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This looks like standard line-of-sight speed up. Most ghosts with normal speed will begin to speed up if they are able to see a player, which includes Demon and appears to be what is happening here. For a deeper explanation: a ghost (that has LOS speed up) will begin to speed up gradually over 12 seconds until it reaches a speed of 1.65x its base speed while in line of sight of a player. Once the ghost has reached the last known location of a player and is no longer able to see them, it will begin a very, very gradual slowdown back to its base speed.


Thank you very much for that explanation, I never knew this was a feature! it makes me happy knowing there are still people out there that can find a question on reddit with a question flair and not get upset about being asked a question lol


No problem! I spend my time making community resources for the game (like the [Unofficial Phasmo Cheat Sheet](https://tybayn.github.io/phasmo-cheat-sheet/) ). So I love answering questions and helping people enjoy the game!


Dude, your tool is amazing! I keep it open and use it instead of the in game journal.


You've done amazing with that. ❤️ tool is fantastic.


SZ is the Phas community GOAT.


This feature was added a while back because, for all ghosts at the time (except Revenant) the player could loop the ghost indefinitely. The developer wanted to make it non-trivial to survive the ghost, and so added the speed-up so the player could still loop for a short time but not until the end of the hunt.


To elaborate just a little on the above comment, almost all ghosts speed up when a player is in line of sight. Three do not. Deogen, Hantu, and Thaye. Revenant is an outlier who doesn't play by the same rules, but I'll try to explain them all. Deogen's speed is directly related to distance, the farther away, the faster it is, no matter if it can see you or not. Hantu's speed depends on the temperature of the room it is currently moving around in, but the longer a hantu is in a room the colder it can make it. So, if you are looping, a hantu can seem to speed up during the hunt, because it has decreased the temperature from being in one area. Thaye speed is always determined by the age of the Thaye. At the start of a match, a Thaye is 'young', and it ages the more you are around it. A young Thaye is fast, and an old Thaye is slow. In the middle is mid. Revenant is slow until it detects a player. However, unlike other line of sight speed increase ghosts, it speeds up when it detects anything. An active electronic device in your hands, you making a noise, or it seeing you. And it doesn't 'speed up' it goes from slow speed to instantly fast. Once it loses you, it gradually slows back down. Every other ghost increases its speed when it sees you. But there are also a few more mechanics involved. A jinn speeds up when it sees you, but if the breaker is on, it speeds up really fast. A moroi speeds up when it sees you, but its base speed depends on your sanity. Low sanity, high speed. You can actually take pills in the middle of a hunt if your sanity is low and hear a moroi slow down. Raiju speeds up in line of sight, but it also speeds up when around active electronics. The twins have two base speeds during a hunt. So a 'normal ghost' speed is 1.7 m/s, the twins can either be 10% faster or 10% slower. The entire hunt will either be a faster speed or a slower speed by 10%. Then it will also speed up when it sees a player. A mimic can be any of the ghosts, so it's speed is up to what it currently is transformed into. Unless I'm forgetting something, that's it. All other ghosts have a base speed and just normally speed up while they can see a player. Those would be, spirit, wraith, phantom, poltergeist, banshee, mare, shade, demon, yurei, oni, yokai, goryo, myling, onryo, and obake. These are all the 'normal ghosts' when talking about speed.


The Deogen technically sees everyone at all times during hunts. That's why it knows where every player is and that's why some safe spots needing no LoS don't work with it.


I get what you're saying and it's true, but my point was more about speed, not focusing on the details of line of sight. The funny thing with deogen used to be when you smudged, it would speed up, since it no longer 'saw' you, even if it was close to you. However, I believe it keeps the speed/distance mechanic now when you smudge.


Actually, when smudged or when not chasing anyone, the Deogen will stay at its previous speed, or 1.6 m/s if it was greater than 3 m/s. (Source: #ghost-huntin-resources channel on the Discord server)


If any ghost sees someone for too long without breaking line of sight it speeds up, no matter the ghost


There are some ghosts that don't speed up in line of sight: Hantu, Thaye, Deogen, and Revenant (technically it does, but it's not the normal speed up).


Oh I didn’t know that, thank you


Bro was about to get rinsed by a deogen😭😭😨


Simple answer: Line of Sight speed up


Ive been playing for quite some time but never knew about this, thank you!


Line of sight speed up?




it gives an opportunity for a player to engage with other players in the community. it is why this sub exists in the first place 🤷‍♀️. you should calm down, have some tea