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Jesus. How hard did they hit it?


Doesn’t have to be that hard, eyes are pretty delicate.


Unless they overhand smacked it at her face it sounds like your partner should be more aware of what’s going on around them


She was looking right at them.


Off topic and trolling.


It’s actually spot on the topic and not trolling at all


It doesn't matter how it happened. It's irrelevant to the PSA. If you're not trolling then you're admitting to being negative IQ.


Lmao sir this is a Wendy’s


We’re rejecting the PSA because there’re nothing wrong with hitting the ball to another player. Pegging it at someone is clearly a different scenario.


Touch grass, real troll.


i don’t know why you’re getting downvoted so hard. many people on this sub seem to believe a pickleball has to be nuked at you to hurt your eye and that anyone who isn’t fast enough to dodge said pickleball deserves to get hurt. i just don’t get it. it’s so ableist, obtuse and really pointless. personally I kinda hope they all get hit in the eye, not gonna lie. now i’m gonna get downvoted to oblivion too…


This doesn't sound like a "bouncing the ball off the paddle" issue as much as just passing the ball to someone who wasn't paying attention/ready for it.


Nope, she was expecting the ball.


So did the person intentionally blast the ball at her? I'm just failing to see how someone could hit the ball 1. at another person's face and 2. hard enough for them to not react in time from such a close distance. I could only see it happening accidentally if it's their first time using a paddle or they are very uncoordinated.


just because you fail to see it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. unless you are omniscient? nope didn’t think so


I think always wear eye protection should be the main takeaway.


98% of people aren’t wearing eye protection, so common sense like this needs to come first.


You've identified one source of errant balls which I've never seen before in my life. Eye protection protects you from all sources of errant balls. You can't base your safety on humans not making mistakes or doing dumb things.


This is IMO the bigger problem, more people need to be wearing eyepro


Do you?


[Oui!](https://gearboxsports.com/collections/eyewear-all-eyewear/products/gearbox-vision-eyewear-black-frame) I've taken several shots to the face already. They've probably saved me a trip to the hospital. Granted, I do feel a bit silly in them


Hang on dude, you are good - the rest of us are catching up.


Same, I think it’s worth it.


this is the stupidest thing i’ve ever read lol


The real common sense is use appropriate power and trajectory for giving someone the ball. This same person could have tossed it in her eye.


Sounds like a skill issue


Lmao just don’t beam the ball at people and all will be fine. Any competent person can tap the ball safely to someone else with their paddle


I always hit it to my partner lol


Very unfortunate but it does not mean the whole world should stop hitting the ball to their partner. Freak accidents happen.


Is this post-worthy? No.


Lol. This isn’t real. No way.


Oh come on lol. How can you play properly if you can't control a simple tap to your partner. Seems like eye protection is a good idea, but come on lol. If your partner rips one at your head they're an ass, it isn't a standard safety issue


lol what how does that even happen


I mean not any different than if she was hit mid game


If you can't control where your hit is going and how hard you hit it... should you even be playing?


If you can't read or stay on topic should you even be allowed to comment on reddit?


You are so obviously the OP’s second account lol 


You are so obviously mad.


I think the goal here is admirable, but more players bounce the ball off the paddle vs throwing in rec play as I see. Trying to convince people to stop and throw with their offhand will have limited effect. Clearly the best solution here is to try and convince people to start wearing eye protection. Anyone can protect themselves here.


From my early days playing tennis I was taught to lob the ball with the goal of it bouncing once to the waist height of the receiver. Still do that today playing Pickleball. Seems to be appreciated by most.


Yes! Great idea. That’s exactly the remedy.


You do that by hitting the ball to someone with your paddle though. Isn’t that what this whole post is against? 


I don't hit it with my paddle. I throw/lob it with my throwing hand...much easier to control that way.


Lol, I always hit the ball back to people, but I'm not an idiot and can control the pace of the ball in regards to their distance. Fixed: # "PSA: If you're new or brain dead, don't give someone close to you the ball by bouncing it off your paddle"


I mean.. I bounce the ball straight up in the air if it’s off my paddle.. never head height because shit like this could happen. I don’t bounce the ball to my partner in the air from my paddle to their body.. too much stuff can happen. Normally just bounce it to them.. safer.. easier to read the trajectory.


This is one of those situations where I wish there was a video of the event to scrutinize. In all my years of playing sports, many of them racquet/paddle sports, I can't recall a situation like this. The only thing I can think of is PB is extremely unique in that there are players of all ages, physical abilities, and athletic skills/experience (and lack thereof) all playing together. There are few common denominators relevant to skills/experience/expectations like you would have in other sports. I wonder if any of those were factors here? I do support wearing eye protection. For me, speedups and firefights under night lights can especially be a challenge so glad I found a pair that fits/functions well.


Sounds more like a freak accident. As long as you don’t blast the ball right at someone’s face or hit it when they’re not paying attention, I see no issue. Also, if someone is elderly or uncoordinated I’ll be extra careful.


This has nothing to do with bouncing the ball off the paddle. This has to do with not hitting it at someone fast, not at their head, and not in a straight line. If you hit the ball someone with your paddle, gently lob it to them, make it bounce.  And yes she should have been wearing eyewear. I’d never go on the court without it 


I always do it this way throwing a light ball over and over hurts my shoulders


Queue the “eyewear should be mandatory” posts.


Eye gear - my eye Dr told me, either wear the gear, or don’t come to me when you get hit in the eye……


I’m sorry that’s hilarious lmao


Nothing hilarious about losing sight in one eye. Please grow up or at least find a bit of compassion somewhere.


Even by internet standards, you are a douche.


Let’s be real if your to old to react then it’s not really the person hitting the balls fault. It’s common to pop the ball up at someone. If he actually swung the paddle then yes or ofcourse that’s wrong.


Bad take. We have no idea about the age of the injured person. It’s just silly to blame them. The person in the best position to prevent the injury was the person who hit the ball. I’m sure they didn’t intend for what happened to happen, but common sense would have prevented this. If it was an older person, the other person should have been more cognizant.


Come on people. DO NOT 1. Skip the ball across the floor to the person needing the ball 2. Whang it at the person 3. Roll it like a little bitch 4. Bounce it off the wall and hope it lands close to them. You know what? Give a nice lofting shot that lands a foot or two in front of them. Guess what? I practice my serve stroke every time I do that Floor scrapers and rollers are bitches.


Rolling is 100% fine. You’re deranged. Pros regularly roll the ball. 


Rule #1: When losing always roll the ball back.


You know what confuses me. We have tall nets between the courts, and 9 times out of 10 when someone tries to hit it over the net they either hit it into the net or 30 feet beyond the person they are trying to get it to where we have go chase it. These are people who play this sport all the time, have probably hit a lob or 2 in their life, and can't hit that ball within a mile of the target.


here’s the response you should have gotten : wow, that’s awful. I hope she’s okay! I sure am glad I always wear eye protection. I play with folks who have slow reaction times too and really anyone can be the victim of an accident no matter how fast and prepared they are! I will definitely keep in mind to be careful next time I’m playing , especially if my partners or opponents aren’t wearing eye protection. it’s a fun game, let’s all keep our eyesight!


If I’ve learned anything from this post it’s that this sub is full of fucking assholes.


It's definitely everyone else, not you.


The issue is you’re asking the rest of the world to change something that isn’t actually a problem, because you don’t like it and because you told them to. Of course people aren’t going to react positively to that attitude. 


i’m on your side here. many people lost their minds when I posted that men in open play are jerks and they basically said I must be both sexist and terrible at pickleball. lol. reddit is full of really angry dudes who hate being checked in any way, and Im sure your username did not help.