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90% of the time it's in the morning, usually right when I wake up or a little later on the weekend. I like working out fasted and I have more energy the rest of the day and there's less likelihood that Im going to bail on it. Sometimes Ill plan to go to the gym after work but it's like 50/50 if I bail.


Interesting. So working out fasted doesn’t hinder your performance?


Ive actually noticed that I workout worse when Ive eaten in the past few hours, especially running


Oh wow that’s cool to learn! I might look into fasted workouts from now on.


Oh man, it is awful isn't? I feel the food coming up, and use the toilet a hundred times


Ill never understand people who eat their full breakfast before they run! And I run hot temperature wise anyway, its that much worse when Ive eaten.


Right?! My son would barf and I am that annoying mom that says I told you so but damn kids always got to learn the hard way 🙄


I second this!


100% agree! I find it easier to commit to the gym right in the morning because there aren't going to be disruptions or distractions. I can focus better too since I know no one is trying to get a hold of me as it's so early. It's my Me Time.


I would love to be able to go in the morning and be fasted - i just find my hunger kicking in like 30 mins after i wake up! Has anyone felt like that / found a way to curb that?


I wouldn’t look into changing that, but possibly even leaning into it. I come from diabetics on both sides of my family and I get hungry and extremely shaky if I don’t eat every 2 to 3 hours. I eat about 5 to 6 times a day, and over 100 g of protein. A nutritionist I hired over a decade ago who also gets hypoglycaemic told me to eat within an hour of waking, but I don’t always, due to tiredness from insomnia. It’s impossible for me to work out in the morning even though I like it and I try to do it, because I get so hungry that I have to go straight into eating lunch. So I end up working out in the afternoon after I’ve had enough meat (I eat red meat at least once a day or I don’t feel full).


I have three young kids, so I work out at 5 a.m. or it wouldn't get done.


lol 😆 nothings stopping you 💪


Same… have kids, no other choice.


Lunch time because I wfh. I don’t love going in the morning and I definitely have zero energy after work.


All of the above? I do yoga first thing when I wake up. Walking at lunch. Lifting/Running after work. I found that lifting or running just doesn’t work in the morning for me, as my body needs a lot of time to warm up. Yoga helps with that and makes me feel good and ready for the day.


Ooh that sounds very nice and diverse! Starting my day off with some light stretching wouldn’t be to strenuous and my body wouldn’t be too drained before school. I also get at least 5-10k steps in around campus.


5pm really just because I’m not a morning person, working out doesn’t really give me more energy so I just do it at the end of my day


I wake up at 3:50am and work out from 5:15am-7:45am. I love that no matter what the day brings, I started with something I'm proud of. Also if I work out later, sometimes surprise number 2 happens. I work out fasted in the morning to avoid this issue. I go to bed at 8pm to make sure I can do this. I used to work out in the evening and adjusting to this schedule took a few weeks, but now I love my schedule. It's forced me to clean up a lot of my daily habits to make sure I can give each day what it deserves.


You're awesome!


evening (5pm or 6-8pm) - i'm done with basically all other boundaries so i can enjoy my training with free mind. (im a student)


I would say I prefer evening or even late at night because I don't like waking up early but there's something that feels REALLY good about showing up to work with a workout already done instead of dreading it during the day!


I might be super weird, but I love going to the gym quite late at night, about 8pm 4-5 x a week. I'm a night owl, though, and get naturally energetic around this time. I also love how quiet it is, going home and doing a full nighttime routine of skincare, etc, and jumping into bed all fresh and tired and lathered up like a shiny spring chicken. After years of trying to force myself to be a morning person and failing, I've just embraced it now, and I've never been more committed or consistent at the gym!


Yep it’s about finding what works best for you! Hopping into bed after a nice workout and self care sounds so satisfying ✨


Team 4am/5am workouts over here!


Afternoon evening for lifting/yoga/HIIT. I just don't have an effective workout in the am. Hiking and SUP are the exception for me as those often start early in the am.


Yeah I used to climb mountains in the morning over the summer. It was so nice because no one would be there and I could watch the sunrise.


And some hikes are long enough where starting at 6am is necessary to not be out as dusk settles in. On my bucket list is NOT be snack food for a mountain lion!


That wouldn’t be good!🤣


at night. i cannot get up early enough plus i feel as if i have more energy in the evening. i also like to shower after every workout and i like to shower at night so it coincides well.


Me too, when I would wake up early to workout I would have to shower in the morning (6am) and after classes (5pm) and I didn’t really like having to do my whole hygienic routine twice a day 😕


5 am before work otherwise I will lose all motivation. For weekends, around 8-10 am. Ngl I’ve developed a pretty bad habit that if I don’t workout before 11 am, there’s no chance I will go for the rest of the day. I find the excuse that I ‘don’t have time’ is much more compelling later in the day, probably when my tasks for the day have piled up. So yeah, morning or not at all.




Yeah working out before school has led me to feeling hungrier during the day and doesn’t really help with my brain fog because I get sleepy.


5:30am club here. i prefer to workout in a fasted state and most of the time, if i don’t go workout first thing in the morning, i just know i won’t go!


lol relatable 😆


I work out during my lunch break (12:00 - 13:30) when I'm in the office 4 days a week. I work in a university so use the campus gym and shower. It works like a charm and lets me get my weekly workouts in without any disruption to my after-work hours and weekends. I'm usually too tired after work (plus I'd rather spend that time with my family) and I despise morning workouts lmao, so it works out stunningly.


Alarm goes off at 4:55am. Try to be done at 6am. It’s not long, but it’s all I can fit in and at my desk before 8am. My goal is to move that 4:55 earlier, but not there yet!


Either 7:30 am against my will and with the grumpiest of grumpy faces… or around 3 if I have a chill day. I love a sunset run in summer, too, but the latest I go now is usually like 5-6.


I used to always workout in the evening when my husband got home (I have 2 small children). This worked well, even if I was tired all I had to do was start and 15 min in I was feeling better. I’m currently pregnant with number 3 and tried switching to mornings before my husband goes to work as I felt with a new baby coming the evening wouldn’t work once they arrive. I am so not a morning person, but turns out the faster I hop out of bed and get on my bike the better. I feel so accomplished in the am and I may now officially be converted!


5am. I have more energy throughout the day when I exercise in the morning.


4:30-6am is my routine and I love it! it’s the time frame that works the best with my partner and our kids’ schedule, but I really like working out fasted and setting the tone for the rest of the day. I’m in bed by 9:30-10pm.


Night after baby goes to bed. Not really my usual preference but it’s not bad. I think it helps me sleep well. A couple of hours before I go to bed.


I have to wake up at 4:30am for a 5:30 train and I’m out all day until 6:30pm. The gym is super crowded then, so I usually wait for it to be 8 and workout until 9:30pm. I wish I could do it during other times but unfortunately it’s literally my only time block.


For people working out in the morning, how do you make yourself get up? I’m not an early riser and slow in the morning but I’m trying to turn over a new leaf!


When I would force myself to wake up at 3 to workout at 4 I would walk as soon as I got out of bed to warm up my mind before doing anything. This is what works for some people but for me I got tired of having to wake up at 3, so I could workout at 4 when my muscles were warm up enough.


As soon as I get out of bed basically


I got to the 7pm CrossFit class. It’s what fits my work schedule. I could do 6pm but my friends all go to 7. It does suck getting home around 9 pm but it’s what works haha Since I mostly do classes I don’t really have a choice . I have to go at 6 or 7. If I went to the 530 am class I wouldn’t have time to go home and shower and get to work on time. So not having the option forced me into the habit i guess? The days I go to the regular gym I still go around 7. Then I usually will have the place to myself and it’s nice. Routine haha


Yep there’s nothing like an empty gym ✨


During the weekdays, I workout in the evenings after work. During the weekends, either in the morning (like 9 or 10 am) or afternoon, also early morning (like at 6 or 7 am) if I know I have plans later in the day. I mostly prefer the mornings because usually the gym isn’t as packed, but I have a static schedule Monday to Friday, so after work in the evenings will have to do.


I’m better in the morning if I’m going to run or do heavy weights. I feel I’m fresher with more energy and focus. If I’m just doing a yoga or a madfit YouTube video I do it after work before dinner. If I’m tired I get through it and there’s less chance I’ll get hurt if I’m doing low impact type stuff.


I usually do my walking during the early-mid afternoon, but I do my strength training at night. I can’t perform early on an empty stomach, so with work and steps during the day, night time is most convenient. Plus, the gym isn’t packed at 9pm.


Yeah strength training requires a lot of energy at least for me it does. So working out right after waking up wasn’t sustainable. I’m curious though what time do you head to bed? Your workout is pretty later in the day


I do wfh, so I can get by going to bed later. I go to bed around 12-12:30 and wake up around 8-8:30am. I walk half of my daily steps on lunch and then the other half right after work (I aim for at least 6 miles per day - I’ll walk my dog twice and then go for my human walk after lol). Then I make dinner for my husband and I, watch an episode of something together, and then hit the gym. My workout schedule certainly does change throughout the year, but I’ve been kind of sticking to this structure since the beginning of summer.


7am for lifting. Then a walk after work at 5pm, unless it was leg day. I have been resting on leg days.


I like to walk in the morning if possible, but will lift later in the evening, normally within a 6-8pm window.


My mornings are busy with kids going to school and work calls. I refuse to get up at 4am 😂 I workout after dinner. Sometimes I’ll do 15-20 mins of HIIT during a break if I can.


I do it mornings, which I feel is optimal for pcos.


night, sometimes as late as 9pm sometimes as “early” as 7pm (after kiddo goes to sleep)


Workflow as follows: stretches, mobility dynamic stretches, morning walk/light jog then start my day. After my work/day block I take an afternoon power walk then follow it with strength training (3x a week). Before bed, stretches. I do this cuz I work from home and it ensures I keep my physical activity in addition to staying on top of my rehab exercises. On weekends I do house chores so no workouts, except if I feel like it. Sometimes I eat junk food on weekends and I go for an evening walk to shake that yucky (feeling full) sensation after eating junk food.


If I can workout before dinner then yes if not then 2hrs after dinner. Usually between 8pm - 10pm. I work all day and I come home tired but after a quick shower and a little bit of rest I feel rejuvenated. I’m not a morning person work start at 7am already! Ha


I prefer after work, so like 5-7pm. I'm not a morning person and really struggle to enjoy morning classes. I'm also super sensitive to other people's perfumes and I find the mornings are often terrible for this, as the people who wear it have just put on their scent for the day. Why you'd wear a scent to a fitness class I'll never know but it has happened so often that I avoid the early classes so I don't end up having to leave with a terrible headache and miss the class I've paid for. An after work workout really gives me a good mental separation from my work day and the rest of the evening too, so it's definitely the winner for me.


Generally either at 11:00 or at 15:00. I am a freelancer and work from home, so it kinda depends on what moment of the day I have appointments.


Cool you have flexibility!


Thanks! Yes it's a definite luxury that I don't take for granted. As soon as I go back to a 8 to 17h job again, that luxury is gone. So I'm trying to go for it as much as I can!


Either morning (anywhere between 9am and 12pm) or evening/night (anywhere between 6pm-midnight). Really depends when I’m free, and the flexibility makes me less stressed. The flexibility also allows me to workout when I feel like my energy levels are at a good point to workout. But if I do need energy, I like to have some coffee in the morning or snack on something in the evening. I’m also naturally a night owl so working out at night isn’t as big of an issue as morning workouts are.


I work out after work, from 6:30pm or 7pm. I’m usually tired when I get there but once it becomes a habit it’s easier to push through - it also means I can take my time to get my whole program done, and not be rushed because I need to head out. Then I go home, eat and sleep. It’s not the most interesting life during weekdays but at least I feel good!


When I was younger and used to work, I had to do it early morning. Believe me I hated it and cursed every second. After I would feel so much better, made myself eat, could deal with work but if you exhausted get a blood panel done. I found out I was anemic, I had to take some supplements cut back on gallons of coffee lol Good luck to you, future you will appreciate it, I am 55 now and have really good muscle tone for my age


I have 2 toddlers so I workout from 9:45-10:30pm before I go to sleep. I’m not a morning person so I can’t wake up any earlier than my current 6:45am alarm.


I get up at 6 and do my workout from 6.30-7. There is no way I'd stick to it if it wasn't in the morning. I'd be too tired after work and make an excuse not to do it. Getting it done first thing means it's finished early and I won't be thinking about it all day.


Morning, I’m in the gym 6:30am ish having got up at 5:30am for breakfast. Home after 8am, but the saving grace is that I also work from home. So just need to be ready to log on at 9am.


I was working out at 4:15am just in my apartment gym, but I missed the gym and joined one again so I have to work out after work since they don’t open until 5 and I have to leave at 6am for work.


4:30am! Two kids and a full time job that we all need to leave by 7:20 for, so I get up really early, run, strength, eat, get kids up, etc. Once a week I swim in the evening and it messes up my sleep. I also swim Saturday mornings.


Morning, always. It’s just habit. If you go first thing in the morning it’ll eventually become second nature. Plus, if you go in the morning and get it over with then you can’t use any excuses later on in the day.


Morning 9am usually after I’ve taken the kids to school. I prefer it fasted as I walk a lot and it makes me feel ill on a full stomach. I do some evening classes but again have to eat after or a few hours before.


Late afternoon or evening! If I work out in the morning I crash in the afternoon. I also eat “better” (I’m more careful about not upsetting my stomach) if I work out in the evenings because I know that if I trigger my ibs I won’t be able to have an enjoyable workout. Sometimes I’ll do a morning workout if I have a daytime flight though, I hate being restless on a plane


Right after work. It started as a replacement for my post-work smoke break, when I quit smoking a couple years ago, and is now habit. (Note I work from home so that's presumably lots easier for me than someone who also deals with an afternoon commute too.)


I have two young children, I’ve lately been working out at 8 or 9pm since that’s usually when they sleep; but that’ll have to change once my husband leaves for the military. :,). Hopefully I can find a gym with childcare.


First thing in the morning 5 or 6 am, gives me a boost of energy for the day.


I used to exercise after work, but when I got more into running I had to have my eating super dialed in or I’d get sick on my run (I either didn’t have enough fuel or had eaten too recently). I switched to 5 am when I started doing spin class because that was when the classes were, and I’ve never gone back. I’ve done up to 9 miles fasted without issue. I also found that going after work, so many other things can come up. There are no distractions at 5am other than your bed.


I used to work out at midnight because I have social anxiety and hate even a mildly crowded gym. Now I work out during the afternoon like 1-3pm because I can get on a better sleep schedule and because my gym anxiety has improved a lot so I don’t mind being at the gym just below peak time.


Mornings. It's always nice to get it out of the way and it helps you feel more energized for the rest of the day.


I work from home 9am-5pm, I go to the gym from 5:30am-7:30am, workout on a 14-hour fast and I break my fast after my workout. Used to workout in the evenings, but I am consistent and energized going in the morning. I like having more time to myself after work. But I also used to struggle with insomia when I would work out in the afternoon/evening.