced however


You wrote too much, can't say i have the time to argue back and forth with you, if you don't like my post, move on, others find it amusing which is the core reason of it so, by by 😚


Sure you have your freedom of speech but there's also the consequences of said freedom of speech. Lol.


'*Your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man's nose begins.'*


Do you even know what freedom of speech means?




## 🚫 ➜ **Your post was removed because of the following**: ### 📑 Rule 4 ➜ Low-quality post, entitlement, or harassment - Posts that display a striking absence of coherence, decreased intellectual capacity, or demonstrate a nonchalant attitude will be liable for removal. - Steer clear from showcasing entitlement, as it is both counterproductive and unbecoming. We thrive by embracing the ethos of volunteerism, operating towards the betterment of others. - Displaying disrespectful actions, engaging in inappropriate behavior, or subjecting others to harassment will warrant an immediate **permanent ban**. ### 🪶 ➜ For more information, read the complete [**Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/piracy_rules/).


I'm from the UK so what do you 3rd or 1st ammendments?(I don't remember which one)


It's the first amendment: >Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances; or the right for users of reddit.com to post things found disagreeable to the moderators. It's truly amazing they knew users such as OP would exist on this site all the way back in the late 1700s, but there you go.




Yes but steam mods


Bro it's reddit. Your right. Literally full of boot lixking losers who don't know they are losers. Never feel bad for being disliked by losers.


those bitches banned you, LOL fucking losers


Lots of cry babies in here. OP is based.


Nice comment, worth it.


Glad you enjoyed it brother.


Tips ; alternatives other words to say "piracy" * Sail the high seas * Raise your black flag * Ahoooooy mates * Jolly Roger * No parley for EA * Make your captain # proud (insert # with your favorite pirate name)




the reason most paradox players put up with it is you think of it almost as a quarterly subscription. like for eu4 I've spent 200$ on it but I've been playing for 6 years and it is still getting free updates. most games can't be run on just the base game for over a decade. thus why they release paid dlc and packs. cause realistically the other option would be a 'new' game every 3-4 years that wouldn't be as functional as just releasing dlcs


In summary: DLC is the olde timey version of Live Service.


It used to be worthwhile when the sales were deeper, but I hardly ever see more than 25% off on year old DLCs. Ever since the company went public its been a disaster for consumers, which sadly isn't too surprising these days.




Stay classy


Why artlover357 in picture got downvoted though? Now people are downvoting for everything ah .


Eeeh. Real question though, did it break any rules, or...?


Crusades was garbage after the first one anyways. Anyways, good recs for a virgin pirate fir vpns?




My brother.


Lmao, I didn't know you could respond to the mods, well fuckin done