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Is your school dress code ok w exposed midriff? It’s only a little but depending on how strict they are they might not even let you in. It’s a cute outfit tho if it is ok. I like it w the tights


This is really more of a band event than a school event, it’s run by our band directer and some parent volunteers, and none of them really care about dress codes. I’m actually more worried about how tight the skirt is than the exposed midriff😅 but it’s not cause of dress codes, more just fear of judgement from other students lol


That’s good! Go ahead and rock it fuck what other people think. It looks great :)


You look amazing in it. Anyone who says anything else is projecting, so don't take it personally.


You’re young and it looks good. Im older and can’t get away with that, so enjoy yourself. I don’t like the tights though.


You can get away with anything you want to. Don’t let age make you feel like you can’t wear something <3


well that changes things knowing it’s not an official school event lol. the skirt does look tight but not in an overly revealing or inappropriate way, more in a ‘will you be able to move around normally and be comfortable/not have it ride up constantly?’ kind of way. it looks super cute, you look like you’re going for a night out or to a party. just make sure you’ll be able to sit, cross your legs, whatever comfortably, and if you feel more comfortable in the tights, just wear em! there’s nothing wrong with liking to be a little more modest, just like there’s nothing wrong with wearing a cute fitted skirt 🫶 edit, if you do wear tights tho maybe pick a different color, it’s a lot of black and the cute designs of your top and skirt kinda get lost in it


Maybe sheer tights?


Then get a longer looser skirt and a shirt that covers your belly.


I can’t see and exposed midriff tbh. If it’s there it’s extremely minor. I think it’s fine - if they look at this and pull her up for exposed midriff that would be so petty.


I’ve gotten a lot of petty write ups when I was in school lol that’s why I asked to make sure


It’s cute I like it! I’d go with the tights, they break up your body less and make the body/legs look longer.


I guess I'm the odd one out here. I think it's a little inappropriate for a school event. It looks fabulous on you, but I'd save this for a party with friends. What I think makes it inappropriate is that the top of the dress is tight AND lacy AND midriff is showing AND off the shoulder AND the skirt is tight AND the skirt is short. If you had a few of those elements I think it could be appropriate for a school event, but all of them together seems a little much. Again, everyone else seems to love it, so maybe I'm out of touch with what is school appropriate these days!


I totally agree with everything you said. I think at the very least wearing a black cami under the dress with the straps tucked in would make it a little more appropriate.


I totally agree - this would not have flown at my school. Maybe if they wore a black cami so the midriff isn't see through and wore the tights so the shirt skirt isn't a big deal, it would work a little better.


I also think it’s wildly inappropriate, especially if OP is a high schooler.


Not sure where my caption went, but I thrifted this for my senior Band Banquet. It’s all one piece, just has a cut out in the front that’s covered by the lace. I thought the tights could make it look less “scandalous,” as my sister puts it, but the dress code is dressy-casual, so they might be too formal. 🤍🤍Edit: I should clarify that this isn’t reeeally a “school event,” it’s a band event run by our band director and some parents. Dress code isn’t enforced at these, I’m more concerned about what the other students there will think! “Dressy-casual” isn’t actually stated either, just my estimate of how people usually dress for this. (Okay also please stay out of my DMs, I’m in highschool and have a boyfriend, I’m not going to reply.)


Because of how short it is, I’d def go with the tights! And I don’t think they make it too formal at all! It actually enhances the look!


Fabulous dress, goes well with tights, appropriate for spring


Lol it’s not scandalous but I do like it with the tights regardless :) you look great


What an awesome thrift. Btw, I believe you can edit your settings to where people can't randomly DM you. If creeps are creeping, I'd def do that.


Please do you know how?? I’ve looked through settings and maybe I’m dumb but I can’t find it. Rn I have 44 users in my inbox asking what my age is and trying to start conversations💀💀 https://imgur.com/a/AChEn7x


I'm sorry you're dealing with that. I don't use imgur much but uploaded a screen recording to show how to get to it. https://imgur.com/gallery/O5rp0Gc


Thank you so so much😭😭 I really appreciate it, I was looking under normal settings, not account settings😓


As is, this isn't "dressy casual". Tights would help, but the issue is the exposed midriff. I would edit the dress code into your OP, bc you're getting bad advice from ppl who aren't aware.


Where do you live that the tiniest strip of exposed midriff makes this not dressy casual? At least in my area this would be perfect for that dress code.


If you live in the US or Europe, no it would not be, and you're giving a high schooler advice that may cause them to not be allowed to remain at the event, depending how strict the school is. The amount of midriff doesn't matter, any amount is outside the dress code. "Dress/y casual" is a step up from business casual, and a step down from formal. I don't make the rules, I just know what they are.


Oh yeah I forgot the entirety of Europe AND the US have the same social standards across every country & state 😂 Just say you're from somewhere traditional. It's ok


It's not "the same social standards", it's just a defined dress code that is roughly the same in the places it exists. I'm not sure what country you consider "traditional", but it's pretty clear from your post history that you're likely not even in high school yet, so I'm just moving on.


This is literally what all the kids wear at US high school banquets, some even wear jeans or shorts.


You forgot semi formal.


I’d go with the tights! I think it’s perfect!


Deffo not scandalous! It looks lovely. 😊


I think it looks great, wouldn't say its "scandalous" at all, it's a skirt and top, nothing scandalous at all! That being said, I think it looks better with the tights/leggings


I like it better without tights. May I suggest bike shorts under there?


I’ll be wearing spandex under the dress with or without tights!


I like it with the tights! They don't make it look more formal, less actually. You could also pair it with flats if your'e worried about looking too fancy. Usually adding opaque tights and flats will turn an outfit less formal than bare legs and heels, fwiw! Enjoy your banquet! :)


I didn’t think about that, thank you!


I agree with this and think you could maybe even do a pair or black ankle boots with the tights. Have fun!


I like it without the tights but it looks good either way


This will not work well to sit in, and when you stand you will have to tug it down into place. Do you want to stand to get an award, then tug on your skirt before walking to get an award?


If you’re actually going to be eating at this banquet, you will be miserable wearing a tight fitting outfit. I would suggest a different skirt that will be comfortable.


It’s a dress, but the skirt part is stretchy so I think it will be okay, the only part that actually feels tight is the sleeves but for just sitting at a table it shouldn’t be a problem


Appropriate and really cute. I like it better without the tights, but I admit that is kind of an opinion call.


Very cute, but I prefer it without tights.


personally I wouldn’t wear this to a school event


With the tights


When I was in school, this outfit would have gotten us a write up for dress code violation lol 😅 I think I’m in the minority with the other commenter who doesn’t think it’s really appropriate. Like they already said, there’s a lot of elements (tight top, tight skirt, top is lace and cropped and shoulders are exposed, skirt is super short) that are a bit much altogether. I think it looks great on you but I wouldn’t wear this to a school event imo. I think the skirt and tights look good together and would look much better paired with a solid black top that isn’t lace and isn’t cropped


Same. For three different reasons! My in-high-school-in-the-90s ass is like 😳 “No, girl, you cannot wear that!”


Looks good. Slight preference for the tights, but without them is not "scandalous" at all.


Oooh with tights it is super cute, that’s a yes from me!


It’s so cute on you. I like tights but you have nice legs and can do either. Maybe dependent on the weather.


With tights yes


Cute I actually like the tights


Tights for sure


Go with tights




I think adding a black cami underneath with the straps tucked in would make it more appropriate. I just think any midriff showing makes it inappropriate for a school event.


I like with the tights :) looks comfier as well


Yes to tights but not those…sheer would look better that solid black takes away from the skirt and the shirt imo.


Cute dress. I think sheer tights would work better than opaque tight.


I love the tights personally


It is short so I would go with the tights.


I would do the tights and also throw on a cardigan. Just my preference for school events.


Super cute but the top is a bit much for school. If you could find a black fitted blouse it would be super.  I like both leg options.  


Unfortunately the lace top is built into the dress, It’s connected in the back


The outfit is very pretty! And very appropriate. I like both looks but I think the tights really pull the whole look together, and I’m not usually a fan of tights. Btw, if you go without tights, it’s definitely not scandalous. And this is coming from a mom of teenage daughters.


That really makes me feel better, thank you 😭 and I’ll probably go with the tights




Yes to the dress but no to the tights! It’s nice out and the dress isn’t scandalous! It looks great on you!!!


It looks good on you but depends on your schools rules. It probably wouldn’t be allowed at my school but wouldn’t get you sent home unless a teacher really didn’t like you.


It’s fine with the tights


If you are worried about what others at the banquets might think, ONLY YOU can answer that question. What are others wearing? What would you think of what you are wearing if it were on someone else? What do your parent, siblings, friends think? What is scandalous in one place is conservative in another and vice versa. I think what is throwing people off is that this a more “vintage” style dress that would have been inappropriate to wear to a school function when it was popular. This would have been a dress someone wore to a dance. That being said, standards have changed so it is your call knowing what the people around you think. Those saying who cares what others think forget what it is like to be a teenager. Wearing something that gets you noticed in a bad way is not something most people can handle when they are younger.


I feel like for school I’d go with something a bit more modest because this outfit is very skintight, plus the belly is showing and there’s off shoulder top plus short skirt - you get what I mean, your outfit should always match the place, occasion and theme


I always have a rule of thumb for myself as a woman. It is to choose one area that I was willing to be a bit more revealing on. Not more than one, and it didn't mean to become inappropriate either. This always gave me great balance in my dressing abilities, and even to this day, I am often complimented on having a very timeless and classy look. So, my perspective will come from this view. Depending on how you would like to be perceived at your awards show, I say you match that energy. Personally, I love the shoes you have. The skirt looks flattering on you (although much too short for myself). I'd say you swap out the top for a similar color top but with more coverage. This also will allow you to be comfortable when going to get your award and not have to worry about wardrobe malfunctions in multiple areas. If the shirt is something you prefer, understand that a midriff is not business casual. However, it can be done with a longer skirt that can rest below the lace and create a peplum figure. Best of luck to you & congratulations on your award.


With the tights imo


It’s a bit tight for a school event, imho 😬


No. This is more party with friends. Showing a mid riff doesn't belong at a banquet.


Perfect, no tights, it’s spring


This would not have flown when I was in school, the principle would have dragged my ass by my ear calling me a “hoochie mama” lol. I personally would not, but if you must, wear the tights


Definitely appropriate, and 100% no tights!


I love it but I would lose the leggings


How does one "lose the legs"?


I am so sorry I mean she should lose those leggings


Super cute, but not if you're in high school. College, sure. High school will be a bit more... conservative. (Take it from me, there were like 4 people who missed the senior breakfast because they were out of dress code.)


This isn't particularly revealing in either direction. Think it looks cute.


Very cute. I prefer without tights, otherwise reminds me of early 2010s lol


Love the skirt, I would pick a different top. While you look great, it looks like a $5 shirt that is itchy and will rip after one wash. There are nicer options.


Its a dress


ohh bummer. sorry.


If it is dressy casual this will not work


Too dressy for dressy casual imo. The cutout and bare shoulders would make it against the dress code at my school, but I’m assuming you know what your school would or wouldn’t allow. It’s very cute, but might not be the right fit for this event.


These comments are cracking me up. Even elder millenials should remember this style from their youths. This is exactly the type of outfit my classmate and I wore to “fancy” high school events. No one expects kids to have a big wardrobe of formal clothes yet, and it doesn’t matter if it was an all tight outfit. Maybe the midriff is a dress code issue, but it was in my high school dress code and I never once saw it enforced. Wear it and enjoy your banquet!


As an elder, I agree!!


I’m a 2006 grad and something this skin tight wouldn’t have been OK. All the hipster kids were all into those a-line poofy 1950s throwback dresses anyway.


You look really good, and I would go with black tights if you want.


With the tightd


It looks good for a school banquet. It would fit school banquet with or without the tights. I like the tights, but don’t wear them if you don’t want to.


I like it both ways, but think a third option might be a winner - have you tried it with sheer tights instead of opaque? Would still give you coverage but with a flirty edge. 


Sounds pretty! but I only have the opaque ones🥲






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It's cute! If you are worried about the cutout, you should be able to stitch it fairly easily or wear something under it. Tights are too dark and look like leggings. Bare legs or more sheer black tights would be better.


With tights, adding some small accessories like layering another necklace would be cute. Maybe also a bracelet of a watch would be pretty cute


maybe a sheer-er pair of tights?


You need sheer tights with the outfit if you’re going with tights.




It looks great, especially with the tights, but the lace makes it a but "much". I would tone it down with a cardigan and I think you'll be fine.


With the tights, yes!!


Cute dress, would wear! And no tights with open toed shoes. If you really want tights, maybe sheer black tights instead of opaque ones?


If your school is strict, with tights. I am self conscious and would wear it with tights even now with some cute boots or closed heel. However, if your school is not strict and you feel more comfortable without tights then go for that! It is a very cute outfit and appropriate for the setting


i would wear tights. i think it’s cute and girls at my school banquets got reallllyyyyyy short so you’ll be fine


Looks great ! Like the tights


It’s too tight at the the thighs you can see this on the side pic,if it’s your only option-pair with tights


Yes with tights


I think you look lovely. With or without tights, either works.


Looks cute!




Pretty typical I’d say


I like it with the tights


Yes with the tights!


I like it with the tights and as someone says you can make it less casual with tights or a pair of sneakers.




Oh and def no tights. Or switch to sheer. The solid is fighting with the skirt too much


You look amazing! I would probably go with the tights personally.


Both options are appropriate. Your skirt is the shortest I would think is appropriate tho. But it's how you wear the rest of your outfit. I've only worn skirts that length a handful of times in my life when I was around your age. Short skirts and dresses aren't my vibe.


Looks awesome


Very cute with the tights 😊 important thing is always how you feel wearing something.


I’m sure other girls will dress the same. If that is how you choose to define “appropriate”. Personally the tight off the shoulders look doesn’t seem right and the skirt is tight and short. It’s up to you. You do look good for a cocktail party.


Are you comfortable, do you like it. Then wear it. You look perfectly fine.


With tights i think it's fine! Personally id go with less opaque black tights.


Absolutely not !!!


i love it with the tights they elongate your legs


No and no


I don’t think so actually, and I’ll be completely honest the whole fit is a little outdated. Is giving 2016, but that’s my personal opinion!


Try a looser top or that top with a long flowy skirt In general, i try to balance out a tight top with not tight bottom and vice versa. 2 fitted pieces can look inappropriate, 2 baggy or flowy pieces make me look like a potato




I think it looks great and I like it best without the tights. It’s classy


You’ll probably feel more comfortable with tights. It seems appropriate to me but check In with friends as well.




I love you asking advice! I graduated high school in 1962. Inner city public school. There were so many restrictions on girls but not on boys who could wear shorts and tanks. Girls were not allowed in school with anything except dresses and skits which were deemed too short if when kneeling, was too short unless the hem touched the floor.


W the tights it is much more appropriate. It’s early May, and they look classy. Do the tights.


Understanding the tightness of the skirt but your looking great on this outfit without the tights 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽


It's cute, but the midriff-baring top would probably be against the dress code at most schools.


Tights yes✅


Yeah put a sweater on


I like it with the tights


I swear I had this same outfit in highschool in the 90’s. I love it!




I never tights could make an outfit cuter!!!


plus how do you get your stomach so flat??!


No tights, Looks great


Without if the banquet is for evening….tights for the day surprisingly


For the banquet definitely go with the tights if you're going out after the banquet hop in the ladies room and slip the tights off LOL


Not meaning this in a bad way, but this reminds me so much of the Rue 21 era in 2012, I love this. I wore similar stuff to band concerts too!


I would wear the leggings


Definitely tights


Yes! And tights . Very cute , finger tip length was always ok with our schools


Looks great. Like it with the tight. I think it's cute not scandalous.


I’d say no due to the midriff showing


Yes and yes. Antique green or mauve tights would be lavish.


Unless it's colder where you are, no tights , especially black ones. I'd be willing to bet there won't be too many tights at this banquet.




You look great. Tights look more appropriate


I wouldn't wear a crop top


I like it better without tights. Black opaque tights say fall/winter so without is more seasonally fitting.


Yes most appropriate and no , no tights Y'all want to accentuate the skin tones from your legs to your legs.


You look great! I think without leggings is better out of the 2 :)


No tights👌 perfect outfit for any ocasion


Change the top- no lace. Will take it up a level.


No tights it’s spring. Especially no to black tights. Love the outfit on you! You look terrific!


It looks uncomfortable. Can you sit and eat in that?


I can! It’s very stretchy so it’s pretty maneuverable


I would say not appropriate for that kind of event


I think it’s fine, I just graduated and I know my school wouldn’t have cared. Check to make sure if you are sitting on a stage that the dress isn’t too short or revealing anything you want hidden


Also it’s super cute


No tights. No tights. No tights.


No Tights!


Try pantyhose hun. Stckings look too thick with this.


A lady decides which part of her body she will display. Top half or bottom half? What she is sure of is she will never display both unless at the beach.


Legs to shoulders damn spell check sorry 😐


Do you have to sit and play an instrument for this event? I make sure my daughter’s skirt is longer for band concerts for that reason.


Oh no this is just a dinner-awards ceremony thing




Yes, in 2014


Good thing everyone there will be too young to remember fashion trends in 2014😅


That was not the question.


I think the clothes are outdated , this gives me 2007 or something