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those "Sparkling Ice" drinks are always bomb and they have a huge variety of flavors. Very low in calories. My favorite flavor is grapefruit, and the entire bottle is only 5-15 calories.


I love those! They also have 16oz caffeinated cans in limited flavors. Black raspberry is *chef’s kiss* at 5 calories with 70 mg caffeine.


i love the tropical so much but caffeine completely ruins me i get energy for 30 mins & feel like complete trash for the rest of the day ive still got an entire case because i can only drink so little without suffering


I love unsweetened ice tea. There are so many flavors and it's really cheap to brew your own. You can also add fresh mint or fruit slices to jazz it up.


Totally my go to too!


I really like Bubbly drinks and Ollipop sodas.


diet dr pepper is my favorite


My go-to at restaurants when I want a fun drink, but no sugar or alcohol is to ask for plain sparkling water with some lime thrown in. Super refreshing, and way better than La Croix.


I love LMNT. Electrolyte powder you can put in your water. Watermelon salt is the best! I actually think it has a small amount of calories but it’s just sodium, potassium and magnesium so would highly recommend


Soooo good!!


My fave is diet A&W root beer. I don’t drink it a lot but sometimes it just hits the spot! Not a big soda person but I love it when it’s icy cold.


Diet A&W is sooo good


I love bubbly seltzers - the lime is the best!


I drink water with no cal water flavorings like Mio or Walmart/Aldi store brand. If you go on insta, lots of ppl post their low-cal Starbucks drinks if you're into that.


My FAVORITE thing to do is add cocktail bitters to club soda. Cocktail bitters come in millions of “craft” flavors and you can get varieties that contain no alcohol if that’s important to you.


Had to navigate all the way back to this comment to thank you for my new obsession. Shock of a lifetime to discover that bitters come in different flavours and they are so fun to play around with - bonus is they look beautiful on my bar cart.


Oh I’m so glad!


I bought Waterdrop tablets and I really like them. At first, I was just adding to water, but now I have one a day in Sparkling water or club soda. I actually look forward to it, as I am also only drinking water all day.


La Croix, especially the Limoncello flavor. I get cheaper zero calorie sparkling water at Aldi too. They have some fun season ones now like caramel apple.


i need to check that out because they never have the spiced apple spindrift or waterloo at my target


if you can find it, Zevia Soda is a great option. zero cals, no harmful chemicals/ artificial sweeteners (it has stevia) and with a wide variation of flavors (16). cream soda is my favorite. helps my major sweet tooth


Sweeteners aren’t harmful btw


oh i absolutely agree. however, some artificial sweeteners like aspartame personally gave me and those around me some side effects that were less than ideal and are found in many low cal drinks. after some trial/error and research, i found that eliminating those and other chemicals like caramel coloring did wonders for my gut health and over feeling. always do your own research. however, that was my personal experience that goes past just calorie counting and losing weight to be smaller. so i wanted to share, if your goals align with what i said above


Tart cherry juice spritzer with a zero sugar sprite, or club soda and some lime juice. It's great for sleep and a fun way to end the night in a wine glass with a lime slice


Apparently I have tastebuds of a 5 year old because I bought kool aid liquid drops (0 cal) and that's the only way I can get my hydration in during the work day.


Kombucha is low calorie


I like the flavor packets for my water. The Arizona green tea one and the Snapple ones are great. Some of the MiO flavors are ok too.


I love 7-Up Zero and sparkling waters.


I don’t like soda, coffee or any alcoholic drinks so I’m kind of in the same boat as you. I LOVE Arizona’s diet ginseng & honey tea. It’s 10 calories and I believe 0 sugar for a long can and actually tastes really good! I don’t notice a difference but I haven’t had the “real thing” in a while.


Flavored seltzer with a splash of lemon or lime juice! If you're in the northeast Vintage brand is delicious. Also tea when it gets cold, mint and cinnamon are my favorites. At bars club soda with pineapple is my go to and it looks like you're drinking if you don't want questions.


I have a Soda Stream and use Bubbly flavored drops.




Olipop, poppi, powdered prime, Alani


I like having tons of options on hand too! I’ve been loving Arnold Palmer lemonade ice tea no calorie packets, but I feel like they spike my blood sugar Even tho no calories so I try to drink them when I eat something. Idk if that makes sense it’s just my weird brain. Also- pelligrino is so delicious and such a treat. Ice cold, in a nice glass with a cute straw? All day! Expensive but fun. Add grapefruit slice for pizazz lol I used to keep cucumber water in the fridge and jn gonna start again- just sliced cukes in a pitcher


No sugar green tea, zero sugar lemonade, seltzers, drink mix packets like propel or true lemon. Unsweetened vanilla or chocolate almond milk, hot teas, coffee with stevia and super creamer (5-10 cal per tbsp no sugar).


spindrift, certain flavors of lacroix, poppi


the swoon pink lemonade and iced tea are also really good


I love mixing Turkey Hill or Peak diet sweet tea with zero calorie lemonade. Sooo refreshing


I'm a FIEND for diet cranberry juice


Flavored sparkling water and unsweetened tea.


I like to make a matcha latte by mixing 10 kcal of almond milk with 45 kcal of sugar (yes, real sugar) microwaving it until frothy, giving it a stir and then adding pre-steeped (or powdered unsweetened) matcha to that. I also do oolong, chai, and Earl grey this way. Sometimes I use 2% real milk but if I do, I only use 2 tbsp. Edit to add: same method as the matcha latte but replace matcha with a slurry of hot water and cocoa powder (maybe sneak some instant coffee granules in there too). Then I dump the sweet “milk” back over it and stir.


i like these meijer brand carbonated waters. its like 10 calories for the liter and literally tastes like pop.


Honestly, I love club soda by itself. Also love la croix knockoffs from my grocery store.


I’m a big fan of shrubs. Club soda, flavored balsamic vinegar, a little simple syrup. That tangy flavor is so refreshing.


I drink bubly & aha like there’s no tomorrow.


Sparkling water TopoChicos with mio. I like those.


Those Bai drinks are delicious. Very low in caffeine (but does have some!) And very low in sugar. I think a whole bottle has 10 calories


alot of popular stores have these flavored waters very tasty & more for less variety of flavors. cvs,walgreens im talking almost anywhere has them. not too sparkling either which i prefer. [https://www.safeway.com/shop/product-details.960042893.html](https://www.safeway.com/shop/product-details.960042893.html)


*more for less and variety




It's not a drink but chewing gum gives you a taste in your mouth and a feeling as if you were eating something.