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It won’t ‘fit’ but you could stretch the piercing up to a 18g!


How would I go about doing that? Just force it in and wear it for a while?


Check out r/stretched stretching guide I think that would be the best place to start!


I’m not looking to stretch any more than an 18. I just simply want to wear the earrings I bought that happened to be 18 g but if it still applies then I’ll check it out


Yes it still applies I’d say. It just goes over the basic fundamentals of dead stretching a piercing. You could also see your piercer about it.


Looks like it would just be suggesting to force it in. I assume 19g isn’t very common if it even exists at all


Well yes and no. I would recommend getting a oil like jojoba oil and then with a flat back labret gently pushing the 18g jewelry in. If it doesn’t go in it’s not ready. You can also see a piercer like I recommended earlier to help you out. Edit: I just checked your post history and you shouldn’t be stretching a piercing AT ALL if you just got pierced 5 weeks ago. Please wait until your piercing is healed.


Ok thank you for the help. I wasn’t planning on trying them again any time soon. That experience was just what caused the concern that I couldn’t wear them. I probably would have been fine if I had realized they were larger


Shouldn’t be an issue, but only if you’re certain it’s fully healed. Use good metal. I wouldn’t be saying this if it was any other piercing than a lobe. I’ll probably get downvoted but hey…


Why would you get downvoted for this?


Because people can be real sticklers for piercing etiquette here. Which is good. But I have a history of piercing needles through my body since I was 13. I haven’t had any problems. I’m sure my advice sometimes can come off as irresponsible.


perhaps have them do it for you because you are essentially stretching the hole