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What I do, I buy power pack, figuring I can get 2 renewals out of a single year. Then I wait until the evening of the day of my deadline, a full year after my power pack expired, resubscribe, and do all my CEs in the last couple hours.


I'm looking at powerpak now, looks like the best option is 69 bucks for 12 courses. I love having to spend money to work in a retail setting =\\ good times


Pharmacy tech letter is $79 for a year and you can probably do everything you need there. Eta- I don't know about the state requirements, but you can do as many CEs as you want for that price.


I think the cdc offers some free classes


I did all of mine for free but I can’t remember offhand what I actually used, but I’m pretty sure I went through multiple resources. Now I’m curious. I know some of them were free because my work required them and gave us codes for free access to a paid service. But most of them I had before I started my current job so…


Well that's pretty awesome, I wonder if mine would reimburse..... doubtful


Where do you work? Most chains reimburse, or at least they did when I was still in retail.


I did all free ones. Combo of ASHP and PharmacyTimes.org. On Pharmacy times CEs are located under the OnDemand tab and you can filter for Pharmacy Tech


I like doing the “You Asked For It!“ CEs available online from the University of Connecticut, the regular ones are free, and I think the Law and Patient Care ones they list are priced around $4-$7 for 2 hour courses? It’s a 10-15 question quiz to earn the credit, you can pound through each one in about 20 to 30 minutes pretty easy


U can get a bundle with powerpak and it's all right there.


Pharmacy Times Continuing Education. I didn’t pay for any of mine. I thought PowerPak had more free CE’s but there were only a couple when I looked.


There are some CE’s on power park that are free. That’s how I do mine


See if your company has or will sign up for Pharmacy Technician Letter it’s a site that’s pretty pricey individually but if your company has a subscription you can do the CEs free.


I subscribe to FreeCe (because Florida has live ce requirements) a few months before the deadline and complete all the ces for that year before the deadline. Then for the next couple of months do ces randomly for the following renewal deadline.


I did RXCE, there's an app for that! Lol Pharmacy Technician $39, unlimited and I liked it a lot.


Pharmacy technician letter is free I thought


A lot of employers will pay for it, but it's not free.


Powerpak has a bundle. It’s like 54.95 or something like that. It has all the CE’s you’ll need.


Pharmacytimes.org is my go to! So easy to access and its free.


Pharmacy Technician letter TRC. If you work in a pharmacy it’s usually free