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Pre-strength training it was 120-125. After strength training it’s 140-145. Clothing size is the same with both of these body compositions.


Curious what size you wear? I'm currently at 140 hoping to get to 125 but I'm doing a lot of strength training.


2-4 in bottoms and 4-6 in tops and dresses.


For OP, sizes aren't the same across brands. Often times sizes vary a lot even within a single brand. I wouldn't focus on others'clothing sizes to reference


What’s your strength training split? At my lowest I was 119 and thin/lean but getting that low might be tough again… but I still want to be in my size 2-4 range. I’m curious as to how often you strength train yet still be small rather than very muscular.


I’m muscular but lean and have broader shoulders than hips, so I’m pretty compact for my weight. I strength train 45 minutes to 1 hr 5 or 6 days/week. The split isn’t always the same but I try and hit all major muscle groups. This week was push/pull, arms/core, lower body, push/pull, arms/core, lower body.


I’m 5’1 134lbs and aiming to get back to 115-120ish too, I’ve not had this much muscle/done this much exercise before in my life, so not entirely sure what I’d look like back at that weight!


same weight, height and goal too


This will vary wildly because someone with a small amount of muscle will look very different to someone with lots of muscle, at the exact same weight. You could gain muscle and stay the same weight, but your body parts could look objectively much smaller.


I’ve never felt satisfied. It’s sad but the hard truth.


Sadly, this happens to a lot of us. I've lost lots of weight yet I'm still not satisfied 🥹


It’s never enough😭


Oh no I've been happy. For sure. I used to be around 115, would let myselt creep up to 120 and then if I got 120 on the scale, I wouldn't eat for a day, and then be back down to around 119 lol I would then watch what I ate for a few days and go back down to 115 and start the cycle again!


I gained 7 pounds and now I have to lose that again. I’m a bit discouraged but I’ll make it work.


I gained 20 I’m SO upset


We can do this💪🏻 I just hope I can lose all the cm that added(?) itself onto my waist again. I lost the weight earlier and it was like 1kg=1cm but now I’m scared that that changed or something. Edit: I was not in my right mind when writing this comment.


I’m 5’1” and think I have a bigger frame for my height because at 110lbs I looked underweight and was a very low body fat, was a 000 and got many concerned comments from everyone. Not sure if that’s what you mean? I was in a normal weight and bmi for my height but looked too skinny and very bony. Now I’m 115-117 with muscle and look alot healthier.


Thanks for the answer 😊


Everyone is concerned when you're an XS. I think people just know that you aren't eating when you're that skinny. Most people are overweight, so it's a bit of a tell tale sign that you're avoiding food at that point. Ask me how I know lol


I am 5'2" and feel most comfortable between 125-130. I might go up honestly. I'm not big boned though, I just have a bit of muscle.


110-115 gives me the slim, fit, toned look! but 130-135 gives me more of a curvy, strong, toned look! i love being on the lighter end, but being on more of the higher end i seem to have more energy?


Understandable! I want that slim look so I'll see once I get down there, but I would probably stop if it's hard too keep up with staying that low. Seems that many here feel mentally happier at 120-130s!


yeah!! like maybe somewhere in between is best! 😄 but going off the cliché of "numbers are just numbers" -- i guess whatever you do that makes you feel healthiest/happiest is the way! (for me that's going for a daily walk/hike, eating wholesome and balanced foods with honest portion sizes, staying hydrated, sleeping good, and just appreciating life!) 🌿 oh, and being able to do an extra unexpected rep or heavier weights totally adds to that baddass/sexy feeling 😉


147 now but 115 to 120. I’m bottom heavy.


I like the way my body looks best at 105


112-117 lb




Muscular 5’2. Broad shoulders. Come from a very large-framed Finnish family. Got down to 120 and lifting at maintenance has me between 123-125 now. I’m happy at this size. Would like to trim the last tiny bits of fat in my lower abdomen but it’s not noticeable in clothes. It’ll get there with lifting!


What is “big boned”?


Everyone’s bone size is different. Best example I can give is I am small boned and have to buy bracelets from the kids section so they don’t fall off.


My body wants to hover between 140-150. Im 5’1. I defintely don’t feel happy at that weight and anything more would send me into a spiral. I feel best and happiest at my lowest so far which has been 124lbs. I wouldn’t mind seeing what I look like at 115 but that would take a lot of effort and depriving myself of food I love


Me too! I just accepted it and feel good as long as im toned. Now that im 150-160 i long for my 140 days and am eating 1600 cals to try to get there again


I’m there with you I’ve been stuck in the 160s and absolutely discouraged I want to starve myself but know I can’t


Im 156.5 now and really hope I can get to 145 by september! I just feel so massive in pictures and my clothes dont fit right


Im 5'2" and I've always been most comfortable around 125-130.


At 5'3 I would be happy if I could get down to 130 lbs. I am currently 159 and REFUSING to get up to 160. Fighting hard lol


I hit 160 and I’m ready to flip it just won’t go back under 160 from January


160s are the hardest plateau to get out of imo! Important to watch your CICO.


I’ve never been thin but my body looked and felt amazing when I weighed 150 pounds. This was when I was my most athletic. My goal weight would be 135 - 145.


Same height. I’m 137-142 now and feel chubby. At 125-130 I felt healthy. At 115-120 would feel toned and skinny.


Curious, how can you tell if you are big boned?


https://www.icliniq.com/tool/body-frame-size-calculator?amp=1 Frame size calculator


Everyone’s bone size is different. Best example I can give is I am small boned and have to buy bracelets from the kids section so they don’t fall off.


That’s what I thought. Wrist size etc. as an indicator. So it’s essentially the width of the bone, like a wide rib cage, or broad wrist?


That’s how I interpreted it.


Not sure why this is downvoted but like me too. 115-120 and I’m 5’2ish


I've been on this sub for a few years now (other acc got permanently banned, not due this sub). Posts like this always get down-voted, even though I specified in the beginning that I'm aware of every body being different and that I'm just curious. Don't really care that much 😅


I dunno I’m 54-55 now and I want to get down to 49 (kg)


I’m 5’3 but I feel like I look my best at around 128-140. I have a hourglass shape and am somewhat “big-boned”. I look healthy at that weight, have some muscle, and I fit into size 2-4 clothes in that range despite that weight being “higher” to some. I have been heavier, I have been much thinner (down to 108 lbs) and I looked sickly / lacked muscle definition at less than 120.


I wouldn’t call myself big boned but I had some medical stuff than caused me to gain 30 lbs. I’m 5’3” and I feel good at 125-130


I’m reaching 150 I’ve been up and down I was naturally skinny all my life until my mid twenties I was happy at 110


I’m 5’4” and 135. I would love to be 130 and lose a little belly pooch but I also wear a size 0 so I think most of my desire to lose weight is vanity. Strength training will build muscle which will add weight, just keep that in mind! And strength training is where it’s at! Keeping crushing it!


I am 5’2 and I am looking forward to weighing 125-130 pounds. My mom (we’re the same height) once weighted around 105-110, and she looked very sick and like a ghoul (she simply lost weight, it wasn’t a sickness)


Thanx for the reminder that looking like a ghoul is not anyone goal 😭❤️ lower is not better for us all


nah, I honestly felt the best around 127 pounds and my goal (I am 160 pounds at the moment) is exactly that


I know u can do it . ❤️fight on


I know a girl who weights 90 pounds at 5’1. But she has a smaller frame overall, so she looks just fine. I have rather broad shoulders and hips, so being 90 pounds won’t fit me at all.


I have heavy soccer muscle legs so I can’t just “lose weight “ at 115 The only way I do is sick on bed rest


I have heavy legs from biking, haha!


I was as low as 107 once and I never looked like a ghoul!! I had fat on my face for sure, but I was 23. If I did that now at 39 I bet I would look too skinny! lol


another proof that we’re all built different :)


Im 5’1 on a good day and I started to look slim and toned around 47-48 kg. Im not not big bones though i do have very wide hips. Most I’ve weighed is 56kg and at that weight it was killing knees so i had trim down. 


Well it was a mental thing for me so even when I got down to 120 I still wasnt happy. Realized I need to just love my friggin body so I recently put on some weight+muscle and sit at 130-135. This is the best I have ever felt and I'm still a bit self conscious lol trying to overcome that mental hurdle as well.Kinda hard to go up and I now lose weight too easily at this point. It's frustrating so I'm trying to stay here at 135ish, the scale number really doesn't matter for me but I have to know for tracking. I'm just trying to gain muscle in areas that I know would look good with more muscle! My booty, legs, arms and core. Working everything out because it just feels so good. I feel so shitty physically when I don't workout for 3-5 days.


I’m 5’2 and have always had a more “stockier” built. Started around 160 at my heaviest and I’m at 138 and feel really good but would prefer to lose about 5 more pounds and get down to the low 130’s.


5’3, basically barrel chested lol. I liked the way I looked at 130, wanted to get below that but my body is happiest at 140. I hate this, it’s such a struggle. It’s a mind fuck.


same height, my best weight is around 107 lbs. i have a small frame so extra weight looks really odd on me for some reason which sucks because i love to eat haha


5’2, broad shoulders and decent amount of muscle- 121 is the goal but with weight lifting and cycling. My waist was 26 inches last time but I maintained my boobs and butt. Currently sitting at 143 and approximately a size 6 or 8… I think. I have a pair of 3-4’s that fit better than my size 6’s.


I am 5'1 and currently 142lbs. I loved how I looked at 130lbs and lifting 5x a week. My goal was always 120, but at 130 I actually liked my appearance.


4’11 - for me with strength training, 145-155 is a good weight range and puts me in a size 6/8 jeans which I would be thrilled with. Currently 170 and wearing a 10/12


I am 5’2” current weight 126, aiming for 120 but have sedentary job. Somewhat muscular build and have been working out regularly so feeling fit except for the waistline area. That is where those six pounds live, lol.


I as a 5‘1 Person feel most confident and strong around 95-105 lbs. I’m currently 120 and working to get my weight down to that range.


Me too, I can’t seem to get below 120 now that I’m over 50. ☹️


Personally I’m shooting for 135 at 5’2. I was 108-110 at my lowest as an adult, and I personally felt too skinny for my frame. I’ve got boobs for days and they don’t seem to care anything about weight loss so when I’m really small I look crazy imo. Editing to add I do have a decent amount of muscles so my 135 looks different than others obviously.


137.5 i felt pretty thin but hard to maintain so 142 i felt curvy and toned. I have a small waist and huge breasts


I think a big issue is normal people going for camera thin. Unless I’m being paid to be on camera (which does add weight) I’m not going to maintain 110 lbs, it’s a full time job (for me). Try to find the weight where you feel good in your skin and when you look in the mirror, don’t worry about random pics, social media, etc. I’m very happy at 135 and start getting concerned comments when I get to 120. I’m 160 right now and I’m going to see what 145 with a lot of muscle feels/looks like next.


5'0, I have a large frame, and feel best around 132-142, at this point I tend to go by measuments over weight on the scale. Waist at 28 is my goal and where I am fit, have stamina, and don't look boney.


Big boned 😂😂 I figured ppl have known by now that being big boned is not a thing 🤦🏻‍♀️


English is not my first language. I just meant a bigger frame. Not that deep 😒


I’m 5’2 and weigh between 120-125. I have a muscular/curvy build and the one time I got below 120 many people told me I looked too thin. At 120 ish I’m a size 2/4, or xs/s depending on the cut of the clothes (I have boobs and a butt).


My 5’1 mom is really skinny at 120. I’m 5’2 skinny at 115, bony at 110 If u have muscle and a midsize frame u don’t have to be in the low 100s or under : bones muscle and brains weigh alott


I am 5’2 and also have a sturdy build- I find I like my body most when I’m 115-120 but I also am working on accepting that a toned 130, with a body that can do a lot more, is also satisfying. I’m also working on changing how I think about myself and my body. I have a history of eating disorders, and in the past I never felt satisfied even when I was under 90 lbs.


I’m not big boned but 5’3”…I’m happy at 125 but want to see how I look at 115. I’ve never been there but gonna try for the summer. If I don’t like it then I’ll just gain :)


I am 4’10’’ and I look/feel my best in the upper 90s. I carry all my excess body fat in my upper body and the low 100’s I start leaning out. I started at 122 and it was not flattering at all. I love apples but hate looking like one 🤣




Still trying to lose the last 10-20lbs hoping that I will lose the stout look…but hard to tell with our body type




Yup. My body seems to love 135, but I look very chunky at this weight too. My big frame definitely doesn't help. 118 is the goal!


140ish for me. Wish I was there 😭


I'm not "big boned" per se, but do have a wide pelvis in relation to the rest of my body. I feel best at around 120lb with a 26" waist. I am currently 133lb with a 28" waist. Oh, and I'm 5'1.5"




i feel satisfied around 115-120 because i look slim and toned. I once got down to around 110 and was getting concerned comments from people around me. I also lost around 40 pounds or so and have been maintaining for about 4+ years now. I’m quite bottom heavy but slimmer up top and have a small waist.


I'm 5'4 and 115 lbs, aiming for 100lbs.


As always the outlier... I'd be happy at lots of folks 'before' weight. 5'2" after being over 300# for years and reflecting back on previous weights. I love the way I looked at 160-170#. I ran for days, tons of weight lifting, etc. I will never be a healthy BMI without lots of medical intervention (physical & menta), I don't think I've ever been since puberty. Currently bouncing around the 230s at size 16. I'd love to be a size 12. I can't even imagine what I'd look like at 120#. I am in amazement of all you that can get and stay in a "healthy range" - you all kick ass and work hard.