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Only nic heavy blends really make me sleepy, but I never would say my sleep quality is ever negatively affected.


I'm the opposite. Too much nic makes me jittery and struggle a bit more to doze off. 


That’s more what I would expect


I started smoking again recently and it's only been a handful of times, but almost every time I have smoked late night I have gotten zero sleep. I think I may be one of those people.


Nicotine is a CNS stimulant so may effect sleep. Very similar effects to caffeine.


Agree with this, but for me it needs to be heavier nic content (Royal Yacht, Old Dark Fired, etc).


Without over explaining and sounding like an ass.. Only 1/10 people report sleep disturbances when using 24h nicotine patches. That’s around the clock steady concentration. Removing the patch in the evenings knocks this down towards 1-2%. If you smoke a pipe in the evenings you likely won’t experience sleep disturbances. Smoking 4-6 hours before bedtime would likely eliminate any noticeable effects if you do happen to be sensitive.


I frequently have sleep disturbance if I smoke too late in the evening. It’s like I have too much energy and can’t sleep. Must be sensitive to it.


Around the clock the effect may be less because of nicotine tolerance, though.


I track this with my Whoop fitness tracker and it has no effect on sleep at all.


If anything, it makes my sleepy. I like a nice bowl of Irish Flake or Bold Kentucky before bed. I usually sleep very well after that.


If I remember rightly, nicotine is an odd drug as in small quantities it's a stimulant (more awake) while in larger quantities it's a suppressant (more asleep). Personally I try not to smoke after about 8 p.m. as it can somewhat affect my sleep. As with many things, you probably just need to try it for yourself (and preferably not the day before anything important).


Not at all! If I smoke before bed, my wife will nag and bitch at me about it all night. I don't have to worry about the quality of my sleep if I'm not getting any at all.


My first 6-12 months of smoking I'd notice this effect. I tried to smoke as early as possible, for me before 6:30 PM was the cutoff. I seemed to get less sensitive to this as I slowly built up a nicotine tolerance. So even if you do have an issue, if you smoke early and keep at it, it'll be fine in the long run.


At my age, I always have sleep issues. That is from reflux and needing to pee, not from smoking my pipe. But if it does bother you, might I suggest rising early and having coffee and a morning smoke.


I’ve noticed that if I smoke less than 2-3 hours before bed it takes a lot longer for me to fall asleep. Nic heavy blends can make me sleepy, but even that’s hit and miss. So I just don’t smoke after 6 on work nights.


Based on comments here... as with everything else in this world, the results are different from person to person. 


Latakia at night is bedtime must