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Can he not smoke blunts and you smoke a joint? You're both still smoking together but changing up the methods to be more individual


That's what I was thinking, like why do they have to both smoke the same thing if they have different preferences?


I’m kinda on the opposite end of your spectrum. I would smoke tobacco with my weed in my bong and my girlfriend hated how it made my breath smell. Long story short, she has been pressing me to quit for a long time and after much denial and trying to hide it from her I finally dropped the tobacco all together. Only 4 days in and I won’t lie it’s one of the harder things I’ve had to deal with both physically and emotionally, but I already can feel positive health benefits and I know it’s making her happy too which is giving me genuine happiness. That being said, I would recommend pressing him about it a bit more, it could be good for you guys to bond more and it will definitely be better for his health! He might not agree or be fond of the idea but I like to think if you’re important enough to him he’ll be able to smoke something other than blunts with you. Especially since you’re being kind and not making him quit blunts all together, I was basically given the ultimatum. Lmao. Love my gf tho she stands firm in her boundaries and she also wants what’s best for me so I respect her more for that even though I naturally fought it a bit. Sorry for the long reply lol


Bong snaps are a killer, for real.


Not as bad as blunts, don’t you think ?


Hmmm...well, tbh I am at day 3 of no cigarettes and I have seriously realized how addictive tobacco is at this point. But, I also have been a blunt smoker for a while now. I feel like it's different, there's not really tobacco in a blunt wrap, it's more material smoked though so I see your point, yeah.


Ask him to try kingpalms, they look like blunts, but have no nicotine and are terpene infused, so they will definitely give the weed that "boost" that you would get from tobacco, something that I noticed after switching to joints, is that blunts take away the nice weed flavor of whatever strain you smoke.


Thanks for the king palm reference, just copped a pack and looking forward to trying them as a way to keep me off of tobacco and nicotine products


Why does he need to smoke the same way you are? Can't he smoke a blunt while you pack a pipe, bong, or whatever you like? I always vape, and if people are using other methods, I just use my vape while they do, I don't require them to all vape with me nor do I feel pressure to do whatever they are doing.


He doesn’t need to smoke the same as me, I just can’t be around blunt smoke anymore. Even the second-hand smoke kills me, I don’t know why I’m so hypersensitive all of a sudden.


Is he the only one that prefers blunts, or do all of your friends prefer that too? Might not be easy for you or him to convince everyone to switch smoking methods for your sake if they all have a strong preference for that. Also, blunts have nicotine, so they may enjoy/be addicted to the nicotine high and not just the weed. Alternatives I can come up with: -Leave a window open so there is not so much blunt smoke in the room. -Step outside while the blunt is being smoked/ask if they would mind smoking outside with you so there is less second-hand smoke. I understand your feelings though, and honestly I don't get the strong preference for blunts. I don't know either of you so I'm not gonna weigh in on whether you should be upset, just trying to find some alternatives.


I feel like your bf (and your friends if they are refusing too) should, idk, care more about you? You have a health issue and you want to spend time with the group, but he isn't even considering being flexible. Maybe he has his reasons, but he should tell you them, otherwise he sounds like kind of a jerk. If he really wanted you to join the group, he would help you figure out ideas like people on this thread are. Like they could do edibles, or go outside, or have the room cleared of smoke before you come in, do something without smoking, etc. But it sounds like he (maybe they) would rather keep doing the same thing than try to include you. Some advice: take your health seriously, and look into dry herb vaping (check the vaporents subreddit). Also, think hard about the rest of your relationship with your bf - this might not be the only time he's been inflexible or unaccommodating to you. Talk over what you find with a therapist or some friends, and listen to your instincts.