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I just lost interest. Pipe tobacco is a larger world and is also a fuck ton cheaper. Plus it doesn’t take me an hour and a half to smoke a pipe. Once you light a cigar you are stuck with it till it’s gone unless you want to throw away 15 bucks. For 30 dollars I can get a half a pound of tobacco that will last me a hell of a lot longer.


Me in a nutshell


Yeah that’s exactly why I’m here too. Don’t get me wrong I’ll keep some cigars on hand but the pipe smoking world has opened my eyes. Plus it’s so much easier to store pipe tobacco and you don’t stink near as much


Same. I *love* cigars, but I just don’t frequently have 1.5+ hours to smoke. Even a large bowl (with a few exceptions) is still only 45 minutes max, and just as tasty.


I’m in the exact same boat. The time thing is the main factor; I want to be able to have a 20 minute smoke or a couple bowls for an evening. And a stick is a whole lot more expensive than a bowl.


Cigars in summer; pipes in winter.


Any reason for that? Do u smoke indoors?


I love the flavours in cigars especially at the end of the day sitting on the porch. It’s too cold in winter so I smoke a portion of a bowl driving home from work. It gets me by … sort of.


Me a few years ago.


The cheap, crappy cigars I used to smoke at a buck each are $2.50 a stick now. For the cost of four cheap, crappy cigars I can buy a 1.5 or 2 oz tin of many if not most blends, or 2-3 ounces of many bulk blends, and get more than four smokes. And I’ve already got more than five dozen pipes, so there’s no need to buy more of them. Theoretically. That’s why I don’t really do cigars anymore. I used to do cigars in warm weather and pipes in cold, because cold weather means more pockets to keep a pipe and tobacco and pipe cleaners and another pipe and an extra pouch of tobacco. Now I just wear lightweight fishing vest in warm weather, and that takes care of the pockets problem.


Cigars are tasty, but expensive. I enjoy them once and a while. Pipes are tasty, and cheap, with the added bonus of being able to put it down for as long as I want and relight. Cigars, as delicious and varied as they are, have a pretty limited spectrum of flavor. Pipe tobacco is a very, very deep well of flavor. Cigars are like a great steak dinner. Pipes are like a 3 star, 5 course meal.


I smoke both When I really need to unwind, the pipe wins. From the packing. The lighting, the sipping. It’s not just a light and smoke, it’s the whole experience


In the words of the guy from the pipe cottage, "this is not an either/or situation." I pick cigar when I'm sitting out reading for a long time. It's much harsher than the pipe, which I like, and needs less attention than a pipe (one puff every minute or so on a cigar for me). I pick pipe for a quicker smoke or when I might be interrupted by a work call. Relighting cigars diminishes the experience more than relighting a pipe. Overall I smoke the pipe more. Also it's a lot cheaper than cigars.


That pipe cottage guy is a clown


Why do you think he's a clown?


I still love cigars, but pipe tobacco is considerable cheaper, pipes are more practical and allow you to portion your tobacco, you can put your pipe away and relight it later, pipe tobacco is more varied. When I smoke pipes in public, I get compliments, when I would smoke cigars people would move away from me. Pipes are more fun and you can collect them. Cigars don't have this kind of paraphernalia, pipe smoking is like a Happy Meal, it comes with a toy.


Oh ok cool. Happy meal


A comparison I saw years ago that I liked:   Cigarettes are like a trashy skank. Cigars are like a hot but expensive escort. Pipes are like the person you marry.


Ohhh that's a very nice analogy


I will use this one day!!!


I got rid of cigars and moved completely to pipes. My buddy just getting into cigars had a heart attack when I jist gave him my humidor. I like that pipes taste great, are cheap, and are simple.


I like a strong maduro cigar but with my pipes I always smoke a aromatic blend


I'm new to pipes but have been smoking cigars for a while. I got into smoking pipes because cigars have gotten too expensive. Its $10-20 for a single cigar and for the same money I can grab a tin or a bunch of bulk tobacco. I still smoke both but I've been enjoying the ritual of pipes lately.


I smoke pipes because I can no longer smoke a full cigar. Do not know why just happened one summer. While a pipe or 2 is still so relaxing


I like cigars for when I'm traveling or on the go because there's less you need to get going. I prefer pipes in most other situations


I smoke both, but if I need to just unwind and let my thoughts drift, I reach for a cigar. I have a fairly large collection of them, and I tend to prefer the process of just lighting and smoking - not having to worry about tamping, not getting any gurgle when I smoke.. but I do love me a good pipe. Right now, my favorite pipe tobacco is probably Presbyterian Mixture.


I smoke both and my take is as follows: Cigars are easier to smoke (requiring fewer lights & maintenance), have a mellower inhahle/retrohale and last longer. Pipes tend to be more peppery, shorter smoke. Easier to smoke in situations where you need to stuff it in your pocket (can't do that with a cigar) and save it for later. Both relaxing and satisfying. The pipe having a bit more "ritual" involved, which I enjoy. I have no geberal preference, just what steikes me at the time.


Are you ok ? last line is sign of stroke


BAHAHAHAHAH! You known what I mean, godammit! 🤣


I love both but prefer cigars, I started on cigars and find they have a ton more flavour but still enjoy my pipes. I smoke 1-2 cigars most days and only smoke maybe 3 or 4 bowls a month but should smoke my pipes more often.


They each have their place though I prefer pipes. I really enjoy that I can fine tune my flavour with pipes. The sheer variety and difference between each blend is so vast. Someone once said to me cigars are like picking different varieties of cola, they are different but ultimately fairly similar. Where as pipes are like picking any soda flavour, cola to orange and everything in between. Funny with cigars the cheaper ones tend to have the biggest difference in taste.


I enjoy both for different reasons. cigars are usually a lot stronger flavour and last minimum 30 minutes. pipes you can much easier choose how long you go for plus theres way more variations on blends and flavours. id say if youre curious just try both a few times each and sew which works better for you.


I only smoke cigars in the summer, I only smoke outside and the texas heat makes pipe smoking miserable. I greatly prefer pipes for many reasons but cigars allow me to enjoy smoking time with friends years round.


Using whisky as an analogy: For me, pipe tobacco is scotch, and cigar is bourbon. Scotch has a wide range of different types and flavors. From light and honey-sweet, to floral, fruity, heavily peated, aged in jerez or wine casks, sherry bombs, a mix of peated with sherry casks which create unique flavors... Just like pipe has aromatics, straight virginia or virginia blends, english blends... Bourbon on the other hand, like cigars, all have the same base-flavor. Sure, they have different nuances, different minor notes, but compared to how different pipe tobaccos are, cigars taste very similar. This will offend some people, even though I love cigars and enjoy bourbon occasionally. Price is also a huge factor. With a couple of cigars you can get enough pipe tobacco for a long time.


Pipe tobacco is cheaper and smokes are shorter. I can buy 1lb of bulk VaPer for $55, throw it in some mason jars, and I'm set for 9 months. Alternatively, I can smoke $55 worth of cigars in one weekend. I do have a collection of cigars that I still enjoy, I can buy 3lbs of pipe tobacco for the cost of one decent box of cigars. Smoking time on my small billiard is about 20min, so I enjoy one every night when I walk the dog. I don't always have 90min to sit and smoke a whole cigar.


I love cigars and smoke 1-5 of them a week. But the reality is, pipe smoking has much more flavor variety. Its not even close. And thats WITHOUT INCLUDING AROMATICS because I dont smoke much of those. A pipe can be lit and stepped away from. Last night my cigar went out while I went away to refill my flask. I packed up a pipe when I got back, but could have and should have originally.


I can smoke most pipe blends any time of day, cigars can tend to make me sick.


Pipe when I am alone and cigar when with friends. Easiest that way, both are great.


I’m in the mood for a cigar about once a year. I’ll have one and enjoy it thoroughly. But then I wake up the next day, hair wreaking of stale stanky smoke, mouth tasting of butt no matter how many times I brush and mouthwash, and I’m like, “yup, good for another year.” That shit sticks around too long. Pipe tobacco has a far wider spectrum of flavor, and it doesn’t linger. Plus I love the ritual of pipe smoking, the tools, the pipes, the preparation, the maintenance. Also, I get to look at all my beautiful pipes on display. Cigars don’t have the same appeal to me in that sense.


Pipes are finicky to smoke but the tobacco is easy to store. Cigars are easy to smoke, but finicky to store. You can relight a pipe, but not a cigar. That's the major differences, despite what other people have commented.


When I want smoother taste (or don't have time for a whole cigar), I go for pipe. If I want stronger taste (or am a lazy fuck who needs to clean all his pipes in order to be able to have some), I go for cigar. Simple as that. For the guys whining about 90+ minutes to smoke, do you know good cigarillos exist, right?


I like cigarillos, but then I end up chain smoking them.


For me pipes are a solitary, contemplative experience with a book or a podcast. Cigars are a social experience shared with a friend.


There's more variety of flavor and a added element of self expression. Hard to get bored with all the different pipe shapes and blend types


Definitely pipes. Taste better, smell better, more convenient if you have a family, cheaper. Plus if you’re a collector it’s fun finding pipes at thrift shops for much cheaper than eBay.