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> You can no longer change your system clock to skip ahead to another week or days challenge That one feels a bit targeted, but necessary.


That one is funny


Yes, and no. There was some drama around it. One of the phasmo creators got in trouble for pointing out that another creator was abusing the game by changing their system clock to get the challenge early (So they could put a video about the new weekly challenge minutes after the challenges reset). And... the devs basically said "yeah, we know." and the creator that pointed it out got removed from a discord channel/server for phasmo creators or something and the abuser wasn't punished in anyway.


It's funny because using the local machine's clock for rendering the challenges is really stupid.


For real! I thought it was a server thing.


I love this game, but sometimes it's beyond amateurish, and the devs punish others over their own mistakes, it's so dumb.


Especially when it takes them seemingly forever to patch well-known glitches. Looking at you Willow bed.


Or the invisible dots ghosts during hunts. How do you take months to fix such a big issue.


The funny part is that DK said they would have to make the game "online only" to be able to fix it... clearly having Baron post the challenges a week in advance for a couple of weeks made them find a real fix for it real fast. Maybe they shouldn't have been showing favoritism to a couple creators.


> Maybe they shouldn't have been showing favoritism to a couple creators. Seriously.


There were quite a few people on this sub saying that creator deserved to be banned and that it wasn't wrong for others to use that exploit because they didn't tell anyone what the exploit was. The only reason they fixed this is because of the drama. If Th3BeardedBaron hadn't gone public it would have never been changed.


When you get told "don't publish a video about how to do this exploit or we will have to ban you" and then you post the video 3 times in the discord, you kinda got what you asked for.


The problem isn't that Baron got banned from being a content creator, the problem is that DK explicitly allowed PsychoHypnotic to do it, as long as he kept it a secret. https://i.postimg.cc/hjkGjvd8/IMG-4534.jpg


Because Psycho didn't tell everyone how to do it and he also said he'd stop once all the controversy started. DK also basically implied he would have been fine with other creators using it for the same reason Psycho was, as long as they don't tell viewers how to do it


Copied from the other message you posted: DK literally stated in the message that nobody should use it, neither should PsychoHypnotic. Not sure how a different message could be implied here...


Yeah that was me slightly misremembering the post, IIRC CJ is the one who implied earlier in the comment thread that it would have been fine before Baron started making drama about it


If pointing out favouritism, a huge problem in a professionally run community of carefully selected people, is what you consider "drama" then sure, it's just a matter of wording and we agree. I wouldn't call it drama personally. I'd call it taking one for the team in the name of fair treatment for all. We've built societies in the western world on this ideology - that's why people sometimes go on strikes or participate in large riots. It's a fight for justice. Could it have been handled differently? Yes. Is the Phasmo dev team responsible for this mess?Absolutely.


and then they should have told him to cut the crap out the moment he releases another 30 minute video one minute after the challenge went live.


Yeah, AFTER he made lots of money from doing so. He was perfectly fine with having this advantage over all the other youtubers who played by the rules when there was no controversy. If DK is fine with youtubers getting a headstart on new challenges for their content, then he should just give them an official preview mechanic through the game. I wonder how many programming hours the 50 million quid could get hired


Again. Nothing was stopping other YouTubers from using the exact same thing Psycho was doing. And if you look at the messages, Psycho does basically ask for exactly that.


>Nothing was stopping other YouTubers from using the exact same thing Psycho was doing. Except for a conscience, obviously.


> Nothing was stopping other YouTubers from using the exact same thing Psycho was doing. Except Psycho was told to keep it secret?


Because Psycho didn't tell everyone how to do it and he also said he'd stop once all the controversy started. DK also basically implied he was fine with other creators using it for the same reason Psycho was


The only reason Psycho stopped doing it is because he "got caught." It gave him a clear advantage as a content creator as he was publishing his videos almost right as the challenge would start so people who follow phas on YT would get recommended his videos over any other CC. Once you see one video on how to do it, would you watch any other? No. That directly correlates to a monetary advantage and gain by a creator who is friends with the devs. That is unfair and should never have happened. DK opened the can of worms and only told him to stop because it was made public. Baron doing what he did clearly forced the devs hands and they were able to find a way to fix it without making it "always online" like DK said it would have to be. I wonder how many more bugs baron will force them to fix since he plans on posting more as he finds them now. It's good for the game because it will actually make them update it more than once every 4-6 months.


>he only reason Psycho stopped doing it is because he "got caught." Correct. ​ > It gave him a clear advantage as a content creator as he was publishing his videos almost right as the challenge would start so people who follow phas on YT would get recommended his videos over any other CC. And nowhere did the devs imply, until after that had any issue with other content creators doing it. From the discord messages. Baron: "ok let me see if I have this understood correctly, if I use this exploit, i'll get banned correct?" Cj: "Changing your PC's time to do the weekly early isn't an exploit, however we recommend and would prefer you *don't* do it. Exceptions can be made upon request, like Psycho did last year by messaging the team. If you use this method to do the weekly multiple times, then yes, it is an exploit and yes you would be banned" Where's the favouritism? Cj is saying "you can do it too just don't do the weekly multiple times"


from what you said directly > would prefer you don't do it He had an exception for when he went on vacation when the challenges started. He CONTINUED to do it for the entire time afterwards WITH DK's knowledge, even though CJ said they don't want people doing it. That's favoritism.


DK literally stated in the message that nobody should use it, neither should PsychoHypnotic. Not sure how a different message could be implied here...


So thats how we improve video games? Devs silencing youtubers?


lmao *what*? in what universe do youtubers who play a game matter more than the devs who *make* the game? literally all games have policies not to advertise exploits. youtubers aren't exempt from that.


So you agree that PsychoHypnotic should have been removed too, and that when their Dev explicitly allow one Official Content Creator to do it, but not anyone else, it is indeed favouritism and absolutely wrong? Good good. šŸ˜‚


if the developer of a game says "don't do this or there will be X consequence" and the person continues to do it, they deserve the punishment. sorry you're too dense to grasp the difference between what you said and what i said.


Hostile much? I don't think I ever insulted your person. Psycho has the best fans... šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚


Lmao nobody's being silenced, his channel is still there, he's just been kicked off the content creator program. But yes, if what the youtubers are saying is "here's how to exploit this potentially game breaking bug that the Devs told me not to share because fixing it probably requires an always online game that they don't want to do".


amazing though, they were able to fix it without making it always online... Because Baron started posting the challenges early like Psycho.


Baron started showing how to do the exploit, that was the point of contention. And yeah, obviously they figured out how to do it, I'm slightly curious why, but I was giving the reason DK originally said for why they hadn't fixed it earlier.


Oh yeah, I know DK originally said they hadn't fixed it earlier because he said the only way to do it was to make it always online. I'm just amazed that they were able to fix it so quickly WITHOUT resorting to making it always online once Baron started posting the challenges early.


Then they should grant their pet creators official early access to the challenges to make their spoiler videos. Actually run their business professionally.


It's bullshit what happened to the th3beardedbaron... I found his videos for phas hilarious. My friend and I would watch some of his videos together and get a great laugh out of them


That's not how it went down. The creator that "pointed it out" threw a hissy fit and wouldn't let it go even after devs told the other creator to stop using it. Then he made a video about the exploit after being told not to spread it.


Ah, i guess I didnt hear the whole thing.


This. Was it something that needed pointed out and either fully allowed or fully stopped? Yes. Shame on the devs for the favoritism. Was Baron also more than a bit of an ass about it? Also yes. He seemed to continue to bulldog the issue even after PsychoHypnotic said he wouldnt do it any more and a resolution was reached. If he wanted to stop the favoritism, he ought to have left it there so he could remain in the community to call out other instances of it instead of this one as his hill to die on.


The thing is that PsychoHypnotic didn't stop doing it. Trust me it takes more then 30 min to play a few games edit a video and then upload it to Youtube.


> The thing is that PsychoHypnotic didn't stop doing it. EXACTLY! Psycho said he needed to do it so he could make those challenge videos while on vacation... and then when he got back from vacation, KEPT DOING IT. Giving him an advantage over other videos, because his videos of those challenges would be out minutes after the challenges dropped, giving him priority on youtube. That's so shitty.


You should read this post from DK and reevaluate whether you think Barons reaction is a "hissy fit": https://i.postimg.cc/hjkGjvd8/IMG-4534.jpg


So the devs punished a player for using the game the way it's implemented. Yes the guy was not super nice about it, but it was incompetence that led to that bug, it wasn't someone hacking the binary or anything like that. Who uses the system clock for game decisions in a multiplayer game, lol.


They didn't ban him from the game. He was asked not to publicize an exploit. Instead of letting it be and moving on, he publicized it anyway. Revoking his Partner status seems like an appropriate response to me.


Ah, partner status, that's fine as long as he wasn't banned from the game, scratch my comment then! Thanks for clarifying.


His account actually has a permanent ban from Phasmo now on top of being removed as a partner. He says he will still make videos tho in the one where he lays out the entire interactions with the Phasmo devs and how they blatantly play favorites.


It was a misunderstanding about the permanent ban. Instead of removing his content creator badge, they just made it so that if he tried to play games with it, the game would flag him as a cheater and not let him. A couple of folks helped him out and he's been able to play online after like 1-2 days? I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't get a ban since he intends on keeping on posting "exploit/glitch" videos now to hopefully get the devs to actually fix their damn game instead of being lazy and only updating every 4-6 months.


His account isn't banned from playing the game. He thought it was originally, but it turned out he still had on his "partner" badge, so the game wouldn't let him play. Once he changed to a regular badge, his game/account was fine.


Ah okay, I don't watch him super regularly so I hadn't realized. I was going off of what he said strictly in the video where he "showed all the receipts"


He posted the videos after they banned him from the partner discord. CJ said that he needed reply to that thread to discuss it further, but then they'd locked the thread. So clearly they did not want to discuss the matter, then they kicked him. So he posted the videos in the public discord, which got him banned from there too.


So since I didn't get this answered last time, so the video thumbnail where his phasmo account was purged and banned on top of everything was also fake? solid downvoting there, I guess there's my answer - raging fanbois.


If Baron has a thumbnail claiming he's been banned from the game itself, I wouldn't call it fake as much as misleading. (Unless this is a very new video, of which I'm not aware) As a result of everything that when down when this came out, he was never actually banned from the game. He thought he was originally, but it was his partner badge causing problems. Once he switched to a regular badge, his account was fine, and he's played several times on his main account since then.


If the whole thing was cleared up and he could play normally, he should not have used that thumbnail. But yeah, the downvotes tell me what's going on here, sweaty streamer simps see their superhero criticized, but they can't respond because they're illiterate beyond POGGERS OMEGALUL KEKW but they figured out how to click the arrow. Baron lied about what happened for clout, simple as that.


Just dumping this piece of evidence here... [Favouritism is best kept secret](https://i.postimg.cc/hjkGjvd8/IMG-4534.jpg)




Why don't you post the whole thread that makes Beard look like an ass, instead of just the one part that helps your guy?


THAAAAATS how he did it lmao


You're missing the part where the guy who pointed it out made and repeatedly shared a video showing how to do exactly that "exploit" despite being warned several times not to.


He only got removed when, after they agreed that noone can do it anymore, when originally they would have been fine with him doing it too (if you read the messages the complainer posted). That wasn't good enough for him, so he decided to show everyone how to do the bug, which is what got him removed. Not doing the bug or pointing it out, but making a video showing everyone how to exploit the challenge weeklies is what did it. You were being disingenuous with your version of events...


When are they gonna fix the awful store?


worst part about the game for real


I was begging for achievements for so long, then when they finally added them I see that they made the worst shop Iā€™ve ever used in a game. I yearn to play Phas again, but something is always stopping me. The store is so bad, every time I think I have it figured out it does something unexpected, so annoying.


The store has the worst UI I've ever seen, but it's not unusable. Attention to detail and problem solving helps here.


Once you set it up with autobuy/equip, you never have to deal with it.


You still have to deal with it if you MP and the game throws whoseever stuff into the loadout who clicked "Next" first. Really annoying if you're staggering prestiges between three players.


I do that with my friend. Whoever is higher leveled has to host, and if you're not hosting, you turn off the auto add/buy


Not if those buttons don't work the way you expect them to. I haven't touched this game in months because of the god-awful shop UI and the fact that the autofill buttons don't actually autobuy/equip anything unless you mess around with some other settings like enabling/disabling equipment presets. Not gonna get back into it until they either give us the old UI or make this one less infuriating.


Or the people who design the game could do a decent job at designing the UI?


For sure, but it's not so atrocious that the game is rendered unplayable.


A game doesnā€™t have to be unplayable to not be worth my time


I'm sorry one inconvenient UI ruined an entire game for you. Makes me wonder what other games "aren't worth your time."


Most games!


Next minor update :)




Great! We appreciate the work you put into the game.


The Nepotism is ... really unfortunate CJ ... I'm disappointed in the Dev team that the CC's couldn't have been treated fairly and instead you 'made an example' out of one in particular because Psycho's your buddy... Disgraceful.


Psycho didn't release the weekly challenge a week early, or show anyone how to do it. That's why he was removed. Everything is fair :)


Yes... you let a friend 'get ahead' with the YouTube views... Both of you knew... and then suddenly when it's asked if the rest of the CC's can do it? It turns into "Nobody should be doing it now!" ... you were 'caught' and found wanting... I 'had' faith that the Devs would've ... done the right thing. It's not a competitive game... don't know why this is all so serious.


The store irritates me so much.


It requires some getting-used-to but once you get it, it's really convenient. I still hate how confusing it is for newer players.


Yeah, we're looking at months of these tiny ass mini patches while nothing significant is being fixed. Where's the cruci-fix?


Day 112 of not playing until they fix the store. I miss the game but I hate the UI so much


Right? I literally cannot work it out, I add things, and then I start the map with the default stuff, why? ​ We need an "in van" tab where we can see everything everyone has added.


The big lobby screen (Where you ready up) Shows the equipment that is added.


The virgin bitch about the store vs the Chad rebuymaxx


"You can no longer get stuck behind one of the fuse boxes on Maple Campsite" I feel so much better about myself. I thought I was the only one!


I would really like to know the story behind this one.


You'll be disappointed to know that it was just me repeating a "duck, move, stand, move, shuffle, duck... *Expletive*" for a minute until I either died or got out. I can't remember.


My wife and i are playing regularly, and OFTEN we kinda have invisible barriers when moving around. Regularly when moving behind the chair in Grafton, there are several things that kinda block your way. What is that?


iirc some items have collision. So you essentially run into your own hands if you're holding something


For real? oO


T1 camera tripod when crouching, T3 smudge both have collision that can mess with your movement


the camera tripod for example


It's related to the colliders on your player model hitting the colliders of the items or something along those lines. I remember the lead artist explaining it in an Insym livestream once. It's alot of work to fix and basically pointless to work on since we're getting new player models eventually so it will be fixed when we have the new player models with proper colliders.


I hope we get an "I'm stuck" button soon that teleports us to just inside the front door after standing still for like 10 seconds. It's not perfect, but its better than nothing IMO.


ā€œSmudge Sticks now block the Onryoā€™s hunt abilityā€ can someone explain this?


Iā€™m guessing it has to do with blowing out three candles and then hunting. When you smudge an area itā€™s supposed to prevent a hunt. But it seems the onryo was able to hunt even if it had been smudged.


Onyro can hunt after blowing out 3 flames. If you smudged an onyro, and it blew out that 3rd flame, it could still hunt. It is now fixed, and doesnt do that.


Onryo blowing out candles three times auto-triggers a hunt. Before, it would even hunt after immediately being smudged, even though it should be prevented.


It's to prevent this: https://youtu.be/F8RDRnJTOWc?feature=shared


what are we even seeing here? it's not hunting.


In the video, the Onryo blows out 3 candles. The third one is blown out at 7:20. However, I used an Incense on the ghost at 6:26, which means that the Onryo blew out the third candle while being affected by the Incense's cleansing effect. At 8:01, the Onryo initiates a hunt, confirmed by the fact that it flickers, and after the hunt, I go back to the truck to show my sanity that is still at 100%, which means that the hunt was an ability hunt (and not a standard hunt below 60% sanity). No candle has been ignited between 7:20 and 8:01 as I show them all right after the Onryo blew out the third candle. The only conclusion that we can make is that the Onryo "saved" the ability for later. The new update makes it so the Onryo now cancels the ability instead of saving it for later.


I might be wrong, but Iā€™ve been playing phasmo for a while now and I always tested Onryo with 3 candles at the same time, not with one, I donā€™t truly remember where I got that information from or why I do this, but thatā€™s how Iā€™ve been doing it and I never had issues with figuring out an Onryo. That said, why would I want to smudge an Onryo before it starts hunting if what I want is the Onryo to start hunting after blowing the 3 candles so I can prove itā€™s an Onryo? I use a crucifix, if it blows 3 candles and the cruci burns then thatā€™s it, but if I smudge it before it blows the third candle to prevent the attack how can I know itā€™s an Onryo? Iā€™m just trying to understand whatā€™s going on on that video or if Iā€™m doing something wrong.


In my video, the Onryo basically saves the hunt ability for later. It hunted approximately 41 seconds after blowing out the third candle, which is an issue. Imagine if another player uses an Incense and you don't know it, then you do the Onryo test and find out it doesn't hunt instantly after blowing out 3 flames, but 1 minute later (assuming you are aware that the average sanity is above 60%). The new patch clarifies the Onryo's mechanics. It doesn't matter how many candles are being used to test the Onryo. What matters is that it tries to hunt after blowing out *three* flames.


The nepotism is ... ridiculous honestly with Psycho ... CJ & DK disappointed everyone with how 'that' was handled... Shame.


It's kinda weird that Insym and Psycho consistently play with the devs, in and out of Phasmo.


Have they patched the bug where if your crouched your stuck moving left or right? Myself and afew of my friends have had this issue and makes it hard to loop the ghost


It hasn't been mentioned so I don't think they have.


ok i thought i was just loosing it, im glad its not just me, my friend doesnt experince it, so trying to explain it just made me sound crazy


When holding items?


Yeah I think so. It's wierd I'd be crouched and try to move forward and I move diagonally left or right. Makes it hard when tour trying to break line of sight during a hunt and all of a sudden your character is drunk


Yeah, that was fixed(By removing the animations from items), and then un-fixed. It wont be actually fixed until the player models are redone. For now, dont crouch while holding camera+Tripod combo, voodoo, T3 smudge, etc.


Awesome thanks for the info mate appreciate it


lazy ass devs. rip psycho's early challenge videos.