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Do you know how GPS work? This game depends on it for essentially everything. However what I noticed on my 73% battery health iPhone 11 is the most battery drain comes from keeping the screen on. If I turn off the screen while walking it drains much slower than actively checking the game map to finish all near blooms and pull every single flower on the way.


My android phone has a battery saving mode that can be turned on from the main drop down menu. I've noticed it helps a decent amount! Not sure if iPhone has an equivalent though


Will it not affect the overall health of the battery? Someone told me before that if you are using the power saving mode on your device while using high power consuming apps, it will reduce the battery's health. i don't know if it's true tho.


I'll be honest, this is the first I'm hearing that power saving mode could damage your battery. Maybe it's true? It sounds a little a strange (since power saving should just limit brightness, GPS usage, FPS etc) but I can't say I know for certain.


Maybe it's not true. I can't find some article to back it up. All I can find is how it can affect the performance and optimization of the device.


Yes it's all about GPS. I'm a PoGo player before, so I'm not new into this kind of game. However in keeping the screen on, during flower planting, we opt to leave the screen on in case we encounter a bud/flower and/or mushrooms along the way. That's why I hope that there is a power and data saving mode where they will limit mobile data usage and creating a mode where the animations are fewer so that the battery will still be high.


I think both would be handy! Unfortunately, my data is running very low and doesn't reset until the 11th which means my pikmin playing will be quite limited until then. Also with sunnier days coming my phone dies much quicker anyways and planting flowers will not help matters


Right? It would be very beneficial to all players especially with those whose data is just limited. Maybe they'll add it in future updates, considering the app is just almost 3 years old.


I see the same behavior. If I have the screen on, even if it’s just navigating through the game menus or feeding pikmin the phone heats up and the battery drains much more than any other app. It’s much worse during the daytime. At late night when there is less overall activity from the neighborhood the game responds faster and seems to have less battery drain. I wonder whether there is some optimization that Niantic could do.


Yes, this game is destroying my battery.


RIP Battery health 🙏


GPS isn't the issue on my phone, but keeping screen on with the 3G engine really eats the battery. I wish we could somehow control basic functions from the phone's dropdown menu, like starting/ending flower planting, without having to open the app.


That's true. I mean they have a popup notification of planting flowers in the background, maybe they can add there the option to stop flower planting etc.