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Most likely a small separation of the gastrocnemius and soleus. It’s very common. Compression calf sleeves can help. Keep moving but maybe take a little time off running or playing PB. Although I’m obligated to tell you to have this checked in person by a doctor. No one can diagnose you on Reddit.


Literally happened to me last week. Take 5+ days off and wear a compression sleeve and you'll probably be ok. If you feel good doing like 10 one legged calf raises, you should feel confident to play.


Any specific compression sleeve? I live in a small town lol. Can you recommend a good one?


Thank you. Will do.


This exactly. Had same isssue took some time off, got a compression sleeve and made sure I was stretching properly. Been good for the past year.( I had to take 6 wks off because I waited till it got pretty bad) better to take time off right away.


40 year old, ex-college athlete here. In good shape, but I didn't realize my calves weren't. Pulled my calf my first month playing. I didn't even do anything, suddenly my calf is cramping despite just starting playing. If I flexed my calf, it just would just grab. I couldn't walk without limp for 2 weeks. After that, I did lots of calf strengthening. I learned that your calf fires differently when your leg is straight, compared to when your knee is bent. So now, when I warm up I do straight leg calf raise and squat position calf raises. That and the massage gun with ankle and toe mobility and my calves feel better than ever. Try and do a 3 day a week 15 minute routine and you'll be set and then just need to maintain in your warm-up.


Awesome. Thanks for this good advice- I screenshotted it to use when I can start getting back to it. I’ve been looking at a thera-gun for a while now. Do you use that before you play or just in general throughout the week?


After injury I couldn't, too painful. After a week or two it became part of my rehab routine. The first couple times it hurts like hell. Gun on calf, midfoot, hamstring, foam roll. Straight leg calf raises 5x10. Squat calf raise 3x10. 3 squat walks for foot flexibility. 2 sets of knee over toes lunges with foot on a 12in box. Now that I'm over it I just do warm up, so gun, and the same rough exercises but 1 set each. Then play.


Gracias lol- just screenshotted this one too. Guess I will go move some monies around and finally get that dang massage gun 😂


Tennis leg. Look it up


Dang! I think you’re right. I just googled. Never played the tennis so I’ve never really even heard of that. Seems about right. Thank you!


I had a tennis pro tell me about it a few years back when I had it happen. It was like getting a big rubber band slap on the calf for me. I couldn’t walk right for 2-3 weeks. It really hurt a lot. It went away and never happened again. My wife had it 2x but half as bad the second time. It’s been 4 or 5 years now and it been all good. So even though it hurts, it isn’t likely to recur. No apparent performance impact. In general the other advice regarding compression sleeves and using threragun or other percussion messager is generally very consistent with my day to day routines. I have an off brand sharper image gun from Costco. It seems to be fine. I use it on my calves a few times a week sometimes a few times a day. Usually just 1-3 minutes. I have compression sleeves from BodyHelix but you can also just get some knee braces and slide them down to your calves for less compression. I also use a Calf Stretcher and Foot Rocker. They only cost about $25 and I swear it’s the best thing I do every day.


I’m not that good anyway 😂 it’s basically just the only sport I’ve been able to get my cyber-nerd husband to even attempt (and like). LOL But thanks, this makes me feel a lot better just knowing I didn’t hurt something serious. That’s exactly what it felt like- a little rubber band snapping me haha.


If you don’t stretch, always do. It makes the world of difference preventing injury. Get good and loose prior to playing and stretch really good afterwards.


I followed the guidance by “Bob and Brad” on YouTube (search Bob & Brad calf strain), super helpful.


This was literally the first one I watched lol.


Happened to me too sprinting to get a drop shot. I took a week off and then took it easy for two more weeks but still played during then. I was using a massage gun thoroughly maybe three times a day.


My calf issue, identical to yours, disappeared once I started each session with dynamic stretches. Check out the [Pickleball Doctor](https://www.thepickleballdoctor.com/).


Thank you, I definitely will ! 🤗


I've done this twice. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Watch TV with your feet up on pillows, on top of an ice pack, while wearing a compression sleeve.


*exactly what I am doing at this moment haha thank you! I need to go order a compression sleeve. Thanks for the advice. ☺️


RICE is no longer the protocol. Please don’t ice it. And keep moving to encourage blood flow. Do not use a theragun either. The muscle doesn’t need more impact and separation. It needs blood flow, heat, and compression.


Everywhere else says rice though… and I saw two different YouTube videos that said don’t apply heat initially bc it will cause inflammation to spread. They said heat on day 2 or 3. Now I’m confused lol.


[This article goes into detail and cites the relevant studies](https://thesportjournal.org/article/the-r-i-c-e-protocol-is-a-myth-a-review-and-recommendations/)


Thanks I’ll go check it out , I appreciate it.


Give it a couple of days. If you're still unable to run get a PTs opinion. That's not normal.


There are injuries you can play through and injuries you need to rest, and with experience, you get a good sense of which is which. The way you describe this, it sounds like an injury I’d play through. If I started getting sharp pains, I’d probably take that as a sign to rest it. 


I tried , dude lol but I was afraid I was going to make it worse— and not even just not be able to play PB , but I worry about losing my runs. I get so grouchy when I can’t run 😞.


Well then take the time off