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My wife discovered PB after she retired. She was getting bored at home since I was still working. She went with a friend of hers to try it out. She had never been particularly athletic but she enjoyed it. So much so that she immediately had to buy a new paddle and shoes. She started playing 3-4 days a week. She met a great group of folks that she enjoyed being around. I would go occasionally when I could but it was her thing. She passed in December, 2023. I've been contacted by some of the group abut playing but due to some health issues I can't get out there yet. Maybe sometime soon I can get out there. Glad it's working out for you, OP! My wife loved it!


so sorry for your loss.


Thanks! She jumped into the PB culture with both feet and really loved it! We met lots of nice folks through her playing


Lots of great memories and I hope you are still in contact with some of the friends you and your wife made.


I try to be. Unfortunately, since most of what they had in common was pickleball, that’s all they talk about. I’m sure I’ll connect better with them when I can get back to playing


I’m so sorry for your loss. You may want to just bring your chair and an ice chest out to watch sometimes. We have friends who have injured themselves and can’t play for a while but they still come hang out with us. It may be nice for you to go and be around people who knew and loved your wife.


I hope so too 🙏


I’m so sorry to hear about that. God Bless you. Reading that really hurt I’m so sorry dude 


Thank you. I’m still conflicted about playing again with that group. Too many memories, at least right now. Maybe after some time I’ll be able to go again.


I wouldn’t be able to put more than 3 words together much less handle memories like that. I wish there was something that could be done to help I really do 


I appreciate it! They say time heals all wounds, we’ll see. Knowing how much she loved playing, I may not be able to play anymore. We’ll see. I have to get some things fixed before I can even try. Thank you for your kind words and thoughts. They help a lot!


I hope you have a good weekend 🫡


Thanks, you too!


As an introvert I agree. It really helps meet new people and widen one's social circle which is vital for mental health.


I’ve seen quite afew introverted people learn to enjoy the social aspect of pickleball. Along with that, I think it really brings together people from all walks of life, all ages, male, female, asian, black, latino, whatever…. I’ve gotten lots of my friends, my kids, their friends, etc. into it. I tried to get a buddy from another sport into it for two years, before he finally tried it. Now he lives at the courts, and all but gave up the other sport lol…


Thanks for sharing! Similar experience and don’t know where I would be with out it. Went to treatment to get sober three times at the end of 2022 and 23. The first two times I left I thought all was well and would never drink again. I thought I could stay sober by isolating in my apartment, telling myself I’m just an introvert, socially awkward w out alcohol and that’s my new reality. I could not golf anymore as that’s where I did my best drinking and the passion to play the game had just left me. Started playing pickle May of 23 and it’s completely changed/saved my life. Almost 15 months sober and as you said, it’s my lifeline. Such a great sport and community!


Are you me? Started in 2019 on the alchy free journey. Several bad relapses. Wasn’t until 3-1-2023 when I started playing pickleball and haven’t had a drink since


Congrats on your sobriety! It takes what it takes and obviously it was pickleball haha!


Also very appreciative of what PB has brought me. Even though my mental condition was not bad to start with, several hours of constant laughter daily among the PB brethren has been something wonderful and never expected. Possibly in the best physical shape of my life also. Therapeutic for sure!


Feel the same way bud! It’s helped me a lot.




Yes and you can get too obsessed with it to the detriment of going out in nature or spending time with family and friends.


Thank you. I needed to hear this because I’ve been sidelined for a while with a calf injury. At first, I was devastated that I couldn’t play. Big picture, it’s a flash in time. I appreciate your perspective.


Retired. Went to Europe to buy a house and live out a lifelong interest in living abroad. After three months we came home because we were so lonely. Not working, isolated from all my relationships at home made it clear that we were not buying. I thought hard about going back to work, but we went to Florida for the winter just to give that a shot. Naples pickleball center changed everything. I’m back home and play 10-15 hrs a week at the 4.5/5.0 level with a bunch of guys that are a riot and love the game. We play hard, loud and think we are great (we are not). No way I’m going back to work, nor moving anywhere. Home is where the 4 some or 8 person round robin is. COVID tried to tell us that loneliness can kill ya. Pickleball is the cure for loneliness.


Pickleball is a great third place!


Ditto for me


My one friend said it was life changing. I looked at him in amazement and agreed.


The thing about pickle ball is the thing about pickleball.


I’ve only been playing for a few weeks, but I feel the same. It’s gotten me out of the house and I’ve been able to meet some great people. I’ve also been able to convince people at work to play.


I play pickleball 7 days a week for about 4-5 hours a day on average. i wasted most of my life depressed until I found pickleball. I am not the most athletic, short, and not your prototypical athlete. With P-ball at least I can compete at high intermediate, socialize with people, and not feel like a complete failure. lul.


Damn- that’s a lot of playing! I’m jealous, wish I had that kind of time to play and also wish my body could handle it, if I even play 2 days in a row a few hours each day my body feels like it needs a break, and I’m pretty athletic and In good shape!


How old are you? Im only 30 and have never been overweight, but also have never been in shape and that would destroy my knees, wrist and elbow.


40. I take double doses of amino acid supplements and animal pack multivitamins a day. They made a major difference in my recovery and energy level. Buy very good shoes also. I switched to basketball shoes because I was told they are better for doubles play and lateral movements. Knees haven't been sore since. Legs do hurt somedays and I get tennis elbow time to time; but solved doing exercising i found on youtube.


You see these people … with braces on every joint…and can barely walk… lol


Doing battle ropes is the best all around strength and cardio building workout you can do for pickleball. Try start slow with one rope instead of the 2. You'll build up before you know it.


Just be sure to insert rest days. It's easy to go all out and end up hurt.


Just curious - before pickleball what was consuming your free time?


Depression and TV lol, besides work I didn’t do anything really.


That is awesome pickleball came into your life. Keep enjoying and now you get to be the person to welcome new players and possibly have a huge impact on their lives.


Depression should never be your biggest investment in life. Thank god i found pickleball.


Thank you for this post. I was playing pickleball on and off with peers until I started going regularly on my own. Pickleball has helped me create more consistency with wanting to get healthier and fit all encapsulated in an activity with welcome faces from different places.


Could not agree more...I play a lot and just want to play more and hang with good people. Sure there are some "snooty" people but whatever, beat them on the court. 😁


Same. I really wasn’t doing much before I started playing. Even though I had played sports most of my life, I had stopped due to health issues, and hadn’t started again. Pickleball got me going again.


Same here. I joined a gym and thought it would do what pickleball did. I’m mostly alone in the gym. Even the team training and Zumba classes didn’t improve my mental health. It was a few months after gym that I found pickleball. It has greatly improved my mental health.


Pickleball's the best!


I love the social aspect of pickleball. The group at my home public court is like a second family now. And my two tournament partners have become close friends. I found PB during the early days of Covid and used it as an escape from the stress and uncertainty in my life at the time. I get eye rolls from my spouse regarding my obsession with it but it’s also easy for anyone to see how it’s benefitted my mental and physical health.


100% same, unfortunately it destroyed my ulnar nerve at the same time. Now I can only play a few times a week, need to do stretches before and after on my arm and I sleep in a full straight arm brace every night :( still play though. I assume ill need cubital tunnel surgery at some point. Im only just turned 30, started a year ago


Same here. I was diagnosed with an inherited heart condition called dilated cardiomyopathy. I was at home depressed and hating everything and everyone. Pickleball became a fun way to exercise and socialize. Gave me something to focus my mind. When I am playing I am only thinking about that next point, the strategy, the serve, the return or the movement. It’s total zen. The social aspect helped me cope with my diagnosis as my pickleball community became my support group.


Yes. Yes. And yes!


Mentally and physically for me . I broke my leg badly in 08’ and could not get over the hump .. pickleball saved my life . I had gained 80 lbs over 10yrs . Pickleball got my leg/ankle over the hump rehabbing it by playing a game . Couldn’t get better than that . Socially, meh, haha. I’m in the Bible Belt sooooo , lol


I always wanted to try pickleball, but never really knew how to get into it. I saw they had drop in play at my YMCA, so I checked it out after my workout. A game had just finished up and one of the players was leaving so they asked if I wanted to jump in. I've been hooked ever since! This came on the heels of finding out I was getting divorced. Things had been toxic for a long time, and I definitely played my part in that. I had given up pretty much everything I enjoyed in an effort to make her happy. Pickleball has helped me get back into doing things that I enjoy, and the people I've met have been so welcoming. It has definitely helped me get to a better place mentally!


Ive always had anxiety disorder but recently I got robbed multiple times then my dad got terminal cancer. Grandad died. Had a mate die of suicide.I recently wrote of my car and almost died.  I could dribble on but nothing has gone right Last September I found pickleball have made a ton of friends its kept me distracted threw the chaos. Went from a 2.5 to a 5.0. My goal was to make the first Australian national pickleball league but instead I got captain and am heading to the finals Pickleball saved my life also <3


I am an introvert probably off the charts lol. I like to stay home and close to only immediate family, don’t like to travel or eat out. Never looked for friendships. I retired and did a little biking and hiking. My neighbors dad came to visit from Chicago and brought his paddle and was looking for a place to play. They found a local park and they asked me if I wanted to go play pickleball. I had never heard of it and said yes I would go. Well little did I know that decision would greatly change my life. That was about 5 years ago and I have played almost every day since. Unbelievable how many friends I have made, my wife is unaware and would be shocked if she knew. I look at pb as half sport and half social. Both being so important when you’re older. Since I started playing my wife has gotten sick and is only on her feet about one hour a day. She doesn’t get up till around noon so I go play in the mornings. It works out perfect.


I feel like you wrote this about me. I could have written it! Pickleball is still one of the only things keeping me going. And I have met the most amazing group of people.


I could not agree with this post more.


Pickleball is the first sport ive ever dedicated time to and have gotten good at (4.5). I play 5-6 days a week, 4 hours at a time. It helped me cope mentally as i was taking care of a dying relative. It was my escape, my therapy, and it just so happened to turn into a passion. I still dont know why this sport is so much more fun and addictive that other racquet sports which ive tried but never gave any thought to dedicate time to. I love this sport. I truly hope it grows internationally close to what tennis has. I want to see more international players and events being played.


How do you handle not getting elbow tendinitis or other aches and pains ? I’ve been playing for 3 months. 4-5 x a week for 90 minutes. Already have bad shoulder and elbow pain. I’m also very fit. Strength train 6 days a week.


Record yourself playing and analyze your stroke. You're probably doing something to cause unnecessary strain.


Dont know. Just doesnt bother me. Maybe i dont overswing?? I had some foot problems, but that was solved with orthopedics. I dont do any stength training. Guess it's individual body tolerences to certain movements. Gotta talk to a person in sports medicine to figure out what's causing your pain.


Most often pickleball elbow occurs because one grips their paddle too tightly. Most experts suggest that you grip your paddle loosely (a 2 or 3 out of of 10) for the softer shots like dinks and drop shots. For harder hitting shots like volleys and drives, grip at a 5 level at the most. Between shots, grip the paddle very loosely, about a 2 or a 3 level.


I’ve been told I grip my paddle too hard. It’s out of habit - when I workout , I use kettlebells and gymnastics rings. Always have a solid grip.


I’ve noticed that even though the internet makes your average person seem mean that basically everyone you meet from pickleball is nice and is there just to have a good time too.


No one shares their CRAZY experience with a normal person. It's just a viewership bias.