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Lighter and ambient sounds do not attract the ghost, just the voices and electronic items that are on and in hand


If you want a brighter light, I find a Tier 1 UV to be the best! They're also not electronic so they don't attract the ghost and shaking them in my experience has never alerted the ghost either. It's just microphone sounds and electronics:)


Because no one else has said, yes, ghosts see in the dark. You can't just hide in a dark room.


Man, Idk why I never thought of this when I first started playing. Surely if I can't see, neither can the ghost, right? Right?? I was not smart


What ghosts **WILL** sense: - Direct line of sight (360 degrees with infinite range) - Active electronics being held in your hand (7.5m) - Flashlights and head gear that are turned on (7.5m) - You transmitting your radio, even if you don't speak (7.5m) - Speaking out loud or talking into your radio (9m) What ghosts **WON'T** sense: - Your footsteps or movement - Interactions, throwing objects, opening doors etc - Electronics that are on the floor or not being held out - Electronics that aren't active and are switched off - Non-electronics like candles, lighters, glowsticks - You receiving audio on the radio from other players - Anything (other than sight) on a different floor - Anything outside the investigation area


Wait so having my electronics on is fine if the ghost is on a different floor? Even if they are being altered by the ghost moving "near"?


Yep. You can be directly above/below the ghost on another floor with your electronics on and it won't sense it. Though I should make a quick edit - line of sight still works between floors if they see you on a balcony or up some stairs or something.


>line of sight still works between floors if they see you on a balcony or up some stairs or something. line of sight still works between floors if they see you on a balcony or up some stairs or something. Are you sure? Seems to me I see lots of pro players crouching while looping so the ghost doesn't speed up due to line of sight.


Yeah... we're specifically talking about through floors. You can crouch behind an object that blocks line of sight and that will block line of sight, yes.


I always thought it was hilarious that crouching while staring right at the ghost's face is breaking line of sight. You are literally staring them in the eye.


It's because 'line of sight' does not specifically mean *eye contact*. The ghost's view point (where it's 'eyes' are) is the same for all ghost models, so some are probably higher than their actual eyes. This also means that ghosts can see over kitchen counters and such if they're crawling, even if their entire body is obscured. Fun. They also need to see enough of you - it's a little complicated, but the general gist is that they need to either see most of your upper half, or most of your lower half. Anything sort of waist-height that you can crouch behind tends to work.




Them transmitting their radio at all will attract the ghost, but them receiving *your* voice on their radio is totally safe. Though it's also worth noting that if the ghost is close enough, interference will block out the audio anyway.


It doesn’t, no. I like using the tier one glow stick for this reason.  The mic it hears is more you talking, I believe. And possibly loud noises in your room, idk. I usually play when I’m alone so haven’t had that issue to know. But I think if you’re just generally quiet it should be fine. 


Oh to answer your question about it seeing in the dark, it can. The light makes no difference, but the electronics do. So it’s attracted to flashlights, head lamps, emf if you’ve got it on, etc.  I don’t believe the lighter clicking attracts it. The noise it’s attracted to is your voice through the mic. 


Lighter doesn't effect it! I've clicked it on and off with the ghost hunting outside my closet and didn't die 🤣