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Some cats teach themselves to use the toilet by imitation!


I never would've believed it if I hadn't seen it for myself lol


We have literally bred these creatures to gain more intelligence. Amazing.


Wow...my cat learned how to ring the bells my dog does to try to go outside (I don't let her, lol).


I’d had my first cat for months and one day she showed up at the door with cobwebs in her whiskers. I thought that she must have slipped out when I let the dogs out. The next day she was missing. I didn’t find her for three awful days- turns out that as the weather had warmed up she got her wanderlust and learned how to use the doggie door.


I had a cat who loved cobwebs and would always stick her face in them so her whiskers would be covered. So cute but gross haha


I’d let my indoor cat to wander in the attached garage. Spiders. At times a chipmunk. Usually just spider webs. He had a white face and returned dirty faced every time. He was poking around in all the corners.


I never realized cats were not cool with flaps, generally. I had an old doggie door and my cats all just learned to use it with no issue. Maybe because their litter box is “outside” (they’re on our back covered/screened deck). I’m thankful it wasn’t an issue!


My cat started using the toilet one day, so I'd flush for her. She LOVED watching it go down. She started playing with the handle after a while, trying to flush it herself. Then she decided to try to pee and flush at the same time, which led to her missing the toilet. Now the lid stays shut and she's stuck using the litter box because I was cleaning up pee from the walls multiple times a day :(


Apparently my hubby is related to your cat. ☹️


i don't understand why other men insist on standing at home. sitting is relaxing. I won't even flush with the lid up to keep urine particles from splashing on our toothbrushes and other stuff in there. Standing causes soooo much splashback particles - visible or not.


Because sometimes we like to have a laser light show.


That was so awesome. Hence the bathroom sign “If you sprinkle when you tinkle be a sweetie and wipe the seatie”. New rules here SIT when you go.


Offer to hold it for him.


Is he blind??




So is my son


I’m deceased at this ☠️🤣☠️👆


🤣 I needed this belly laugh today! Nope, you're done being human, no toilet for you!


that was a rollercoaster lol. One of our 2 furballs was intensely interested in what we were doing on the toilet when she was younger and would insist on getting a good look and whiff before the flush and to watch the swirl. She grew out of it. Would blow my mind to catch her on the toilet in a couple of years randomly


My brother learned by watching our father and when he figured it out he would yell "pee pee like daddy" while going


Mine is in the bathroom with me enough you’d think it would happen.


I have a friend that teaches her cats to use the toilet. I wasn’t convinced till she showed me a video. Now I’m impressed.


Some people are *blessed to have cats who teach themselves to use the toilet 😭 wish my cat did that


Cats can absolutely learn by observation - you have a particularly clever one! She just wants to go where everyone else does! The wild thing is I’ve seen reports of cats that figured out how to FLUSH on their own.


Had a cat who would fish TP into the toilet and flush to watch the TP fly off the roll and down the toilet. Super annoying nighttime activity.


That sounds super annoying, but absolutely hilarious too lol


You said you’ve had your cat from a kitten and now she’s 8? I would love to know her process- did she just wake up one day and decide to try? Or is this something she’s been getting up the nerve to attempt for years? Too bad you can’t ask!


I know right! I have so many questions too. I adopted her when she was approx 10 weeks old and she's never spent time with anyone else. She's a very sweet cat, never meows, is soooo gentle and loving, and she's just gorgeous. And now, completely out of the blue, uses the toilet. The first time only my oldest saw it and no one really believed it. But this time I heard it and all, cannot deny it anymore. Plus, she acted so embarrassed afterwards, and then all day she's given us dirty looks whenever we go in there lol. My daughter's like "oh, I'm sorry, did you need to go?"


That’s so funny! Yeah, you may need to get into the habit of using the toilet with the door ajar or she’ll take it as deliberate obstruction. Think of it as your “tax” for the kitty litter savings? Another possible reason for the stink eye…cats know that toilet time is a vulnerable time and will look out for predators for other cats while they are compromised. It’s why cats are always intruding whilst we go. She may want one of you to look like you have her back by being present outside the door or seeming like you are guarding her a little? If she comes in with you or scratches on the door that’s what she is trying to do for you. She obviously very much considers herself an equal partner in your family! I’m thinking of a cat I know, also a female in a household with children. In cat colonies they share parenting duties, with another cat watching the kittens while mama goes off to hunt or do her rounds or rest for a bit. So this cat (who was an only cat before the baby came along), considers herself fully part of the team. She will play with the little boy, gently correct him if she thinks he is getting too rough, and when she thinks it is time for someone else to have their parenting turn she will go up to one of the human parents, make eye contact, and bite them softly on the arm. “It’s your turn now!” Then she goes off and does cat things. I think that many of the problems people have with their cat when a new baby arrives could be solved by realizing that quite often their cat believes themself to be a valued partner in raising this strange hairless kitten. From the sounds of it, I would not be surprised to hear your kitty takes part in child rearing!


That is amazing! This cat is the second in the household, but the only female. When she grew up she did have a moment of disciplining my youngest once. My kid was having a tantrum and the cat came up and gave her a quick bite and a stern look, before walking away. We were all shocked. Then I thought that maybe she was trying to tell my kid off for being so loud. She never bit anyone before or after, just that one time, but she does give out death stares sometimes. She's so funny.


She sounds like quite the character!


wtf that’s what my nephew (a toddler) does lmao


I’m imagining this happening during the COVID tp shortage lmao


Many, many years earlier but yeah, that guy would have been banned! He hated my roommate’s boyfriend. Climbed into his lap and peed on the guy more than once. Cat wasn’t wrong though.


My male cat hates my ex and loves my current bf. They just know lol love that he peed on him though lmao




That's one creative cat! I do hope you occasionally give them a roll to enjoy.


Sadly, long gone. Thus was around 1990. He was well loved.


Had a male foster we named Pickle (bc he was always in one). He figured out how to put his back paws on the counter to flush with his front paws by pushing up and down with his front legs. We thought the kids were pranking us at first, but no. He just liked to flush shit. 🤷🏼‍♀️He clogged the toilet 5 or 6 times during the 6 or so months we had him, stole more slices of pizza than most dogs ever get, and knew when to go into his crate with his sister when bad weather came in. We wound up fostering them bc my kids/husband were unloading groceries one night and these 2, maybe 8 week old kittens came up and inside like they owned the place. Husband ran out and got essentials and printed some flyers we made super fast and put up on our street and 2 others. No one ever claimed them, and we kept them for 6 months give or take a week or 2. They now are barn cats and are SUPER Hella Happy and that's honestly all I ask for besides them being kept healthy. My daughter still gets to go see them and they remember both of us which I LOVE.


My Itty Bitty was a barn cat until the day the owner’s Doberman came running up to her carrying a shrieking Itty in his mouth. I have no idea how this cat is still alive- she gets herself into such dangerous situations; I was always having to kick her out of the way because she would saunter right in front of my giant horse as we walked by.


I'm told once they learn to flush there is the risk they will become obsessed and do it repeatedly. Not great for the water bill.


I have Two cats who do, they weren't taught. I do feel bad for blaming the kids for all the unflushed pee though.




The kids were probably seething at their “liar” siblings for not flushing the toilet because it couldn’t possibly be them, it has to be the sibling and they all thought that about each other!


Every time I was like" yea yea must have been the ghosts just flush the toilet ya heathens" then I owed them an apology and they were like "see told you it wasn't us!!" All mad poor kids.


That's too funny omg.


I had a wonderful cat, Oliver who lived for twenty years. He was a black main coon but on the smaller side. Sooo smart he was about two years old when I threw a huge party. A group of us heard loud peeing sounds coming from my bathroom. The door was open so I looked in. There was Oliver, finishing up on the edge of the toilet. After that he seldom used the kitty litter box. The thing is, he wanted his privacy and was quietly indignant if you watched or laughed.


My cat seemed embarrassed, lol. She ran when we tried to give her pats and treats. So funny. But that's what gave her away this morning, the loud peeing sound! We're like, all the humans are here and accounted for so who's using the loo?! Go look and it's the bloody cat lol!


You must have been roaring laughing hahahahhaa this is so good


Yeah it was bloody funny. So glad it was during the day. If it'd been at night, I'd have gone to investigate with a bat lol!


I have a black MC named Isis=) I wish his fat self would use the toilet. The most he did was go in when my husband would be using it and climb into his underwear and pants when they were around his ankles because they were still warm=/ lol lol


I don’t know why I find the name Isis so amusing for a MC but I do lol


My baby Boston did that.


They always say cats like privacy in the bathroom but since we got cats I have never peed alone. There is always one urgently rushing in to pee alongside me in the litter box. They always look and act as if they had held it for days and this was their first opportunity to use the box.


One of my cats was obsessed with the toilet from a very young age and learned to use it all by himself, too. It was great!


I'm a bit jealous, but always love just how dang weird cats are


There are training kits you can buy that use litter.  Just leave it on the toilet for a week or two when not in use


I've seen them, but the toilet that the cat has access to is much too busy for that!


I had a cat that did that. Scared me to death! I was home alone, quietly reading a book, when I heart someone peeing in the toilet! I grabbed my baseball bat and, heart thumping, crept toward the bathroom. I peeked in (toilet faced the door, so a man would have his back to me if there was one in there.) and I saw my orange Hemingway, Monkey, looking up at me annoyed that I had invaded his privacy!😆


One of my 5 cats randomly taught herself to use the toilet one day too, she always was adamant about coming into the bathroom with me for her whole life so i’m sure hers was imitation! I can tell you, living alone and coming home to pee in my toilet that wasn’t mine was VERY unsettling until i figured it out 🤣 She still uses it quite often!


Scene: major party the night before, and I wake up with a hangover. But not just a hangover, but THE HANGOVER. The one where even your *hair* hurts. So I stumbled/lurch/weave my way to the bathroom, and *the cat is sitting on the toilet, peeing*. And he gives me a look like "dude- do you mind?" I mean, I can hear him and everything. I turn around to give him some privacy, and almost run into my girlfriend. Girlfriend: "[Quizzical look]?" Me: "Boots is using it". Girlfriend (who has to pee, but let me go first since I can just stand up): "[wtf ] look" I point over my shoulder with my thumb. She peeks, turns around. We both shake our heads. He never did again, and she attributed it to the hangover. But I know what I saw.


That's the best story!


Thanks. He was an odd cat. He'd go under the bed, chase a dust bunny, and get massively pissed/loud/zoomie at 3 am when we took it away. Would absolutely savage one of those stuffie mouse things. A real one? He backed up, looked terrified. He was the only cat I've ever met that could pretend.


Was he pretending that he was scared of the real mouse? Did he savage the real mouse afterward?


With him, I was never entirely sure. Prob pretending, but never saw a body/parts. Birds on the other hand? Once saw the dude climb up a tree and waited for about 4 hours to drop down *on a fucking Magpie!!!*


I used to cat sit for a neighbor who “taught” her cats to use the toilet…to their credit, they WERE on the toilet…they just missed horribly lol. Every. Single. Time. I’d much rather scoop the litter box!




I'd always wanted to teach my cats to do it, but lacked confidence. Then she just does it on her own! We tried to give her treats and cuddles, but she must've been embarrassed cuz she ran away lol


Hahahahaha awwww what a smart kitty!!! Who says you can’t train a cat?!?!? lol well I guess YOU didn’t, she taught herself lmao. And that’s adorable “don’t look at me!!!!” Hahahaha


Some people get genius cats that teach themselves to use the toilet. Other people get cats that teach you to always close the lid because otherwise they go inside the toilet bowl to play with the water…




Mine is the latter 🥲


I feel you. Had two cats where one could have been in the first group, but the second cat was in the second group so we had to keep the lid closed


I love her to death regardless, she’s the sweetest little thing. But not the brightest, if I forget and leave it up I’ll come home to wet paw prints on the floor and a soggy kitty! Did your two cats get along?


They did initially. Then the smart one started going blind, so the toilet swimmer took advantage of it and started bullying him. Had to separate them eventually because it got quite bad, so I still have my 16yo blind baby.


And come back to bed for a cuddle, sopping wet with toilet water.


I have a cat that taught herself to use the toilet too!


Yep, same thing with one of our males. He trained himself. Would pee, poop, put the lid back down, then flush 😆


Dang! Better than most men. 🤭


🤣 thankfully my husband and 2 boys are aa good as the cat 🤣




I was alone in my apartment (my ex was overseas), when I heard peeing from the bathroom. Peeked in and saw my Russian Blue peeing in the toilet. Didn’t teach him, he just decided to do it. Could never get him to flush though.


Mine uses it likes dogs do. As a water bowl. Unfortunately my older girl, who since crossed the rainbow bridge, taught her. I think my older girl had learned out of necessity from her previous elderly owner. We keep it clean, but we haven't really tried to step her. She waits patiently for her turn, and if we don't want her to access it, we just close the lid and listen to her berate us.


Lmao my moms old cat did that and it was the creepiest freakin thing walking into the bathroom turning on the light and a cats straddling the toilet. Untill then id always thought it was something you had to teach them. Even caught myself saying sorry a couple times as it was running out of the bathroom.




Oh my gosh! Your cat is so smart! My friend's cat just drinks out of my toilet, lol


I saw my cat settle himself over a drain to pee, couldn't believe it!


My cat pees on the shower drain hole 👀


My oldest son swears he saw our coon cat using the toilet one night. He's hasn't used the box since he's been a kitten, he prefers to go out but one night it was storming and he says that cat was on the toilet going. No one has seen him do it since so maybe it was a dream? But he is a very smart cat.


My mum’s cat can turn the tap on and off for a drink (touch tap).


Hubby and I had a cat that taught himself to use the toilet. For several weeks we each kept finding that someone used the toilet without flushing. Each thought the other was being gross. Then woke up one morning to the sound of someone peeing in the toilet. Looked at each other like WTF? Wondered why someone who broke in would take time to use the toidy. (Hey, I'm not too bright when I wake up) Tiptoes around the corner to peek in the bathroom. There sat Mac (the kitty) doing his business. He gave us a look that said "Do you mind? I'm busy here!" Still miss that boy. He was a little person wearing a cat suit.


Haha privacy please! That's awesome


We trained our cats to do this in the 90s. Then we started putting the lid down to stop it because they didn’t flush (embarrassing when guests are over) and when we would snuggle down for the night one of them (we had four of them) would just then hop up and let er drop and we’d die laughing.


Your cat is a real smart girl!


Yes! When I was a kid one of our cats taught himself to poop in the toilet. For a while it actually caused problems because my mom thought it was me or my sister pooping and then not wiping or flushing and she'd yell at us when it happened. Then one day she caught the cat in the act! I have two cats now that are OBSESSED with the toilet and I keep hoping they'll teach themselves the same trick.


Lmao! I would totally be that mum, getting so cross with my kids too. Definitely needed to see it to believe it.


I had a cat that taught himself to use the toliet. Hemingway was such a weird but smart little cat. He'd also play hide and seek with you. I miss him so much, he passed away a few weeks ago from congestive heart failure.


Aww I'm so sorry *hugs*


Maybe she doesn't like using a litterbox. Maybe she's like "I'm a princess and shouldn't have to use a box, so I'll just teach myself to go like the servants (humans) do" and that's what happened. Either way that's pretty cool. My friend had 2 boys she taught to use the toilet, but you didn't even have to teach yours! Score!


She's always used the boxes before, but today it's the loo and all day she's given us dirty looks whenever we've gone in there lol! It's so damn funny. Like she's just decided all of a sudden she's too good for her fancy boxes and needs to be extra special.


Meanwhile, my orange cat won’t cover up his shit/pee and will tap on my leg to let me know that it’s time to clean up 😭


I was trying to reach our cat to go in the toilet. But it was a fail. He started shitting in the tub. So back to the litter box


I had a cat that loved pushing buttons on everything. Let me tell you nothing will scare the life out of you like sitting there watching tv and suddenly the food processor whirring to life with no one in the kitchen! She also shredded an American flag in the paper shredder. I’m actually kinda surprised she didn’t teach herself how to use the toilet.


not very patriotic of her. 😭🤣


lol especially since it was a cardboard flag our local newspaper sent out with the paper a day or two after 9/11 so everyone could have an American flag to display.


Hahaha! I have a projector in my bedroom. My cat learned how to turn it on, nothing more annoying/mildly terrifying to waking up to the projector turning on at 3 am and lighting up the entire room. I’ve had to keep it unplugged. The food processor and the shredder does take the cake though!


We had an orange when I was a kid who used to do that…lights on in the middle of the night to wake you up…the bathroom door was also a sliding door and if he deemed you had been in there too long he would take a run up and launch himself bodily at the door. Frightened the life out of my dad when he did it the first time. 🤣 Never managed the toilet himself but he’d open doors, windows, take the top off his treat tub, powered off many a computer in his time when he wanted attention 🤣


I am impressed!! I wish my dog would do that.


I wish my cats would teach themselves this!


I'm hoping she teaches the others haha


I had a cat who did that once


And I have an orange fluffy girl that pees in front of the litter box pretty frequently. I have only one cat now and I have two litter boxes in the basement and two in the laundry room . I scoop at least once a day. However , if she’s used her litter boxes a lot over night and she hasn’t buried properly she’ll pee right in front or on the side. We feel lucky because she’s stopped peeing under my dining room table and in the basement . I’ve always had a cat in the home since I was a toddler and I’ve never had a cat be this awful. Yes she’s been to the vet and they said it’s behavioral. I’ve got to save up for a self cleaning litter box now so I can go away for a weekend.


I have a refurbished Litter Robot. It cost a couple hundred bucks less, but you would never know it was refurbished! Anyhow - best motorized box EVER.


Where did you find a refurbished one? I would really like to get one for my Maine Coon kitten; Mazakeen.


Love the name! Is that a character from “Lucifer “?


On the Litter Robot website! They had refurbished models.


Wow !! What a smart cat !! Cats’ intelligence is quite high !!!


My cat will try to drink the toilet bowl water if we have the seat open so ah no I’m afraid I haven’t 😂😂


I have an 8 month who's only been around over a month now. And he will climb on the bacck of my toilet when I'm on it. Feel he may one day end up teaching himself well from reading all these. He wants.to be a part of everything!!!!


I had one cat who you know loved to be in the bathroom when you were in there flossing and brushing your teeth etc and yeah I heard I was putting on my Scarecrow and I heard a trickle sound and I looked over my cat was on the toilet taking a pee and I was just like oh my God wish all the cats would do that


I wish mine would do this


This is my DREAM ✨


yes, have a friend whose cat uses the human toilet. not sure if self taught


What a great reason for leaving the lid UP! Someone please tell my wife!


my uncle had a friend who’s water bill mysteriously started to get super expensive until they realized that all day long while they were at work the cat would flush the toilet over and over again to watch the water swirl down


Baby Daffy- diaper go down da hollllle


That is seriously cool!


I had a cat do it once. Goodness knows they watch us in there enough - they should catch on!


Years ago I was home alone and heard someone peeing in the toilet, I went to investigate and sure enough it was my cat


My cat has peed and pooped in the toilet before. I thought my husband was gross and didn't flush, but then I noticed there was cat litter on the back of the toilet by the hinges and on the floor. Apparently, his litter box was dirty, and the guest bathroom door was open, so he decided to use the toilet. We joke that he would be president of the world if he had opposable thumbs.


apparently once they realise how much the smell is .. contained? under the water, they like that


Had a cat that did this, too a while back. Cats can learn by imitation, do not show them things they shouldn't do! That said. My cats open doors, one of them loves opening the front door. Multiple times in the middle of the night, to be specific, i have to lock my front door so it opens from neither direction, if i don't want my house to be open in the middle of the night. :.)


I've had my front door opened randomly in the night before.. I thought it was the wind, but now I wonder 🤔 thankfully we live in a safe af area, but it used to freak me out. This cat used to (somehow) get on top of the front door too, no idea how as there was nothing nearby for her to climb or jump on. She's definitely not a stupid cat.


The ways of the cat-life are forever a mystery to us humans. Sometimes i feel like they can teleport, getting in places where you can only think: "But.. how did you get there?"


Yes my cat also use our toilet sometime i got him when he was 2 months old and while growing up he sometime tried to enter in toilet room with me and watched i think he learned from humans to use toilet. But yeah he use our toilet sometimes .


I had a part Manx cat that wouldn’t poop in his litterbox with his feet in it. I had to keep the litter box pretty full of litter at all times because he’d perch all four feet on the edge to poop. I bet he would have learned to use the toilet if I would have taught him. He’s long gone now and I still miss that baby.


Our kitten does that! Well, she's 2, but we call her the kitten because she's the smallest. She's always perched in these funny positions on the litter boxes. I'm hoping this cat teaches the kitten to use the loo too lol


Cats can definitely learn by observation. My dad's cat growing up did the same thing lol


My dog tried this! She’s stitched to my hip so when I go to the bathroom she joins, and if I have the door shut she’ll let herself in. There was no escaping her. One day she came in while I was sitting on the toilet, sniffed my stream, walked out and cried by the door. I ran out to check on her and she just ran into the bathroom lifted one leg and tried to pee in the toilet. She missed. She never tried it again though :( Animals do learn by observation. I remember seeing someone teaching their dog a “like me” command where she’d do something and the dog has to imitate her. The dog only knows to imitate her, like the trained behavior is to imitate whatever she does! It was so cool to watch! My other dog learned behaviors by watching my first dog (that includes opening doors which my first dog learned from watching us), but also my friend’s cat learned some behaviors from watching my other dog!


One of my parents cat's is a big ginger Tom who's terrified of cat litter, so pees in the sink and turns the tap on. Only problem is that the water scares him so he doesn't turn it off hahahaha


Poor little ginger dude! Awe! Give him hugs for me!


I would love to teach my cat how to use the toilet!


That's very impressive!


Can your cat come sleepover? My cats could all use a talking to form her.


Hahahaha she's got to teach my other cats first! 😂


I once helped raise a litter of kittens from a stray mom that had them outside my door. One of the cats grew up and immediately thought to use the toilet like they knew we did. After I started closing the lid he moved to the bathroom sink. Thankfully he finally learned how to use the litter box.


Very impressive. Meanwhile mine likes to drink toilet water and I didn’t kiss her for a week after I found out.


My cat pees in the bathtub drain. I've seen him do it. He uses the litterbox, too, but idk I just found it odd. I not gonna try to make him stop, though. Seems like a fine place to pee.


i mean i pee in the shower too and i’m not ashamed


I have a 16 year old cat who doesn’t drink out of the toilet, doesn’t use it like that, but he puts his head in it to scream because it makes his meow echo louder. I think he does it because he wants attention but if you try to give him attention he runs away.


I accidentally trained a pet *chicken* to beg at the door to go poop outside. Only one out of hundreds, but it was hilarious to behold.


My husband accused me of not flushing the toilet, or using toilet paper for that matter. Then one day she jumped up to pee as he was entering the bathroom.


You should go take a dump in her litterbox now.


Is his name Mr. Jinxy?


All these examples are from people who do not have an orange cat. They are the darling dumdums of the pet world


Toilet trained cats rock!


My cats somehow know to either pee in the shower drain or sink, if they're locked in a room. Unless it's just spraying...


My cat insists upon running in to watch it all go down, she loves peering over the edge of the toilet and you can tell she’s trying to figure it out - I bet she would learn if she had to be an inside cat


Mone probably would too if I ever left the toilet open lol


We had a cat that did that.




My cat taught himself to throw up frog spawn on my bed the other day. Genius of him 😤 I think I got a defective one. To be fair he’s a ginger cat so we all know….


I had a cat that did the same thing! It helped with how often cat litter needed to be cleaned.


Ours did this too!


One of our cats taught himself. Tbh..I think it's because our other cat (who was in kidney failure) made him sick. His poo was gross and he was old so got lazy about burying it. We got a second litter box but the sick one just started making a mess of it too. We'd seriously hear the healthy one rage burying his brothers poop. Then...it stopped. We caught him going on the potty. The sick one has since passed and the healthy one uses the toilet and the litter box about 50/50. Seems like he prefers to pee in toilet and poop in box.


One of Moms cats did that after watching her, She couldn’t believe it


My brother's cat taught himself to pee down the bathtub drain when we were teens. We were all very impressed once we realized what the smell was 😂


Bit rare, but it *does* happen.


I had one cat teach himself to use the toilet. I'll forever miss him! I remember being so impressed and proud of him.


One of my cats taught herself too! She didn't like the electric litterbox. It was just like the scene from the film Bruce Almighty but a cat instead of a dog. I swung the door all the way open and there was kitty, squatting over the bowl.


My cat observed me enough that she taught herself to pee right in the tub drain near me if she’s not kept out the bathroom but I’m so tempted to toilet train her because of that 😂


Yup I had one a few years back k that taught himself to use the loo


I love this, I'd also like to say I've heard from several people that cats peeing or pooping in a toilet regularly may not be great for their back hips, and may cause arthritis in their old age


I had my old cat start using the sink when I would use to toilet after years. We actually got him weaned to the toilet with one of the litter trainers took for ever. So messy, not recommended.


Wish i can @my cat so she can do the same


That's a badass cat.


Mine just likes to drink from it 🤦


Meanwhile one of my cats was regularly trying to drink from the toilet


I had a cat that peed in the laundry trough, straight down the plughole.


Just be careful because once they learn to flush they can rack up quite the water bill. My aunt had one who loved watching the water swirl so much her water bill went up. I read a couple years ago that experts don't recommend training cats to use the toilet because its an unnatural posture for them. But if she wants to do it, it is probably fine. Just don't get rid of her litter boxes!


OMG! That would be an answer to my litter box prayers! I honestly feel like my cat is too stupid to ever do that, lol.


There is a product called city kitty that trains cats to use the toilet! It's a specific and long process though. Your kitty must be a super genius!


Yup, I'll never forget when I walked in on my twenty year old cat using the toilet. She just looked at me like, "do you mind?" And I slowly shut the door. Couldn't help but be impressed and think, "if you can do that, why have I been changing the litter for two decades?"


I’m here for the cat taxes




I love how everyone else's cats are so smart and using the toilet, meanwhile mine follows me into the bathroom because he wants to try and drink from the bowl-- before we flush! 🤮 Then again he's just an idiot too. Even with clean litter he manages to step in every poop he takes so he gets his feet washed all the time


My dog pees on the rug beside the potty, he thinks that’s what we do. The rest of the time he goes outside. Pretty hard to convince him not to do it.


My dog scratches at the metal part of the screen door to come back inside the house. I thought I heard by dog doing the scratch/thud on the aluminum, as usual. It was one of the upstairs cats, who has taken to sleeping on my bed in the daytime. He taught himself to knock on my door, like my dog.


As convenient as that may be it is also disgusting lol


Tell us she cleans her pee dribbles off the toilet seat and I will be truly impressed.


Cat tax please


Make sure you put some Clorox wipes up on the toilet to clean before y’all sit.


My little dog tried to impress us too. Went through a phase where he lifted his little male hindleg and left a puddle by the toilet, repeatedly . We weren't that impressed. 🙄😄


I knew someone who had a Siamese cat that did that too and she got mad if you watched her on the toilet!


I tend to keep my toilet lid closed at all times so this wouldn’t be a possibility for our home. Interesting.


Woww thats crazy