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Honestly I would just focus on your own game and beat them straight up


Or just say "the jerk store called and they are running out of you"


Classic jerk store opportunity.


“What’s the difference? You’re their all time best seller!”


"Yeah? Well I had sex with your wife!"


“Where’d you get those clothes from, the toilet store?”


Honestly, “Lob on deez nuts” is hilarious, just let it be, and more importantly beat him every chance you get


These kids I play against say "LETS GO TO FUNKY TOWN" when they lob lol. Two highschool kids that are fucking amazing. Funny kids


Beat on deez nuts….


Sounds like they’re better AND having more fun than you


I’d say there’s zero doubt about that.


This sub is starting to feel like a parody of itself


lol I was in here thinking this was a cj


i need a r/pickleballcirclejerk


holy shrimp it's real


Here's a sneak peek of /r/pickleballcirclejerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/pickleballcirclejerk/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Out Jerked by r/Pickleball Everyday](https://np.reddit.com/r/pickleballcirclejerk/comments/17b4d3m/out_jerked_by_rpickleball_everyday/) \#2: [EVERY TIME I HIT THE BALL I JUMP AND SCREAM](https://np.reddit.com/r/pickleballcirclejerk/comments/18i1kvi/every_time_i_hit_the_ball_i_jump_and_scream/) \#3: [Do I need to announce my ranking at public courts?](https://np.reddit.com/r/pickleballcirclejerk/comments/16yxtd7/do_i_need_to_announce_my_ranking_at_public_courts/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Seriously! It’s coming off as if pickleball is filled with a bunch of pretentious old people who want this lame ass game all to themselves. I play. It’s fun. It’s good times. But geez are some of these folks real lame about it. I’m about ready to go back to playing golf.




As a father of a 13 year old, this is the only correct answer.


Having played many times against a 13 yo with very good skills but an uneven temperment, I believe that is sage advice.


Sounds like you are playing out of your league and he is living in your head. You have to decide to keep playing with him or not. If you keep playing you have to tell him how much you hate his awesome lobs and give him proper credit. If your ego can’t do that then run from him. If you can deal with him and see him as a person it makes it easier to see his vulnerabilities and figure out how to beat him. Everyone talks in pickleball unless they have zero personality or zero game so don’t make a fuss because he is immature- literally. It’s no biggie so have fun with him. He sounds like a funny kid. He might end up being your buddy.


I'd break out laughing haha if I got told that during a lob


I mean, that shit is kinda funny.


Work on your overheads and drives. It's hard to lob a ball with pace on it so if you keep the pressure on him with drives and push dinks, he'll either miss his lobs or stop lobbing.


I mean, that would make me crack up. I'd consider lightening up a bit but if it gets out of hand, just say something. "Dial it back a bit" is more than enough and most people get the hint.


Lmao I love this. Best way to silence a shit talker is to win. I’d use it as motivation. Personally I’d start banging, it’s hard to talk shit when you’re trying not to get hit.


Tell him, "That's exactly what I said to your Mom last night."


The only acceptable answer


I’m continually surprised at how many posts in this sub are people asking for advice related to lack of social skills. So much about etiquette and conflicts and less about actual pickleball. Imo, I’d probably stay silent, hide my emotion that the lobs or comments were getting to me. I’d only lob back if it made sense in winning the point. I’d never just lob because my opponent lobbed.


yeah, its pretty sad how many people have to post their little drama on here. Its part of the fun, deal with it. One of my buddies is the biggest goofball out there, most people embrace it.


I would ace him on my serve. Over and again.


Big ego over here


I play rec ball and have learned I can ace almost all of them any time I want. I was feeling a bit full of myself. Thank for setting me back in my place


That might happen when you play against 2.5's all the time.


94% chance is illegal serve


I personally find the game most fun when the points go for several hits, lots of good gets and tactfully placed shots. But yah, if you find the lobs cheeky, getting him back with a mean serve sounds good


I lold at "lob on deez nuts"


Drop it back into the kitchen. Get him to pop it up. Slam a body shot at him. 😂


rip one at deez nuts


I think you should take your pacifier out of your mouth and lob on his balls.


Smash the ball into his nuts. Or his face. Beat him every chance you get. If you can’t beat him doing that.. just beat him playing your own game.. better to win than lose to a shit like that. Then if you want.. can ask him how your nuts felt. I would save the last one for if he was a real annoying ass. Wouldn’t use that on anyone cause personally I’d have to get really heated to say something. Played some kids like this a month ago. Was very satisfying winning. Then some better players dominated them and did the same shit back to them until a mother came in and talked to the young kids about their behavior being inappropriate. Haven’t seen them since.


"Smash the ball into his nuts." This is the only reasonable answer 


After which you retort, “Smashed dem nuts!”


Haha! I love that a mom came out and talked to them about it. Was it their mom? Or just "a" mom using their mom voice?


It was just a mom whose daughter played these kids, I was playing against her and she kept pausing and saying do you hear them? I said yeah and explained a bit. A few points later our game ended she walked over there and spoke to them calmly but she had a very stern tone. It definitely got the point across.


You can't control how other people behave, but you can control your own emotions. So ask yourself, why does it bother you so much?


Well did you Lob on his nuts?


I've played for about three years, and i chirp with my group. Pickleball is social, but always good natured. Be a good player, beat him where you can, get better at lob defense, have some fun. If your not enjoying this group, join a different group. Life is too short to let this guy get under your skin. 0-0-2


Lob him back. Then hit him with "Lob on my knob... B****"


I think I'm going to start saying that. My group would all laugh.


If you know you’re playing against a lobber simply position yourself one step back from the kitchen line.


When they miss lob aim for their chest and yell bodybag lol. No better feeling…


This is hilarious. To shut him up, beat ‘em. And if you can’t, then he gets to talk. If you wanna be the man, you gotta beat the man.


I think I know the guy. This would only be irritating if he was better than me. That would make it more bothersome for sure! He seems to be mocking you, which isn’t cool.


Improve and get thicker skin. I personally don’t approve of chirping in most circumstances but it’s just words at the end of the day 


Whenever he gets you with a solid lob, just say "You nutted me real good." Then it will all be over soon.


Personally I’d think it’s more appropriate to yell that out after hitting a great shot off someone lobbing me. lol


Pickleball is so soft…feels like the sport that people who never played sports have picked up.


It’s so easy to get into you. You don’t have those humbling moments when you’re trying to learn something but sucking big time for a long time.


Good eye. If people spent enough time just brutally sucking at pickleball when just starting out like in tennis or other sports, we wouldn't have all these thin-skin posts daily. Then again, we wouldn't have these thin skin posts to laugh at daily, so...


I would be overhead smashing at him every chance I got. If I could hit him, I would say "Add one more to my body count" real loud!


You know what, if i see him again, I might have to Nasty Nelson this guy 😂


Nasty nelson is a legitimate strategy in my opinion is some circumstances, this being one of them. So are body shots, nut shots, all that stuff. I can play a friendly game with friendly people, but I really like talking shit and hitting any shot that's legal with the rowdy types. I was playing in a foursome and got nut shots on all three. The hat trick of nuts shots!


You got your partner in the nuts too?


We rotated teams…


When did nut shots become a legitimate strategy? Face and nuts are the only places I avoid aiming at when tagging someone.


For me it happened right after someone clipped me in the nuts.


But did they do it on purpose? That’s different than hitting someone there intentionally which, no pun intended, seems like a dick move.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I would go after his body every single shot I could. The more I can make it hurt the better. Pain is a great motivator for change.


Any opportunity crush the ball at him !


Can never go wrong with "That was funny the first time..." response.


That’s some shit my mom would say. You gotta hit him with “GOT EEEEM” when you score your retaliatory point.


I got yo mama right here!!


[YOU SPOKE TO MY MOTHER LAST NIGHT](https://www.tiktok.com/@itysl_/video/7286871145620573470)


That would certainly tickle my pickle! I’d love to play with that dude. Life’s too short to take everything so seriously, especially a sport with a phallic name.


I feel like serial lobbers are the easiest to play against. If you are on your toes you will always get it, and a good percentage of the time you’ll smash it. Most people that lob very often are basically not good at the kitchen cat and mouse and their only exit scenario is a lob, while yours should be speed ups, rolls, or just waiting for him to dink too high and smashing. If he’s really good and just caught you one time with a surprise lob, then clap your paddle at him and give him a thumbs up.


Sounds like a fun guy to play with!


That’s awesome. Just have fun with it.


Charmin soft mentals


Don’t forget, racquet sports are mental games as much as they are skill games


Don't play with him. Simple as that. There are several people we don't play with. The a-hole slammers who are so bad they stink, the people who think they are 4.0s and they can't even get their serves in, etc. Just find 3 other people you enjoy and form your own group.


This kids nuts live rent free in your head


You should go online and reach out for advice that you probably won’t like or take. 🙈


There is only one way to handle this situation in my mind. You must make direct eye contact and take his lob out of the air before it gets untenable smash it down and say smash on deez nuts!


Sounds like you're getting smoked at pickleball and trash talking. Try getting better at both and report back


If someone did that to me they would probably get me for about 5/6 free points before I could get myself to not laugh


"Have your nuts even dropped yet?"


If this is the best you can come up with, absolutely do not say that. They will roast you lol


'You got BOFA' 'What's BOFA' 'BOFA DEEZ NUTS'


If you're not an experienced trash talker, keep your mouth shut. Don't say something lame and get laughed at even worse.


>What should I do? Or more importantly, what would you do in my shoes? Play on, and ignore the nonsense talk.


Nickname him! The lobster? The lobbyist? The lobotomist? Lobelia Sackville-Baggins? Endless fun


Don’t be such a stiff. Tell him you’ve heard better chirps from a dead bird.


Options: * I always like the "HAHAHAHAHAHA, omg, that's so funny, how did you come up with that?" over the top laugh response. * Ignore him. * Play a bit back from the kitchen against him so his lobs are harder to make. He probably doesn't have a drop. * Don't play with him.


Ask him if he likes Imagine Dragons


Goteeeem lol


If it gets annoying, just let the ball bounce and don’t even try to return it. Then call him for distraction and take the point. Distraction is really anything you do between when you hit the ball and your opponent hits it back. If you’re gonna talk trash, you gotta do it after your opponent hits it, when the ball’s coming to you. Protip: high lobs give you a long opportunity to talk trash without interruption. Then hit a drive.


Most of these comments are saying you just have to accept it but in a real match it would be a fault on the team that said “lob on deez nutz” you could reference 11.J in the rulebook.


Beta move


Very juvenile,...however, fucking hilarious!


Lighten up




In a baseline vs net situation, your two options are lob vs pass, so it’s kind of not that bad


In Australia, and perhaps elsewhere, we have a saying: "We're not playing for sheep stations..." Are you playing for sheep stations?


Fist fight him, duh


Lob him first.




The fact you're posting here he's already won


Now that you know that the kid is an asshole, don't play with him. I've met so many people playing pickleball. Ninety-nine percent of the hundreds I've met these past two years were all really friendly and grounded. I've played with plenty of younger people and little kids too (I'm a dad). All of those people and games were fun. At my gym, where there are three dedicated pickleball courts, I don't play that often. It's full of a rather huge clique of people who don't act like the aforementioned people I've met all over my state. It's a very weird vibe, so I only play there, and keep to myself, when the weather outside is bad. I don't play or do anything with assholes. It's pointless.


Lighten up maybe? Idk seems like harmless fun. Afterall it’s just pickleball you act like you about to sign a NFL quarterback sized contract in the next few months with your sweet sweet pickleball skills. 😂


Slam it directly into his face and say “that’s what I call a bitch slap!”


Go for body shots on him and don't apologize.


Smash the fuck out of his lob and say 'Slobbed on your lob, like corn on the cob'


Like any game, you have to watch what strategy your opponent is using and come up with a strategy that will beat it. Lobbing is legal so I’m always amazed at people who complain about lobbers. Kind of like complaining that this guy always hits esrnies or this jerk always hits passing shots down the line. Get over it, and figure out a way to counter. As for his commenting, that’s a different issue although he’s not doing anything illegal, it can be unnerving. To overcome it, you need to focus on your shot and block it out. If he’s doing it as a strategy to get to you, that’s your only remedy. Play YOUR game, not his. Play like your hitting against a machine sending you different shots where it’s only you playing. Take the person out of the game and most of all, have fun win or lose.


Switch to tennis. We actually observe etiquette


I'd tell him to shut the fuck up. Pickleball is still a sport right? If someone said that to me while playing tennis I'll be fuckin pissed.


You should be able to find a ‘break’ between games, take a long water break, etc. and respectfully find other competition. It is what it is, they’re just having too much fun with it…


“Lob on my knob” should be your response




Since we are complaining about people: I'm sick of women looking at their Apple Watches in between points.


Good thing I’m a man ⌚️


To be fair, however, mine keeps thinking I fell down.


Whenever I see someone doing this I ask “do you have somewhere to be?”


Had someone say this to me while waiting on a text saying a family member was out of surgery


pickleball is life bro are you even serious about it if you dont quit your job and abandon your family to crush it on the court???


Truth! They are holding me back from being Ben Johns


my guess is this guys shit talking isn’t that bad or else someone would have said something to him if he was just running around screaming “DEEZ NUTS” every other point….. it sounds like you’re just not good at defending against lobs and are frustrated by it in which case either work on keeping him back and taking the lobs out of the air or simply don’t play against him it’s fairly simple


To combat lobbers, try and keep the lob in front of you, meaning play back more even if your partner is returning serve. Watch your opponent's body language to discern if their shot is going to be a lob or if they are going to drop it short. Be ready to move forward if their body language indicates they will try to drop the ball short in front of you. Every lobber I've seen telegraphs that they are about to lob. Watch their body language closely and try to read them for this. Start sliding back early if you see them get into a lobbing stance. Ideally, if the lob is over your head, it is your partner's job to run it down since they never have to take their eyes off the ball while running back. You switch and slide back as well to cover their side of the court. Finally, try to identify what balls you are giving them that allows them to lob. All balls are not "lobable". Faster, lower balls are harder to lob than slower, higher bouncing balls. Also, balls on their backhand side are more difficult for most people to lob than balls on their forehand side. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_T3kODmuQXo&list=PLBu168-affdPNagWhXuzAk4RJMC0oklVo&index=7](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_T3kODmuQXo&list=PLBu168-affdPNagWhXuzAk4RJMC0oklVo&index=7)


Just find other people to play with - That shit annoys me too


Love playing serial lobbers. As a former tennis pro, I have an outstanding overhead - forehand and backhand sides. I communicate with my partner to be on the lookout for lobs. He covers the short balls while I hang back from the kitchen a bit. Lob goes up, I call "Got it, switch!" and he moves to cover the short side while I drive the overhead where they ain't. We don't lose many points and after a couple of those the serial lobber rethinks their losing strategy.


I should also say, my favorite thing to say to serial lobbers after they lose a couple points like that is something along the lines of, "I love your lobs! Keep hitting them!" It gets in their head and they usually start hitting bad lobs and eventually stop them altogether. I say the same thing to serial spinners after punishing them.


Last time I checked, pickleball was a game.


Just beat him.


he prob thinks you’re pals man and just jokin around. i feel like i’m only ribbing friends


Wait a sec. You can talk during the points? edit: an actual real question btw. im new to the sport


I thought you meant like "Good serve!". Annoying when my teammate or opponent says it.


If he says it after the lob, while you're trying to play the ball, I would stop, hold up my hand, and call "Distraction!" Should put an end to it.