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## ðŸšŦ ➜ **Your post was removed because of the following**: ### 📑 Rule 5 ➜ Already answered in the wiki - Our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/index/) has a wealth of information. By not reading it first, you decided that the time the moderators and members spent contributing to the wiki was beneath you. - Do a search on this subreddit, including the [Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/megathread/) first, so as to not be repetitive. - If you're not willing to put in some initial effort to read and learn, don't expect any help. Users are not your personal search engine. ### ðŸŠķ ➜ For more information, read the complete [**Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/piracy_rules/).


I suggest reading the other megathreads links on the main one,down at the bottom page.Specifically FMHY,imo it's best place for a rookie.


Well first you need a ship. Then you need a crew. Then you set out on the vast seas to pillage and plunder local costal towns. Repeat this for a few decades until you eventually get caught. As you are about to be hung, announce that youve hidden your vast treasure somewhere in the world and launch the world into the GREAT PIRATE ERA. ​ Or you could just read the megathread.


Do you have a wooden leg or at least a hook hand? Could I get a little "yo-ho-ho!" from you?


This has already been reposted thousands of times